4 Novembre 2017 il pericolo comunista avanza FERMIAMOLI!

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami


In Toscana regno di comunisti impenitenti e Massoni liberali si festeggia nei prossimi giorni l’inizio di una tragedia, ovvero l’insurrezione, avvenuta tra il 6 e il 7 novembre (24 e 25 ottobre del calendario giuliano) 1917 a Pietrogrado, che purtroppo si concluse con successo; i bolscevichi finanziati dall’élite occulta formarono un governo rivoluzionario presieduto dal Massone liberale Vladimir Lenin (http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/texts/russia/russian_masons.html) e furono in grado di estendere progressivamente il loro potere su gran parte dei territori del vecchio Impero zarista,  segnando così l’inizio dell’incubo Comunista nel mondo.



Oggi la potentissima Massoneria liberale e atea e il loro burattini pseudo comunisti finanziati da George Soros e amati da Papa Francesco a cento anni da questa pericolosa farsa Marxista-Leninista che ha causato la sofferenza di milioni di persone, sta fomentando nei prossimi giorni l’odio anti-Trump con manifestazioni e rivolte su vasta scala in tutta l’America.

Mentre in Italia perfino Berlusconi è stato silenziato dai rossi e oggi nella sua ridicola campagna elettorale  lui e i suoi alleati (inclusi i presunti fascisti della Meloni),  non nominano più il pericolo Comunista ormai venduti al sistema e alla lobby cattocomunista che li ha silenziati. Ricordiamo una delle massimo icone di questa ideologia perversa Ernesto Guevara, più noto come el Che era un  33° Grado e il Comunismo è un prodotto Gesuita oltre che di un certo giudaismo liberale e eretico che ha prodotto la Massoneria liberale.

Insomma il Comunismo non lo combatte più nessuno e loro avanzano inesorabili con il loro piano mondialista,  e nei mesi scorsi la Massoneria del Grande Oriente d’Italia ha Perugia nonostante abbia subito un grave sfregio dai Comunisti non ha pubblicizzato troppo la cosa essendo ormai  una succursale del PD.




PD ovvero il Partito di intesa tra Comunisti e Gesuiti imposto al popolino italiano che ha come sola alternativa il Movimento 5 Stelle altro covo di Comunisti:


La Sinfonia Rossa del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale continua a uccidere e a opprimere il mondo.




La maggioranza delle persone crede che il comunismo è un’ideologia che si dedica a difendere i lavoratori e i poveri. Questa è stata solo una gran trovata con cui sono state manipolate milioni di persone.

In Italia la Massoneria liberale più sfacciata publica è quella di Gianfranco Carpeoro e Gioele Magaldi capaci di illuderci con sedicenti promesse: http://www.libreidee.org/2017/07/carpeoro-lisis-finira-presto-grazie-ai-massoni-progressisti/

Nascosto dietro quest’artificio, il “comunismo” ha come obiettivo concentrare tutta la ricchezza e il potere nelle mani del cartello bancario centrale (i Rothschild e i loro alleati) mascherandolo come potere statale.

Il ‘cartello’ (organizzazione criminale) bancario centrale è il monopolio ultimo.

Ha un monopolio quasi globale sul credito dei governi. Il suo obiettivo è trasformarlo in un monopolio su tutto quanto è politico, culturale, economico e spirituale.

Governo mondiale = monopolio Rothschild = Comunismo: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_nwo191.htm


Ricordiamo le parole di Karl Marx : «Labolizione della religione,come illusoria felicità delluomoè un requisito della loro reale felicità»




OPPURE: https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_leo-zagami.php

L’Ordo Templi Orientis e il culto del sesso dietro a Hollywood

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami



            Simbolo dell’Ordo Templi Orientis



Nell’Aprile del 2013 sul quotidiano LIBERO venne annunciata la nuova moda di Hollywood:

Potrebbe sembrare un estratto dell’ultima fatica di Stanley Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut, e invece è la nuova moda che sta spopolando ad Hollywood. Ordo Templi Orientis, O.T.O, la setta satanica del sesso, è l’ultima frontiera in tema di culti. Il fondatore Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), scrittore esoterico e amante dell’occulto che definiva se stesso “La grande bestia 666”, amava l’eroina ed è considerato una figura chiave nella storia dei movimenti magici oltre che l’uomo più perverso del mondo. 

ll motto di Crowley, ripreso a fondamento della Sex Satanic, è “Fai ciò che vuoi”  e sicuramente qualcuno si sarà fatto quattro risate. Tuttavia altri avranno capito che dietro a questa rivelazione  si nasconde un verità macabra e sconcertante: Hollywood è ormai in mano a satanisti e pedofili che adorano Aleister Crowley.

