Italy finally has a government





Article by Leo Zagami


Only a few hours before Mattarella  gave Italy’s Populists the Green Light to finally Govern, Jean-Claude Juncker declared that Italians need to work harder, be less corrupt and stop looking to the EU to rescue the country’s poor regions, unfortunate comments, that are unlikely to ease the tensions over Italy’s future relationship with Brussels.


However, Italy is now in the hands of the populist forces that could jeopardize the future of the Euro fraud, and regain the Italian National sovereignty.


Luigi di Maio, the leader of the 5 Star Movement, was given the role of Minister of Labour, and Matteo Salvini was given the role of Ministry of the Interior .


Let’s hope the future of Italy is in good hands now that the president Sergio Mattarella finally changed his direction under great pressure from the Italian population.








Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

EU Parliamentarian from Germany calls for invasion of Italy and take over of all assets


Article by Leo Zagami



The German mondialist, Markus Ferber, is reaching new levels of arrogance. Ferber is a known German politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) who declared in the last few hours during an interview on German TV ZDF that, “The Italian debt is beyond our European capabilities”. He added during the interview that, “The worst possible scenario would be that Italy was no longer able to pay because no one gives them more credit, then in that case the Troika should invade Rome and take over the budget and the Ministry of Finance”.


The threats that Italy and other countries in the Union receive from German politicians are becoming intolerable, and are for the first time, increasingly evident, even from the outside. In the June 2018 G7 Summit, in Charlevoix, Quebec, the current United States Secretary of Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, will be called to discuss the topic of Italy’s crisis with other leaders.


We hope Trump will fight the unelected – EU bureaucrats that are illegally manipulating the Italian electorale result, and he will support the growing Italian populist forces that want to obtain democratic independence from this mondialist trap.






Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Zagami censored on Italian Radio 24 after 60 seconds

By Leo Zagami


In Italy in the middle of the worst political crisis in years censorship is on the rise and I get kicked off of a radio show called Melog by Gianluca Nicoletti broadcast on Radio 24 after only 60 seconds.

The conductor Nicoletti declares  his fear of reprisal on his family before cutting me off:





At minute 23:




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


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In Italy Jesuits, Bishops and Cardinals are in support of the antidemocratic president


Papa Francesco e Sergio Mattarella in Vaticano, 18 aprile 2015. POOL ANSA : MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

Papa Francesco e Sergio Mattarella in the Vatican, 18 april 2015. POOL ANSA / MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI



Article by Leo Zagami


Today, the heading in an article in the Italian newpaper Il Giornale read: “From the bishops to the Jesuits: the Church takes action to defend the Quirinal.”


As Italy descends into political chaos the Vatican takes action. Jesuit Francesco Occhetta, journalist of La Civiltà Cattolica and expert on political matters writes: “We feel so close and support the President of the Republic in this difficult time for the institutions.”


From the head of the Italian bishops, Nunzio Galantino, to the Jesuits, in the last few hours all the mercenaries of Pope Francis are coming out in the open in support of Sergio Mattarella, the Italian President and traitor of the Italian people, with his undemocratic decision to ignore the results of Italy’s elections.


The Catholic newspaper Avvenire defined this situation as: “the absurd siege”of Quirinal Palace. The director Marco Tarquinio writes, “No leader worthy of the name, and of a decent democracy can afford to try to impose, with a sort of thundering and absurd siege to the Quirinal Palace, his claims regarding decisions and appointments that fall within the prerogatives of the maximum guarantor of our democratic institutions “.


Unfortunately, as some experts have pointed out,  President Sergio Mattarella’s decision to reject the nomination of Paolo Savona as economy minister and the refusal of the government offered by the coalition has not only violated the will of the people,  but also the Italian Constitution, so this staunch opposition by the Vatican is no longer acceptable.


5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio rightly said

“There is a big problem in Italy that is called democracy.

In this country you can be a condemned criminal, a tax-fraud convict, you can be (Foreign Minister Angelino) Alfano, you can have done crimes against the civil service, you can be under investigation for corruption and you can be a minister.

“But if you have criticised Europe, you cannot be economy minister in Italy. But it doesn’t end here”.


There is a growing opposition coming from the 5-Star Movement and other political parties, like Fratelli d’Italia, to impeach the President forhigh treason and violation of the Constitution, a President who is defended by the Vatican and Pope Francis.


Cardinals like Gualtiero Bassetti even said that the coalition between the 5-Star Movement and the  Northern League was “confusing their roles” when in reality nobody is confusing their roles,  we simply want a Italian goverment chosen by the people, not the Vatican, or the EU’s unelected bureaucrats.


Famous Italian journalist and thinker Massimo Fini wrote that this is a, “presidential coup d’état”adding that,“it is not the prerogative of the Italian president to choose a political direction of a goverment”.




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

EU dictatorship suspends Italian democracy and places a Jesuit-IMF agent


International Monetary Fund's Director of Fiscal Affairs Department Carlo Cottarelli answers questions during the Fiscal Monitor Press Conference April 16, 2013 at the IMF Headquarters in Washington, DC. IMF Photograph/Stephen Jaffe

International Monetary Fund’s Director of Fiscal Affairs Department Carlo Cottarelli answers questions during the Fiscal Monitor Press Conference April 16, 2013 at the IMF Headquarters in Washington, DC. IMF Photograph/Stephen Jaffe


Article by Leo Zagami


In the last 24 hours, the results of Italy’s elections was suspended, along with the last remains of democracy. The Italian PM-designate Giuseppe Conte, gave up his historic bid to form a populist-oriented government, with the choice of finance minister, Paolo Savona,vetoed by Italy’s president who violated the Constitution in support of the EU.


Professor Savona once criticized the Euro in one of his many University publications, which was enough for President Sergio Mattarella and the Nazi’s of the EU dictatorship to ignore the will of the majority of the Italian people, who are in favor of a new goverment formed by a coalition of the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the  Northern League, the two largest parties in the present Parliament.


Mattarella appointed Carlo Cottarelli, who is an unelected Vatican agent from the Catholic University of Milan, the largest Catholic University in the world. In November 2011, the unelected  Prime Minister, Mario Monti, appointed three professors chosen from this Vatican controlled University.


This is EU/Vatican dictatorship at its worst. They will form another puppet government in Italy, even as the country speeds toward new elections that could see Italy’s criticism of  the single currency grow exponentially.


On the 4th of March  2018, I wrote on my blog,


On the 5th of March 2018, Italy will most likely remain in the hands of the left-wing mondialists sponsored and manipulated by George Soros, with the new leading position of Silvio Berlusconi as a populist side show, ready to serve in the grand coalition controlled by the technocrats of the European Union.


Before yesterday, that prediction would have been hard to believe. According to the Italian Constitution, Cottarelli will take office if he passes a confidence vote in both chambers of the Italian Parliament. It comes as no surprise that supporting such an undemocratic option pushed by the EU dictatorship, are both Renzi’s Democratic Party and, of course, Berlusconi’s Forza Italia.


This alliance was broken when Giorgia Meloni called for the impeachment of President Sergio Mattarella. It was immediately followed by Luigi Di Maio, the head of Italy’s 5-Star movement, who has also raised the possibility of the impeachment of President Mattarella, a puppet of the old Communist president Giorgio Napolitano, plotting behind the scenes. The process of impeachment has been initiated only three times in the past, against Italian Heads of State, but has unfortunately, never succeeded as it could take years.


In the meantime, exactly as I wrote on the 4th of March:

The most obvious beneficiaries of this useless election are former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and Matteo Renzi, who apparently made a secret deal to overcome the Five Star Movement and manipulate the populist rise of Matteo Salvini and Georgia Meloni.

Berlusconi’s compromise is now evident, let’s see if the Italian’s start rebelling to this evident take over of their sovereignty.







Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Tommy Robinson is arrested exposing Muslim pedophiles while the Pope continues to defend Islam


Article by Leo Lyon Zagami



On May 24th,  Pope Francis stated that equating Islam to terrorism is “foolish,”in an interview published by L’Eco di Bergamo, the same day the body of Pope Saint John XXIII ( a Liberal Freemason!) returned to his northern Italian home city. Francis said in the interview, “It might be coming out of many people’s mouths, but this equation is a lie and it is foolish,”adding,  “The most important role [of religions] is that of promoting a culture of encounter, together in the promotion of true education for responsible behavior that takes care of creation.”


Well, I am sure that,”Responsible behavior that takes care of creation,” does not include pedophilia permitted in the Qur’an, and practiced by Prophet Muhammad and his companions.


