Article by Leo Zagami
Trump and Pope Francis
Fr. Antonio Spadaro, Marcelo Figuero, and Fr. Guilio Cirignano are focusing on Americans lately. The spotlight has been put on bishops and priests from the US, in the Jesuit-edited journal La Civilità Cattolica, and in the weekend edition of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. They are motivated by their war with Donald J. Trump, who is the only one opposing this Jesuit driven New World Order.
Spadaro and Figuero throw accusations against Americans to include:
- “An ‘ecumenism of hate’ exists between American Catholics and Evangelicals for their defense of the unborn from the horrors of abortion and their defense of marriage”
- Opposition to the legalization of abortion and gay marriage represents “the nostalgic dream of a theocratic type of state”
What? The Church must approve abortion and gay marriage? This demonstrates how the Jesuits are destroying the traditional values of Catholicism, in favor of an almost predominantly gay church, made up of hypocrites. Jesus said: “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (Matthew 15:8-9)
- Reference to efforts at Muslim immigration restriction in both America and Europe as a “narrative of fear.”
The Muslim invasion of the West promoted by Pope Francis, and sponsored by George Soros, must continue, as well as Pro-Muslim Propaganda. In Canada, George Soros and Trudeau’s Liberals are also promoting Muslim migration.
Demonstrators protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban on refugees and people from seven mainly-Muslim countries, in London on Jan. 30. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)
Early this year the Jesuit superior at London’s Farm Street Church, Dominic Robinson, S.J., said that the president’s “appeal to Christians by prioritizing Christian refugees and refusing entry to those from Muslim countries is, in fact, a paradoxically pernicious way of promoting what is contrary to Gospel values.”
Let’s end all this and stop the Jesuits now by supporting unconditionally President Donald J. Trump!
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican
At the moment, no more nice Christian lady! Those bruto ladrunculo! They are not only thieves for the money, but people’s, babies souls. These Jesuits call wrong is right and right is wrong. Our Saviour is still smiling happy, maybe some indigestion now and then saying “Your judgment is coming”. How soon they forget!! Yes, I will continue to support Pres Trump. He is being battered! The enemy is strong, but Yahweh is Almighty!! Grazie Leo for article, sempre written grande!