Dopo il caso Weinstein, un altro scandalo-bomba è pronto a investire Hollywood: l’attore e cantante Corey Feldman, noto per le sue interpretazioni in “Gremlins” e “Goonies”, è pronto a girare un docu-film sulla pedofilia ne mondo dello spettacolo americano.

Nel frattempo l’alleanza tra i seguaci di Crowley e il Partito Democratico, ormai visibilmente  incline al Satanismo si allarga e fa proseliti perfino tra i vertici, con figure come Tony e il fratello di John Podesta.

E qualche giorno fa due maghe della loggia Star Sapphire dell’ Ordo Templi Orientis sono state filmate dagli amici della Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn mentre partecipavano a un rito-anti Trump sulla celebre passeggiata “Walk of Fame” di Hollywood, sulla famosa stella dedicata a Trump nel 2007.

Quella stella distrutta l’anno scorso da un uomo armato di piccone ora ricostruita. Una stella che come vedrete da questo video  viene usata per un rituale dedicato a Babilonia la grande, la madre delle prostitute e degli abomini della terra, che secondo le maghe dell’O.T.O di Hollywood guidate da un certo uomo in viola dovrebbe liberarle dal presidente Donald J. Trump. La gente come vedrete e chiaramente scioccata ma il cosiddetto “Purple Party” non  mola.

Che Dio ci salvi dai Satanisti e da Hollywood,  la Babilonia dei tempi moderni.






OPPURE: https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_leo-zagami.php


Soros finanzia l’Ordine dei Giornalisti?

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami

 (giornalista della Stampa Estera- INFOWARS)






Tempo fa media mainstream italiani hanno dato grande enfasi alla storia eroica di Gabriele Del Grande, 35 anni, giornalista mai iscrittosi all’Ordine dei Giornalisti italiano, originario di Lucca,  fermato in Turchia nella provincia sud-orientale di Hatay, al confine con la Siria e espulso dal Paese. Fonti giornalistiche occidentali affermarono che Del Grande fosse stato preso in consegna dalle autorità turche perché sprovvisto del necessario permesso stampa, senza il quale non puoi esercitare come giornalista. Ma, forse, c’è dell’altro. Bisogna infatti sapere che Del Grande, che deve la sua popolarità ai flussi migratori, gestisce il blog Fortress Europe, creato nel 2006 come “osservatorio sulle vittime della frontiera”, il quale è stato finanziato nientemeno che dalla Open Society Foundation del miliardario George Soros. A confermarlo è anche la AgenziaItaliana (AGI) ma basterebbe navigare sul sito di Soros per scoprirlo (vedi).


La Open Society Foundation  ente creato da George Soros che ha recentemente trasferito ben 18 miliardi di dollari ovvero il 75% della sua vasta fortuna personale e familiare in questa sua rete filantropica, oltre a lucrare sull’emigrazione di massa, pare che finanzi anche i giornalisti del Bel Paese e non solo.

La lista dei giornalisti coinvolti in questa tangentopoli mediatica” camuffata da Premio Umanitario” è davvero lunga ma non avendo il budget per pagare le eventuali querele mi fermo qui.

Secondo la Carta dei Doveri “Il giornalista rifiuta pagamenti, rimborsi spese, elargizioni, vacanze gratuite, trasferte, inviti a viaggi, regali, facilitazioni o prebende, da privati o da enti pubblici, che possano condizionare il suo lavoro e l’attività redazionale o ledere la sua credibilità e dignità professionale.

Tanto per fare almeno il nome del solito comunista di turno, il giornalista de il Manifesto Stefano Liberti, disse in un’intervista al seminario di Redattore socialeGli ultimi miei lavori (nda sull’immigrazione) sono stati finanziati dalla Open Society Foundation, con soldi americani” e lo ha raccontato senza alcuna vergogna. Vi rendete conto??!!! Il suo pseudo documentario Mare Chiuso è stato finanziato proprio dalla OSF di Soros.