Umar, who  was the 2nd caliph of Islam, married Umm Kulthum when she was 10- 12 years old. Some sources even say that she was only five years old when Umar married her, and Muhammad himself  was engaged to his future wife,  Aisha when she was only 6 years old and he was 51, and consumated the marriage while she was still pre-pubescent.


Muhammad was indeed a pedophile, even according to the most stringent clinical definition of pedophilia – the DSM-IV-TR:


  1. Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).
  2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies caused marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.


  1. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.



For this reason, many Muslims today continue to commit this terrible crime in the West, following their prophet’s example, often undisturbed and even supported by the Western Liberal Establishment, headed today by Pope Francis.




In the early morning of 25.05.2018, English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson, an outspoken critic of such practices in the UK, who had already been arrested exactly one year ago for trying to video a group of Muslim pedophiles outside of a a court case in Canterbury, was arrested once again for live-streaming on Facebook the ongoings of a trial of Muslim child rapists in Leeds Crown Court.


Robinson has been accused of  breaching the peace outside the court room during the grooming trial of one of these Islamic gangs that are increasingly targeting white women and  girls in England with drink and drugs, before raping and sexually abusing them.  However, the exposure of this case by Tommy Robinson  was reason enough for the  UK police to silence him by intimidation and a truly unlawful arrest. The EDL founder was sentenced in an incredibly short amount of time, to 13 months in a UK prison, due to his suspended sentence being activated.


Robinson later asked his friend, during the arrest, to get him a solicitor because he is ‘on a suspended sentence’ Another officer asked him to “turn off his live feed” that was ga thering growing attention.


Mr Robinson added:


“I’m inciting people. How have I incited people? This is free speech; this is where we’re at. You’re not even allowed to.


“This is ridiculous. Lads, do you feel right about what you’re doing here? I haven’t said a word.


“In fact, someone laid a hand on me and assaulted me outside court. Other people swore at me and threatened me about my mother and here I am being arrested for saying nothing.


Britain’s Tommy Robinson, wrongly labeled as a bigot for his courageous stance against radical Islam, was actually threatened live on camera while in front of the court, without any of Her Majesty’s police present to intervene, might die in prison because of  this Orwelian State, completely in bed with the Islamic pedophiles, supported by a Jesuit Pope and a Liberal Queen whose grandson just married a Communist who is openly a critic of Donald J. Trump.






Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Loggia clandestina della Stretta Osservanza conferisce falsa Legion d’Onore



Invitation PDF


Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami



È proprio vero la Legion d’Onore perde di valore, se attribuita a troppa gente. Il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron la pensa giustamente così e l’anno scorso avrebbe dato un forte impulso – secondo Le Figaro – a un cambio delle regole per attribuire il massimo riconoscimento della Repubblica francese in maniera molto più selettiva. Tuttavia una loggia massonica irregolare di Firenze da me segnalata lo scorso dicembre perchè diretta in maniera irresponsabile dai signori Nicola Bizzi e Luca Monti ha illegalmente conferito in pubblico una falsa Legione d’Onore in un noto ristorante dell’ormai famosa Pontassieve di Renziana memoria.

Ed ecco l’articolo in questione che risale allo scorso dicembre e sembrerebbe ora oggetto di una disputa legale con i suddetti, che nonostante le loro numerose malefatte mi vorrebbero contestare la modalità della condanna massonica nei loro confronti in un tribunale ordinario. Fatto di per se in violazione dei principi massonici che violano nella maniera più assoluta l’uso dei tribunali profani per faccende di carattere interno ma c’est la vie

Rendiamoci conto che i membri della pseudo loggia Von Hund di Firenze hanno utilizzato senza timore un falso Cardinale e un falso generale della Repubblica francese, per questa elaborata messinscena ai danni di un certo Marco Molinaro, autista NCC di Firenze definito “un sempliciotto” dal falso cardinale coinvolto nella truffa in un recente colloquio telefonico avuto con il Cavalier Fortunato Luciano Sciandra. Essi hanno palesemente violato in questo modo, sia le leggi dello Stato italiano, che quelle francesi, oltre che l’etica massonica totalmente assente nei membri della Von Hund.


Molinaro 11

Dalla vostra sinistra Nicola Bizzi, Fabiano Camaioli Giusti,  Luca Monti, Marco Molinaro, Enrico Montermini e Daniele Rontini durante la cerimonia per il conferimento della Falsa Legione d’Onore a Molinaro. 



