Since Wednesday, Venezuela has been in turmoil after President Trump announced he recognized opposition leader Freemason Juan Guaido as the Nation’s president, rather than the Socialist dictator, Nicolas Maduro, a Satanist immerged in Communism. Piñango, a Sociologist from the Venezuelan University of IESA said that“Maduro has a very strong ideological orientation, close to the Communist ideology.”
That’s probably why Maduro is being defended by the Communists of the ex-Soviet Union, who should mind their own business in South America. However, on Wednesday, President Nicolás Maduro faced the gravest challenge of his authority since assuming power in 2013, as Juan Guaido, the leader of the masonically backed opposition, rightly claimed the legitimate mantle of leadership. President Trump and other world leaders promptly recognized him as Venezuela’s interim and rightful Head of State after receiving an emergency request from the various Grand Lodges of Venezuela united in this appeal to the Masonic Obediences around the world who don’t follow the orders of progressive Liberal Freemasonry in the hands of the mondialists.
Ten years ago, Francisco Pereiro Liz, the Grand Master of the regular Masons of Venezuela was shot and killed on March 6, 2008, during an apparent kidnapping attempt secretly orchestrated by the Socialist forces of the late president, Hugo Chávez. This time, the Freemasons from Venezuela have launched a dramatic appeal that may end up in a blood bath if not answered. As you can see from the photo, Juan Guaido is a young apprentice that needs our help. Remember, Socialism and Communism are enemies of true Freemasonry and Christianity, but Pope Francis and the Jesuits still support dictator Nicolas Maduro, who must be stopped and destroyed at all costs to facilitate the reconstruction of Venezuela and escape from evil Communism. As the people of Venezuela, together with its Legislative Branch suffer under the tyrannical oppression of president Nicolas Maduro, Communist Pope Francis received him at the Vatican on October 24, 2016, and was allowed to be photographed giving his blessing to the dictator. The False Prophet and his minions are the enemies of mankind! By the way, the present day Secretary of State of the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, was Papal Nuncio in Caracas, Venezuela, just before being chosen by Francis for this new important function, and Venezuelan Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal SJ (born 12 November 1948) is the thirty-first and present Superior General of the Society of Jesus and the infamous Black Pope. This time Freemasons really need to decide whose side they are on!
Hopefully this new confrontation will break the powerful alliance between Freemasons and Jesuits in South America.
In the meantime, as Grand Master of the Strict Templar Observance we pray for our Brothers in Venezuela.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Once again, Pope Bergoglio is creating controversy during his usual flight press conference over the Atlantic Ocean today on his way to Panama, as he did on his first international trip, to Brazil, for the 2013 World Youth Day (WYD).
The journalist Marco Clementi, a correspondent for RAI Tg1, told Pope Francis: “Holy Father, I went to Tijuana, on the border between Mexico and the United States, there the wall they are building stretches into the sea so that they can’t even swim around it.”
The Pope replied, implicitly attacking President Donald J. Trump: “It’s fear that makes you crazy,” he then added, “these are walls of fear, as Monda wrote in L’Osservatore Romano, an editorial that needs to be read.”
Among those who follow the events of the Vatican, there is a feeling that the meeting in February will be the end of this pontificate and the downfall of the Catholic Church.
Experts on the Vatican predict that 2019 will be the year in which many of the battles the 82-year-old Argentine Pontiff, who is implementing the final stages of the liberal reform of the Church, will come to a conclusion. But what does this mean for Catholics, and Christians at large?
The Roman Catholic Church, as we all know, will be a major player in the Endtime One World Government. The Pope, who is the False Prophet, will soon team up with the Antichrist, as prophesied in Revelation 13.
Two years ago, a television personality in Colombia was blasted by Catholic clergy and others following his public claim that Pope Francis was paving the way for the Anti-Christ. Well, Jose Galat, who faced fierce backlash for his comments made in a radio interview in 2017, was totally right.
A priest I know once told me “I am so convinced that we have a false-prophet on the throne of Peter that I have reached the point that silence on Pope Francis is now tantamount to a grave sin of omission.”
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Yesterday Father Fabio Baggio, secretary of the Migrants Section of the Department for Integral Development that participated in the preparation of the infamous Global Compact documents for Migration, said to a room full of journalists that: “The agreement does not interfere with the internal policies of the various countries, a multilateral approach is needed to respond to the migration problem.”
Father Fabio Baggio insisted that: ” National sovereignty, which is one of the issues under discussion, is expressed in two clear points of the Global Compact, sovereignty is not affected; the basic rule remains, that is, that an agreement, a convention, if it is binding – and this is not the case – can then lead to a legislative change at the national level; but precisely in this case, such an approach is not applicable. It is true, however, that this is a joint commitment to ongoing dialogue, which we hope will continue, and not only in the case of migrants, I would like to say this, but with regard to all those issues that are global and go beyond the national border. This without any prejudice to what is the independence, autonomy, and sovereignty of each country. “
However, the danger of the Global Compact for Migration, which international delegates signed in Marrakesh, Morocco last month, is not that it will enable some clandestine international bureaucracy or judiciary to dictate immigration policy over the objections of sovereign states, but will instead enable progressives within each nation’s government to liberalize domestic refugee and immigration laws using the excuse that “the UN made us do it.”
The Vatican, in cahoots with the globalists, Father Baggio and Father Michael Czerny, also undersecretary of the same Department, presented two documents in the Vatican from the “Migrants and Refugees Section” dedicated to the theme of trafficking.
One is The Pastoral Guidelines on Human Trafficking, that they try to outline with possible responses to the phenomenon with a collection of writings by Pope Francis from 2013 to 2017 – entitledLights on the Roads of Hope – which represents a sort of synthesis of Francis’ progressive magisterium on the subject. However, the insistence that the compact is not legally binding has not been enough to convince several UN members in the last few months, including the United States, Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Italy who state they will not sign the agreement. Conservative governments in these countries have rightly voiced several objections, among other things saying the compact mixes up the rights of asylum-seekers with those of economic migrants. The US under President Donald Trump also argues that multinational agreements in general, and this one in particular, go against the sovereign power of individual governments.
But now the Vatican wants them to “rethink their position.” They claim the Global Compact is good and merely a symbolic agreement on how future international co-operation on migration might work.
Father Fabio Baggio said: “Each country obviously has the right to make the choices it considers appropriate with regard to an agreement that has been drawn up at multilateral level, and I must honestly say that having participated in the preparation of the Global Compact documents we saw the interest of many countries in maintaining this multilateral dialogue. We are deeply convinced that the global response is the most appropriate to the phenomenon of migration, we sincerely hope – Cardinal Parolin Vatican Secretary of State also said in very clear words – that those who have taken a step backwards (Italy, USA, Poland, and Hungary, among others, ) can reconsider and join, perhaps even finding those particular clarifications that seem necessary. I also think that the text of the agreement can provide these clarifications. “
If Delegates from member states agree to these declarations, which they reassure opponents are largely meaningless, then the real rules will be cleverly inserted into individual Nation’s laws, all the while insisting they have to because of a UN treaty. This is a dangerous scam pushed by the Vatican that now finally shows to the world with no sense of shame, that they are the ones behind the project, as I wrote last month:
Remember, the Compact deliberately confuses two distinct classes of newcomers – political refugees and economic immigrants. It lumps them under one label — “migrants” — both those seeking asylum from repression and violence and those looking for a better job and income opportunities. So why should the Vatican decide the immigration policies of other countries? This is yet another act of hypocrisy from the smallest sovereign nation in the world, protected by the biggest walls, who never permit migrants and criticize the use of walls by others. I say Pope Francis and his citizens should all be arrested! The Compact deliberately confuses two distinct classes of newcomers – political refugees and economic immigrants. Why doesn’t Pope Francis welcome more immigrants in the Vatican instead of preaching this liberal bullshit to the world?
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, a close ally of Vladimir Putin, who he described as “a miracle of God”, said that humans’ dependence on modern technology will result in the coming of the Antichrist. Last year the Vatican gave its blessings instead to the controversial “Follow JC Go” game which, as the name suggests, is a riff on “Pokemon Go,” considered by many Christians to be Satanic, that combines technology with evangelization, and the Vatican even launched a Smartphone app for Vatican City,
In an interview with Russian state media, Patriarch Kirill explained at the beginning of January, that he does not entirely oppose technological gadgets, but warned against “falling into slavery” to smartphones. Patriarch Kirill said that the collection of user data including “location, interests, and fears” will make it possible for humans to be controlled by external forces.
“Control from a single point is a harbinger of the coming of the Antichrist,” Kirill told the state-owned Russian television channel Russia-1 TV on Orthodox Christmas Monday.
“The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the World Wide Web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger,” he said with great fear of things to come. The church leader stressed that “if we don’t want to bring the apocalypse closer, there should be no single [control and access] center.”
Once more, the Russian Orthodox Church seems to be in line with true Christianity, while the Catholic Church is obviously in the hands of the future Antichrist.
It is apparent to faithful Catholics today, and more so as the past years have demonstrated, some of Pope Francis’ actions and teachings have raised legitimate and serious concerns about the Satanic nature of his mission.
In the Book of Revelation, the False Prophet is mentioned as the Beast from the earth “like a lamb” who becomes the religious head of the false church. The False Prophet “deceives those who dwell on earth.”
Now it is important to recognize before it is too late, that Pope Francis is actually the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation, and the greatest deceiver to on earth, because this Jesuit is the epitome of a wolf in sheep’s clothing perfectly pretending to be that which he is not.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Robot ethics, sometimes known by the short expression “roboethics”, concerns ethical problems that can occur today in the world of robots, such as whether robots pose a threat to humans in the long or short term, and whether some uses of robots are problematic (such as in healthcare or as “killer robots” in war).
“Robo Ethics. People, machines and health” is the recently announced title for the Workshop that will take place at the Vatican during the next plenary assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life to be held from 25 to 27 February 2019. describes the event in the following way: “The goal of the Workshop is to provide updates on the characteristics of the technologies in the field of robotics: namely, through those who work on the ground, identify and shape the questions rising in the field from the anthropological and ethical point of view and propose some ethical criteria and possibly some recommendations, keeping alive the attention to the global dimension of the theme. First session (Monday 25, afternoon)will focus on state-of-the-art technologies and different approaches to robotics’ research and development. The second session (Tuesday 26, morning)will explore socio-anthropological implications, i.e., how robotics changes the ways of knowing and understanding the world, perceiving relationships, and understanding the body and social coexistence. Third session (Tuesday 26, afternoon)will address the ethical implications of robotics in the health sector.”
This is the first stage in a process that will continue until 2020 when the next plenary session of the Vatican and will be dedicated to the other hot topic of the moment, Artificial Intelligence.
The Academy says that: “The fields of robotics and artificial intelligence are distinct, but closely related. They both contain so much information and so many anthropological and ethical questions in themselves that we are dedicating two assemblies to these subjects. We hope that, by having two different assemblies dedicated to two different aspects of the larger field of robotic technologies in general, we can address the opportunities and challenges of these connected technologies in greater depth.”
Moreover, this year’s appointment coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Academy’s establishment. For the occasion, Pope Francis wrote a long letter to the President, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, where he touches on various issues relating to the relationship between technology and modernity. It is a worrying scenario that the Pope describes in his letter to Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia “The threshold of basic respect for human life is being crossed, and brutally at that, not only by instances of individual conduct but also by the effects of societal choices and structures.”
The document was presented in the Vatican by Monsignor Paglia himself, together with Monsignor Renzo Pegoraro, Chancellor of the Academy, Professor Laura Palazzani, Professor of Biolaw and Philosophy of law at Lumsa, and Father Paolo Bennati, Professor of Moral Theology and Ethics of technology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
As we all know, Science fiction has long explored these themes because they involve many moral and ethical implications of great importance for humanity, but very few people know that films like 2001 – A Space Odysseywere inspired by the Jesuits and the legendary figure of the late Pierre Teilhard de Chardin a French idealist philosopher and Jesuit priest who also inspired The Exorcist.
There is a close connection between Satanism and technology that I will be investigating further in my upcoming book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.6.6. The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Jesuit priest and scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955). Although a monitum was issued in regard to some of Teilhard’s ideas, he has been posthumously praised by Pope Francis in the 2015 encyclical, Laudato si’.
In the meantime, two days ago, the Church of Satan began posting videos about sex robots online – but it wasn’t a bandwagon-jumping attempt by the Church of Satan to compete with the Vatican because as I pointed out already in an article I published on the 4th of January 2019 on my blog, the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton Lavey, predicted sex robots more than two decades ago and today’s Satanists still believe they could save us all.
The Church of Satan’s Magistra Blanche Barton wrote on their official website a few years ago: “Let’s review the Five Point Program which Dr. LaVey set forth in the late 1980’s as our plan of action. Points four and five are the development and promotion of humanoids, and of total environments. Scientists and techno-geeks are doing a bang-up job in these departments, developing exceedingly realistic artificial human companions, both of the Real Doll and virtual Facebook-friend variety. There has also been great progress made in creating total environments—commercial ventures like Disneyland and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter abound, while any number of other permanent and faire-type periodic re-enactments allow for total immersion. We have virtual worlds galore to explore in the form of video games, many now outpacing movie sales. Movies and television series are becoming more enveloping, the bigger the budgets get. As in ancient Rome, we have more than enough entertainments to distract us.”
Magus Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan confirmed this on the 15th of January to the British Newspaper Metro, stating that Anton LaVey promoted the idea of “artificial human companions”as a means for people to exercise sexual or other drives with a device that might gratify their fantasies without having to involve other human beings. This would permit complete control over the details of their fantasy. Now that robotics is advancing, it seems that this field of endeavor is seeing new increased activity as both the Catholic Church and the Church of Satan move towards the implementation of a new Satanic world.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
The Mediterranean UFO Center (Cufom) communicated at the beginning of the year that UFOs were being increasingly sighted in various regions in Italy, from Liguria to Sicily. These sightings, says Cufom, have been reported in Imperia and other areas of Italy such as Catania, the site of a recent earthquake, Cava d’Ispica (Ragusa) and Peschiera Borromeo (Milan). Angelo Carannante, president of the Mediterranean UFO Centre (Cufom), published extraordinary documents in recent years full of images from all over Italy and especially from the skies of Liguria and seems adamant something is going on. At the same time, CUN, Italy’s National Ufo Center has reported 184 UFO sightings in 2018 with an increase of 61%. The best Italian region to see UFO’s lately is said to be Tuscany.
In the meantime, last November, a UFO was spotted in British skies – triggering both puzzlement and a glut of online speculation that aliens have been visiting Kent. At the end of December 2018, a mysterious trail of light was seen in a viral video hanging in California skies. The strange, bright light was accompanied by a gaseous, sparkling trail behind it, leaving people in shock. Earlier last year, a similar light was spotted in China, leaving residents baffled.
Of course, some skeptics claimed that at least in these two cases, the footage looked like the trail of a rocket motor and it might well be, but there is definitely something strange happening after the recent increase in genuine UFO sightings that could possibly be connected to a mysterious shift in Earth’s Magnetic Field that has recently prompted Scientists to immediately adjust the World Magnetic Model (WMM) that Guides Navigation.
Popular UFO lore once associated the presence of UFOs with local disturbances of the earth’s magnetic field and “UFO detectors” were designed in the middle of the 1960s, to sense such disturbances, sounding an alarm when a sudden change in the magnetic field alters the orientation of a magnet in the detector. During the investigative phase of this project, an observer near Denver, Colorado, reported that his detector had sounded. He immediately telephoned project headquarters to inform them that he had sighted a UFO overhead. Responding to this call, project investigators drove to the scene and actually observed a light in the daylight sky pointed out to them by the observer. They watched the light move westward at a rate later calculated to be 15<°/hr. Its coordinates during the period of observation were for the planet Venus. The project that included a 1965 Antarctic expedition, attempted to verify reports of the association of magnetic disturbances withUFO sightings in the Antarctic during the period of March-September 1965 (Project file 1257P).
In this effort, the project was greatly assisted by Commander Jehu Bladesof the NROTC unit at the University of Colorado. Cmdr. Blades served as commanding officer of the U.S. Antarctic “wintering-over” party at McMurdo Station in 1965. There was extensive coverage in Argentine newspapers, and reported that on the 3rdof July 1965, personnel of the Orcadas Naval Station in the Antarctic observed the presence of a strange luminous body that was linked to a simultaneous small deviation in the earth’s magnetic field, the episode lasted for 40 min. Unfortunately, the magnetic deviation recorded during the reported UFO sighting was judged as too small, an order of magnitude lower than deviations observed during magnetic storms, and well within normal daily fluctuations.
Consequently, the academic world officially concluded that the 1965 Antarctic expedition and the various reports they received offered little convincing evidence that unidentified objects can cause a terrestrial magnetic disturbance declaring in the end that: No data which could serve as firm evidence that a UFO caused a magnetic disturbance have been brought to our attention.
Ben Davidson, the founder of Space Weather News, began in December 2018, his six-part Earth Catastrophe Cycle video series by discussing the booklet in question called The Adam and Eve Story authored by a certain “Chan Thomas”, which was classified by the CIA at some point in 1966 after its 1963 publication, and declassified in part on June 24, 2013 with the release of a sanitized digital version on the CIA’s website.
Thomas’ analysis of cyclic pole shifts was different in key respects to what was being proposed at the time by Charles Hapgood in his seminal book, The Earth’s Shifting Crust(1958). According to Davidson, it was Thomas’ more accurate explanation for how a pole shift happens, which led to the CIA classifying Thomas’ book.
So was there any connection with the UFO magnetic disturbances phenomenon in the uncensored version of The Adam and Eve Story? We might never know, but something truly bizarre is happening right now with erratic movement in the Earth’s magnetic field following the recent increase in UFO sightings around the world. Earth’s north magnetic pole has been, in fact, has rapidly shifting away from Canada and towards the Siberian Federal District, driven mostly by liquid iron churning deep within the planet’s core. The magnetic pole is moving so quickly that it has forced the world’s geomagnetism experts into a rare move.
Tomorrow, on the 15th January,2019, they are set to update theWMM, which describes the planet’s magnetic field and underlies all modern navigation, from the systems that steer ships at sea to Google Maps. WMM is also the standard geomagnetic model for the US Department of Defense (DoD), the Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the World Hydrographic Office (WHO) that is the navigation and attitude/heading reference. The current model was expected to be valid until 2020.
The research on the UFO connection to the magnetic disturbance within the Earth should now begin, and my US publisher seems to be in the perfect place for this type of research . Brad Olsen, of CCC Publishing, seen on History Channel’s Ancient Aliens and his girlfriend, are in fact, right now, at the tip of Argentina, about to go to Antartica with a captain who accepted them as passengers. Geophysicists think that the Earth’s magnetic poles could soon switch ends with the magnetic north pole becoming south. Will keep you posted with the latest on the North and South Pole and any UFO developments in the coming weeks.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
A conference to discuss for a select audience in the wonderful setting of St Peter’s Church in Clapham, London the new book Invisible Masterby Anglo-Italian author Leo Lyon Zagami and his special guest speakers.
In his new groundbreaking book, Zagami finally reveals long hidden information behind the Alien/UFO phenomenon with extreme clarity, discussing in the process the prophets, initiates and magicians who have guided us throughout the millenia. He unveils the truth about where we come from, and the reasons behind the political and religious choices we have made during our long march through civilization.
Who are the Unknown Superiors … the Secret Chiefs … the Invisible Masters who have guided Freemasonry and other secret societies?
Zagami helps us gain access to these secrets, and presents an opportunity to understand the hidden alien reality that surrounds us, and its true implications for humanity. In the months and years to come, information unveiled in this revolutionary work will become increasingly evident. We are proud to present this book in the UK with an entire conference fueled by the most brilliant and unconventional minds around.
The shocking revelations in Invisible Master unveil links between beings with supernatural powers and secret traditions practiced for thousands of years within the Mystery Schools, that will be analyzed and afterward there will be a special Q&A with the audience. We are ready to lift the veil on the unknown for a better future for humanity, come join us to learn the secrets of the Invisible Master The Puppeteers Hidden Power.
International Conference
for the presentation of Invisible Master.
The Puppeteers Hidden Power at St Peter’s Church, Prescott Place, Clapham, London SW4 Tel: 020 7622 6285
Simon Hinton is a writer, entrepreneur, esoteric researcher and internationally renowned healer based in Central London. He is the outer head of a magical Order The Temple of Flow dedicated to creating global peace. Simon received an unusual awakening after visiting the Great Pyramid in Egypt in 1987. Since this time he has experienced thousands of extra ordinary psychic experience and alien contact… some he claims good and others not so good. In this talk related to Zagami’s latest book Simon will attempt to interpret these experiences from an initiated perspective and explain why the return of Angelic beings such as the reincarnated Cathars, long subjugated by the ‘Curse of Rome’, gives humanity great hope as we herald in the Golden Age prophesied by the Hopi Indians.
Jason Liosatos is the author of The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings, and host of his show ‘Outside the Box’, he is also an artist, and passionate speaker reminding us that we stand at an evolutionary crossroads, a new epoch, where we are all midwives, artists, sculptors, and gifted shamans, who must now remember, and use, the tremendous power we all possess to birth and manifest a whole new reality of sanity, love, happiness, beauty, and joy into being, a reality which is barely imaginable to us in our current state of manipulation, suppression and slavery. We are great magicians who can manipulate matter, events, and outcomes via directed thought and consciousness to manifest a new reality into being. We are the authors and artists of a whole new way of living and being on our planet. We are being urgently called to realize that it is ourselves, each one of us, who have the miraculous power which will restore sanity and light to our dislocated planet and lives, and the lives of those not yet born who are relying on us to ensure their freedom and happiness. It is now our obligation, to use our power and gifts to disarm the darker forces who are manifesting suppression, slavery, and holding humanity hostage.
Paul Obertelli is a musician and podcaster from London UK. He spent most of his earlier years writing and producing music, releasing records in the USA, UK, and Poland, most notably with the late 90s rock band “Flight 16”. In 2016, he turned his sites on acting while playing “The Duke” in Paul Wilson and Tim Ferguson’s Shakespeare Tonight at the Camden and Edinburgh Fringe. Paul has also studied Occultism and Paganism, practicing as a Wiccan Priest, a Gnostic, and today is a practitioner of Asatru, one of the ancient native faiths of the European peoples. Since 2014, he has mostly set his sights on political activism and commentary and is the founder and main host of the “THA Talks” podcast, an alternative talk show project that covers subjects on the occult, conspiracy, alternative news and political activism. The show prides itself on the principles of freedom of speech, and has recently started to publish articles addressing news and social issues within the west and around the globe.
St Peter’s Clapham is on Prescott Place (with another entrance on Clapham Manor Street), Clapham, London SW4 6BX.
Prescott Place is just off Clapham High Street, immediately behind the Two Brewers public house. The Methodist Church and Sainsbury’s are located on the opposite side of the high street.
Paul Bettany as Silas in “The Da Vinci Code,” directed by Ron Howard and based on Dan Brown’s best-selling novel.Credit /Columbia Pictures
Article by Leo Zagami
The influential Catholic group Opus Dei, featured in the “Da Vinci Code” announced on Monday they paid almost one million dollars to silence a woman who said she was molested by VIP priest John McCloskey, the organization said Tuesday. McCloskey gained fame by converting leading US conservatives including former Senator Rick Santorum, Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, husband of US Ambassador to the Vatican Calista Gingrich.
Opus Dei is often described in the media as “cult-like.” The true personal freedom of numerary members, who make up 25-30% of all members, are hindered by methods that resemble those used by cults. This sex scandal is probably only the tip of the iceberg for the secretive and elitist cult founded in 1928 by a Spanish priest, Josemaria Escriva—now a saint—whose spiritual framework for Opus Dei is the idea that holiness could be found not in a monastery or in church but in ordinary life.
In a statement released by Msgr. Thomas Bohlin, Vicar of Opus Dei in the United States, the prelature expressed his sorrow and called any case of harassment or abuse “abhorrent.”
“What happened was deeply painful for the woman, and we are very sorry for all she suffered,”Bohlin wrote. “I am very sorry for any suffering caused to any woman by Father McCloskey’s actions and pray that God may bring healing to her. “
The anonymous accuser, who made her complaint in 2003, was paid $977,000 in 2005, Opus Dei said in its first ever admission of a sexual misconduct case.The woman who filed the complaint, is a D.C.-area Catholic who was among the many who received supposed spiritual direction from pervert McCloskey through the Catholic Information Center, a K Street hub of Catholic life in downtown Washington near the White House.
She told The Washington Post that McCloskey groped her several times while she was going to pastoral counseling with him to discuss marital troubles and serious depression. She said that Father McCloskey “put his hands on me on several occasions during pastoral guidance sessions.”
However, Bohlin attempts to protect the Opus Dei, saying they had acted swiftly when the complaint was first made, telling McCloskey to have no further contact with the woman and to offer spiritual direction to women only through a screen in a traditional confessional – something Bohlin noted was already a rule for Opus Dei priests.
The Vicar of the Opus Dei in the US added in the statement.“After investigating the complaint in subsequent months, we found the complaint to be credible, and in December 2003, Father McCloskey was removed from his position at the CIC. “
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
A conference to discuss for a select audience in the wonderful setting of St Peter’s Church in Clapham, London the new book Invisible Masterby Anglo-Italian author Leo Lyon Zagami and his special guest speakers.
In his new groundbreaking book, Zagami finally reveals long hidden information behind the Alien/UFO phenomenon with extreme clarity, discussing in the process the prophets, initiates and magicians who have guided us throughout the millenia. He unveils the truth about where we come from, and the reasons behind the political and religious choices we have made during our long march through civilization.
Who are the Unknown Superiors … the Secret Chiefs … the Invisible Masters who have guided Freemasonry and other secret societies?
Zagami helps us gain access to these secrets, and presents an opportunity to understand the hidden alien reality that surrounds us, and its true implications for humanity. In the months and years to come, information unveiled in this revolutionary work will become increasingly evident. We are proud to present this book in the UK with an entire conference fueled by the most brilliant and unconventional minds around.
The shocking revelations in Invisible Master unveil links between beings with supernatural powers and secret traditions practiced for thousands of years within the Mystery Schools, that will be analyzed and afterward there will be a special Q&A with the audience. We are ready to lift the veil on the unknown for a better future for humanity, come join us to learn the secrets of the Invisible Master The Puppeteers Hidden Power.
International Conference
for the presentation of Invisible Master.
The Puppeteers Hidden Power at St Peter’s Church, Prescott Place, Clapham, London SW4 Tel: 020 7622 6285
Simon Hinton is a writer, entrepreneur, esoteric researcher and internationally renowned healer based in Central London. He is the outer head of a magical Order The Temple of Flow dedicated to creating global peace. Simon received an unusual awakening after visiting the Great Pyramid in Egypt in 1987. Since this time he has experienced thousands of extra ordinary psychic experience and alien contact… some he claims good and others not so good. In this talk related to Zagami’s latest book Simon will attempt to interpret these experiences from an initiated perspective and explain why the return of Angelic beings such as the reincarnated Cathars, long subjugated by the ‘Curse of Rome’, gives humanity great hope as we herald in the Golden Age prophesied by the Hopi Indians.
Jason Liosatos is the author of The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings, and host of his show ‘Outside the Box’, he is also an artist, and passionate speaker reminding us that we stand at an evolutionary crossroads, a new epoch, where we are all midwives, artists, sculptors, and gifted shamans, who must now remember, and use, the tremendous power we all possess to birth and manifest a whole new reality of sanity, love, happiness, beauty, and joy into being, a reality which is barely imaginable to us in our current state of manipulation, suppression and slavery. We are great magicians who can manipulate matter, events, and outcomes via directed thought and consciousness to manifest a new reality into being. We are the authors and artists of a whole new way of living and being on our planet. We are being urgently called to realize that it is ourselves, each one of us, who have the miraculous power which will restore sanity and light to our dislocated planet and lives, and the lives of those not yet born who are relying on us to ensure their freedom and happiness. It is now our obligation, to use our power and gifts to disarm the darker forces who are manifesting suppression, slavery, and holding humanity hostage.
Paul Obertelli is a musician and podcaster from London UK. He spent most of his earlier years writing and producing music, releasing records in the USA, UK, and Poland, most notably with the late 90s rock band “Flight 16”. In 2016, he turned his sites on acting while playing “The Duke” in Paul Wilson and Tim Ferguson’s Shakespeare Tonight at the Camden and Edinburgh Fringe. Paul has also studied Occultism and Paganism, practicing as a Wiccan Priest, a Gnostic, and today is a practitioner of Asatru, one of the ancient native faiths of the European peoples. Since 2014, he has mostly set his sights on political activism and commentary and is the founder and main host of the “THA Talks” podcast, an alternative talk show project that covers subjects on the occult, conspiracy, alternative news and political activism. The show prides itself on the principles of freedom of speech, and has recently started to publish articles addressing news and social issues within the west and around the globe.
St Peter’s Clapham is on Prescott Place (with another entrance on Clapham Manor Street), Clapham, London SW4 6BX.
Prescott Place is just off Clapham High Street, immediately behind the Two Brewers public house. The Methodist Church and Sainsbury’s are located on the opposite side of the high street.
Pope Francis issued a stark warning about the fragility of the international order on January 7, saying in an annual address to the Vatican’s diplomatic corps that “the same attitudes” that led to the failure of the League of Nations now endanger the system of diplomacy set up after World War II. The pontiff told 180 ambassadors to the Holy See, who are all engaged with the dark side of the Illuminati, that the success of the diplomatic order rests on three foundations: goodwill among nations, their ability to deal fairly with one another, and openness to compromise, but Pope Francis knows things are not looking so good for his criminal enterprise. Governments and people all over the world are finally understanding the true Satanic nature of this Jesuit Pope and his Church of hypocrites.
Pope Francis and the New World Order are simply in search of cheap labor and sex slaves. That’s why on Sunday, Pope Francis launched an appeal to European leaders, asking them to welcome a group of African migrants aboard two NGO vessels. “I would like to make a heartfelt appeal to the leaders of Europe to demonstrate real solidarity with these people,” he said. But deputy premier, Luigi Di Maio of the M5S replied: “We will not retreat on the migration policy, which has allowed us to considerably reduce landings.”
In the meantime, another pedophile scandal shows once more the real nature of Pope Francis. The Holy See announced on Friday that Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta, an Argentine native appointed by Pope Francis to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See in 2017, was accused last autumn of sexual abuse. The allegations were leveled internally in recent months, and last week the provincial newspaper in Salta, El Tribuno, reported that three priests brought accusations against him to the Vatican’s ambassador, or nuncio, in Buenos Aires. The newspaper said the priests had lodged accusations against Zanchetta for abuse of power, economic abuse, and sexual abuse inside the seminary.
Bishop Zanchetta, who was made a Bishop by the same Pope Francis in 2013, fled Argentina in 2017 under mysterious circumstances after rumors of his pedophile activities started to circulate. Zanchetta even opened his own seminary in 2016 with six seminarians to facilitate his perversions with Pope Francis’ support. According to El Tribuno, the St. John XXIII seminary is due to close soon.
Bishop Zanchetta, assessor of APSA, the powerful office that manages the Vatican’s vast real estate and other financial holdings,could become yet another problem for Pope Francis, who is already battling to gain trust from the Catholic flock over his handling of sex abuse and misconduct.
Bergoglio faces growing problems in his beloved Argentina as a Vatican official told Cruxin earlier in December that when the crisis of clerical sexual abuse explodes in Pope Francis’s native Argentina, the situation will be dramatic.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Several left-wing mayors in Italy have refused to obey the “anti-migrant” policies of Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, just like they do in the US with Donald J. Trump. The newly elected Italian populist government supported by Trump has spearheaded a move to tighten the criminal asylum laws in place, but, unfortunately, a bunch of left-wing mayors financed by George Soros are opposing the whole thing and openly violating Italian law in the process. This is another sign that Italy is closer to a possible civil war, that was even outlined by famous left-wing journalist Oscar Giannino, on Radio 24.
Italy was until now the only EU member state offering a two-year permit which allowed illegal immigrants to live in state-run reception centers financed with EU and Italian money, that gave illegal immigrants access to training and educational programs that are an enormous burden on Italian taxpayers that already live in a state of poverty due to the economic policies of the past governments.
One of the left-wing rebels, the progressive mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, said the Interior Minister Matteo Salvini was playing politics with peoples’ lives. “To leave people and children in the middle of cold and stormy seas is a crime – not simply indecent, immoral, and appalling, “
De Magistris and the Mayors of Palermo, Florence, and Parma all want to encourage illegal immigration and human trafficking, because their political parties and the Catholic Church make enormous amounts of money on this precarious situation.
That’s why they are refusing to implement the country’s controversial security law which they say reduces the rights of refugees and migrants. So these left-wing criminals should all be arrested, but instead, they will be protected in the liberal progressive nightmare called the European Union. The EU is a criminal institution that supports and finances the systematic destruction of the nations of Europe, and the ethnicity of its people, and is working for a nationless One World Government.
In the meantime, the Yellow Vest protests that began in France two months ago over gas taxes has turned into a more general attack on the EU and is now expanding. This seems the only way forward if they don’t transform it into another left- wing/anarchic farse. However, well informed sources on the ground told me that the French campaign is not run by Marxists or controlled by George Soros, so Vive La Révolution!
The first Yellow Vest demonstration of the new year reached a new level of rebellion yesterday as the French government ministry building was attacked and the progressive scumbag minister evacuated out the back door. What started peacefully might finally show the EU and the NWO that this is the end of their dream, and our nightmare.
At the same time, it is looking more and more like a prophetically highlighted event in the Bible, that is often overlooked. The rise of a new superpower that will emerge on the world scene is seen shortly before Jesus’ return. In Daniel Chapters 2 and 7, it is predicted that a future unified Europe will rise in the end times out of the ashes of the old Roman Empire. It is written that during the reign of the fourth empire (Roman Empire ), God will set up the “kingdom that will never be destroyed,” (Daniel 2:44). We know from this and other prophecies that this is the Kingdom of God, which Jesus Christ will establish on Earth on His return after defeating Satan’s legions that include now the Military of the European Union. Remember this fourth empire that is basically the EU, will fight Jesus Christ, and be destroyed. So we all look forward to the destruction of the EU because it means we are one step closer to the return of Jesus.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
On the left Anton LaVey and on the right Bobby Beausoleil…
Article by Leo Zagami
A California parole panel made of liberal idiots, has just recommended for the first time, that Charles Manson follower Robert Beausoleil, better-known in the outside world as Bobby Beausoleil be freed after serving nearly a half-century in prison for murder.
Satanist Bobby Beausoleil, now 71, was not involved in the most notorious killings of actress Sharon Tate and six others by the Manson “family” in 1969. but he was, however, convicted in the slaying of musician Gary Hinman that occurred the same year. Hinman was tortured inhumanly for three days, by Mansons’ Satanic cult, and Manson even cut Hinman’s face with a sword before Beausoleil violently killed him, according to testimony made at previous parole hearings.
Future Manson Family murderer Bobby Beausoleil met Charles Mason after co-starring with Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, in Kenneth Anger’s original version of “Lucifer Rising,”filmed in 1968, that later became the 11-minute short film, “Invocation Of My Demon Brother,” directed, edited, and photographed by avant-garde film director and member of the Ordo Templi Orientis, Kenneth Anger (IX° degree), featuring the rather unusual soundtrack made by an LSD driven Mick Jagger,who played a Moog synthesizer.
There are, of course, numerous occult theories as to what really happened regarding the earlier version of “Lucifer Rising”that was never released in its entirety. A legend in occult circles that still circulates today, is that Kenneth Anger, who was with Beausoleil, placed a terrible curse upon him for fleeing Lucifer, Bobby Beausoleil had escaped with the original footage of the film. This curse apparently caused Bobby’s car to break down near the infamous desert commune of Manson’s cult, at Spahn Ranch, also known as the Spahn Movie Ranch, based in Los Angeles County, California.
Occult expert and Satanist author Gavin Baddeley, wrote that Charles Mason, who died last year, welcomed Beausoleil and buried the stolen footage of “Lucifer Rising” in the desert, demanding a ransom of ten thousand dollars from Anger for its return. The money was never given and Anger decided to release the few minutes he still had left in his archives in 1969 as “Invocation of My Demon Brother.” Anger, is still alive, and said that this short film was assembled from scraps of the first version of Lucifer Rising, but he never truly explained what happened due to the infamous connection with the Manson Family.
Anger and Beausoleil later made up, and Beausoleil and his fellow inmates at Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem, Oregon later composed the soundtrack for Anger’s 1972 film “Lucifer Rising,” directed by avant-garde film director and member of the Ordo Templi Orientis, Kenneth Anger (IX° degree). The music of “Lucifer Rising”is closely linked to the occult elements and Crowleyanity found in Anger’s film. Beausoleil sought to draw on his own occult life experiences to tell the story of “mythical Lucifer awakening in his pit of despair, rekindling his torch, and rising like a phoenix from the ashes of his own unmaking to begin his long journey from the dark recesses of the underworld — shedding his pride along the way in his uncompromising desire to regain the Beloved.”
Beausoleil sought to do this by creating dark and sinister sounding music.
Parole panels ruled against releasing Beausoleil 18 prior times. California’s incoming governor, Gavin Newsom, could block the parole in coming months. Termed-out Governor Jerry Brown has consistently stopped releases for followers of the cult leader, who died in prison in 2017.
Gary Hinman’s cousin, Kay Hinman Martley, who attended the hearing, said Beausoleil was already lucky once, when his death sentence in 1970 was reduced to life in prison by an appeals court in 1973.
“I constantly have hope that they’ll do the right thing and keep these people in prison, and now my hopes have to go with the governor,”she said, adding she plans to reach out to Newsom to tell him “this man does not belong outside the walls of prison.”
Beausoleil’s attorney, Jason Campbell, said his client is no longer dangerous and that his release “is long overdue.” Sharon Tate’s sister, Debra Tate, who also attended the hearing, said she will mount a social media petition so parole opponents can “make their feelings known to Governor-elect Newsom, because he has a tendency to be very liberal. ”
Adding ” Without public opinion weighing in on this, there is no hope.”
She rightly objected that Beausoleil keeps breaking prison rules by profiting from selling his art and music outside of prison. Lady Gaga recently used the soundtrack from “Lucifer Rising” for her Netflix documentary. Let’s hope liberal California does not free this criminal and treat him as a rock star. Newsom who was baptized and brought up in the Roman Catholic faith describes himself as an “Irish Catholic rebel […]” and is a leftist scumbag.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society