A Liberti va dato atto di essere l’unico ad avere avuto il coraggio di fare outing anche se sicuramente non ha avuto il coraggio del tedesco Udo Ulfkotte editore del Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung che ha scritto un libro intitolato Gekaufte Journalisten in cui raccontava di essere stato corrotto dalla CIA come molti altri giornalisti in Germania, un gesto che gli è  probabilmente costato la vita, e un libro dove dice chiaramente che anche quando non si conosceva l’argomento di cui si doveva scrivere,  il pezzo glielo fornivano direttamente loro, gli agenti della CIA,  al tempo nella mani di Obama e di George Soros. Poi all’improvviso all’alba dell’era Trump il povero Udo Ulfkotte è morto per un “attacco cardiaco” a soli 56 anni.


Ancor più eclatante il caso dell’Associazione «Carta di Roma», cui aderiscono Ordine dei giornalisti e Federazione nazionale della stampa (il sindacato dei giornalisti), che si è assunta il compito di controllare il politicamente corretto, eventualmente bacchettando i cronisti che usano termini impropri scrivendo articoli sui migranti. Impropri, naturalmente, in base a un codice linguistico che l’associazione vorrebbe imporre derivato da un protocollo d’intesa sottoscritto da sindacato e ordine. Un dizionario di politicamente corretto nella mani dell’Associazione «Carta di Roma»  che riceve il supporto della Open Society di George Soros.


Dal 3 febbraio 2016 il Glossario della Carta è parte integrante del «Testo unico dei doveri del giornalista». La Carta di Roma non esiste più come documento autonomo: i suoi principii sono stati inglobati nel Testo unico e ora VIVIAMO UFFICIALMENTE IN UNA DITTATURA MEDIATICA controllata da Soros e dal Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

Fate circolare questo articolo contro ogni censura del sistema verso la vera libertà di stampa.




OPPURE: https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_leo-zagami.php

Leo Lyon Zagami is back with ILLUMINATI NEWS!

Check out this article from BREITBART on the latest Hollywood scandals:

As the Harvey Weinstein scandal spreads like an STD throughout the entertainment industry worldwide, as the courage of those coming forward to name names inspires similar courage in others, we cannot allow ourselves to become so accustomed to the allegations that they lose their power to outrage.

Although some male victims have come forward, the alleged victims here are mostly vulnerable young women and children. Worse, so far, all of the alleged abusers are the very men whose primary responsibility in any civilized society is to protect women and children.

As a means to understand just how, yes, institutional these allegations are, here is a list (in no particular order) of the accused and their alleged misdeeds, which will be updated as needed.

Unless otherwise indicated, these stand only as allegations.

So far, 46 and counting…

Is there any doubt the entertainment industry, that Harveywood is enabling an unspeakable war on women … and children?


44. Louis C.K. – Comedian, Filmmaker

Swirling rumors of sexual misconduct.

45. Mark Halperin – Journalist, TV Producer

Multiple accusations of inappropriate sexual conduct and harassment.

46. Robert Scoble – Tech writer

Allegations of sexual harassment.


  1. Terry Richardson – Celebrity Photographer

Accusations of sexual harassment.

  1. Roman Polanski – Oscar-Winning Director

Admitted child rapist. Four other women claim Polanski assaulted them as minors.

  1. David O. Russell – Oscar-nominated Director

Accused of groping,on-set verbal and physical abuse.

  1. Oliver Stone – Oscar-Winning Director

Accused of groping a woman at a party.

  1. Ben Affleck – Actor, Oscar-Winning Director and Screenwriter

Multiple allegations of groping, one he apologized for.

  1. Harvey Weinstein – Oscar-Winning Producer

Removed from the board of the company he co-founded due to dozens of accusations of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, groping and rape.

  1. James Toback – Director, Oscar-Nominated Screenwriter

Over 200 sexual harassment allegations.

  1. Bob Weinstein – Oscar-Winning Producer

Accused of sexual harassing a former employee.

  1. Harry Knowles – Founder of Ain’t It Cool News

Stepped down due to allegations of sexual harassment and groping.

  1. Devin Faraci – Movie Writer at Birth.Death.Movies

Accused of sexual assault and harassment.

  1. Roy Price – Head of Amazon Studios

Resigned due to allegations of sexual misconduct.

  1. Twiggy Ramiriez – Bass Player for Marilyn Manson

Accused of raping a former girlfriend.

  1. Tyler Grasham – Talent Agent

Resigned due to allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault from his male, underage clients. .

