Rainforest Set on Fire to Facilitate Pope Francis’ Global Warming Agenda


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Article by Leo Zagami



In late May 2019, Amazon rainforest Chief Raoni Metuktire arrived to the Vatican to strike a deal with the devil himself, Pope Francis, the first South American Pope. During the visit,  Chief Raoni attacked Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro, saying he “shouldn’t be president anymore,” and the Vatican media also criticized Bolsonaro, who is considered to be one of the biggest enemies of the Jesuit Pope.

The old Kayapo chief, wearing his traditional lip plate and yellow crown, was officially in Italy to raise awareness and support for the protection of the Brazilian reserve, but in reality he was called in by the Jesuits to support their evil plan to set the Amazon on fire in a desperate attempt to sabotage Bolsonaro and raise awareness of the alleged global warming and climate change agenda of the New World Order. The Holy See press office director explained how the pope intended to use the meeting to stress environment safeguards, but this fall’s Synod of Bishops on the Pan-Amazonian Region had already heightening tensions at the beginning of the year between the Catholic Church in Brazil and the populist government of President Jair Bolsonaro, who is close to President Trump.

The national newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo reported on February 10, 2019, that the Brazilian government believed the gathering of bishops that will take place in October promotes a “leftist agenda”and they were absolutely right. According to the paper, military ministers “see the church as a potential opponent” and intend to “neutralize” eventual critiques of the government during the synod, but Bolsonaro underestimated the evil Jesuit plan to kick him out  to eventually regain control of Brazil.

A record number of fires ravaged the vast rainforest this summer after the visit of the Amazon rainforest chief, and even CNN meteorologist Haley Brink recently stated that the fires are “definitely human-induced,” and cannot be attributed to natural causes like lightning strikes. The Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate, according to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), which has been tracking Brazil’s fires since 2013.

In exchange of chief Raoni Metuktire’s support for setting the Amazon on fire, the Pope is granting his approval of spirit-worship in the Amazon. The Vatican is justifying the unprecedented move that will be discussed openly during the Synod of Bishops by saying there is a shortage of priests in the region. However, Walter Brandmüller, a German cardinal, has claimed in the last few days that the proposal discussed in the document prepared by the Holy See ahead of the synod is “heretical” because of its respect for indigenous faiths and their veneration of nature. Brandmüller rightfully complained by saying: “In the context of the call for harmony with nature, there is even talk about the dialogue with the spirits.”


The Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region is scheduled to meet in Rome from the 6th to the 27th of October 2019. Pope Francis announced it on October 15, 2017 and said it would work “to identify new paths for the evangelization of God’s people in that region,”specifically the indigenous peoples who are experiencing the destruction and exploitation of their natural environment and live “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future.” But in reality, the “lungs of the earth” are on fire, and shrinking every day because of an evil plan devised by Pope Francis and Father Arturo Sosa, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, to regain control of Brazil and South America that have always been considered by the Vatican as Jesuit territory under their full control. Yesterday in Venezuela, Venezuelan Freemason Juan Guaidò, who opposed the Jesuit agenda has been put under investigation for treason.

The evil agenda of Pope Francis must be stopped to avoid an even bigger crisis on the U.S. Mexican border in the coming months. The fires in the Amazon rainforest were set not in an attempt to clear land for cattle ranching, but facilitate the Pope’s agenda.




Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

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U.S. Catholic Church in crisis after Bishop Malone refuses to resign!

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Article by Leo Zagami


Bishop Malone called for a news conference yesterday to discuss a letter from Father Ryszard Biernat to a seminarian, Matthew Bojanowski, and the allegations by Bojanowski that another priest, Father Jeffrey Nowak, had harassed him. Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo said during the press conference that the majority of priests and parishioners in the diocese supported him and he would not resign over his handling of a situation involving two priests’ relationship with a seminarian.

Malone declared defiantly in front of the media: “I’m here because I feel an obligation as the one who was sent here to lead this diocese, to carry on, and once again, if I thought the majority of Catholic people in particular were calling for my resignation, that would be a different story,” Bishop Malone said during a news conference in Buffalo. But I don’t feel that. I go out to parishes and schools all the time for visits. I am always well received when I go … I do feel enough support, honestly to continue on.”

