Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller
Article by Leo Zagami
Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller was fired from his position as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) where he was working since his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. He was elevated to the rank of Cardinal in 2014 by Pope Francis, but he apparently got on Bergoglio’s nerves quickly, because he opposes pedophilia and the Jesuits liberal agenda for the CDF.
The following information that will help us understand more comes from the report of a trustworthy German source, who spoke to the site OnePeterFive, on condition of anonymity. He quotes an eyewitness who recently sat with Cardinal Müller at lunch in Mainz, Germany. During that meal, Cardinal Müller is alleged to have disclosed in the presence of this eyewitness, shocking information about his final meeting with the Jesuit pope, during which he was ultimately informed that his mandate as Prefect of the CDF would not be renewed and hewas basically fired.
According to this report, Cardinal Müller was called to the Apostolic Palace on 30 June 2017, and he arrived with his work files, assuming that this meeting would be a usual working session. The Pope told him, however, that he only had five questions for him:
Are you in favor of, or against, a female diaconate? “I am against it,” responded Cardinal Müller.
Are you in favor of, or against, the repeal of celibacy? “Of course I am against it,” the cardinal responded.
Are you in favor of, or against female priests?
“I am very decisively against it,” replied Cardinal Müller.
Are you willing to defend Amoris Laetitia?
“As far as it is possible for me,” the Prefect of the Congregation for the Faith replied: “there still exist ambiguities.”
Are you willing to retract your complaint concerning the dismissal of three of your own employees?
Cardinal Müller responded: “Holy Father, these were good, unblemished men whom I now lack, and it was not correct to dismiss them over my head, shortly before Christmas, so that they had to clear their offices by 28 December. I am missing them now.”
Thereupon the Pope answered: “Good. Cardinal Müller, I only wanted to let you know that I will not extend your mandate [i.e., beyond 2 July] as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Faith.”
Without any farewell or explanation, the Pope left the room, leaving Cardinal Müller in utter astonishment. He stood in shocked silence, waiting for the Pope to return, but strangely enough, it was Archbishop Georg Gänswein, who had to force him to leave the meeting, completely shocked by what had just occurred.
Leo Zagami is the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican you can follow this story on infowars.com with Alex Jones on Tuesday the 11th of July 2017