  1. Netflix – One of the Most Powerful Companies In Entertainment

Settled $1.5 million sexual harassment claim filed by a heterosexual male executive who says he was harassed by male and female superiors.

  1. Lockhart Steele – Media Director at Vox

Fired over allegations of sexual harassment.

  1. Andy Signore – Creator of Honest Trailers

Fired due to numerous allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct.

  1. David Blaine – Superstar Magician

Accused of drugging and raping a 21 year-old model.

  1. Gilbert Rozon – Judge on France’s Got Talent

Suspended over sexual harassment claims.

  1. Rupert Myers – British GQ Writer

Fired over allegations of sexual assault.

  1. John Besh – Celebrity Chef

Accused of sexual assault and harassment.

  1. Shadie Elnashai – Cinefamily Executive

Fired over allegations of rape and harassment.

  1. Hadrian Belove – Cinefamily Executive

Resigned over allegations of sexual harassment.

  1. Woody Allen – Oscar-Winning Screenwriter and Director

Accusations of child molestations. No charges were filed after an investigation.

  1. Steven Seagal – Actor

Allegations of sexual harassment.

  1. Chris Savino – Creator of Nickelodeon’s Loud House

Fired over allegations of sexual harassment.

  1. Bill Cosby – Iconic Comedian, Actor

Dozens of accusations of drugging and raping women.

Below are those accused abusers who so far remain unnamed…

  1. The pigs who preyed on 13 year-old Molly Ringwald.
  2. The monster who sexually assaulted nine year-old America Ferrera.
  3. The music executives who abused and allowed the abuse of Kaya Jones.
  4. The director who sexually assaulted 16-year-old Reese Witherspoon.
  5. The director who harassed and punished Björk.
  6. The men who sexually assaulted Corey Haim and Corey Feldman as children.
  7. The man who assaulted Terry Crews.
  8. The men who assaulted James Van Der Beek.
  9. The countless, unnamed “predators” in the fashion industry.
  10. The man who sexually assaulted 16-year-old Laura Dern.
  11. The doctor who molested a 13-year-old McKayla Maroney.
  12. The TV executive who assaulted Maureen Ryan.
  13. These harassers.
  14. This A-List animal.
  15. Lady Gaga’s abuser.
  16. Gabrielle Union’s abuser.
  17. The producer who declared a 15-year-old Jennifer Lawrence “f**kable.”


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

SOURCE: http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/10/25/hollywood-accused-harassers-molesters-rapists-rap-sheet-far/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social

Pedo rings are on the rise, as they demand rights and lobby politicians

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami



Left, Tony Podesta with his ‘art’ / Right – Photograph of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims




Jay Greenberg  writes:


Evidence has emerged that National Council for Civil Liberties in the UK was secretly pushing for the age of sexual consent to be lowered to give pedophile more rights.The policies of the NCCL were heavily influenced by lobbying from PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange, who wants to promote pedophile love. Members of PIE successfully lobbied for the civil liberties group to adopt their view that “children were not harmed by having sex with adults.”This view was embraced by those at the top of the group including the then-head, and former Labour Health Secretary, Patricia Hewitt.”


This means the occult elite and their pedo rings are desperately trying to lobby politicians all over the world, attempting to normalize the phenomena in front of public opinion. In the meantime, Norway’s biggest newspaper revealed that Australian police secretly ran a major child pornography site. The paper discovered the sensitive operation during their own investigations of the darknet. It turned out police had been running the site since October 2016, after the site’s Canadian administrator, known as WarHead, was arrested in Virginia.


In the US, a mother weeps when she hears that Norwegian tabloid Verdens Gang, known as VG, found pictures of her daughter being sexually abused were shared by members, while the police operated the site.


  • My daughter should not be used as a bait. If they are using her images, then she should be paid or compensated for their use. It is not right for the police to promote these images, says the mother.



How much are we ready to do, to go after these pedo rings spreading like cancer all over the darknet?


Hollywood and its security operators are trying to avoid even bigger scandals spreading in the media. Pedophiles and Satanists are on the run everywhere, including Tony Podesta. Yes, the guy who loves Aleister Crowley’s inspired Spirit Cooking by Marina Abramovic, who is now in trouble with the Russia probe investigation, reportedly investigating him over a Manafort-led campaign in Ukraine. The DC swamp rats are turning on each other, as the fake news Russiagate investigation boomerang into a Clinton Foundation money laundering scandal that could finally bring down the Clinton’s, and their pedo rings, already damaged by the ongoing Hollywood scandals.


Podesta, 73, is the older brother of John Podesta, who chaired Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, but with after a year of investigation, and absolutely nothing to show for it, special counsel Robert Mueller is finally redirecting his focus on John Podesta, and Tony Podesta, who lobbied on behalf of the Russian bank Sberbank, and are involved in some truly shady deals with Russia.


Tony Podesta once held a tour of his home and guests, and I quote, “got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom” wherein were hung photos by Katy Grannan of “naked teenagers” the guests were “horrified” (Jessica Dawson, Married, With ArtWashington Post, September 22, 2004 AD).


Tony Podesta visited the White House at least 114 times during the Obama administration, according to White House visitor logs. To understand the origins of all this evil, read my new book, The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society, dedicated to the intricate Global Satanic Network that wants your children, and your money, and is linked to both Communism and Islam, built to brainwash society, and limit our will to rebel.


 cover The Decline..
The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 
Paperback available now on Amazon:
Also available for Kindle books:

Satan infested Hollywood Babylon

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami




On the 21st of October 2017 two women belonging to a group calling itself the “Purple Party” (containing members of the Star Sapphire Lodge of the O.T.O. based in 3212 Honolulu Ave, La Crescenta, California 91214) and the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.),  did a Babalon ritual in front of the Hollywood & Highland Center, located between Hollywood Boulevard and North Highland Avenue in Hollywood, Los Angeles.






The purpose of these women doing a Babalon ritual surrounding the Donald Trump star remains a mystery, but passers by said that the ritual and the women looked Satanic. Considering that this is also the location of Hollywood’s mysterious Babylonian temple disguised as a shopping center, it would appear the rite was using Thelemic and Babylonian energies to block the agenda of President Donald J Trump.



In my latest book, The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society, and I explain this by showing in detail, the rise of the left wing liberal Satanist’s agenda in society, and its many links to the most deviant sexual practices, and what the infamous Aleister Crowley called  “Magick” with a K.

However the spelling “Magick” came not from Crowley, but rather from Agrippa.

In Crowley’s Sex magick, the mixture of female sexual fluids and semen produced in the sexual act with the Scarlet Woman, or Babalon, is called the Elixir of Life, but that is the most innocent of Crowley’s practices.


The Whore of Babylon is referred to in several places in the Book of Revelation, a book which may have had an influence on Crowley’s pseudo religion of Thelema, as Aleister Crowley says he read it as a child and imagined himself as the Beast.


According to Crowley, who is a central figure in the rise of Modern Satanism and the decline of Freemasonry and Western values, his black magic is centered upon the mysterious and controversial figure named Babalon, as he identified himself with the “Beast”, upon which Babalon is to ride in her conquest of Earth.





Hugh B. Urban, writes in Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism (Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2006) that Crowley “Is said to have taken part in 150 ritual murders, most of whom were children”, but for Hollywood occult artist Brian Butler, a good friend of contemporary Hollywood icon James Franco, and a collaborator of occult film Kenneth Anger, his short films and performances dedicated to Crowley’s work, described by him as Orphic ceremonies and Satanic rites, are simply artistic endevours with a sacred as well as aesthetic function.



James Franco had this to say to Alexandria Symonds of Interviewmagazine.com about his new collaboration with both Butler and Anger, in March 2013:



This is the first time I’ve worked with Kenneth. But I’ve been very influenced by his work before this. I met one of his close collaborators, a guy named Brian Butler, and Brian and I have been talking about various projects for a while, and we just haven’t been able to do any of them yet. Brian has a movie that he wants to direct, and he wants me to be a little part in. And then when I learned that he did a lot of stuff with Kenneth, I couldn’t have been more excited.


Soon after in September 2013, the same Butler premiered his film, Babalon Working, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA.


Therefore, it is not surprising, that the first public celebration in the world of the Gnostic Mass conceived by Aleister Crowley for the Ordo Templi Orientis, was held in Hollywood in March 1933, at 1746 Winona Boulevard, just off Hollywood Boulevard, where we have the Dolby Theatre, that is placed on an important ley line according to writer and investigator Bret Lueder, which runs from Hollywood to the northeast of California, through the Forest Lawn Memorial Park of Hollywood Hills, the famous cemetery of the stars, and all the way to the Disney studios of Pasadena.


A recent product of Walt Disney Studios based on L. Frank Baum’s Oz novels, set 20 years before the events of the original novel,  entitled Oz the Great and Powerful, directed by Sam Raimi, and starring none other than James Franco, was released in 2013 as a spiritual prequel to the 1939 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film, The Wizard of Oz, and L. Frank Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz, was a member of the Theosophical Society, an occult organization linked to Aleister Crowley, who believed Pan to be the Wizard of Oz. Pan is for some, the world’s most infamous sexual predator, just like Harvey Weinstein, and many others in Holle, or Holly-wood (Hel-wood, the “place of magic”), home of the propaganda machine for the darkest side of the Illuminati described in my latest book, The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society.





The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 


Paperback available now on Amazon:


Also available for Kindle books:





Eric Gajewski interviews Leo Lyon Zagami


1)  Tell us a little bit more about yourself, background and how you got involved studying the New World Order
 I became involved because of my family background. In 1999 I was involved in one of their secret Masonic structures, built for the implementation of the New World Order, on an international level. This transnational lodge based in Monte Carlo, was founded by the European NATO Intelligence community, with an internal order denominated, Universal Unity, that had among their exclusive membership, the late Paul Casimir Marcinkus, that was originally founded by members of the infamous P2 lodge of Licio Gelli. I eventually had to leave when I argued in 2006 with Giorgio Ugo Balestrieri, now a US citizen, and one of the most influential members of the P2 Intelligence unit,  working for the Mossad out of UN headquarters, thanks to a Rotary Club senior position used as a cover up, who is also a homosexual linked to Satanism and the pedo rings, that were against me, and my will to expose them.
2) What are they trying to accomplish
From my experience they want a Communist One World Government based on a Communist Chinese model, a globalist left wing endeavor that we are witnessing every day, that is poisoning humanity with a liberal Masonic ideology and approach, eventually  controlling the survivors of humanity from their control rooms at the UN and the Vatican,  with the creation of a parliament of religions, based on a One World Syncretic Religion.
3)  Who would you say are the main players today?
The Jesuits and their first Pope, Pope Francis, and of course certain Chief Rabbi’s, in alliance with certain branches of Regular Freemasonry and the whole of liberal Freemasonry, and the Islamic world, which helps them in the further destruction of Christianity,  implemented earlier on a cultural level by the leftist Freemasons, and then erased by the Islamic invasion. Behind closed doors, the Royal families are in cohoots, helped by the main banking families guiding the process  with their Knighthoods and their secret transnational Masonic lodges. 
4)  Why are so many ignorant of the atrocities of Israel
Israel is not all evil. There are good people, like everywhere else, so I will not generalize on the population often made up of sheeple.  The role of Jewish Bolshevism in the control of most Communist movements, and  the expansion of atheism and Satanism, often promoted by Jewish intellectuals, is still a reality to this day, not a conspiracy theory as they would like you to believe. Just watch how George Soros operates. The initial struggle between Zionism and Bolshevik Jews described by Churchill is still to some extent going on in todays Israel. Netanyahu’s son states American left-Wing organizations pose a bigger threat than Neo-Nazis for example,  and he may be right on target on that point, but of course atrocities are being committed, and manipulation games are being played by the Chief Rabbi’s, just like in the days of Jesus.  Israel is in the end, a nation born to fulfill the end times expectations, and some of their families play a key role in the big game.
5) What resources can help someone investigate Zionism/New World Order more
I would like to talk about a Jesuit Zionist New World Order, especially after their alliance that was sealed during the Second Vatican Council.  So observing in a close way the Pope in Rome , and observing also his main allies, in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, through articles and the media on a daily basis, is probably the best resource you can find. I can also say I like certain authors and their views, but the best sources for an investigative journalist are
the actual people involved, and I am lucky enough to have met in my life some great sources for credible information,  especially in the Masonic circles and in the Intelligence community that could give me access to their archives and libraries.
6)  Why cant we trust the mainstream narrative of “events from times past and present
Because history is made not only by the visible winners but especially the invisible ones,  and certain facts will jeopardize the myths and legends of many countries, and expose the truth about a tightly controlled humanity, where a war, or a new religion or political current  is only a way of perpetrating their ancient plan to eventually implement a robotic society ruled by machines and the occult elite presiding over them.
7) How close do you believe we are to the economic collapse and world war 3
The year we are all looking at is 2020 lets pray we will survive it.
 cover The Decline..
The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society 
Paperback available now on Amazon:
Also available for Kindle books: