
(image courtesy of secretsofthefed.com)





Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Relations between Great Britain and the United States have consisted in the past, of many ups and downs, however this seems to be a moment of great tension, as every day, the Queen grows more and more hostile towards Donald J. Trump together with Her Royal Hypocrisy.


Only a few days ago Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who was accused of “breathtaking hypocrisy” by sexual abuse survivors in September, urged Trump to remove his Britain First retweets, declaring they are un-Christian.

Incredibily enough, the leader of the Church of England is now saying he struggles to understand why evangelical Christians strongly support the US President. While only three months ago, six survivors of abuse by powerful Anglican church figures accused the Archbishop of “silence, denial and evasion” adding that: “The Church of England needs to confront its own darkness in relation to abuse before confronting the darkness of others.”


Hypocricy? The criticism of the decadent Church of England sounds totally out of order, and I am puzzled like many others. The British establishment is a closet full of skeletons, so why keep criticizing and sabotaging Trump, when they are amongst the worst hypocrites in the history of mankind.


The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England, and he is personally nominated by the Queen. Recent inside information given to me by a member of the English establishment, confirms the Queen is upset with president Donald J. Trump for making America Great Again.


Another attack from the Queen’s subjects against US president Donald J. Trump, came earlier this year, when Rupert Murdoch announced Sky will stop broadcasting Fox News in the UK, after 15 years, with The Guardian, labeling it “a right wing channel”. So let’s examine a couple of Royal figures, two eminent representatives of the Royal Family, Prince Andrew and Prince Charles.


In 2015 the Daily Mail wrote that Virginia Roberts, at the time 31, alleged that in 2001 “when she was an underage teenager, she had sex with Epstein’s one-time friend Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.”


At the time Prince Andrew’s friendship with the billionaire sex offender drew scandal and opprobrium, pushing him to quit his role as the British Government’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment.


Last year Prince Andrew, attracted criticism after saying that a Donald Trump victory in the US presidential election, together with leaving the European Union, would “tear things apart.”



Prince Andrew and Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein 



And Prince Charles? Well in May, 2016 the Globe Magazine published a cover stating: “Charles caught kissing boy toy”, and that he has been disowned by William and Kate, and his wife Camilla is demanding divorce. What’s the truth? The front page of the Globe shows a photo of man, resembling Prince Charles, with his back turned to the camera, kissing a young man.



The Globe magazine world exclusive pics of Prince of Wales allegedly caught being intimate with a man 



So will Donald Trump receive an invite to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding? Well Miss Markle has been an outspoken critic of the Republican party in the past, and in a 2016 appearance on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, the Suits actress described Mr Trump as “divisive” and “misogynistic” demostrating her left wing mentality. Her future mother-in-law is not only reasonably left wing, but secretly supports and finances the mondialist liberal agenda, as the Queen’s personal speculator, George Soros, manages an undisclosed, but sizable portion of the royal funds. The American billionaire became known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” in 1992, when he bet against the British pound and bagged a £690 million profit. The media recently reported that Soros was set to destroy Queen Elisabeth with “offshore scandals” , but that’s just rubbish to make the Queen seem like the victim she is not. Queen Elizabeth II is now the longest-reigning monarch in the United Kingdom’s history, and is also the biggest threat to democracy in the world.






Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

General who defended Europe from the Muslim’s kills himself in court today

Article by Leo Zagami




Slobodan Praljak [1945 –2017), was a Bosnian Croat engineer, film and theatre director, businessman, author, but most of all a retired general in the Croatian Army, and the Croatian Defence Council, an army of the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia.


In 2013, he was among six Bosnian Croat politicians convicted at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for alleged war crimes against the Muslim population during the Croat-Bosniak War. Slobodan Praljak was not a criminal, but a hero who tried to stop the Muslim invasion of Europe. He was sentenced to 20 years in jail.


An appeal was heard today on the 19th of November 2017, whereby Praljak, upon hearing the guilty verdict, protested his innocence and drank poison, dying shortly thereafter.