Zagami con i membri della Loggia Von Hund

Zagami a Arezzo in visita ai Fratelli toscani della futura Loggia Karl Gotthelf von Hund di Firenze.


Molinaro 2

Enrico Montermini catechizza il povero Marco Molinaro sulla sua entrata nella Legione d’Onore.



Nei giorni scorsi ho ricevuto inoltre per posta in una busta anonima uno screenshot del gruppo WhatsApp della Loggia Karl Gotthelf von Hund di Firenze da dove si evince che i membri attuali di questa loggia sono per la maggioranza fiorentini, ma dove spiccano incredibilmente anche due personaggi in vista della cattolicissima cittadina di Subiaco in provincia di Roma, ovvero Guglielmo Cinti e Stefano Renzetti oltre che il commercialista di Messina Marco Ardizzone che cura a Subiaco interessi ecclesiastici e della ex Cartiera.

Chissà cosa penseranno ora i responsabili della diocesi abbaziale di queste due figure della pseudo destra ufficialmente tutte casa e Chiesa.




Schermata 2018-05-23 alle 11.21.08


Come ci ricorda infatti l’amico giornalista del quotidiano La Stampa Giacomo Galeazzi, con cui ho collaborato per il libro Vaticano Massone, scritto a quattro mani con il collega Ferruccio Pinotti.

“In generale i rapporti tra Chiesa cattolica e massoneria esistono nel senso che ci sono alcuni cattolici che aderiscono alla massoneria. A volte lo fanno in modo occulto. Altre volte dichiarandosi pubblicamente. Ma al di là dell’appartenenza formale di alcuni cattolici alla massoneria, non si può parlare di Chiesa cattolica in relazione alla massoneria senza tornare al 1983. È in quest’anno del pontificato wojtyliano che l’allora cardinale Joseph Ratzinger, prefetto della Congregazione per la dottrina della fede, pubblicò la dichiarazione Quaesitum est con l’esplicita volontà di fare chiarezza una volta per tutte sul tema. Disse: Prescindendo dalla considerazione dell’atteggiamento pratico delle diverse logge, di ostilità o meno nei confronti della Chiesa, rimane immutato il giudizio negativo della chiesa nei riguardi delle associazioni massoniche, poiché i loro princìpi sono stati sempre considerati inconciliabili con la dottrina della chiesa, e perciò l’iscrizione a esse rimane proibita.

Non vi deve quindi sorprendere che i membri della Loggia Karl Gotthelf von Hund  precedentemente coinvolti con la mia Obbedienza massonica denominata Stretta Osservanza Templare (S.O.T.), sono stati poi buttati tutti fuori per questo e altri gravi motivi di carattere disciplinare. Comportandosi in questa maniera hanno  sicuramente gettato discredito sulla nostra veneranda istituzione, come dimostrano senza ombra di dubbio le foto presenti in questo articolo e l’invito da loro falsificato con tanto di logo della Repubblica francese, che sicuramene li porterà ad avere conseguenze di natura penale visto che i francesi su queste cose non scherzano.

Ed ecco i nomi delle persone coinvolte in questa frode ai danni del povero signor Marco Molinaro (unico con gli occhiali nelle foto).

Essi sono Fabiano Camaioli Giusti nelle veste del falso Géneral Fabien Maurice d’orleans (uomo robusto riconoscibile nelle foto dal collare verde e un gioiello con una civetta ottenuto originariamente dal mio Ordine). Camaioli ha conferito la falsa onorificenza con tanto di diploma spacciandosi senza vergogna per ufficiale della Repubblica francese e appuntando sulla giacca di  Molinaro, come mostrano chiaramente le foto, una vera medaglia della Legione d’Onore precedentemente acquistata dal signor Nicola Bizzi su Ebay.


Molinaro 3

Molinaro 5 Molinaro 6

Molinaro 9

Il falso cardinale Enrico Montermini, la vittima inconsapevole della frode Marco Molinaro e il falso generale della Repubblica francese Fabiano Ramaioli Giusti.


Onestamente non sappiamo quante altre cerimonie siano state svolte da allora al Ristorante Torre al Sasso di Pontassieve. Ma la cerimonia in questione è già stata segnalata al consolato francese che spero prenda azione immediata nei confronti di questi impostori che come potete vedere dalle foto includono Luca Monti, Nicola Bizzi, e un certo Daniel Rontini– riconoscibile dal collare azzurro con annessa patacca– e il falso cardinale, che è in realtà Enrico Montermini un ferramenta con l’hobby della scrittura che ha pubblicato un libro su Mussolini e gli Illuminati.

I membri della loggia spuria della Stretta Osservanza Templare (S.O.T.) – che è tra l’altro un marchio depositato oggi e quindi protetto a norma di legge contro queste contraffazioni e usi illeciti–  hanno fatto credere in maniera fraudolenta al signor Molinaro dopo ripetute telefonate e conversazioni, di meritare l’entrata nell’illustre Ordine cavalleresco francese istituito a suo tempo da Napoleone Bonaparte. E l’autista NCC che soffrirebbe di mania di grandezza ha sinceramente creduto a questa offerta. Ricordiamo che gli italiani sono stati sempre molto considerati dalla Legion d’Onore. Il 27 marzo 2016 l’ex premier e attuale direttore della Scuola di affari internazionali della facoltà di Scienze politiche di Parigi, Enrico Letta ha ricevuto dall’ex presidente francese François Hollande il titolo di commendatore della Legione d’Onore. Abbiamo poi avuto investiti di tale onorificenza gli italiani Riccardo Muti, Giovanna Melandri, Giuliano Pisapia Emma Bonino, Valentino Garavani e Giorgio Armani, tra i tanti connazionali che l’hanno conquistata più o meno meritatamente nel corso degli anni ma ovviamente tra essi non è mai stato incluso il signor Marco Molinaro che tuttavia crede ancora alla sua falsa onorificenza.

Pa_aport Masonic Maestru Nicola Bizzi

Passaporto massonico della Gran Loggia Nazionale Romena 1880 del signor Nicola Bizzi.


Infine un altro dato interessante che spicca dalla mia indagine sul falso conferimento della Legione d’Onore da parte di questa piccola realtà massonica fiorentina e che uno dei massoni coinvolti, ovvero il giornalista e editore Nicola Bizzi, risulta anche membro di una loggia rumena della Gran Loggia Nazionale Romena 1880, il cui Sovrano Gran Commendatore e Gran Maestro è il generale rumeno in pensione Bartolomeu Constantin Săvoiu supposto erede spirituale del Conte Licio Gelli, che oltre ad avere la doppia cittadinanza rumena e francese, è amico di Macron e membro della Legion d’Onore. Savoiu persona squisita che conosco molto bene rimarrà sicuramente scioccato di fronte a questo risvolto a dir poco oscuro di uno dei suoi membri,  colpevole di ridicolizzare la massima onorificenza concessa dallo stato francese.





Australia’s pedo cover-up is widening after another high ranking Catholic official is found guilty


Article by Leo Zagami


While all eyes are on Cardinal George Pell, who in June of last year became the highest-ranking Vatican official to face criminal charges involving accusations of sexual offenses, yet another Archbishop was found guilty of covering up the sexual abuse scandal in Australia’s Catholic clergy.  67-year-old Archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Edward Wilson, failed to report allegations of child sexual abuse inflicted on altar boys back in 1976 by a pedophile priest named Father Jim Fletcher, who died in jail in 2006.The extensive cover-up of pedophilia exercized by the most senior members of the Catholic Church, not only in Australia, but all over the world, pushed the Catholic Bishops of Chile to resign last Friday. Let’s remember that a government inquiry  found that in Australia 7% of Catholic priests working in this country between 1950 and 2010 have been accused of Child sexual abuse. It’s outrageous how these resilient individuals are not resigning or even attempting an act of forgiveness  as the Chilean’s did.


Wilson, who is Australia’s highest ranking Catholic Church official to actually  be convicted for his crimes, is facing two years of jail.

He studied Canon law in Washington D.C. where he received a Licentiate of Canon Law, and was made a Prelate of Honour by none other than Pope John Paul II (now a Saint…)  We are left wondering how is it possible that  back in 2002 it was Wilson himself who became the first Australian archbishop to be invited to address a historic session of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in the wake of an emergency meeting with Pope John Paul II regarding the same crime of sex-abuse within the Church, that he is now being accused of covering up. Officially, Wilson was selected to address the conference because of his experience dealing with clerical crimes, while he was Bishop of Wollongong, but in reality he was appointed because of his extensive experience in covering up such terrible crimes. Once again, shame on the Catholic Church for allowing such criminals to conduct their affairs.





