Cover of Leo Zagami‘s book by Brad Kwiatek
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Article by Leo Lyon Zagami
Many of the social problems we are facing today are the outcome of something invisible, and ignored by the majority of people. We are in a magical war, with an invisible network of evil Satanic manipulators, in cahoots with groups like the Jesuits, who have gradually infiltrated all organized religions, the old mystery schools, and Freemasonry, resulting in the materialistic left wing ideology of today. There is also the Islamic take over of the West, that is gradually destroying all Christian values, in their attempt to enslave humanity.
We are faced daily, with a seemingly impossible to grasp reality, as in the recent case of the Las Vegas Massacre, or the Weinstein scandal, which only scratches the surface of their evil game. For this reason, The Decline of the Western Initiatic System, and the rise of Satanism in our society, is a book like no other, where I expose the deep roots of this liberal (Satanic) empire.
As I wrote in my latest book, a long time before any of the latest Hollywood scandals, Kenneth Anger became “a household name for penning the pop culture masterpiece “Hollywood Babylon” (First Edition 1959), the first book to expose the rampant homosexuality and deviancy in the film industry and a must read for anyone interested in American cultural history.”

Kenneth Anger, James Franco and Brian Butler at L&M Arts. December 13, 2012.
However, not many people know that Anger is the current High Priest of Satanism, and the O.T.O. in Hollywood, for many years, and the roots of today’s perversions are well described throughout the book:
“I have been blacklisted in Hollywood after the release of my previous books, and my open support for President Donald J. Trump….”
“but thanks to Infowars and other alternative outlets, we hope to stop them in spreading their evil ideology.”
In this book you will find, interviews with two important US figures of today’s magical world and Freemasonry, two guys that are fighting the decline of the Western Initiatic System.
One is David Griffin, G.H. Frater LVX Ex Septentrionis Imperator, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Chief Adept, R.R. et A.C. Imperator, and Rosicrucian Mystery School of AΩ. The other is the author and Freemason Mark Stavish, from Wyoming Lodge No. 468, Director of the Institute for Hermetic Studies, who published several books worldwide related to Freemasonry, and is often used as an expert consultant for programs on Freemasonry for the History Channel and Animal Planet.

David Griffin
Griffin makes shocking statements in his interview about the ongoing magical War to defend Trump and humanity:
For centuries, Illuminati slavers have held the upper hand in the magical war for the future of humanity. Why? Because they are willing to use the most evil forms of Magick, including human sacrifice to achieve their aims. It is extremely difficult to overcome the power of such evil Magick, without resorting to evil and becoming contaminated by it oneself.
Things have changed recently though. At Winter Solstice 2015, we rallied a rag tag magical militia made up of Christian prayer warriors, Magicians, Witches, and Shamans, to synchronize our Magick and prayers at the time of the Winter Solstice, with the common intention to ”bind Daesh” (ISIS) who had been goose-stepping across the Middle East back then, taking slaves completely unchecked.
I am aware, however of a group of Satanists and misguided Wiccans who have been doing monthly ”binding spells” against President Trump and his supporters. If O.T.O. is part of these monthly magical attacks on our Republic and our President, then O.T.O. is indeed a problem, as is their infiltration of academia.

Mark Stavish
Mark Stavish has some very interesting revelations on the latest magical war against President Trump:
I know there are many people attempting to grab headlines about it, but as to their effectiveness, I have little concern. There are however many forms of magic that have little relationship to people dressing up in robes and playing at having occult power. We need only examine the various forms of psychic research undertaken by the United States in the 1970s until the 1990s and the Soviet Union during from the 1920s until its collapse. I am certain that research is still going on, officially or unofficially through think-tanks and other research arms, and not simply with the superpowers. Occultism has long been an unofficial arm of government, we need only look at John Dee and the circles he ran in for confirmation. Gary Lachman wrote a good book on the topic, Politics and the Occult – The Left, the Right, and the Radically Unseen. There is also some recent material out there about Hillary Clinton and her on-again, off-again relationship with the New Age leaders, and of course, her campaign Chairman and former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, John Podesta. It was facinating to listen to many of the would-be leaders of modern occulitsm either be silent or in denial about the occult significance of the so-called ’spirit cooking’ art of Serbian artist Marina Abramovich to which he was invited to attend by his brother, but declined. Then of course we have the recent statement by Washington socialite Sally Quinn that she used magic to murder people all while claiming the moral high ground against Sarah Palin.

Roger Stone & Owen Shroyer

Read the rest of this interview and much more in my latest book The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society, that I will present with all my latest research, on the The War Room Show on INFOWARS with Owen Shroyer & Roger Stone on the 17th of October 2017 @ 5:00 PM CST
The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the Rise of Satanism in our society
Paperback on AMAZON from the 17th of October 2017
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