He would have been out of jail in a few months, but he chose to die, rather than be declared a war criminal in front of the pro-Muslim New World Order, who now reclute and train Isis in Kosovo, ex Serbia, and ex Jugoslavia. A land of 1.8 million people that not long ago was considered the most pro-American Muslim society in the world. Americans were welcomed as liberators, after leading months of NATO bombings in 1999, against Christian Orthodox Serbia. Kosovo must become independent, so the Islamic minority could build up their training operations for Islamic terrorists, right in the heart of Europe. In an interview made with Sputnik, from July 2017, a source close to the intelligence services singled out at least five Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) training camps in Kosovo developed in the Obama era.


With the full support of his wife, Hillary, Bill Clinton gave the orders for both the 1995 and 1999 NATO bombings of the former Yugoslavia, that lead to the creation of Kosovo. So this man Praljak was less guilty than the Clinton duo, that should have been facing the trial themselves for their criminal acts against humanity, and their support for the Islamization of Europe that began in the 90’s.


There are thousands of Serbian war criminals out there that escaped their actions. Some of them were even able to emigrate to the US and Canada as refugees, thanks to their friends in power. There were corrupt politicians directly involved, that include not only the Clinton’s, but Mitterrand, Blair etc. During the genocide they refused to take action against bloody Serbian butchers..


Today I want to invite the American people to join me in prayer for General Slobodan Praljak, a hero in defense of the Islamization of Europe. R.I.P.




 The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 


Rapist priest EXPOSED for the first time on Infowars

Leo Zagami and  Owen Shroyer 


All the latest breaking news on the identity of Father Gabriele Martinelli, who raped several children  at the St. Pius X pre-seminary based inside the Vatican walls while he was a seminarian.


Leo Lyon Zagami is the author of Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church


 and The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 

Con Renzi si finisce realmente sotto a un treno

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami


renzi iettatore

Mala tempora currunt incredibile ma vero con Matteo Renzi si finisce realmente sotto a un treno.

Si il famoso treno di “Destinazione Italia” utilizzato dal segretario del Pd Matteo Renzi per il suo tour nelle città italiane in vista della lunga campagna elettorale per le Politiche del prossimo anno ha investito e ucciso proprio ieri sera sulla tratta Firenze-Roma, all’altezza della località Borghetto-Civita Castellana, Anna Chiara Nobili di 43 anni.

La povera donna rimasta uccisa sotto al treno del PD, da quanto riferisce il sito Tuscia.web e fonti della Polizia Ferroviaria, stava attraversando i binari, quando il convoglio l’ha investita uccidendola sul colpo. Ormai è chiaro a tutti Matteo Renzi è uno iettatore.

Non ci credete? Vi ricordate quando Renzi disse a Putin: «Vinciamo i mondiali in Russia …».

Per il bene dell’Italia fermatelo prima che sia troppo tardi.


Alcuni consigli di Giulia Grassi e  Roberto Tartaglione  


Come riconoscere uno iettatore? Non ci sono dubbi: è arcigno, cattivo, solitario, silenzioso, solitamente magro, pallido o di colorito giallognolo, leggermente curvo e con gli occhi un po’ sporgenti, che egli spesso copre con un paio di occhiali, e con sopracciglia folte e unite.
Così lo rappresenta la tradizione popolare e così lo ha interpretato Totò nell’episodio “La patente” del film di Luigi Zampa “Questa è la vita” (1954)
Totò è Rosario Chiarchiaro che, perseguitato dalla fama di essere un  menagramo, chiede ed ottiene dal giudice la patente di iettatore (si tratta della trasposizione cinematografica di un’opera teatrale di Luigi Pirandello).
L'attore Totò nei panni dello iettatore Rosario Chiarchiaro (film "Questa è la vita", del 1954)
Come salvarsi dall’influenza negativa di uno iettatore? Appena lo vedete, puntategli contro la mano con l’indice e il mignolo tesi e le altre dita piegate: cioè fate le corna. È il rimedio migliore per allontanare la mala sorte, il maleficio. Oppure mormorate una formula contro il malocchio, magari accarezzando contemporaneamente un oggetto portafortuna (amuleto).


Fate circolare questo articolo contro ogni censura del sistema verso la vera libertà di stampa.



OPPURE: https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_leo-zagami.php

BREAKING NEWS on the collapse of the Vatican!

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami



The project by Cuban creative director/photographer Erik Ravelo and Brazilian director/editor Daniel Ferreira, titled “Los Intocables (The Untouchables) — The Right to Childhood Should Be Protected.”



There is an update concerning the latest scandal to rock the Vatican, which took place just 200 meters away from the House of the Holy Father, at the St. Pius X pre-seminary based inside the Vatican walls, where altar boys were allegedly raped for years. On the 18th of November, Reuters reported that the Vatican: had opened an investigation into reports that a former teenage altar boy, who allegedly repeatedly forced a dormitory mate to have sex with him, went on to become a priest. Adding that a new investigation had been opened following the latest reports, in order to try to shed full light on what really happened.


The Italian media were gradually silenced, as much wider implications were being made known, but there were no new reports on the subject from the international media until the 24th of November 2017, when Associated Press breaks the news, picked up soon after by the  New York TimesWashington PostFOX News  and ABC News


The most shocking of all, was that the sexual violence took place behind the altar of St. Peter, during the Holy Mass, as testimonied by one of the altar boys, but mainstream press did not discuss this.


They preferred focusing on the fact that : Catholic officials in Italy have threatened former altar boys of the pope with criminal defamation charges for having publicly accused an older seminarian of sexual misconduct when they lived together at the youth seminary inside the Vatican gardens.


The pre-seminary in question is the only place where minors reside in the Vatican, and opened its doors in 1956 at the urging of the late Father Giovanni Folci, a suspected pedophile priest of the Diocese of Como, Italy, who is now on his way to Sainthood However, Pecoraro interviewed the Como vicar who handled the investigation, the Rev. Andrea Stabellini, who confessed when he thought the camera wasn’t filming, that he had recommended the investigation continue because he believed there was sufficient evidence offered by the boys. He was overruled. In an interview with AP, Pecoraro stated he had since come to learn that diocesan and other church officials were pressuring Stabellini to recant.


The Italian TV show Le Iene, that originally reported on the scandal, said that they “had received a letter from the diocese of Como warning against proceeding with their story.” The letter, was shown during the broadcast, and cited the outcome of previous church investigations into the matter that found everything that was alleged unfounded.”


Don Folci founded an association of like minded priests committed to promoting vocations to the priesthood, when in reality he was recluting them for a pedophile ring operating inside the Vatican, using altar boys. However, according to a letter dated Nov. 17, which was seen by The Associated Press, a lawyer representing the Don Folci association, Riccardo Rolando Riccardi, wrote to at least one former student, that he was preparing a criminal defamation case in Rome’s tribunal for the alleged crime committed by the divulgation of news to the press about alleged acts of sexual assault that allegedly occurred in the seminary.”


23551036_1941686536048852_4732371839799356583_o Alleged pedophile priest involved in the latest Vatican scandal


Riccardi instructed the ex-student to come in for questioning or face interrogation by Rome prosecutors. This didn’t happen, and the Vatican, desperate for credibility, called for a press conference on the 18th, just a few hours after first breaking the news on this website. Well it turns out the accusations were not so “unfounded“ after all. For the first time, thanks to the efforts of the investigative journalist from Le Iene, the truth has been exposed in the Italian media, but the media in English speaking countries still haven’t touched on the story. We need to share this information and help break the code of silence around the newest scandal to erupt in the Vatican!

Tune in for the live 34 hour coverage




Leo Lyon Zagami will be live today from 5pm US Central Time in the WAR ROOM.



Leo Lyon Zagami is the author of Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church


 and The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 

Cugini forse di Prometeo?




Breve estratto dal libro di Elio Zagami L’Esperienza:

Chi sono i burattinai?

Se prendiamo sul serio la metafora di Platone non dobbiamo trascurare nulla: l’uomo schiavizzato, legato, prigioniero in fondo alla caverna, siamo noi o la maggior parte di noi. Ma chi sono questi burattinai?


“(Glaucone ) Vedo, rispose.”

Ascoltare a quei tempi significava udire, e perciò vedere. Platone ci offre una descrizione lucida e chiara della realtà.

“Immagina di vedere uomini che portano lungo il muricciolo oggetti di ogni sorta sporgenti dal margine, e statue e altre figure di pietra e di legno, in qualunque modo lavorate; e, come è naturale, alcuni portatori parlano, altri tacciono.”

Egli ci ha descritto il potere e gli uomini del potere, coloro che ci stordiscono continuamente con i simulacri delle cose da loro stessi create (= ideologie). Alcuni di questi uomini parlano, altri invece tacciono.

Sono coloro che guidano o comandano l’umanità (legata in fondo alla caverna, noi insomma) a cui fanno intravedere “in proiezione” cose false, costruite, contrabbandandole come l’unica realtà possibile. Anche il sole (= fuoco) è costruito da loro.

Cugini forse di Prometeo, sono quel tanto più vicini a Dio da poter credere di sapere che Dio non esiste. Il mondo, manovrato dalle loro mani, dà ad essi la vertigine e perciò si credono l’Iddio di questo mondo.

Ma non è così: sono soltanto un anello dell’infinita catena della manifestazione visibile.

“Alcuni parlano” e scrivono e ci bombardano in tanti modi, con le loro parole (politici, religiosi, profeti, psicologi, critici…).

Altri invece preferiscono gestire il potere in silenzio, non dicendo mai nulla (industriali, “esoteristi”, “massoni”, cortigiane, amici e amiche di tutti costoro…).


“Strana immagine è la tua, e strani sono quei prigionieri”.

“Somigliano a noi, risposi; credi che tali persone possono vedere, anzitutto di sé e dei compagni, altro se non le ombre proiettate dal fuoco sulla parete della caverna che sta loro di fronte?”

“E come possono, replicò, se sono costretti a tenere immobile il capo per tutta la vita?”

“E per gli oggetti trasportati non è lo stesso?”


“Se quei prigionieri potessero conversare tra loro, non credi che penserebbero di chiamare oggetti reali le loro visioni?”


Si è già detto abbastanza su questo argomento: è il problema della logica binaria. Si pensi ad esempio all’assurdità della formula: “Cercare la verità”. Come si può trovare qualcosa che non si saprebbe neppure riconoscere? Chi può poi trovare la verità se non colui che, sapendo come realmente stanno le cose, ha già rinunciato a cercarla?


“Per forza.”

“E se la prigione avesse pure un’eco dalla parete di fronte? Ogni volta che uno dei passanti facesse sentire la sua voce, credi che la giudicherebbe diversa da quella dell’ombra che passa?”


C’è qui tutta la falsità e la fatuità di ciò che conosciamo. Persino i burattinai non riusciamo a vedere.


“Io no, per Zeus, rispose.”

“Per tali persone insomma, feci io, la verità non può essere altro che le ombre degli oggetti artificiali.”


Platone qui è giustamente amaro.


“Per forza, ammise.”

“Esamina ora, ripresi, come potrebbero sciogliersi dalle catene e guarire dall’incoscienza. Ammetti che capitasse loro naturalmente un caso come questo: che uno fosse sciolto, costretto improvvisamente ad alzarsi, a girare attorno il capo, a camminare e levare lo sguardo alla luce; e che così facendo provasse dolore e il barbaglio lo rendesse incapace di scorgere quegli oggetti di cui prima vedeva le ombre. Che cosa credi che risponderebbe, se gli si dicesse che prima vedeva vacuità prive di senso, ma che ora, essendo più vicino a ciò che è ed essendo rivolto verso oggetti aventi più essere, può vedere meglio? E se, mostrandogli anche ciascuno degli oggetti che passano gli si domandasse e lo si costringesse a rispondere che cosa è? Non credi che rimarrebbe dubbioso e giudicherebbe più vere le cose che vedeva prima di quelle che gli fossero mostrate adesso?”


L’Esperienza di Elio Zagami disponibile solo su Amazon print on demand e Kindle: 




Un libro che sconvolgerà il mondo della psicologia operativa, e porterà nuova linfa a quello dell’esoterismo, mostrando al lettore chiavi di accesso inedite a una realtà, e a una consapevolezza, di livello superiore, quella dei mentali, dove se esiste una logica è certamente diversa da quella profana, ordinaria, convenzionale, pur conservando con essa relative somiglianze. L’autore mostra con chiarezza inedita, le regole dei vari livelli di coscienza, e ci insegna l’importanza dell’esserci, e della presenza, per poter giungere eventualmente, dentro l’Esperienza dei cosiddetti mentali; senza però perdere la testa, o farsi necessariamente iniziare in qualche setta, o Scuola Misterica. In fondo entrare nell’Esperienza, oggi, significa anche capire meglio chi è giunto alla consapevolezza, per potersi poi riconoscere e frequentare. La nostra Tradizione Occidentale, e le diverse scuole misteriche, hanno sempre provato a illuminare la società profana con i loro complessi insegnamenti atti anche a riconoscersi tra veri illuminati, ma per l’autore adesso di fronte a una società mentalmente malata, bisogna andare oltre, per offrire a tutti i mezzi necessari per un analisi dei vari livelli, favorirne l’accesso anche ai non iniziati, curare i tanti infortunati (psicotici) rimasti bloccati, indicare mezzi e strumenti per giungere all’ Io superiore, e aiutare, se è il caso, ad entrare nell’Altra realtà, quella che Zagami chiama Mondo Due, che aiuterebbe ad attivare il Maestro che è in noi, visto che non esistono per l’autore, Maestri fuori di noi.

Notizie sull’autore:

Il dott. Elio Zagami (1939-2010) noto analista junghiano e co-fondatore del G.A.P.A. (Gruppo Autonomo di Psicologia Analitica di cui era presidente), nato a Messina, di origini “liparote” e figlio del senatore e saggista Leopoldo Zagami, noto per aver scritto i libri piu’ autorevoli sulla storia delle Isole Eolie, ha esercitato per anni la professione di psicoterapeuta prima in Svizzera con Carl Alfred Meier (1905 – 1995), successore designato di Carl Gustav Jung nella direzione della Clinica di Zürichberg, e poi a Roma. Ma la sua passione principale, oltre a quella per la sua amata isola di Alicudi, era la scrittura. Ricordiamo, tra le sue principali opere letterarie:

Sgurbio (2008), Enolio 91 (Gradi 0), originariamente pubblicato dal Centro Studi Eoliano nel 1997, Le pietre di mulino (1994), e Fumastr (1982).


Head of Russian Orthodox Church Warns of the ‘End of History’

 Article by Leo Lyon Zagami 

We are on the verge of the end of history, and the world needs to be warned!

The head of the Russian Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, said Monday that the end of the world is approaching, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency reports.

Following a service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in central Moscow, Kirill told congregants that the coming apocalypse “is already visible to the naked eye.”

According to Kirill, society can unite to prevent the world from slipping into “the abyss of the end of history.”

In the meantime Pope Francis is paving the way for the Anti-Christ.


Read  Leo Lyon Zagami’s latest book:
 The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 

Charles Manson dies with his secrets about the birth of the Ordo Templi Orientis

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami 



Charles Manson, the sick mind behind a Los Angeles killing spree in 1969, that ended in seven murders including pregnant actress Sharon Tate, died yesterday in a Bakersfield, CA hospital. He was 83 (not 93…). Manson hung around the fringes of show business in the ’60s, then created his reign of sectarian terror, spending the past 46 years in prison. Only a few people know about his brainwashing by the Illuminati, and his occasional visits to Georgina Brayton’s 1960’s Solar Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis, otherwise known as the “Riverside Lodge of the OTO” founded in 1965. Most of all, they ignore the fact that the criminal activities and the murders he ordered in 1969 eventually inspired the birth of the “Caliphate”, the first Grand Lodge of the O.T.O. founded in California in 1977, for the purpose of receiving tax-exempt status as a religious association, and to benefit from an alleged claim on Crowley copyrights worldwide.


Let’s explore this history, with the help of O.T.O. researcher and expert Peter-Robert Koenig who writes: “The Caliphate has frequently described this earlier O.T.O. lodge as irregular, but Phyllis Seckler, one of the Caliphate’s main protagonists (she was the wife of its founder, Grady L. McMurtry) has admitted that the Solar Lodge was a genuine O.T.O. body. To exaggerate a little, one could say that without Manson, the Caliphate would not exist at all.”


(late 1970’s) Grady McMurtry performing a Pentagram ritual at Heidricks’s house in San Anselmo


So here we are in 2017, and mainstream journalism and the likes still don’t talk about the link between cult leader Charles Manson and what turned out to be a regular lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis.


Koenig writes: “Members of the Solar Lodge acquired a dubious reputation when some of them were accused of breaking into the homes of Karl Germer’s widow Sascha, Israel Regardie, and Mildred Burlingame to steal O.T.O. documents. When Phyllis Seckler (a former member of the defunct Agapé) came to hear of this, she contacted another ex-Agapéan, Grady L. McMurtry in January 1969. Seckler and McMurtry marry, and become the founding nucleus of the Caliphate.”


Apparently it was the infamous Manson Family who broke into the homes of Germer’s widow, Regardie and Burlingame to steal important material belonging to Aleister Crowley, that were later given to the Solar lodge of the O.T.O. In 1969, the members of the Solar lodge were charged with mistreatment of a six-year-old son of one the members, in a case that came to be known as “The Boy in the Box”, that saw a poor 6-year-old boy called Saul Gibbons forced to sit for 56 days inside a six-foot by six-foot box with a chain padlocked to his left leg and attached to a heavy metal plate. This was because he set fire to his bedroom while playing with one of Crowley’s stolen paraphenalia. The fire got out of hand and allegedly all of Aleister Crowley’s written diaries had been destroyed in the fire.


When the police discovered the boy, the box contained an uncovered plastic jug with drinking water, a food encrusted plate, and a small washtub filled with dirty water. The stench was nauseating, the flies were swarming, it was hot, and the child could not even recall how long he had been in the box. Brayton, her husband, and other officers of the O.T.O. performed “interstate flight to avoid prosecution”traveled to Mexico and Canada, and eventually engaged in a publicity campaign that alleged a conspiracy against them by law enforcement officers and the courts. Initially, a few members went to jail for 6 months on a felony conviction, a few went to jail for 3 months on a misdemeanor conviction, and a few had their charges dismissed. When Brayton and her husband were arrested, she pleaded no contest and was sentenced to three years of probation along with a $500 fine.


At that point all was clear for the final take over of the O.T.O. by the US Military Intelligence and the late Grady Louis McMurtry (October 18, 1918 – July 12, 1985), who was deployed in Europe as a young Army Lieutenant, a personal student of author and occultist Aleister Crowley, who elevated him to IX° of O.T.O., giving him the name Hymenaeus Alpha (which enumerates to 777) in November 1943.


Grady Louis McMurtry as an officer in 1941


On March 20, 1973, McMurtry and Seckler, with the secret support of the American intelligence network behind them, publicly copyrighted Crowley material for the first time.

As also pointed out by known journalist a number of intelligence agents with occult interests, they already had their hooks into the O.T.O. One of them was Gerald Yorke, a veteran British intelligence agent working with American intelligence in an attempt to absorb the OTO into the ideological warfare network of the political right. Before the horns of Thelemite succession were bestowed upon Grady McMurty.


When it was revealed in the tabloid press that Manson might have been an occasional visitor to Jean Brayton’s O.T.O., McMurtry promptly informed on Brayton to the FBI, almost certainly to avoid his own affairs being investigated too closely. He also furnished journalists with information about Brayton and the Solar Lodge; in return for this favor, Ed Sanders made no mention of McMurtry in the first edition of his book on the Manson affair “The Family”. More recent editions of “The Family” also exclude any mention of the O.T.O. as well. Earlier, Sanders reported that at least five separate sources informed him that Manson was involved with the Solar Temple Lodge, both at the Lodge’s desert ranch, and at one of their houses in L.A., located near the USC campus. Sander’s also claimed that a house owned by Brayton at 1251 West Thirtieth Street in Los Angeles was supposedly frequented by Manson. [In fact, it was Manson ‘Family’ member Tex Watson, not Charles Manson.]



Ed Sanders: “The Family. The Story of Charles Manson’s Dune Buggy Attack Battalion”, 
New York / Dutton, 1971. 
First edition, pages 162–163. 


Now that Charles Manson, the cult leader who sent his followers known as the ”Manson Family” out to commit gruesome murders, shattering the peace-and-love ethos of the 1960s hippie era in California, has finally died, can we please reveal the truth about his role in the birth of the modern Ordo Templi Orientis, and can we please stop censoring this uncomfortable truth about the birth of this dangerous sect that is now taking over the Hollywood star system.







Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Italian journalist interviews Altar Boys raped inside the Vatican

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami



While the international media are focusing on Hollywood, there is an enormous scandal erupting in the Vatican.

Seen silently processing from St. Peter’s Basilica at 7 a.m. each day, the altar servers of the Vatican look like angels to the outside world, but there is a dark truth that is being hidden inside Vatican walls:

“During the night he entered the room and began to touch me, masturbate, practice oral sex, all this happened for the first time when I was thirteen.”

These are the shocking words of a former altar boy of Pope Francis, named Marco, in front of the cameras of the Italian TV Show Le Iene, revealed for the first time to the Italian investigative journalist, Gaetano Pecoraro.




This shocking revelation was confirmed by another altar boy, who witnessed the perverted sexual acts made against his friend and others, by an older seminarian, who later became a priest, after raping at least another 4 boys.




The shocking revelations made on TV by the altar boys of Pope Francis:



This happened in the Vatican, 200 meters away from the House of the Holy Father, at the St. Pius X pre-seminary based inside the Vatican walls. When the altar boys eventually reported what was happening to their superiors, they were kicked out, and their supervisor removed.


This shocking story of alleged sexual harassment and rape within the Vatican walls, was initially exposed by author and journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi. The most shocking of all, was that the sexual violence also took place behind the altar of St. Peter, during the Holy Mass, as testimonied by one of the altar boys.


The pre-seminary in question is the only place where minors reside in the Vatican, and opened its doors in 1956 at the urging of the late Father Giovanni Folci, a suspected pedophile priest of the Diocese of Como, Italy, who is now on his way to Sainthood. He founded an association of like minded priests committed to promoting vocations to the priesthood, when in reality he recluting them for a pedophile ring operated inside the Vatican for over 70 years. During the academic year, the students attend a sort of Catholic middle school or high school near the Vatican. Their altar-serving lessons, prayer life and recreation are completely in the hands of the rector, another priest and a layman who is now been accused by various Vatican altar boys of covering up this scandal.


Because St. Peter’s Basilica needs altar servers year-round, the pre-seminary never closes its doors. In the summer the St. Pius X Pre-seminary transforms into something resembling an altar boy camp, when in reality it is a pedophile’s dream in plain site, used by the deviant side of the clergy operating in the Vatican, to abuse the altar boys of the Pope. For the first time, thanks to the efforts of the investigative journalist from Le Iene, the truth has been partially exposed in the Italian media, but the media in English speaking countries haven’t touched on the subject. Please share this information and help break the code of silence around the newest scandal to erupt in the Vatican.




Leo Lyon Zagami is the author of Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church


 and The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 

Michael Hughes the anti-Trump Illuminati and Christian Freemason Exposed!

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami (WORLD EXCLUSIVE)


Michael M. Hughes  wearing is Chaos magic  seal dedicated to magically bind president Donald J. Trump


Last February MSN News wrote:

Most of Donald Trump’s opponents believe they will have to wait four more years to see him leave the White House.

But America’s witches are more optimistic. At the stroke of midnight on Friday, followers of witchcraft across the US performed a mass spell designed to remove the president from office. A Facebook group devoted to the ritual has attracted over 10,500 likes, and coined the hashtag #magicresistance. The development has sparked fury among Christian conservatives, who have accused the witches ofdeclaring spiritual war”.


What most people don’t know is that the person responsible for organizing this is a Christian liberal Freemason named, Michael M. Hughes. He lives in Baltimore, and is the author of both fiction and nonfiction, that is regularly promoted by the liberal media. When he isn’t writing, he speaks on Fortean, paranormal, and other topics, and teaches workshops on the Tarot. What is most important, is that Michael Hughes is a Freemason and a member of The Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, a Christian Rosicrucian organization where Membership is by invitation only, that is a regular mainstream Masonic affiliation.


Schermata 2017-11-12 alle 20.08.42

Screenshot from Michael M Hughes on The Paranormal and Much More – May 23, 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w3sQop6TgY )


The Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis has been infiltrated for years by Illuminati groups like the Ordo Templi Orientis, and The Illuminates of Thanateros, an international magical organization of which Hughes is said to be a member described in the following way by British journalist Gavin Baddeley:


Chaos magic first surfaced during the early 1970’s in the form of a loose confederation known as the Illuminates of Thanateros, though it wasn’t until the 1980’s that it became a dominant thread in occultism. Advocates of this system (or ‘absence of system’, according to adherents) proclaim that the practitioner can invoke any tradition of gods, demons, angels or symbols – even those derived from fiction – as their personal meaning, rather than literal existence, is vital in achieving the individual’s aims. This imaginative freedom has created more crossover between Satanism and chaos magic than any other area of the occult.



Michael Hughes in a cemetery


Yes my dear witches, Michael Hughes, who is supposed to be a Rosicrucian Christian and a Freemason of the York Rite (connected with the Vatican Jesuits), who works as a mentalist and whose performances include hypnosis, telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, precognition, psychokinesis, mediumship and of course mind control, also works Satanic Rituals based on the Cthulu myths based on Lovecraft fiction used by the Illuminates of Thanateros, whose member Colin Batley, was arrested for being a leader of a sex cult preying on children:




nathanieljharris.wordpress.com writes : Colin Batley was a member of the Illuminates of Thanateros and has been disclosed by others, other than myself. The first was from the anonymous ‘Deathcultreject’, who disclosed on the forums of David Icke’s website in 2009. Since Icke himself has been widely ‘discredited’, despite having been right about Jimmy Savile and much else besides, and ‘Deathcultreject’ by their own admission suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (a condition caused by extreme childhood trauma) their disclosures have been dismissed by police and the occult community alike. There is also a blog by a single mother and ex ‘novice’ of the German section of the Illuminates of Thanateros, where she expresses her disgust that not everyone in the order saw Colin Batley’s membership as a problem. More recently, Ray Sherwin has published his book OUROBOROS, where he states that he has had disclosures and complaints from many people, all around the world, concerning the criminal activities of the Illuminates of Thanateros.





Monthly event dedicated to magically bind Donald J. Trump planed for Thursday 16th of November 2017


Michael Hughes who describes president Donald J. Trump as an inept, bullying demagogue, devised a dangerous black magic ritual To be performed at midnight on every waning crescent moon until he is removed from office. This binding spell is open source, and may be modified to fit your preferred spiritual practice or magical system?—?the critical elements are the simultaneity of the working (midnight, EST—DC, Mar-a-Lago, and Trump Tower NYC time) and the mass energy of participants. See below for the upcoming dates. Some lodges/covens are doing a variation of this as a group working, while a number of solitary practitioners are planning to connect and livestream via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.


After the big success of his initiative on the mainstream media Michael Hughes wrote:


Donald Trump continues to spectacularly combust. He’s falling to pieces in front of us with every vacuous boast, every stroke of his executive pen, and every brazen lie (he hates, for example, when someone suggests his thing is smaller than someone else’s thing). But his people, his most fervent supporters (the MAGAts, as I’ve come to call them), continue to heap praise on him, and with every burning chunk of the tower that falls they cheer even louder.


Michael Hughes is obviously not stating the truth and working for the increasingly Satanic left wing, abusing in the process his connections to Christian Freemasonry, who should immediately denounce him and distance themselves from his Satanic activities. Chaos magician Joel Biroco’s writes in “The Exorcist of Revolution” (1986): Now get stuck into Crowley, read “Magick” and “The Magical Record of the Beast 666”. Read the works of Austin Osman Spare and start casting sigils.



Chaos magic was first formulated in West Yorkshire, England in the 1970s, giving birth to the Illuminati of Thanateros, an idea that was first announced in 1978, while the order was constituted in 1987. Michael Hughes, a self described practioner of Chaos magic, is obviously not a Christian but a liar, and lies are of Satan but also of Michael Hughes, who is desperately wanting to hide the Satanic nature of his work.

More on this subject in this interview I did with Magick Wars:



Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

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