However, on the 21st of August 2019 I wrote on leozagami.com:

“The protracted crisis in the U.S. Diocese of Buffalo has piqued Rome’s interest, as many of Buffalo’s 727,000 Catholics have lost confidence in Bishop Richard J Malone’s ability to lead them, and more than a few have abandoned the practice of the faith.”

 Now, a Buffalo chancery insider finally exposed Bishop Malone and Auxiliary Bp. Edward M. Grosz who covered up the abuse. In an interview with WKBW investigative reporter, Charlie Specht  Fr. Ryszard Biernat revealed that the bishops, used threats against him, forcing him into silence after the alleged assault by Fr. Art Smith. In a recording obtained from Father Biernat by WKBW-TV, Bishop Malone is also heard saying that he feared he would have to resign over what he called a “love triangle” involving priests and a seminarian. In the same recording, Bishop Malone also expresses concern to Biernat that “this could be the end for me as bishop” if the news media learned about the situation involving the three men  calling the situation he was facing, “a true crisis.”

In 2003, Biernat left his native Poland to attend Buffalo’s Christ the King Seminary. Once enrolled, he was assigned to live with Fr. Smith at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in South Buffalo. Shortly afterward, he alleges Smith preyed upon him.

“Art Smith assaulted me sexually,”Biernat told Specht. “At that time, I knew enough English to order [a] latte at Starbucks, not to report the sexual assault,” he said.“You know, they don’t teach you these words in English second language classes.”

The fact that Bishop Malone is still refusing to resign will bring the U.S. Church further into disrepute and create a very big problem for The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).





Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

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Pope Francis Makes Shocking Statement Against Americans

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Article by Leo Zagami 


Earlier today, Pope Francis told a reporter from La Croix, the French Catholic daily newspaper,  that it is, “an honor when Americans attack me.”The pope made this astonishing comment to the journalist Nicolas Seneze, during the flight from Rome to Maputo, Mozambique.

Seneze is the author of Comment l’Amerique veut changer de pape, which can be translated as “How America wants to Change the Pope.” Seneze, who is a left-wing Catholic author working for the Jesuits, gave Pope Francis a copy of the book during the flight. Pope Francis told Seneze that he had heard about the book, but he was not able to find a copy until now. The volume, currently available only in French, went officially on sale only today.

In the book Nicolas Seneze defends Pope Francis by debunking the long list of accusations against him made in the summer of last year by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former Nuncio to the United States. Depicting the whole thing as a concerted effort led mainly by influential traditional Catholics in the United States to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Pope Francis’ ministry. Seneze’s thesis is that “rigorist”Catholics who are mainly wealthy are opposed to Pope Francis’ liberal ways and progressive teachings on ethical problems including the world’s economy and his new approach to countries like Cuba and China.

The Pope, after stating that he had not read the book, told Seneze that, “It’s an honor when the Americans attack me,” handing the book to an aide. The pope then commented,“It’s a bomb.” After greeting each member of the media, Matteo Bruni, his spokesman, rushed to Seneze with an official statement fearing the possible consequences of such a harsh criticism towards Americans, justifying it in the following way: “In an informal context  the pope wanted to say that he always considers criticisms an honor, particularly when they come from authoritative thinkers — in this case from an important nation.” 

But it is too late to backpedal now, Pope Francis…your message to Americans was loud and clear.




Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

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Outrageous Court Ruling in Finland Acquits Pedophile Because Victim Didn’t Suffer Enough!

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Article by Leo Zagami 



A controversial court ruling has left Finland in shock. A pedophile committed sexual violence on a 10-year-old child and because of their outdated laws that support the actions of pedophiles and perverts, court was not able to prove that the physical abuse was carried out by force and that the victim suffered. In short, since this was not demonstrated in court, the judges dismissed the case and acquitted the accused who was free to leave. Last year, the Finnish Supreme Court stated that even pedophiles have the right to live in peace and can’t be exposed for their actions on social media or newspapers.

Total madness, which of course has unleashed a storm of criticism against the Scandinavian country that is now being investigated by the European Council for their almost blatant support of pedophilia. In essence, the experts from Strasbourg, as reported by EuropaToday, accuse the Finnish legislation, of facilitating child rapists since not all forms of sexual violence are criminalized. This situation has embarrassed the Finnish government and the entire country so much in the past few months that they assured the public that by the end of next year, the law will be revised entirely, so as to work against pedophiles and rapists, but in the meantime, Finnish pedophiles can continue preying on their innocent victims.

In March 2019, the National Bureau of Investigation NBI said that at least five Finnish men were involved in an international pedophile ring but it might be only the tip of the iceberg of a much larger organization that has used Finnish laws to their advantage.



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

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New Italian Democrat Party Government paves the way for Hillary Clinton’s arrival

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clinton demon

Article by Leo Zagami 



Today, grassroots members of the Jesuit guided 5-Star Movement (M5S) voted yes by 79% to 20.7% to a future Italian government with the left-wing scumbags of the Italian Democratic Party (PD), traditionally close to the Clinton Foundation. The M5S’s online voting platform called Rousseau was used, that many have criticized in the past for the possibility of being hacked and manipulated. This controversial decision made on such an unreliable platform paved the way for an unprecedented alliance with the former political enemies of the 5-Star Movement, the Democratic Party, (PD) and marked Matteo Salvini’s definite exit from the Italian government together with his league. This evil plan was secretly arranged last month by Nancy Pelosi in cahoots with the Vatican during her brief visit to Italy earlier last month as announced by leozagami.com:


For this reason, the European House, the Ambrosetti another important think tank similar to the Bilderberg meeting founded in Italy in the 70s, has officially announced the arrival of Hillary Clinton as a special guest of the event that takes place this weekend in Villa d’Este in the Italian town of Cernobbio on the shores of Lake Como. Heads of state and government, top representatives of European institutions, ministers, Nobel prize winners, businessmen, managers, and experts from around the world have been meeting there around this time of the year since 1975. However, this is the first time Hillary arrives as special guest without any political role in the U.S. and takes central stage to fight her enemies in the E.U. and celebrate in secret the end of Salvini’s threat to Europe and the making of this new Italian government.

Last year, Hillary said, in fact, that Europe must get a handle on immigration to combat the growing threat from right-wing populists. For this reason, the mondialists have managed to use the corrupt and rigged Italian political system, currently in the hands of the 5-Star Movement to establish their first non-elected left-wing government in order to get Matteo Salvini and the populist forces out of the picture in Europe as soon as possible, setting a dangerous precedent.Luigi Di Maio the leader of the 5-Star Movementclose to Pope Francis said that “The vast majority voted Yes for the birth of a government-backed by a coalition where the M5S will be the majority force. It was a plebiscite.” He said that, “in less than a month a government crisis was resolved, via a different method, not in back rooms, but with a process that comes from the work done in these years, putting in place a program and then asking for an appraisal of that program from the PD.”

He also said, “I’m very happy about the government that will come because it is based on so many ideas that we were realizing. Our goal is to realize the program.” The guy is obviously a puppet in the hands of the Jesuits and the Deep State and the New World Order know very well they are losing this battle on the long run, and for this reason, they are now intervening undemocratically on the European scene to crack down on the so-called populist forces. We need to stop them and pray for Italy that is in the hands of the enemy as well as the rest of Europe that will gradually be Islamicised and ruined by the current Socialist and Communist policies. Euroskeptic League leader Salvini said that he was proud that the League had nothing to do with this compromised government and would have preferred to ask the opinion of 60 million Italians not of 60 thousand on the Rousseau online platform.



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Richard Gere Attacks Italians Saying the World is Guided by “Little Trumps” who Deceive People

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Article by Leo Zagami



After Richard Gere’s controversial visit to the Spanish NGO ship Open Armslast month:


The Hollywood actor is back in the news and is now accusing Italians of becoming a nation of unsavory and ugly individuals who have lost their smile. In an interview published by L’Avvenire, the Italian daily newspaper which is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican, Richard Gere said: “The world is led by little Trumps who deceive people.” Labeling Italian citizens as people, “Who have lost their smiles,”and are contextually “incapacitated.”

Gere, who has been personally financing the ship, bringing illegal immigrants to an already overcrowded and increasingly poor Italy, also said: “As soon as I heard about the situation, I asked the boys of the Spanish Ngo to get on board. We had difficulty finding a boat to take us under the ship . We agreed with a fisherman, but he called us back a few hours later saying that he was afraid and terrified of the consequences. There is a bad climate of intimidation and fear.” Hence the subsequent attack against Italians: “You have changed, you have lost the joy of living and smiling.”

I have to, unfortunately,  agree with him, as Italians have indeed, “lost the joy of living and smiling,” but the reason for this change in the Italian culture and mentality are the hypocrite scumbags like Richard Gere, who have supported the Italian left-wing mondialists and the Vatican Jesuits. The present Islamic invasion is transforming Italy into a third world country with no hope for its citizens. I witnessed this change in the past ten years, and had many discussions with my wife about the living hell that Italy had become and how the Italian people, in general, had lost their zest for life. For the time being, Italy is okay to visit, and you can still experience “la vita bella,” as long as you have plenty of tourist dollars to throw around…but life for the average Italian is a very sad affair.

Richard Gere has no right to say one word out of his disgraceful Hollywood mouth against Italians. The Catholic Church and the Vatican should be ashamed for publishing this insulting interview in their idiotic newspaper. Italians are slowly realizing that their biggest enemy is the Holy See, and the Jesuit Communist Pope Francis, but they need to act fast if they want to save their nation from complete chaos in the coming years. Drastic measures need to be taken, and they might not be democratic ones.  We are in need of a Napoleon-style invasion of the Vatican State. Napoleon was the only one who captured Castel Sant’Angelo and intimidated the Pope by pointing cannons directly at his papal bedroom transforming him into a de facto prisoner for the rest of his papacy.

In the meantime, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, another Jesuit agent, has just betrayed his voters and the past government by kicking out Matteo Salvini, to eventually embrace a new political alliance with the Italian Democratic Party, and the far-left under direct orders of Nancy Pelosi and Angela Merkel. Donald J. Trump was also convinced by Macron during the G7 to support Conte’s new government in exchange for Europe’s support to Trump’s hardline stance on Iran. I think the U.S. president should immediately reconsider this endorsement and give the Italians the possibility of voting again.



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Pope Francis Trapped in a Diabolical Elevator is an Ominous Sign

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Article by Leo Zagami 



You are the passengers on a most uncommon elevator about to ascend into your very own episode of…The Twilight Zone.” ―Rod Serling

On the way to his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis got stuck in a Vatican elevator for 25 minutes, and had to be rescued by firefighters. In the end, the pontiff apologized to the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square for showing up seven minutes late to his traditional noon appointment, but this episode will be judged by many as a sign of the end times.

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In the 1987 Faustian horror film “Angel Heart,” adapted from William Hjortsberg’s novel Fallen Angel, the film director Alan Parker unravels a sinister mystery of one man’s personal journey to hell. Elevators, staircases, fans, the eating of eggs, the growth of fingernails, keys, and other certain props are common everyday objects that can be utilized as ominous signs, but it is the elevator that is seen as particularly sinister, especially during the end credits, when the protagonist, interpreted by Mickey Rourke, is seen standing inside an elevator which is interminably descending, presumably to hell. “The Elevator” is also the first segment of the sixteenth episode from the first season (1985–86) of the television series The Twilight Zone, and an elevator is also the protagonist to the fictional episode that is the premise of the theme park attraction The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Lake Buena Vista, Florida that inspired the television film, “Tower of Terror” from 1997, directed by D.J. MacHale.

In the movie, the “Devil” from 2010, a man jumps from the thirty-fifth floor of a skyscraper, and an elevator within the building gets stuck shortly thereafter with a group of people linked to the suicidal man. Soon afterward, a mysterious note is found, where he writes of the devil’s approaching presence. “Devil” a American horror film, is based on a story by M. Night Shyamalan, originally written as a “nod to Agatha Christie’s” mystery novel. The film’s director, John Erick Dowdle, changed the original story by adding something he called a “Devil’s Meeting,” which he claims is based on a legend of the Devil coming to earth to “test evildoers by tormenting them.” 

Well, it looks like the Jesuit Pope was stopped for a reason on his way towards his Sunday encounter with the Faithful. The 82-year-old pontiff said he had been trapped in the lift for 25 minutes because of a power outage before he was freed by firefighters.

“I have to apologize for being late,” said the smiling Pope at this unusual start of the Angelus address. He then asked the crowd for a round of applause to the firefighters. Addressing the crowd, the Pope said there had been a “drop in voltage and the elevator stopped,” Pope Francis then said: “Thank goodness, the firefighters arrived, and I thank them so much, and after 25 minutes of work they managed to get it started again.”

Hey Francis, you got lucky this time,  there won’t be firefighters to save you on the other side as you descend into hell, where you belong.



Vatican media caught by surprise as drama unfolds behind the scenes



Pope Francis  announces he has been blocked in the elevator for 25 minutes




Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

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