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Markle raised by Communist nuns from the convent bought by Katy Perry



Meghan Markle high school prom photos



Article by Leo Lyon  Zagami


Royal wedding fever has caught on in many places, but it has a particular soft spot at the rather strange Immaculate Heart Middle School and High School outside Los Angeles, the liberal Catholic school that Meghan Markle attended from seventh to 12th grade.

In the summer of 1967, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), a Catholic religious teaching institute for women under the unusual tutelage of the psychologist Carl Rogers, who apparently taught self-assertion, voted to leave their strict Catholic tradition, and told their Canonical superior that if he did not like it they could leave his schools. The supervisor refused, and the order eventually split, as the Vatican was still rather conservative before left-wing ideology took over the show .

The 60 or so who wanted to remain Sisters were given a new home, but three nuns who wished to retain their original charism, left and founded a flourishing branch in Wichita, Kansas. No new vocations came to those who remained in Hollywood , and they are now down to a couple of nuns, after one died unsuccessfully trying to stop the sale of the convent to the pop star Katy Perry, an outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ community, who then went on to meet her hero, Pope Francis, to thank him personally for her new home.

Yet the Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles, an all-girls institution run by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,has been a place of controversy, even in recent years, allowing a transgender young man, actor Elliot Fletcher, later known for his work on the MTV comedy series “Faking It”, to graduate using his preferred gender identity. Fletcher came out to his parents as transgender in 2013, during his senior year at the High School in question.  A post in the Facebook group for the class of 1970 includes the following caption for the above picture:

“Meet our alumni brother. This was not an easy decision for the administrators to make, but they did the right thing as Immaculate Heart does. {He] is the first transgender graduate, but probably won’t be the last. He loves the school as much as the rest of us and that’s all that matters. ‘Every loyal daughter and son…’”

 Immaculate Heart School remains all-female to this day, aside from the transgenders, where after the 60’s revolution this institution was transformed into a Communist recruit center. Kate Sullivan, who graduated in 1988, wrote: “As I recall, the line between political assembly and liturgy was fairly thin in my early days at IH – and that felt perfectly natural. It was no big deal to receive Communion from the nuns, or to hear a sermon delivered by a woman, or to sing ‘We Are a Gentle Angry People.”




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

More trouble for Pope Francis


Pope Francis poses for a photo with Chilean bishops at the Vatican May 17. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) See POPE-CHILE-BISHOPS-LETTER May 17, 2018.
Pope Francis poses for a photo with Chilean bishops at the Vatican May 17. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) See POPE-CHILE-BISHOPS-LETTER May 17, 2018.


Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


As I mentioned last Wednesday on Infowars, the upcoming problem with the Chilean bishops  and Cardinal Pell ’s pedophilia scandal, has hit the Vatican in an unprecedented way, with a massive cover-up, thanks to Her Majesty’s Australian Goverment.


Thirty-four Chilean bishops have resigned in Rome over the Catholic child sex abuse scandals in their country.In a written May 18 public statement, the bishops thanked Pope Francis for his “paternal listening and fraternal correction,”and asked forgiveness for the pain caused to victims, the pope, the People of God and to their country due to“serious errors and omissions.”


Unfortunately, Pope Francis ignored the problem, and even publicly defended Bishop Juan Barros, who has been accused for a long time of covering up cases of child molestation within the Catholic Church in South America, saying there was, “not a shred of evidence.”


Pope Francis was shockingly clear in his defense of the pedo gang who support him, however, in the end, Bergoglio was forced to send a Vatican investigator to the Latin American nation in order to examine the situation that is apparently much worst than any of us could predict .


In order to cover-up the controversy, Chile’s clergy originally wanted Barros to take a mandatory year-long sabbatical, but Pope Francis conveniently refused to believe the allegations, and instead, promoted his friend to head the Osorno diocese in Southern Chile. But with thirty-four bishops resigning, Pope Francis is facing his biggest dilemma to date, as in the coming hours  he must decide whether to accept or reject them, confirming once more to the world his protection of the Pedophile Mafia of the Catholic Church.


After their resignation these scumbags seem to want to disappear  into retirement, but given the seriousness of the allegations against them, there should be legal proceedings for these criminals that have ruined the lives of so many children, and Pope Francis should resign for having ignored the problem since 2015.









Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :