One of the closest collaborators of Pope Francis has tested positive for the coronavirus. Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, the Catholic prelate who currently serves as Cardinal Vicar(officially Vicar General of the Pope in the diocese of Rome), who is also Archpriest of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Lateran University has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
The Vicariate of Rome released the following statement a couple of hours ago: “After manifesting some of the symptoms, was subjected to the Covid-19 test resulting positive. He was admitted to the Agostino Gemelli Foundation University Hospital .”
The Vatican is in a state of panic, even if some well-informed sources said that the Pope may have received a vaccine or an experimental cure right at the start of the COVID-19 crisis.
Meanwhile, the Italian Mafia is organizing themselves. From the historic Cosa Nostra in Sicily to the immensely powerful ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria and the infamous Camorra in Naples are all secretly arranging riots in the south of Italy with the support of certain Masonic factions taking advantage of the desperation of many people who can no longer feed their children. The first riots already took place in Sicily last week.
The situation of tension that could bring to a full-on civil war after the corrupt Italian government has failed every promise to their people has pushed the U.S. to intervene and earlier today President Donald J. Trump, speaking at a coronavirus briefing in the White House Rose Garden, said the U.S. will be sending about $100 million in medical and hospital items to Italy.
Will that be enough for a country that has sold out most of its critical info structures to China last year? Probably not but let’s see what happens next.
The Jesuits have highjacked the Catholic Church to shape the future religion of the Antichrist and you can learn more about it in my latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Ferrera Erbognone, a name that would mean nothing to most, has come under special observation by the Italian health authorities for a very strange reason. It is one of the few towns in the Lombardy region where there have been zero cases of the coronavirus infection.
Located in the province of Pavia in southern Lomellina, it has only 1,200 inhabitants, and none have been affected by the Chinese virus that is plaguing not only the Lombardy region in Italy, but practically the whole planet.
Some scientists believe that this is not a coincidence, and there could be something more that protects those who live in Ferrera Erbognone, home to one of the biggest oil refineries in Italy that might be in some way connected to the rare immunity of its citizens. Can pollution be a cure for once? The Mondino Neurological Institute of Pavia is studying this case to understand more, with the possibility of using antibodies from residents to fight the novel coronavirus.
The singularity is certainly surprising when you think that on the 1stof December 2016 the oil refinery in question Sannazzaro de’ Burgundi, polluted the whole area after an explosion inside the refinery triggered a huge ball of fire that erupted over the town of Ferrera Erbognone, now mysteriously protected by the COVID-19 crisis. In the hours after the event that took place in December 2016 and brought 3 managers condemnations for misconduct, all the inhabitants of the area were asked to stay indoors, but obviously something stayed with them since that terrible night and it is seemingly protecting them from the Chinese virus.
It would be incredible if the blood from the citizens of one of the most polluted towns in Northern Italy might end up becoming a cure for COVID-19. The Mondino Neurological Institute of Pavia has received the approval of the town mayor Giovanni Fassina, and will proceed by collecting the blood of each citizen and do extensive biological and chemical research on the inhabitants of Ferrera Erbognone in April. In the meantime,Harvard Th Chan School of Public Health has issued a study that states that life won’t get back to normal before 2022.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Pope Francis gives his extraordinary blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city and the world) in an empty St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican March 27, 2020. (CNS photo/Guglielmo Mangiapane, pool via Reuters)
Article by Leo Zagami
On March 29, 2020, the Satanic statue of the infamous god Moloch, the bringer of plagues, will finally be removed from the Colisseum. But in the meantime, seeking God’s mercy and consolation during the coronavirus pandemic this evening from St.Peters Square, Pope Francis preformed the plenary indulgence “Urbi et Orbi.” Normally, the pope only imparts the “Urbi et Orbi”blessing on three occasions: When he was elected Successor of Peter, Christmas, and Easter. We can say that never before in history has the “Urbi et Orbi” blessing been given by a pope standing alone in St. Peter’s Square, followed worldwide by believers through the media.
This is not a normal blessing, but a sign of the End Times and a futile attempt to ask the forgiveness of God, as Pope Francis is directly responsible, together with the Catholic church, for various insults and blasphemies uttered against God in recent years. The arrival of the statue of Moloch on the 29th of September 2019 in the Colosseum, a place of Christian martyrdom, but also the place where an infinite number of pedophile cases in the Roman Catholic Church has occurred.
Formerly a pagan sun god, Moloch (also called Saturn-Moloch) was known as the abomination of the Ammonites in the Old Testament. He embodied the fierce and terrible qualities of the sun’s heat, but he was also known to be the bringer of plagues, just like the one we are experiencing now with the Chinese virus.The Ammonites built huge bronze statues to honor him. These statues pictured him as a gigantic bull-headed being with extremely long arms, sitting on a brass throne. His worshipers practiced human sacrifice in his honor, and especially the sacrifice of first-born infants. This practice was said to be the most powerful way to avert disaster and death from the rest of the community. The Greeks identified Moloch with one of their deities, Cronos. Cronos was a titan (a giant) who overthrew his father (Ouranos) and seized control of the universe. Because he had been warned that one of his sons would eventually displace him, he swallowed his children after they were born and it was the cruel practices of Moloch that linked the two. Moloch was also worshipped in Carthage. A description of the religious practices there is as follows: “They used as a remedy a bloody piece of religion and a horrid abomination. For they sacrificed men as victims, and brought to the altars children…, begging the favor of the gods by shedding the blood…”
The Order of the Ritual Sacrifice was as follows: The person carrying out the sacrifice would first kiss the statue of Moloch, then build a bonfire under it, causing it to become red hot. The victim would then be placed in the statue’s hands were s/he was left to die. The prophets would beat drums and dance around the altar in a frenzy and perhaps would cut their bodies with knives and other sharp objects. While in this state, they would shout out their prophecies. The location of these sacrifices was called Topheth, derived from the Hebrew toph, meaning drum, as the drums used in the ceremonies were supposed to drown the cries of the victims. It was also called Hinnom, which means to roar. Because of these rites, Moloch is also called Prince of the Valley of Tears, and today it was raining during the Pope’s dramatic solitary service for relief from coronavirus.
In the Old Testament, it states that Jezebel sacrificed to Moloch, and it also states that God strictly forbids Jews from sacrificing their children to him. Moloch is also featured in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, where he is described as one of Satan’s followers and his strongest fighter, encouraging Satan and his other followers to wage war on heaven. That’s why today the Jesuit Pope and his flock will not be forgiven by God until the removal of the infamous statue and its destruction, but this may not be enough.
On the 16th of December I wrote this prophetic view of things to come in an article entitled, The Blasphemies are piling up in Rome with another insult to Jesus!
This is a brief extract of the important article in question that I also cited in my last book:
“Rome is becoming increasingly heretic these days, from the procession of Pachamama to Moloch at the Colosseum to the Communist songs featured in a Sunday mass, and with the still ongoing activities of pedophile priests, we can see how the Vatican is permitting and even promoting a mockery of the Christian Faith that will not be forgiven by God. For some people, it is hard to imagine that this generation might witness the destruction of Rome under Francis’ heretical pontificate, but his seven-year period of tribulation may end in March of 2020 with a big surprise for the Vatican degenerates and their city of sin.
It was written by St. John the Evangelist over 2,000 years ago in the Apocalypse, the Third Secret and many other prophecies this would happen, but it was not until St. Malachi’s Prophecy of the Popes, that time for the destruction was given to be at the end of Francis’ period of tribulation, that is coming up next year. Rome’s blasphemy deserves the attention of God and he will make them pay for their sins once and for all!”
Today, the Pope has officially kickstarted the Age of the Antichrist during his coronavirus pandemic stunt showing once again his heretical views when he said that now is not time for God’s judgment, but rather that we should make our own judgment.
“You are calling on us to seize this time of trial as a time of choosing. It is not the time of your judgment, but of our judgment: a time to choose what matters and what passes away, a time to separate what is necessary from what is not.”
Sorry Pope, this is the time for God’s judgment on mankind’s sin just like in Noah’s time and even if you refuse to listen, the future will prove me right. The Pope has also never mentioned once the victims of the novel coronavirus during his address simply stating that “The storm exposes our vulnerability and uncovers those false and superfluous certainties.”
Shame on you, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, soon everybody will see what you are!
Below is the full text of Pope Francis’ address during this extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing he delivered as the False Prophet while praying for an end of the coronavirus.
Check it out and judge it for yourself because this is the official beginning of the age of the Antichrist for the Illuminati and their Jesuit supervisors:
“When evening had come” (Mk 4:35). The Gospel passage we have just heard begins like this. For weeks now it has been evening. Thick darkness has gathered over our squares, our streets and our cities; it has taken over our lives, filling everything with a deafening silence and a distressing void, that stops everything as it passes by; we feel it in the air, we notice in people’s gestures, their glances give them away. We find ourselves afraid and lost. Like the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm. We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other. On this boat… are all of us. Just like those disciples, who spoke anxiously with one voice, saying “We are perishing” (v. 38), so we too have realized that we cannot go on thinking of ourselves, but only together can we do this.
It is easy to recognize ourselves in this story. What is harder to understand is Jesus’ attitude. While his disciples are quite naturally alarmed and desperate, he stands in the stern, in the part of the boat that sinks first. And what does he do? In spite of the tempest, he sleeps on soundly, trusting in the Father; this is the only time in the Gospels we see Jesus sleeping. When he wakes up, after calming the wind and the waters, he turns to the disciples in a reproaching voice: “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” (v. 40).
Let us try to understand. In what does the lack of the disciples’ faith consist, as contrasted with Jesus’ trust? They had not stopped believing in him; in fact, they called on him. But we see how they call on him: “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” (v. 38). Do you not care: they think that Jesus is not interested in them, does not care about them. One of the things that hurts us and our families most when we hear it said is: “Do you not care about me?” It is a phrase that wounds and unleashes storms in our hearts. It would have shaken Jesus too. Because he, more than anyone, cares about us. Indeed, once they have called on him, he saves his disciples from their discouragement.
The storm exposes our vulnerability and uncovers those false and superfluous certainties around which we have constructed our daily schedules, our projects, our habits and priorities. It shows us how we have allowed to become dull and feeble the very things that nourish, sustain and strengthen our lives and our communities. The tempest lays bare all our prepackaged ideas and forgetfulness of what nourishes our people’s souls; all those attempts that anesthetize us with ways of thinking and acting that supposedly “save” us, but instead prove incapable of putting us in touch with our roots and keeping alive the memory of those who have gone before us. We deprive ourselves of the antibodies we need to confront adversity.
In this storm, the façade of those stereotypes with which we camouflaged our egos, always worrying about our image, has fallen away, uncovering once more that (blessed) common belonging, of which we cannot be deprived: our belonging as brothers and sisters.
Like the disciples, we will experience that with him on board there will be no shipwreck. Because this is God’s strength: turning to the good everything that happens to us, even the bad things. He brings serenity into our storms, because with God life never dies.
Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” Lord, your word this evening strikes us and regards us, all of us. In this world, that you love more than we do, we have gone ahead at breakneck speed, feeling powerful and able to do anything. Greedy for profit, we let ourselves get caught up in things, and lured away by haste. We did not stop at your reproach to us, we were not shaken awake by wars or injustice across the world, nor did we listen to the cry of the poor or of our ailing planet. We carried on regardless, thinking we would stay healthy in a world that was sick. Now that we are in a stormy sea, we implore you: “Wake up, Lord!”.
“Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” Lord, you are calling to us, calling us to faith. Which is not so much believing that you exist, but coming to you and trusting in you. This Lent your call reverberates urgently: “Be converted!”, “Return to me with all your heart” (Joel 2:12). You are calling on us to seize this time of trial as a time of choosing. It is not the time of your judgement, but of our judgement: a time to choose what matters and what passes away, a time to separate what is necessary from what is not. It is a time to get our lives back on track with regard to you, Lord, and to others. We can look to so many exemplary companions for the journey, who, even though fearful, have reacted by giving their lives. This is the force of the Spirit poured out and fashioned in courageous and generous self-denial. It is the life in the Spirit that can redeem, value and demonstrate how our lives are woven together and sustained by ordinary people – often forgotten people – who do not appear in newspaper and magazine headlines nor on the grand catwalks of the latest show, but who without any doubt are in these very days writing the decisive events of our time: doctors, nurses, supermarket employees, cleaners, caregivers, providers of transport, law and order forces, volunteers, priests, religious men and women and so very many others who have understood that no one reaches salvation by themselves. In the face of so much suffering, where the authentic development of our peoples is assessed, we experience the priestly prayer of Jesus: “That they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). How many people every day are exercising patience and offering hope, taking care to sow not panic but a shared responsibility. How many fathers, mothers, grandparents and teachers are showing our children, in small everyday gestures, how to face up to and navigate a crisis by adjusting their routines, lifting their gaze and fostering prayer. How many are praying, offering and interceding for the good of all. Prayer and quiet service: these are our victorious weapons.
“Why are you afraid? Have you no faith”? Faith begins when we realise we are in need of salvation. We are not self-sufficient; by ourselves we founder: we need the Lord, like ancient navigators needed the stars. Let us invite Jesus into the boats of our lives. Let us hand over our fears to him so that he can conquer them. Like the disciples, we will experience that with him on board there will be no shipwreck. Because this is God’s strength: turning to the good everything that happens to us, even the bad things. He brings serenity into our storms, because with God life never dies.
The Lord asks us and, in the midst of our tempest, invites us to reawaken and put into practice that solidarity and hope capable of giving strength, support and meaning to these hours when everything seems to be floundering. The Lord awakens so as to reawaken and revive our Easter faith. We have an anchor: by his cross we have been saved. We have a rudder: by his cross we have been redeemed. We have a hope: by his cross we have been healed and embraced so that nothing and no one can separate us from his redeeming love. In the midst of isolation when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: he is risen and is living by our side. The Lord asks us from his cross to rediscover the life that awaits us, to look towards those who look to us, to strengthen, recognize and foster the grace that lives within us. Let us not quench the wavering flame (cf. Is 42:3) that never falters, and let us allow hope to be rekindled.
The Lord awakens so as to reawaken and revive our Easter faith.
Embracing his cross means finding the courage to embrace all the hardships of the present time, abandoning for a moment our eagerness for power and possessions in order to make room for the creativity that only the Spirit is capable of inspiring. It means finding the courage to create spaces where everyone can recognize that they are called, and to allow new forms of hospitality, fraternity and solidarity. By his cross we have been saved in order to embrace hope and let it strengthen and sustain all measures and all possible avenues for helping us protect ourselves and others. Embracing the Lord in order to embrace hope: that is the strength of faith, which frees us from fear and gives us hope.
“Why are you afraid? Have you no faith”? Dear brothers and sisters, from this place that tells of Peter’s rock-solid faith, I would like this evening to entrust all of you to the Lord, through the intercession of Mary, Health of the People and Star of the stormy Sea. From this colonnade that embraces Rome and the whole world, may God’s blessing come down upon you as a consoling embrace. Lord, may you bless the world, give health to our bodies and comfort our hearts. You ask us not to be afraid. Yet our faith is weak and we are fearful. But you, Lord, will not leave us at the mercy of the storm. Tell us again: “Do not be afraid” (Mt 28:5). And we, together with Peter, “cast all our anxieties onto you, for you care about us” (cf. 1 Pet 5:7).
The Jesuits have highjacked the Catholic Church to shape the future religion of the Antichrist and you can learn more about it in my latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
The Russian anti-coronavirus mission arrived in Italy a couple of days ago, led by a well-known general of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation, who, earlier today, is moving a unit of military doctors and military vehicles specialized in Biological Warfare (BW) from the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops (NBC Protection Troops),to the Lombardy region, where cities like Bergamo, which are at the center of the present coronavirus crisis in Italy, are located. A deal was made on Tuesday by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Italian Army. On the same day, the Russian authorities acknowledged that a low number of coronavirus cases in their own country could only be the result of insufficient screening, and warned the Russians that the nation must brace for the worst.
The Russian’s arrived with a team of 52 doctors from their old ally, Cuba, who also specialize in Bioweapons. The threat of U.S. biological warfare against Cuba made the late Fidel Castro build one of the most impressive defensive biological warfare programs in the world. The Russian military arrived in force in Italy to fight the virus with nine Ilyushin cargo planes, 160 doctors and specialists, tons of material and today vehicles were seen moving along the Italian highways reminiscent of a foreign occupation force. Special Russian aircraft and military vehicles arrived from the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) divisions. The symbol of the mission was initially two hearts with the colors of the flag of the Russian Federation and of the Italian Republic with the phrase “from Russia with love,”but things have changed.
Today the same vehicles were seen on the Italian roads parading the Russian flag almost in a sign of defiance towards NATO. The unprecedented arrival of the Russian army in Italy is taking place asexercise Defender-Europe 20 and U.S. personnel and their equipment have ceased operations since March 13th due to health concerns connected to the threat of the Chinese virus.
Officially, the Russian intervention in Italy, a key NATO ally, was agreed between Italian Premier and Jesuit agent, Giuseppe Conte, and the Russian President, Vladimir Putin to help the Russian understand COVID-19 better, but Russian military explained that there is more to it than that: “It is a substantial help, which serves also the Russians need to study the virus and prepare for an emergency in their home.” Russian military undertakes more CBRN training as a whole than the U.S. military and its NATO allies and might be more prepared for this kind of unlikely scenario.
In addition to larger drills involving the CBRN troops, there are weekly drills in most combat units in Russia, which involve the use of CBRN protective equipment and the completion of tasks with it on. Gas masks are also carried regularly regardless of the situation to train the troops. Training drills with full-body rubber suits also occur very often, as well as practice decontamination washes of armored vehicles involved in such missions, like what we have seen in Italy. Larger scale CBRN exercises are also common for the Russian Army, with a quite significant one occurring only last year in August 2019. Comparatively, most NATO soldiers only train occasionally with CBRN equipment, and the enemy knew of this weakness from the start and it’s exploiting it. U.S. troops were grounded before they even began Defender Europe, which was supposed to be the third-largest military exercise on the continent since the Cold War, but the service’s chief told Defense Newsin a March 18th interview that important lessons have already been learned.
The Italian newspaper La Stampa confirmed my worse fears this morning in an article by Jacobo Iacoboni, who claimed that “Many members of Italy’s Armed Forces are extremely worried about the Russian military presence in Italy fearing a Russian occupation.”
Adding that “Italy is becoming a mixed Italian-Russian front, of intelligence and study on the Bacteriological War.”
In the meantime Russian ally Matteo Salvini, who served as Deputy Prime Minister of Italy and Minister of the Interior until last summer, and is now the leader of the opposition, is asking Italy’s Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio, to immediately make an official statement in parliament about the possibility that COVID-19 might be a dangerous bioweapon from China.
This happened after the appearance online of a short documentary originally broadcast by Italian RAI, in November 2015 on its most prestigious science program called Leonardo,that exposed the great danger of these experiments five years ago, showing in detail the making of this new coronavirus bioweapon in a lab in China using bats and mouses, the original source of the coronavirus. The result of this diabolical mix with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), fits perfectly with the symptoms we now find in the infamous Chinese virus. During the Italian documentary, they clearly state that the U.S. had stopped such experiments in 2014 because they were too dangerous, but the Chinese, who were working with it in their most advanced stages, refused to comply with the opposition of the international academic community.
We now have the final evidence of a crime against humanity by Communist China, but unfortunately, we may be too late to bring them to justice as World War III unfolds in front of our eyes each day.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
In January 2020, as the Wuhan virus began to unleash its full potential in China, the South Koreans were developing their ultimate tool of control and oppression in the form of an app. For this reason, Scott Gottlieb, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and an NWO pawn, has repeatedly mentioned South Korea as a model, writing on Twitter, “South Korea is showing Covid-19 can be beaten with smart, aggressive public health.”
Central and local governments in South Korea who were advised by the elite of the NWO to use this crisis to utilize, on a willing society of brainwashed individuals, something that will soon reach the U.S. and all countries affected by the CCP virus.
It will be done with the installation of a seemingly harmless app, installed on your smartphone, preferably with 5G, by sending real-time alerts and text messages regarding not only the confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your local area but it will also monitor in detail the travel history of all those infected using a cell phone tracker inserted in the app.
Yes, the “self-quarantine safety protection” app, developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of South Korea, that will gradually be imposed on the entire world, promoting it as a way for the quarantined to stay in touch with caseworkers but also uses GPS to keep track of their location to make sure they are not breaking their quarantine as confirmed by MIT Technology Review reports. Also everybody who comes in contact with people affected by COVID-19 will be tracked localized and reach by the health authorities.
Officials in South Korea said to the press initially, that the app was not mandatory and telephone calls from the authorities will remain an option, but that’s not the case for people that have contracted the Chinese virus who are now obliged by law to use the app and have been arrested for violating their quarantine, just like in China, who has also implemented the use of a similar app that works even better so Big Brother can watch you with the infamous 5G network.
Despite obvious benefits during the COVID-19 crisis, the technology causes uneasiness for many, particularly with recent concerns over privacy violations and the improper handling of sensitive data, but that will soon end once the death toll rises to the levels of Italy, who is now thinking of using the app in question to fight the Chinese virus after the Italian government has approved the use of drones for controlling the population. However, a cell phone tracker like the one they want to install using the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse, will allow them to keep track of your every move and ends civil liberties forever. There is a place for alarmism when threats to civil liberties are concerned, but this time the enemy might achieve their goal of complete domination!
The NWO, thanks to this innovative technology, will always know where you go, when you leave or arrive at a particular area, who you have met etc, etc. If you have 5G installed on your phonw they will even know when you use the bathroom, or the when you are in the kitchen in the middle of the night having a midnight snack. This is the end of freedom as we know it, and even non-smartphones will eventually be used to track to allegedly save lives using the excuse of this unprecedented crisis to gain control of your life.
If this wasn’t bad enough, in a Reddit Q&A, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates revealed his plan to use “digital certificates”to identify those who have been tested for COVID-19, a practice that reminds us of the infamous Mark of the Beast found in the Book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible’s New Testament. Because the Beast will lay his mark on all of mankind – a mark that will be used to buy and sell. For this purpose, Microsoft’s co-founder, Bill Gates, who is a member of the Vatican/Chinese led New Word Order and a Satanist will launch human-implantable capsules that have “digital certificates” which can show who has been tested for the coronavirus and who has been vaccinated against it.
At the end of this crisis we are not only going to be left with many deaths to mourn, but most of all we will face a different world in the hands of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Satan. It is no wonder that the impact of COVID-19 on society and the way Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged to increase understanding of the virus and its spread will be the focus of an April 1 virtual conference sponsored by the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI).
Thanks to this crisis the AI in the hands of Satan and his Legion, will be able to finally gather enough info to implement their ultimate Orwellian nightmare worldwide, and they have been preparing for this all along. On December 30, 2019, researchers from BlueDot, a company that uses AI to track and anticipate infectious diseases, spotted a report of pneumonia of unknown etiology in China. Nearly a week later, on January 5, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a request for more information from Chinese public health authorities. At the time, there had been 44 cases reported, with eleven patients in critical condition but the Artificial Intelligence platforms, analytics algorithms, and data visualization tools to try to get ahead of the virus were already in place because it’s all part of the same plan to achieve the ultimate dystopian world. World domination of every single Individual on earth by the Illuminati elite!
Tune in today March 24th 2020 at 3:30PM CST Leo Zagami will be on THE WAR ROOM at Infowars:
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and President Trump struck a deal on a multibillion-dollar stimulus package ten days ago, but today, the Democrats decided to politicize the whole matter and block the bill, putting the lives of millions of Americans in jeopardy in front of the biggest crisis since World War II.
America is witnessing a major screw-up by the Democrats. Republican Ted Cruz gave the final blow to any credibility the Democrats had on the COVID-19 issue. Cruz sent a powerful and heartfelt message to Congress today regarding the present Chinese virus crisis. It was a historical address stressing the immediate necessity to act fast in a crisis that is unfolding quickly.
Americans have been living in a deeply divided society. The many attempts to bring down Trump by the infamous Deep State has left us feeling we can’t trust anything coming out of Washington anymore. However, we don’t have time to waste on petty politics, the health of many Americans is at risk right now and there is a Chinese bioweapon on the loose! The attitude of the Democrats is both anti-American and extremely dangerous at present. Tom Cotton rightly described the Democrats’ delay on the coronavirus relief package today as: “Disgraceful.”
Partisan tension erupted on Monday after the Senate failed for the second time to advance a massive stimulus package, but they have also failed the American people. The Demoncrats have blocked the stimulus package to advance their agenda in this invisible war to save lives and give the American people some comfort that they are not in this alone.
In Revelation, God gives one of the angels the power to cause death, and the four horsemen have the power to wipe out one-fourth of the earth’s population (Revelation 6:8) . Here is what the NKJV has in Revelation about the 4th horseman in particular: 7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.”8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.(Revelation 6:7-8)
Although some are not seeing the Apocalyptic elements of this crisis, the elements are there nevertheless. The world has yet to see the ultimate widespread epidemic. That, in effect, was what Jesus Christ told His disciples in the important Olivet prophecy recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Because right along with wars and famine comes pestilence: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places”(Matt. 24:7). These are some of the prophetic signs that Christ listed in answering the question, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world [age]?”(Verse 3.)
Granted, pestilence, famine, and war have been ongoing problems that have plagued mankind ever since the dawn of history, but Christ’s message is prophetic and regards today’s crisis. Democrats reject the coronavirus bill, saying more is needed for working people, but here we are in desperate need of a strong, bipartisan package that directly assists our workers, our health care providers, and vulnerable folks, and the demonically possessed Democrats and Nancy Pelosi are playing politics with the lives of people. Well God is watching you little demons and He is not happy, for sure.
This is a pandemic that could take millions of lives and Pelosi and her party, in the hands of the Jesuits and Chinese Communist Party are neglecting a bill that is desperately needed by millions of Americans, and pushing their “New Deal” rubbish. Speaking on the Senate floor today, McConnell urged for bipartisanship but the Democrats are trying to “sneak in”provisions that have nothing to do with the coronavirus. Democrats blocking the coronavirus bill is dangerous and insane, but that’s because it is simply demonic, but these are no ordinary times. That’s why amid worldwide upheaval caused by the fast-spreading CCP virus, many believers and even nonbelievers alike, are reaching for the Bible.
In the meantime, Rabbi Yehuda Richter of Kfar Tapuach (Apple Village) delivered a very interesting lecture on the novel Coronavirus. Throughout the lecture, the Rabbi made several comparisons between the Coronavirus Era and the Book of Ezekiel. Most notably, Ezekiel 36:34: and the desolate land, after lying waste in the sight of every passerby, shall again be tilled(Ezekiel 36:34) Rabbi Richter relates that this prophecy, in particular, is happening as we speak, saying: “You look out in the streets you look out in the streets of America, in the world, in Europe. in Italy they’re desolate.”Adding, “How about our spiritual activities? How have our words been? Our thoughts? How about our deeds without me checking them every second? That’s the idea – transfer the physical ideas here into the spiritual because that’s why God is bringing this physical virus, contamination into the world to waken us spiritually.”
So let’s prepare for a spiritual purification during these unprecedented times in quarantine and keep supporting President Donald J. Trump in his mission to contain the Chinese virus in the U.S. and pass this critical bill.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
China’s Biological Warfare Program and the irregular Freemasons of the Grand Orient De France are responsible for this novel coronavirus invented in Paris and Made in China, and I will prove it in this article providing you with the evidence in a top-secret document.
First of all, I would like explain the Chinese approach and outlook on Biological Warfare since the end of World War 2. The first major factor was the Japanese Biological Warfare attacks and human Biological Warfare experimenting on Chinese populations, which took place from 1933 to 1945, killing and injuring tens of thousands, without the Chinese being able to cope or retaliate because they were unprepared.The employment of such Biological Warfare against the Chinese by the Japanese military had a long-lasting impact on the future of China’s Biological Warfare offensive and their psychology. The Chinese official news agency, Xinhua, reported once in 2002, that “At least 270,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were slaughtered by Japanese germ-warfare troops between 1933 and 1945’, according to an ‘in-depth study by Chinese and Japanese scholars.”
Another important factor is the Chinese belief that the United States conducted Biological Warfare offensive operations in China (and North Korea) during the Korean War (1950–53), along with the evident fact that between 1950 and 1972, the U.S. possessed an operational Biological Warfare arsenal. We also should be concerned about China’s Communist allies in the USSR. Allegedly, near the end of World War II, the USSR conducted experiments with plague, anthrax, and cholera in Soviet-occupied Mongolia that were monitored by Chinese forces. Later on, tests on various vaccines were also conducted by the USSR in Mongolia for a long time.
The Communist brotherhood between China and the USSR and their long-standing strategic cooperation did not terminate with the end of the Soviet Union and influenced the Chinese to build a stronger Biological Warfare division for their country. A comprehensive study of these geostrategic factors was published in the U.S. in 1999 within the framework of a conference organized by the U.S. National Intelligence Council and Federal Research Division that was entitled, China and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Implications for the United States.
Collectively, these Chinese perspectives shaped the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) approach and outlook on Biological Warfare, and yielded, naturally, a wide Chinese Biological Warfare Program, which eventually became involved with what we now call COVID-19. In the meantime, we can’t forget that China wanted to promote a different image to the world from the 90s that would facilitate their economic growth, and for this reason, they joined the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984.
However, from 1998 to 2009, two waves of intense propaganda and disinformation expressing China’s declared attitude to the BWC can be observed by those who are not willing to fall into the lies and traps of Chinese propaganda. The first one, from 1998 to 2002, as a result of increasing accusations made by the U.S. regarding an ongoing offensive Biological Warfare Program conducted by Beijing. It came as no surprise that the first wave China generated was propaganda within, that began with a “Joint Statement on Biological Weapons Convention,” issued by two Jesuit agents, Presidents Jiang Zemin and Bill Clinton during the Sino-U.S. summit meeting that took place in China in June 1998, as follows: “Recognizing the threat posed by biological and toxin weapons, the United States and China reaffirm their strong support for the complete global elimination of biological weapons. As States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention, the two sides stress the importance of the Convention to international peace and security, fully support the purposes and objectives of the Convention, and favor comprehensively strengthening the effectiveness and universality of the Convention.”
Various further steps were taken by China for propaganda purposes, to manifest a supportive if not the entirely favorable attitude towards the BWC. On October 17, 2002, they announced the promulgation of a document called “Regulations on Export Control of Dual-use Biological Agents and Related Equipment and Technologies” in which China lied and stated that it, “Has never developed, produced or stockpiled any biological weapons, and never assisted any country to acquire or develop these weapons.”
The second wave of propaganda coincides with the period between 2006 to 2009, widely accentuated by Chinese diplomacy regarding the BWC. Once again, this action was made in response to the accumulating American accusations regarding the ongoing Biological Warfare Program run by Communist China, and the reason why they made the following statement in 2007:“All States Parties should make full use of the Convention as an important platform to strengthen cooperation and communication, promote implementation and other capacities of the Convention. China believes that adopting effective national implementation measures in accordance with the Convention and respective national situations constitutes basic obligations for the States Parties, as well as the important prerequisite and guarantee for effective implementation of all articles of the Convention.”
In a document issued in 2008 by China’s National Defence and the Chinese State Council, the chapter on arms control and disarmament emphasized adherence to the BWC to make their dear friend President Obama happy: “China observes in good faith its obligations under the BWC, and supports the multilateral efforts aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the Convention. China has actively participated in the meetings of the parties to the Convention and the meetings of experts in a pragmatic manner. China has already established a comprehensive legislation system for the implementation of the Convention, set up a national implementation focal point, and submitted its declarations regarding confidence-building measures to the Implementation Support Unit of the Convention in a timely fashion.”
In 2009, China, who was doing more business in America thanks to Obama and the Democrats, accentuated its approach concerning Article X of the BWC, noting: “All provisions including Article X of the Convention are equally important and should be fully implemented. To strengthen international cooperation helps improve the implementation capability of States Parties, promote the effectiveness of the Convention and finally enhance the universalization of the Convention.”
As China’s influence started to grow in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN in 2009, they also spoke of the aspects of tackling the spread of hazardous infectious diseases as one of the new objectives of the BWC: “Information about any outbreak of acute infectious diseases should be shared in accordance with the current practice of relevant international organizations.”Especially after the SARS epidemic that took place between 2002 and 2003 when China reported it for the first time to the WHO disclosing the seriously threatening event that spread from China to 37 countries worldwide in three months. China declared that there is only one biohazard installation with the safety level (P4) throughout the country, although this has always been considered doubtful by most members of the intelligence community. Officially, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is the sole facility that is considered equipped with such biohazard measures, furnished by a French supplier that originally provided them with the infamous NOVEL STRAIN OF SARS-ASSOCIATED CORONAVIRUS that was registered with the European Patent Office in 2004.
The document in question that is published in various languages, including English, covers the detailed creation of an isolated or purified strain of human coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome and can be downloaded from this currently functioning French link:
The Institute Pasteur,who are indicated in the document as one of the participants in the novel coronavirus project, prevalently made up of members of the Grand Orient de France, has tried to deny their involvement after the publication of this confidential document online by members the French Yellow Vests a couple of days ago, however after asked an attorney specialized in obtaining patents in Europe to confirm the patent registration of the novel coronavirus we received confirmation of the 2004 registration from the Direction général de la Régulation et de l’Organisation du Marché Office de le Propriété Intellectuelle(OPRI) in Bruxelles.This confirms once again that France has always been in bed with Communist China working behind the scenes to undermine U.S. interests.
France’s love affair with Chinese Communists began with the recognition of the People’s Republic of China on January 27, 1964, a crucial date that marked the beginning of their official relationship. From that point on, French-Chinese relations took off to the level of “global strategic partnership” in 2004, when the French patented their novel coronavirus.
After France joined forces with Communist China for a new strategic Sino-French alliance, they allegedly gave their precious patent for the novel coronavirus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an institute that investigates highly virulent viruses, such as SARS14, influenza H5N115, Japanese encephalitis16, and dengue. The Wuhan institute also experimented with the super dangerous germ causing anthrax which is well beyond the discipline of virology and demonstrates their work with Biological Warfare (BW). At the invitation of Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of China, Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic and a member of the atheist Grand Orient of France, paid a state visit to China during the first ten days of November 2019, and interestingly enough, the first case of the novel coronavirus dates back to a week after Macron’s depature on November 17, 2019, according to the South Morning China Post. Also both the Chinese President Xi Jinping and Emmanuel Macron faced unprecented internal opposition in 2019 with the Hong Kong protest and France’s Yellow Vest riots.
Fifty-five years after diplomatic relations were established between the two countries, the two heads of state agreed, in line with the joint declarations adopted on January 9, 2018, and March 25, 2019, to deepen the Franco-Chinese global strategic partnership.
In the meantime, during the last five years, China has reiterated various BWC aspects and declarations it had previously mentioned, as a way of buying time before unleashing their Biological Warfare on the world. All in all, its diplomacy regarding the BWC is consistent and noticeably in favor of the Convention, and yet, it stands in contradiction to China’s Biological Warfare Program, which is both defensive and offensive and violates the BWC. The truth is that Communist China adheres, only outwardly, to the requirements posed by the BWC in terms of defensive profile and biosecurity implementation so they can continue their economic growth and global take over undisturbed with the help of corrupt countries like France and Italy.
Back in 1993, U.S. intelligence officials stated that it was highly probable that China had an active and expanding offensive BW program, following an assessment that two civilian-run biological research centers were controlled by the Chinese military. The research centers were known to have previously engaged in the production and storage of BW. American suspicions intensified in 1991, when one of the suspected biological centers was enlarged. Suspicions heightened further after Beijing made, according to a U.S. official, a “patently false”declaration to the United Nations (UN) that it never made germ weapons or conducted any work to bolster defenses against a biological attack, but we now know that China has corrupted its way into silencing the UN and their WHO.
Of course, the Chinese Foreign Ministry subsequently described this accusation as groundless, denying that China had a germ weapons program, but in 1995 President Clinton, three years before he sold out to the Chinese Communists, transmitted to the U-S Congress his statutory annual report entitled: Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control Agreementswhere he made the following statement regarding China: “[T]here are strong indications that China probably maintains its offensive BW program.” In its Chemical and Biological Defense Program Annual Report and the Chemical and Biological Defense Program Performance Plan for 2001, the US Department of Defense was even more specific, contending: “China possesses the munitions production capabilities necessary to develop, produce and weaponize biological agents.”
During a hearing on China’s proliferation practices in 2003, the U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission was informed as follows on the status of their BWC :“The U.S. believes that despite being a member of the Biological Weapons Convention, China maintains a BW program in violation of its BWC obligations. The United States believes that China’s consistent claims that it has never researched, produced or possessed BW are simply not true and that China still retains its BW program. Although China has submitted its voluntary annual BWC confidence-building measure (CBM) data declarations every year, the US Department of State assessed in 2005 that the information submitted therein continued to be ‘inaccurate and misleading’. Further, ‘BWC CBMs since 1991 have called on the States Parties to declare, among other things, their past offensive activities, which China has not done. On the contrary, China insists it never had such a program at all.”
Likewise, in 2007, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) testimony at the U.S. Senate, the Select Committee on Intelligence, entitled “Current and Projected National Security Threats”(in both open and closed sessions), contended that the DIA believes China“continues to maintain some elements of an offensive biological weapons program.”
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the DIA, and intelligence agencies in other countries continued to carefully monitor China’s Biological Warfare Program, but in the end, the genie is out of the bottle and we now should simply declare war on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who are responsible for the COVID-19 epidemic, together with France.
A class-action lawsuit was recently filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida against the People’s Republic of China (PRC), alleging that China put its “head in the sand, and/or covered […] up” the eventual coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic for its “own economic self-interest”–at the expense of the rest of the world.” But that’s not enough, because this pandemic is a deliberate act of Biological Warfare against the West that will inevitably trigger World War III.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
We knew that the war of the future could be fought with microbes rather than bombs and missiles, and now we have the evidence with the infamous Chinese Virus renamed by the corrupt World Health Organization COVID-19. Yesterday evening, the Italian army transported the first 70 dead bodies out of Bergamo, one of the most affected cities in northern Italy with over 300 deaths, severely hit by the novel coronavirus, as its crematorium struggles to cope with this atrocious situation.
But who is to blame for this? Well, the answer is the Chinese/Vatican led New World Order that has triggered and laid the foundation for the much-feared Third World War. As we are preparing to see similar scenes in the not so distant future in the U.S., people struggle in understanding this new “invisible enemy” as President Trump called it. Many patriots think this is an enemy they can fight with guns, forgetting the dangers of biological warfare that uses non-human life to disrupt, or end, human life. Because once unleashed such living organisms can be unpredictable and incredibly resilient to any form of control, so biological weapons are difficult to manage even for those who unleash them and are potentially devastating on a global scale that are officially prohibited globally under numerous treaties but have unfortunately never been respected by China, Russia, and even the U.S.
So first of all, we need to blame mankind for creating the very foundations for their demise. The earliest documented incident of the intention to use biological weapons is possibly recorded in Hittite texts of 1500–1200 BC, in which victims of tularemia were driven into enemy lands, causing an epidemic. Since the 20s biological weapons have posed a real and growing threat to the stability of the world which some of the smaller nations, unfortunately ignored at their peril. But we were warned years ago by numerous scientist that microbiology, essential to combat such weapons of global destruction, were becoming a “Cinderella subject”in countries like the U.S and Britain, a country that was said to be losing the battle for resources in this difficult and officially forbidden area of research. Sir William, then president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, told fellow scientists back in 2001 only a few days before 9/11 that: “There are those who say the First World War was chemical, the Second World War was nuclear, and that the third world war God forbid will be biological.”So we all knew this would eventually happen.
During the past century, more than 500 million people died of infectious diseases. Several tens of thousands of these deaths were due to the deliberate release of pathogens or toxins, mostly by the Japanese during their attacks on China during the Second World War. However, two international treaties outlawed biological weapons in 1925 and 1972, but they have largely failed to stop countries from conducting offensive weapons research and large-scale production of biological weapons. And as our knowledge of the biology of disease-causing agents—viruses, bacteria, and toxins—increases, it is legitimate to fear that modified pathogens could constitute devastating agents for biological warfare. To put these threats into perspective, we should to discuss the history of biological warfare and terrorism.
Man has used poisons for assassination purposes ever since the dawn of civilization, not only against individual enemies but also occasionally against armies, or during the Middle Ages, for example, victims of the bubonic plague were used for biological attacks, often by flinging fomites such as infected corpses and excrement over castle walls using catapults. So various types of biological warfare (BW) have been practiced repeatedly throughout history. This has included the use of biological agents (microbes and plants) as well as the biotoxins, including venoms, derived from them. Before the 20th century, the use of biological agents took three major forms,
1) Deliberate contamination of food and water with poisonous or contagious material.
2) Use of microbes, biological toxins, animals, or plants (living or dead) in a weapon system.
3) Use of biologically inoculated fabrics and persons.
In the 20th century, sophisticated bacteriological and virological techniques allowed the production of significant stockpiles of weaponized bio-agents with the deployment of anthrax, glanders, and bubonic plague against humans in World War 2 as an ominous sign of things to come. Earlier on, the foundation of microbiology by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch offered new prospects for those interested in biological weapons because it allowed agents to be chosen and designed on a rational basis. These dangers were soon recognized and resulted in two international declarations—in 1874 in Brussels and in 1899 in The Hague—that immediately prohibited the use of such poisoned weapons. However, although these, as well as later treaties, were all made in good faith, they contained no means of control, and so failed to prevent interested parties from developing and using biological weapons that have always been considered as the secret weapons of the Illuminati elite.
The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War, although their attacks with biological weapons were on a small scale and were not particularly successful: covert operations using both anthrax attempted to infect animals directly or to contaminate animal feed in several of their enemy countries (Wheelis, 1999). After the war, with no lasting peace established, as well as false and alarming intelligence reports, various European countries instigated their biological warfare programs, long before the onset of the Second World War.
Since then, several nations, including China have sought to acquire biological warfare agents, often using the help of known terrorist groups or individuals that acquired such technologies and expertise to use these destructive agents. Biological agents have been used for isolated assassinations, but in the case of the novel coronavirus they can cause incapacitation or death to thousands of innocent people like it is happening in Italy and around the world. If the environment is contaminated, a long-term threat to the population is something we need to deal with in a military fashion respecting all the rules and regulations outlined during this crisis without acting as fools like Kid Rock’s Nashville Bar who refused to close and called Mayor’s orders “unconstitutional”or the guy in Kentucky who checked himself out of the hospital against medical advice forcing the local police to take action to prevent him from spreading the virus. Soon, when the truth about the still-secret but already ongoing Third World War will be known, such people will be regarded as idiots.
We are all in this together, and our enemy is China, not the U.S. government remember that patriots in the difficult weeks and months ahead.Spring-breakers who defy coronavirus lockdown are doing what China wants them to do, and that is spreading the virus.
Yesterday, China called for using electromagnetic attacks on U.S. warships transiting the South China Sea, according to a state-run Chinese outlet. The Communist Party-affiliated organ Global Times, quoting a military expert, said the use of nonlethal electromagnetic and laser weapons should be used by the People’s Liberation Army to expel American warships from the disputed sea because the Chinese know already this is the Third World War, so wake up patriots!!!! Our enemy is called China and soon our government will admit that we are in a war with them! The Chinese have created the basis for the upcoming state of martial law in the U.S. and the only way to defeat them is to support President Donald J.Trump against China’s agent, Joe Biden and Russian agent Bernie Sanders because the Russian Federation is allied with China in this war.
As Wuhan China hospital allegedly discharges their last patient you need to know the truth, and act responsibly because this is not the flu but a dangerous bioweapon that can jeopardize your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
“Survivors” is a British post-apocalyptic fiction drama television series created in the 70s by Terry Nation for the BBC that was broadcast from 1975 to 1977, and the first episode was entitled “The Fourth Horsemen,” in a clear reference to “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” found in the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, that as most of you knowdetails the cataclysmic events that will unfold before the Second Coming of Christ. One of these events will be the arrival of the Fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which is believed by many Christian today to be represented by the novel coronavirus, as the Four Horsemen and typically represented as Death, War, Famine, Pestilence or Plague, in this case, COVID-19, or to be more precise the Wuhan virus.
The prophetic original tv series “Survivors” concerned the plight of a group of people who survived an apocalyptic plague pandemic, which was accidentally released by a Chinese scientist just like it allegedly happened in Wuhan last year, which quickly spread across the world via air travel, one of the main reasons the Chinese virus epidemic spread. Referred to as “The Death,” the fictional plague featured in “Survivors,” one of the TV series that scared me the most as a kid, that was much deadlier than COVID-19, and killed most people within a matter of weeks of being released, leaving a few survivors struggling without electricity, running water or government in its aftermath.
In 2008, the BBC began airing a brand new version of “Survivors,” with Adrian Hodges as the main writer. In the credits, this version is said to be based on Terry Nation’s novel Survivors (1976), rather than the previous TV series. This statement was made to avoid copyright problems, as the rights to the television series were vested with a different legal entity from the rights of the book. Set in the first decade of the new Millenium, the new series focused on a group of ordinary people who survive the aftermath of a devastating viral pandemic referred to this time as the “European flu,” without referencing China, of course, in the new age of political correctness, left-wing media bias, but still killing most of the world’s population by causing cytokine storms in the body’s immune system. The new libtard series sees the characters, who are this time no longer all English, but more reflective of the multicultural and diverse English society loved by the left,struggling against terrible dangers in a world with no society, no police, and no laws, just as in the original “Survivors” series from the 70s.
The 2008 series ran for two seasons and was very successful especially amongst young viewers, but suddenly the BBC announced on April 13, 2010, that due to poor viewing figures “Survivors” was canceled announcing that there would be no third series. However, the real reason for the interruption of this otherwise brilliant TV series was not the poor ratings but rather to avoid spreading panic as the 2009 flu pandemic or swine flu influenza pandemic that lasted from early 2009 to mid-2010, was starting to create fear and concerns among the general population. The second season of the new “Survivors” was even delayed because of the real-life swine flu epidemic and thus was broadcast in January 2010 when the pandemic was almost under control and out of the media.
In 2013, the 2008 “Survivors” was added to the Netflix platform, becoming immediately the highest watched the program and consequently, Netflix was said to be in contact with the BBC for discussions on continuing the program but the elite of the New World Order stopped the project altogether, and on April 1, 2017, the series was permanently removed from the Netflix platform. Netflix premiered at the start of 2020 the infamous “Pandemic” series about global outbreaks featuring an unusual Nostradamus-style Bill Gates. The series “Survivors” couldn’t go on because it was too close to reality for the Illuminati controllers of Silicon Valley. You don’t believe me? Check it out yourself, this is the preview for the last “Survival” series published by BBC America on their Youtube channel on the 20th of January 2010:
So are we all doomed and will we end up like the Survivors? In an interview with the Italian daily newspaper, “La Repubblica,” Pope Francis stated today that he is praying for an end to the coronavirus pandemic, and asks everyone to be close to those who have lost loved ones, but he knows that in the
Holy Land they are preparing for the arrival of the Messiah, stating that the strict quarantine will bring about the condition the Jewish sages say precedes the Messiah: universal observance of the Holy Sabbath. Stay tuned to for all the latest on the Chinese Virus and the start of the biggest crisis in modern times preceding the possible return for Christians, or arrival for the Jews, of the Messiah.
Archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Malcolm Ranjith serving since 2009, announced today that he is convinced that COVID-19 is a manmade bioweapon and that the United Nations should bring the people who are responsible for this to justice. There are 28 cases of Wuhan virus at the moment in Sri Lanka.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
The crisis of unseen proportions that we have been fearing for years in regards to 2020 is finally manifesting in front of our eyes. A USA Today analysis of American Hospital Association (AHA) hospital bed data shows that if Covid-19 cases and deaths in the U.S. follow a similar growth curve as in China, Italy, and Iran, there could be six patients for every existing hospital bed in this country in a month or two from now, it is only a matter of time. This means the hospital system in the U.S. is unprepared for a pandemic. Italy’s healthcare system, once regarded by the World Health Organization as one of the best in the world, is on its knees. As of 15 March 2020, there have been 24,747 confirmed cases, and 1,809 deaths in Italy alone, a nation under complete lockdown for almost a week but still not capable of fighting this virus effectively unless they implement martial law.
Dr. James Lawler, an infectious disease researcher at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, regarding the situation in the states stated: “Unless we are able to implement dramatic isolation measures like some places in China, we’ll be presented with overwhelming numbers of coronavirus patients.”The Chinese have unleashed willingly, or unwillingly, depending on the sources, a bioweapon that might dramatically change our way of life for a long time. COVID-19, or to be more precise, the Wuhan coronavirus renamed to COVID-19 by the corrupt WHO, is officially a global pandemic, which scares even the Jesuit Pope.
Last week, during the opening of the 8th episode of The Pew, I spoke about a mysterious and powerful crucifix that the Catholic Church, has been using for five centuries against various plagues that threatened Italy. The object in question, is a particular dark wooden crucifix made by a fourteenth century Sienese school, to be found in the Church of San Marcello, located in the center of Rome near the famous Via del Corso, that is connected to a large number of miracles, one being that the crucifix survived the burning of the very church in which it hung, back in May 1519. Thismiraculous episode dates back to the time of the great plague of 1522. The plague struck Rome so violently as to cause concern that the city would remain without inhabitants.
At this point, the friars of the small order of the “Servants of Mary,” mindful of the miracle of the crucifix that survived the fire, decided to take this object of worship in penitential procession from the Church of San Marcello to St. Peter’s Basilica. However, the authorities, fearing the risk of contagion, tried to prevent the religious procession but the collective despair did not accept the ban and the sculpture of Jesus Christ was carried through the streets of Rome, as public acclaim rose. Incredibly enough, the chronicles of the time say that the procession lasted sixteen days, August 4-20 of 1522 and that’s because, as they proceeded, the plague receded. When the crucifix finally returned to San Marcello, the plague had completely ceased and Rome was saved. Since 1650, the miraculous crucifix is carried to St. Peter, on the occasion of Holy Years, and this afternoon at 4 ’clock, on Sunday the 15th of March 2020, Pope Francis suddenly decided to leave the Vatican to visit the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, the largest of the churches dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Rome, to personally ask for her help and intevention against the novel coronavirus, and on his way back, the Pope Francis visited the Church of San Marcello for a special prayer of protection against COVID-19.
The unprecedented image of Pope Francis walking, accomapnied by his bodyguards, along the deserted main street of Rome’s, Via del Corso, then on to the Church of San Marcello, is a surreal and ominous image. President Donald Trump has declared Sunday, March 15, a National Day of Prayer . The announcement was made yesterday in a Tweet saying: “Tomorrow I have called for a National Day of Prayer.”
Christians and Jews worldwide joined on the Day of Prayer by reciting Psalms from their homes, as most places of worship are no longer open to the public to avoid contagion. A trend followed by President Donald Trump, who added in the same tweet: “I will be tuning in to Pastor @Jentezenat the @FreeChapel Church in Gainesville, Georgia at 11:00 AM EDT. God Bless the USA! ”
Various rabbi’s that included Rabbi Elia Brudny, Rabbi Binyomin Cohen, and Rabbi Ysroel Riesman via Whatsapp wrote: “This Sunday March 15 at 12pm EST – Emergency Worldwide Tehillim (Psalms) Reading.”
However, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is admonishing bishops of the Catholic Church around the world to “open wide the doors of our churches.” The archbishop described images of closed churches as “surreal”and “spectral,”saying they express “the darkening of the faith that has struck the heights of the Church.” Referencing to the prophesy of Ezekiel 34:12: “As the shepherd visiteth his flock in the day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep, and will deliver them out of all the places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.”
And Pope Francis seems to have followed Viganò’s advice, ordering the diocese of Rome to re-open all churches in the Italian capital previously closed for the first time in history on March 12th by Order of the Vicar General Cdl. Angelo De Donatis.
Get Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics