Article by Leo Zagami
Yesterday Father Fabio Baggio, secretary of the Migrants Section of the Department for Integral Development that participated in the preparation of the infamous Global Compact documents for Migration, said to a room full of journalists that: “The agreement does not interfere with the internal policies of the various countries, a multilateral approach is needed to respond to the migration problem.”
Father Fabio Baggio insisted that: ” National sovereignty, which is one of the issues under discussion, is expressed in two clear points of the Global Compact, sovereignty is not affected; the basic rule remains, that is, that an agreement, a convention, if it is binding – and this is not the case – can then lead to a legislative change at the national level; but precisely in this case, such an approach is not applicable. It is true, however, that this is a joint commitment to ongoing dialogue, which we hope will continue, and not only in the case of migrants, I would like to say this, but with regard to all those issues that are global and go beyond the national border. This without any prejudice to what is the independence, autonomy, and sovereignty of each country. “
However, the danger of the Global Compact for Migration, which international delegates signed in Marrakesh, Morocco last month, is not that it will enable some clandestine international bureaucracy or judiciary to dictate immigration policy over the objections of sovereign states, but will instead enable progressives within each nation’s government to liberalize domestic refugee and immigration laws using the excuse that “the UN made us do it.”
The Vatican, in cahoots with the globalists, Father Baggio and Father Michael Czerny, also undersecretary of the same Department, presented two documents in the Vatican from the “Migrants and Refugees Section” dedicated to the theme of trafficking.
One is The Pastoral Guidelines on Human Trafficking, that they try to outline with possible responses to the phenomenon with a collection of writings by Pope Francis from 2013 to 2017 – entitledLights on the Roads of Hope – which represents a sort of synthesis of Francis’ progressive magisterium on the subject. However, the insistence that the compact is not legally binding has not been enough to convince several UN members in the last few months, including the United States, Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Italy who state they will not sign the agreement. Conservative governments in these countries have rightly voiced several objections, among other things saying the compact mixes up the rights of asylum-seekers with those of economic migrants. The US under President Donald Trump also argues that multinational agreements in general, and this one in particular, go against the sovereign power of individual governments.
But now the Vatican wants them to “rethink their position.” They claim the Global Compact is good and merely a symbolic agreement on how future international co-operation on migration might work.
Father Fabio Baggio said: “Each country obviously has the right to make the choices it considers appropriate with regard to an agreement that has been drawn up at multilateral level, and I must honestly say that having participated in the preparation of the Global Compact documents we saw the interest of many countries in maintaining this multilateral dialogue. We are deeply convinced that the global response is the most appropriate to the phenomenon of migration, we sincerely hope – Cardinal Parolin Vatican Secretary of State also said in very clear words – that those who have taken a step backwards (Italy, USA, Poland, and Hungary, among others, ) can reconsider and join, perhaps even finding those particular clarifications that seem necessary. I also think that the text of the agreement can provide these clarifications. “
If Delegates from member states agree to these declarations, which they reassure opponents are largely meaningless, then the real rules will be cleverly inserted into individual Nation’s laws, all the while insisting they have to because of a UN treaty. This is a dangerous scam pushed by the Vatican that now finally shows to the world with no sense of shame, that they are the ones behind the project, as I wrote last month:
Remember, the Compact deliberately confuses two distinct classes of newcomers – political refugees and economic immigrants. It lumps them under one label — “migrants” — both those seeking asylum from repression and violence and those looking for a better job and income opportunities. So why should the Vatican decide the immigration policies of other countries? This is yet another act of hypocrisy from the smallest sovereign nation in the world, protected by the biggest walls, who never permit migrants and criticize the use of walls by others. I say Pope Francis and his citizens should all be arrested! The Compact deliberately confuses two distinct classes of newcomers – political refugees and economic immigrants. Why doesn’t Pope Francis welcome more immigrants in the Vatican instead of preaching this liberal bullshit to the world?
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
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