Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft

Leo Lyon Zagami
A world-renowned authority on the occult side of the Vatican and the real Illuminati, Zagami is exposing for the first time, with the help of confidential documents and qualified sources, the secret plan of the elite for the establishment of a New Golden Age, built with the help of an alien AI aka Cyber Satan to enslave mankind and turn the elite into gods by 2030, before the inevitable divine retribution.
This extraordinary journey, divided into seven imaginary steps, will lead you bit by bit, like no one has done before, into the untold secrets of this increasingly dystopian reality the author branded: “New World Disorder.”
The author goes on to unveil in this book the Illuminati’s involvement with Transhumanism, their quest for immortality, the Codex Alimentarius and insect witchcraft, the shocking reality of cultured meat, and most of all, what Freemasonry and the Illuminati have been teaching in secret about Jesus, and the Gnostic heresies that will produce the Quantum Prince of Darkness that will enslave humanity.
Table of contents
Introduction by the Author
Chapter One
Alchemy and Transhumanism in an Illuminati Document
Reaching the Omega Point
Moore’s Law and the Quest for Immortality
They are already calling us the “Useless Class.”
The Governance of Cyber Satan and the Philosophers Kings
Contemporary Illuminati & Transcendental Transhumanism
In Search of Gnosis: From Alchemy to Transhumanism
The Gnostic Communist Trap Behind Transhumanism

Chapter Two
Secret Societies, Masons, and Satanists Behind the Ukrainian War
The Advent of the AI Disinformation Era
Cyber Satan Preaches at a Church in Germany
Climbing the Mountain of Lies Towards Reality
The Secret Societies that Build the Ukrainian Identity
Inside the Incredible Secrets of Russian Freemasonry
The Ukrainian Occult War Against Russia
Satan Loves Ukraine
Pope Francis and his Satanic Church Support Ukraine

Chapter Three
Koduko and Insect Witchcraft in the Codex Alimentarius
You Are What You Eat
The Secrets of Koduko and Insect Magic
Insects and the Curse in the Codex Alimentarius
The United Nation of Satan and the Theosophical Society
Today’s Politicians are Just Useful Idiots

Chapter Four
How the Illuminati Sold Their Souls to the Devil to Rule the World
The Faustian Bargain Behind the Digital Revolution
All Roads to The Devil Lead to Germany and France
How You Conjure Satan and his Buddies
Walpurgisnacht the Night of the Witches and the Illuminati
King Charles III the German King of the Great Reset
Ukraine Cyber Satan’s First Digital Prison
Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic

Chapter Five
Jesus in the Secret Teachings of the Illuminati and the Freemasons
Jesus Through the Eyes of Adam Weishaupt, Albert Pike, and John Yarker
Adam Weishaupt
The Secret Teachings of The Order of the Illuminati on Jesus
Illuminati and Freemasons Falsely Claim They Are Preserving True Christianity
Albert Pike
Jesus According to Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike
The Essenes were not Gnostics as Pike Claims
Spiritism, the Rise of Neo-Gnosticism and more on the Essenes
The Controversial 18° of the A.A.S.R.
Jesus in the Age of Reason and Religious Relativism
Additional Gnostic Heresies in Pike’s Masonic Teachings
Freemasonry Relaunches Gnosticism and the Lies of the Johannite Church
John Yarker
Arcane Jesus and Yarker’s Gnostic Believes
Jesus “The Man” and Other Lies on the Alleged Essene Gnostics and the Mysterious Ben Pantera
From the Cerenthians to Crowley and the Practice of Simony

Chapter Six
Cyber Satan’s Alien Origins and the Frightening Answer to the Fermi Paradox
Reverse Engineering and the Alien Threat are Real.
The Truth about Operation Trojan Horse and the Fermi Paradox
Cyber Satan and the Alien Threat
More Alien References from the Occult World
Paracelsus and the Elementals
Communist UFOs, Posadism, and the New Age of Deception
Erev Rav and the Evil Roots of Neo-Gnostic Communism
Gnosticism and the Soviet Philosophy that Ruined Russia
Communism and the Sabbatean Heresy Behind Cyber Satan

Chapter Seven
How to Survive Cyber Satan and His Alien Invasion Without Fear
The Restoration of the Old Atlantean World Order
In Search of a Lost Golden Age and an Ideal World
Plato was not an Ancient Karl Marx
Divine Retribution and the End of the Golden Age
Why we are Ruled by the Number Seven
Necromancy and the Elixir of Life in The Age of AI
Sorcery: The main reason for the End of the Golden Age
The Quantum Prince of Darkness