Scrive Marco Lillo nel luglio del 2016 “ La Procura di Firenze sospetta che i soldi dell’Unicef e di Operation Usa destinati alle campagne per i bambini affamati in Africa siano stati usati nel 2011 dal cognato di Matteo Renzi – Andrea Conticini – per iniettare capitali in tre società.”
E adesso l’Unicef Italia ha anche il coraggio di scrivere negli ultimi giorni del 2017 “Idiota, fascista, imbecille” per indicare chiunque non sia d’accordo con loro, per la mancata approvazione della legge sullo Ius Soli.
E poi c’è chi critica Trump per aver tagliato finalmente i fondi anche allUnicef, covo di criminali mondialisti e agenti sinistrorsi di George Soros, e all’ONU, da sempre la centrale operativa del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.
L’italia di Napolitano, Gentiloni e Mattarella rischia un futuro isolamento, ma gli italiani sempre più buonisti e ignoranti per colpa della propaganda Papale, cadranno tuttavia ancora una volta nelle pericolose trappole dei Gesuiti e dei loro burattini radical chic, rendendo nullo o quasi, il voto degli italiani previsto a marzo del 2018.
Cosa fare? Per il momento dobbiamo semplicemente rassegnarci alla stupidita collettiva di un paese senza attributi e sopratutto senza veri leader, sperando in un domani migliore, dove l’individualismo degli italiani, possa essere sostituito da un gioco di squadra realmente rivoluzionario che opponga questo schifo, e sostenga finalmente dei veri leader che pongano al centro, e prima di tutto, l’Italia e gli italiani, anche a rischio della propria vita senza fare inciuci con figure compromesse com Silvio Berlusconi, per garantire così un futuro reale ai nostri figli contro i criminali Mondialisti e il Vaticano che li supporta.
In collaborazione con Trumpiani d’Italia e Italians4Trump
Vi invitano Sabato 28 Gennaio 2018 Dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 presso la GALLERIA SALLUSTIANA ART GALLERY in Via Sallustiana 27/a Roma per la Conferenza:
Analisi di un Rivoluzione annunciata
A un anno dallo storico insiediamento del presidente Donald J. Trump alla Casa Bianca che ci ha visto in parte protagonisti con due eventi, uno a Via Sallustiana, e l’altro a Palazzo Ferrajoli, i veri Trumpisti d’Italia di cui ha parlato la stampa di tutto il mondo ritornano insieme per fare il punto della situazione, tra Fake News, Rivoluzione economica Trumpiana, e Nuovo Disordine Mondiale.
Conduce l’evento Daniele Imperiale
(Giornalista consigliere regionale ODG Abruzzo)
Interverranno i relatori:
Leo Zagami
(Giornalista e autore/INFOWARS, co-fondatore ITALIANS4 TRUMP e TRUMPIANI D’ITALIA, presidente dell’Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis)
Professor Antonio Maria Rinaldi
(Economista, docente di Finanza aziendale all’università “D’Annunzio” di Pescara,
Marcello Bussi
(Giornalista finanziario/Milano Finanza)
Alfredo Esposito
(Esperto di relazioni internazionali e co-fondatore ITALIANS4TRUMP)
Pasquale Antonio di Todaro
(Giornalista che per ventotto anni, dal ’64 al ’92 quando è andato in pensione, è stato il padrone di casa del Corriere della Sera a Roma e presidente della Confederazione Massonica “CONCILIUM MAXIMUM”)
Luciano Fortunato Sciandra
(Presidente del C.R.E.S.T. – Centro ricerche e studi della tradizione)
I posti sono limitati quindi per garantirvi un posto a sedere e l’entrata vi invitiamo a prenotare il prima possibile presso
Ricordiamo oggi nel periodo Natalizio il produttore del celebre film “Una poltrona per due” (Trading Places), Aron Russo, che mori prematuramente per un tumore dieci anni fa a 64 anni dopo le sue scioccanti rivelazioni sul Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.
Dan Aykroyd in Trading Places. Photograph: handout/Handout
Today we remember during the Festive Season, Aroon Russo, the producer of Trading Places, who died prematurely of cancer at age 64 after his shocking revelations on the New World Order.
In collaborazione con Trumpiani d’Italia e Italians4Trump
Vi invitano Sabato 28 Gennaio 2018 Dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 presso la GALLERIA SALLUSTIANA ART GALLERY in Via Sallustiana 27/a Roma per la Conferenza:
Analisi di un Rivoluzione annunciata
A un anno dallo storico insiediamento del presidente Donald J. Trump alla Casa Bianca che ci ha visto in parte protagonisti con due eventi, uno a Via Sallustiana, e l’altro a Palazzo Ferrajoli, i veri Trumpisti d’Italia di cui ha parlato la stampa di tutto il mondo ritornano insieme per fare il punto della situazione, tra Fake News, Rivoluzione economica Trumpiana, e Nuovo Disordine Mondiale.
Conduce l’evento Daniele Imperiale
(Giornalista consigliere regionale ODG Abruzzo)
Interverranno i relatori:
Leo Zagami
(Giornalista e autore/INFOWARS, co-fondatore ITALIANS4 TRUMP e TRUMPIANI D’ITALIA, presidente dell’Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis)
Professor Antonio Maria Rinaldi
(Economista, docente di Finanza aziendale all’università “D’Annunzio” di Pescara,
Marcello Bussi
(Giornalista finanziario/Milano Finanza)
Alfredo Esposito
(Esperto di relazioni internazionali e co-fondatore ITALIANS4TRUMP)
Pasquale Antonio di Todaro
(Giornalista che per ventotto anni, dal ’64 al ’92 quando è andato in pensione, è stato il padrone di casa del Corriere della Sera a Roma e presidente della Confederazione Massonica “CONCILIUM MAXIMUM”)
Luciano Fortunato Sciandra
(Presidente del C.R.E.S.T. – Centro ricerche e studi della tradizione)
I posti sono limitati quindi per garantirvi un posto a sedere e l’entrata vi invitiamo a prenotare il prima possibile presso
Less than a week ago, the Pentagon finally admitted that it ran a secret program tasked with investigating sightings of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. As reported by The Independent “Although the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Programme ended five years ago, when US defence officials shifted attention and funding to other priorities, it remains unclear if it has continued to investigate sightings of mysterious vehicles. The programme ran from 2007 to 2012 with $22m (£15m) in annual funding, which was hidden in US Defence Department budgets worth hundreds of billions of dollars,”
The New York Times reported that: “The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time and who has long had an interest in space phenomena. Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s, Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce xpandable craft for humans to use in space. On CBS’s 60 Minutes in May, Mr. Bigelow said he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist and that U.F.O.s have visited Earth.”
As I wrote in volume 2 of my Confessions, Bigelow works with John B. Alexander (born 1937), a retired United States Army colonel, who currently lives in Las Vegas with his two sons and his wife Victoria Lacas Alexander, and studies alien abductions. As I pointed out in my book, what most people don’t realize about Bigelow and Alexander, is that the two are members of The Temple of Set, the darkest faction of the American Illuminati, founded by Satanist and Theosphist Dr. Michael A. Aquino, a retired Lt.Colonel of the Military Intelligence who specialized in Psychological Warfare. They seem to use this research to disguise the groups more occult experiments and Satanic practices, in places like Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, a property located on approximately 480 acres (1.9 km2) southeast of Ballard, Utah, that is allegedly the site of paranormal and UFO related activities.
Official theatrical movie poster for Skinwalker Ranch (2013)
Colonel John B. Alexander is the author of a very interesting book on the UFO phenomenon called, UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities (New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books, 2011), a book particularly appreciated by his ex-colleague in the U.S. military, Michael Aquino, who described the whole UFO phenomena as a huge PSYOP (Psychological Operation): “So the emerging picture om UFO’s is not one of are-They/aren’t-They-here, but rather of a global phenomenon of human psychology: a PSYOP campaign without anyone actually running it. Much like the traditional circus coming to town, it thrills us, scares us, and certainly alleviates boredom. John Alexander isn’t about to stare it down; like everyone else, he’s having way too much fun with it.”
By making such a statement publicly on an internet forum, Aquino is participating to some extent to the massive cover-up underway of the true occult origin of the UFO phenomena. There is something sinister going on behind closed doors, with what we know now as an Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. It seems that Bigelow, Col. Alexander, and the Temple of Set are helping NASA return to its occult roots in dealing with the industry that was pioneered by scientist and occultist Jack Parsons (1914-1952) of the Ordo Templi Orientis.
Get Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume II by Leo Lyon Zagami at:
Today I will start unveiling the secret rituals and instructions of the infamous Illuminati sect known as the Ordo Templi Orientis, to finally show to the world their hidden allegiance to Islam, and expose their Satanic teachings further, after their despicable actions towards me have proven they are attempting to censor the truth.
Prefatory Note
Formally joining O.T.O. requires participating in a physical ceremony of initiation called the Minerval Degree or 0°. It is the initial ceremony of the first cycle of initiations known as the Man of Earth Degrees. In this context we fine the Minerval. The sign, grip, penal sign, etc., of this degree seem to vary widely amongst those occult lodges which claim an O.T.O. ancestry. Accordingly they have not been inserted into the body of the ritual; in any case they are no more than the usual claptrap of secret societies — quite the least important parts of the Ritual were the O.T.O transmits to their candidate the name ON, considered the secret name of God or to be more precise the God Osiris.
Minerval Ritual
A conical tent, within which is seated Saladin, in oriental costume. Before him is an altar, ‘a Well covered with a coping-stone’, on which are:
The Book of the Law (CCXX). (2) A Sword.
(3) A platter (disk)
of bread and salt.
On his right hand is a seat. The Tent is lighted by a single candle: or, there is a palm tree. Without is an armed black guard, who seizes the Candidate on his approach, and binds him hand and foot, and blindfolds him.
He then leads him to the Tent and knocks once. Saladin: Whom have you there? Black Guard: A Prisoner, mighty Saladin. Saladin: Have you discovered his identity?
Black Guard: I have, mighty Saladin. He is a native of Corinth; but he has attained the freedom of the city of Athens, the ally of Mitylene.
Saladin: Why does he travel in the land of Egypt? Black Guard: He says that he is travelling to Heliopolis, the City of the Sun.
Saladin: Are his intentions friendly?
Black Guard: He desires peace, and seeks wisdom. Saladin: Then let him confirm his aspirations with AN OATH
Sir, if your intentions be honourable, you will be set at liberty, and received with true hospitality in the camp of friends. Repeat your name at length and say after me:
I, … being an helpless prisoner in your power, hereby declare that I am a native of Corinth, a freeman of the city of Athens, the ally of Mitylene, and that I am travelling peacable to Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, in search of Light and Truth, of Wisdom and of Peace. Humbly, yet frankly, I demand your hospitality, and participation in your MYSTERIES, which I swear to study and to hold sacred and secret, and if I break this oath
(Saladin puts bread and salt into his mouth)
and betray the bread and salt, may the dogs devour my carcass; may I be mutilated and no more a man!
(Black guard applies sword in penal sign.)
Saladin: Noble Emir, release your prisoner!
(Done. 1st — Feet. 2nd — Hands. 3rd — Hoodwink.)
Saladin: (Shaking hands with the Candidate.) Noble guest, welcome to our camp! Be seated on my right hand.
(Candidate seated.)
I greet you as a brother with the title of Minerval, Man of Earth, a seeker after the hidden wisdom. Also, I present you with this Sacred Scroll28 (Done.) Study it well; it is the Charter of Universal Freedom.
Noble Emir, I charge you with the pleasant duty of proclaiming the arrival of our guest to our fellow soldiers!
Black Guard: OYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ! hear ye all that … is a welcome guest at our camp! (All applaud.)
Saladin: In order to enable you for the future to penetrate our camp without annoyance from the sentries, I will confer upon you as a sign of recognition and a Pass Word. The sign is given by … etc. The Penal sign is given by … etc. The grip is … etc. The Word is ON. It signifies the Sun in the old Egyptian language. The password for the present month is …. For the present, worthy and welcome guest, I see that you are in need of repose. This noble Emir will conduct you to a suitable lodging. Therefore I bid you, for the present,
Hail and Farewell! (Black guard conducts New Member to join his fellow soldiers.) Note. If Candidate be female the obvious emendations must be made.
Minervals should be made in batches, preferably 12 at a time, according to the signs of the Zodiac. Each goes through the first part separately, all coming in together for the second part.
Saladin: Noble Emir, have you attended to the necessities of our guests? Black Guard: I have, mighty Saladin. Saladin: Let me assure myself of the same. (Black guard brings the candidates forward.)
Worthy and valiant guests, I trust that so far you have had no reason to complain of our hospitality. Are you well rested and refreshed?
Candidate: I am. (Candidates are girded with swords.) (A foreman can be chosen, as in a jury.) Saladin: Are you ready to fight by the side of your comrades at the behest of the Supreme and Holy King, the Grand Master, Baphomet?
Candidate: I am.
Saladin: Our Grand Master will have none but free men in the ranks of his army. His soldiers must be neither mercenaries nor pressed men. I therefore ask you your object in enrolling yourself amongst us.
(Candidate replies as he thinks fit, and Saladin holds an impromptu dialogue with him which ends as follows.)
Noble and valiant guests and comrades! you have arrived amongst us at a time when freedom is about to deliver the decisive combat against the forces of superstition, tyranny and oppression. In the time which you spent in reposing from the fatigue of your journey, what was your sustenance and comfort.
Candidate: The Book of the Law.
Saladin: Can you explain the nature of that law in a few words?
Candidate: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
(All repeat, and give the sign.)
Saladin: Can you explain further the nature of the law?
Candidate: Love is the law, love under will.
(All repeat, giving the penal sign.)
Saladin: Are you prepared to defend those principles with your life?
Candidate: I am. (All repeat.)
Saladin: In order to fortify yourselves for combat, it is our custom to read a chapter of the Book of the Law. I will therefore request you to encourage your comrades in this manner.
(The Black guard gives the Candidate a chapter to read, and he reads it.)
Saladin: Let all present raise the right hand and say with me; ‘We swear to defend the principles of the Book of the Law in the name of the freedom of man, in whom is God.’
(All repeat.)
Noble and valiant guests, I will venture to acquaint you with the first paradox of philosophy. In order to obtain freedom to do your will, it is necessary to submit voluntarily to discipline and organization. Evolution implies structuralization. The power of man is greater than the power of the amoeba, because he has specialized the functions of our protoplasm of which he is composed. The regulations of our Order are strict, even as the sinews of your arm are firm. Were your sinews loosened, you could no longer move your arms. Chafe not, therefore, at the apparent restrictions which your obligations place upon you. They are designed solely to enable you to do your will.
In order that you may do the one thing which you will truly, you must therefore renounce all those other things which may tempt you to swerve from the one purpose of your sojourn amongst us. This tent, under whose canopy I sit, is restrained by the rigidity of its support. It fulfils its design by virtue of this discipline. I charge you, therefore, to meditate over this paradox, in order that you may understand the necessity to undergo that course of training which will make you efficient as a soldier of freedom. Let me further assure you that the word freedom is with us, no idle term. We neither know nor care what your will is.
‘Thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that and no other shall say “nay”.’ We unreservedly place power in your hands. If it be your will to enter this army as a spy to destroy your comrades, so be it!
Yet remember that you have made solemn affirmation to us in these words, which you will again repeat after me. ‘If I break this oath and betray the bread and salt, may I be mutilated and be no more a man.’
(All give penal sign.)
Saladin: It is our custom before going into battle, to fortify ourselves with meat and drink. A banquet has been prepared for our entertainment.
Emir: The banquet is ready, mighty Saladin. Saladin: Let us partake of it. (O.T.O. Applause.) (All go to banqueting tent.)
Saladin at head of table. Black guard at foot. Saladin rises … gives sign. ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the Whole of the Law.’
Emir: What is thy will, mighty Saladin? Saladin: It is my will to eat and drink.
Emir: To what end? Saladin: That I may fortify my body. Emir: To what end? Saladin: That I may do battle in the cause of freedom according to the Book of the Law. Emir: Love is the Law, Love under Will. (O.T.O. applause.)
The late Grady Louis McMurtry, Caliph of the Caliphate American Ordo Templi Orients clearly shows is Islamic ways…
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
The Ordo Templi Orientis set a cross on fire in an anti-Christian ritual
In a sudden twist of events yesterday, Saturday the 16th of December 2017, exactly two months after the successful release of my latest literary work, The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society byCursum perficio publishing , whose policies have been put into question recently, has unilaterally stopped the publication of this book, following an alleged copyright infringement claim by Kittie Pakalovich, the legal assistant of the Ordo Templi Orientis (, the infamous Illuminati Satanic sect that is obviously upset for all the confidential documents and secrets I am revealing.
Presentation of “The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society” on Infowars on October the 17th 2017
The price of this now extremely rare book will rise for sure in the coming weeks and months, but what gives the Ordo Templi Orientis the right to force this unjustified censorship by CreateSpace and Amazon? Apparently the Ordo Templi Orientis believes that their leader is the repository not only of their Order’s magical power, but also has a supposed claim on various copyrights and royalties, especially of Aleister Crowley’s work. Amazon’s crackdown on conservative content uses this ridiculous claim to enforce their censorship on my book. Well, no wonder the “Caliphate” O.T.O., the first Grand Lodge of the O.T.O. in the world, was originally founded in the city of Berkley in California in 1977, with the full support of many liberal cockroaches present in the US Intelligence community. These willing agents of the New World Order helped and supported the creation of this sect for the sole purpose of controlling this highly dangerous Illuminati cult, and for receiving tax-exempt status as a religious association, that can of course benefit from an alleged claim on Crowley copyrights worldwide.
The Order has since launched a thousand legal battles around the world to control the lucrative publishing rights related to Aleister Crowley, and its copyright. They even managed to receive exclusivity on the name O.T.O. in English speaking countries, which seems rather strange, if you think that Aleister Crowley was never the founder of this order. These are the only details that cannot be revealed by regular Freemasons to the outside world, but often Freemasons, when asked about their membership by a non-Mason, especially in North America, merely assure you that “Masonry is a Christian organization based on the Bible.” They further assure you that Masonry is in accordance with God’s laws. But is this really true? Do they have the ultimate truth? Why are they so secretive? Well, I will try to answer these three questions before you waste years attacking the wrong enemy on the internet, or joining the wrong form of Freeemasonry in search of the Holy Grail, or even worse, being initiated into one of the many Illuminati cults that reclute within Freemasonry, like the Ordo Templi Orientis (known with the acronym O.T.O.).
Seal of the “EDUCATION COMMITTEE” of the US Grand Lodge of the O.T.O.
This is a dangerous error, even the more erudite Freemason seems to make these days, often ignoring the possible consequences of such actions. This happened for example, to the late Jeva Singh-Anand, the translator of The Secret School of Wisdom – The Authentic Rituals and Doctrines of the Illuminati, published by Lewis Masonic only a couple of years ago. Jeva enthusiastically joined the O.T.O. wishing to learn more about their Illuminati secrets, and their connections, (if any), to Weishaupt’s Illuminati. He went around the US giving speeches in their lodges, even helping them form a “Education Committee” within their US Grand Lodge, using none other than Weishaupt’s, “Owl of Wisdom” Minerval degree symbology. The “Bird of Minerva” has been a symbol for the goddess of wisdom (Athena/Minerva) for thousands of years.
Hegel used it, and the Journal of the Hegel Society of America employs the symbol, and so does the Bohemian Club. In the Cremation of Care ceremony, ritualized at the Bohemian Grove, we hear the “Priest” intone: “O thou, great symbol of all mortal wisdom, Owl of Bohemia, we do beseech thee, grant us thy counsel.” However, Jeva was probably thinking he was immune to all the evil black magic present in the dark side of the Illuminati, but unfortunately he ended up dead in his basement after committing suicide in October 2015. His wife, a practicing witch and O.T.O. member, was said by some, to be partly responsible for his dramatic ending, but we might never know the truth about this sad episode connected once again, to the dangerous para-Masonic magical order.
Invite issue by the Horizon Lodge of the O.T.O. for a talk given by the late Jeva Singh-Anand 3 months before his tragic ending
The US Ordo Templi Orientis (Caliphate), is also very active in Moscow and the rest of the Russian Federation. The Russian O.T.O. even published a limited edition of The Book of the Law translated for the first time in the Russian language.
Cover and first page of the Russian Limited Edition of The Book of the Law (number 53)
From my personal experience, many of the Russian members of the O.T.O, are also Intelligence assets, often operating as dangerous double agents, officially working for the FSB, but in reality serving George Soros in trying to destabilize countries like Ukraine. Basically traitors of their own nation, that constantly work to sabotage, and oppose Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, with little or no success, on behalf of the New World Order. However, until now, their confidentiality standards have protected them from being persecuted in the Russian Federation, as well as in other countries like France, where they are blacklisted by local autorities. These are three points of great interest that show their modus operandi concerning their confidentiality rules. They are found in their internal manual, given only to officers of the O.T.O, entitled Ordo Templi Orientis International camp, Oasis and Lodge Masters handbook (Revised edition, July 1997):
Confidentiality Membership Information. Membership of any individual in the O.T.O. shall not be made public (those who have not signed as Preliminary Pledge form) except upon the informed consent of the member. The O.T.O. membership and mailing list are only released to those O.T.O. officers who have a specific need for such information. However, a public claim to or denial of membership by an individual is deemed consent for the O.T.O. to publicly discuss the membership or non membership of that individual to the same extent as the individual public claim or denial. In general, any degree held by a member should only be revealed to other members who hold a degree in the same Triad. P.I.s may reveal their rank to Minerval, and VII°s may reveal their rank to V°s. Knight of the East and West. A certain amount of degree confidentiality may be forfeited by those who assume leadership position; for example, most Minervals know Lodge Masters must be at least V° and that persons acting as Sovereign Grand Inspectors General must be at least VII°. Note that use of electronic mail to provide information to International Headquarters should be done in such way that privacy of the members is assured. An individual member should not be fully identified as to name, degree and address in electronic mail without the permission of that individual member. Electronic mail is not a fully private medium of comunication.
Confidential Meetings. The proceeding and minutes of the official meetings of all governing bodies of the O.T.O. are confidential unless specifically released by the governing body concerned or by the Secretary General. Perfomance of O.T.O. initiation rituals are strictly confidential to the initiates of the degree being worked. Only active O.T.O. members on good report who have been duly initiated into a particular degree entitled to the privilege of attending initiation rituals for that degree. Others shall not attend or be permittted to attend or be permitted to attend initiations or view ritual scripts or temple arrangements of that degree, and not be unnecessarily informed regarding anything pertaining thereto, including the oath.
Confidential Documents. O.T.O. considers its initiation rituals and the official instructional documents of its degrees, particularly those of the VII°, VIII°, IX° and X°, to be confidential to the initiates of the degree in question. O.T.O. ritual script shall be kept in the possession of Chartered Initiators, except that they may be temporarily lent to O.T.O. members holding at least the degree in question for the purposes of study, rehearsal and working of initations. These are not to be copied. Any published editions of the O.T.O. initiation rituals, such as the edition by Francis King, are to be treated as confidential documents by O.T.O. members, regardless of their accuracy or lack thereof. It is not appropriate for O.T.O. members to sell or distribute copies of such documents, without the express permission of International Headquarters. Should an O.T.O. member find a copy for sale to the public, it would be appropriate for the member to purchase it; however, International Headquarters recommends that candidates for intiation into a degree of O.T.O. wait until after they have been initiated into that degree before reading the ritual of that degree. The official instructional documents of the VII°, VIII°, IX° and X° are to be treated as strictly confidential to the members of those degrees, even though versions of some of these documents have been published. These documents, even published versions, should not be sold, circulated or distributed by O.T.O. members without the express permission of International Headquarters. If you are unsure whether a document you possess is confidential, write to the Secretary General or Treasurer General for verification.
Should any O.T.O. initiation ritual or confidential O.T.O. document be found posted on an electronic bulletin board system (BBS) by an O.T.O. member, the member should request that the System Operator should be informed that the documents is confidential and its posting constitutes a violation of copyright laws. The member whould also report the incident to International Headquarters as soon as possible.
Well, it seems I have just violated probably several O.T.O. rules, and regulations by showing you these secret instructions on their supposed confidentiality, but as an ex-member, and someone who believes this to be one of the most dangerous groups operating in the decline of the Western Initatic world, I could care less. In fact, by showing you this, I am not only helping those in the lower level of the O.T.O. pyramid to understand the level of manipulation and secrecy of their controllers, but I am also showing the world, the reasons why they seem to always be so successful in keeping secret their membership, their temples and their rituals, even after so many scandals and so much exposure both in the alternative, and mainstream media. I would like to now address something that has recently come to my attention, in regards to the O.T.O.’s public exposure, as it’s not always negative, as they seem supported by the most unlikely sources at times!
And finally, here is the Secret Instruction of the Ninth Degree of the Ordo Templi Orientis, found in a rare book entitled, The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. published in 1973 by Francis King, a British occult writer and editor, who was a member of Dione Fortune’s Society of the Inner Light, one of a few positive offshoots of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. King’s publication of The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. infuriated the Past Grand Master of the first O.T.O Grand Lodge, Grady McMurtry, because the fraternity’s secrets were finally being exposed. In an O.T.O newsletter, McMurtry stated their policy regarding the publication of this material: “We do not endorse the publication of this material because the so-called 9th degree section does not include the paper (titled IX degree Emblems and Modes of Use) which Aleister Crowley handed me at 93 Jermyn St circa 1943-44 e.v. without which the whole thing is nonsense.” However, Francis King is thought to have been given the rest of the rituals (sans the missing one), by another top figure in the Illuminati called Gerald Yorke.[1]
Now that interest is growing around the subject and the original hardcover copies are being sold on Amazon for $250.00, a revised Second Edition is said to be finally scheduled sometime after December 2017, and will apparently contain all sorts of fascinating extra little bits and pieces, as well as the Emblems used by Crowley, and Francis King’s original 6 chapters dealing with the history of the O.T.O. A section that seems to have been expanded into 12 (possibly 13) chapters. Of course the modern emanation of the Ordo Templi Orientis is not happy with this new literary project, and might try to stop it. In the meantime, enjoy this set of instructions for the creation of the homunculus, still considered one of the most important secrets of the Illuminati.
Cover of the original edition of “The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O” by Francis X. King (1934 –1994), who was a British occult writer and editor
By Baphomet X° O.T.O. Rex Summus Sanctissimus to all His Holy and Royal Brethren of the X° upon earth, and to His Viceroys in all the Britains, Greeting and Peace. Under the seal of the Obligation of the IX°
The homunculus is a living being in form resembling man, and possessing those qualities of man which distinguish him from beasts, namely intellect and power of speech, but neither begotten and born after the manner of human generation, nor inhabited by a human soul.
Thus, supposing that the re-incarnating Ego enters the fetus at the third month of gestation, it would not serve to remove such fetus from the mother, and cause it to live; for it is already human. But a fetus of two months might become homunculus.
A human being can only become homunculus if obsessed by a demon to such an extent that the human soul is irrevocably expelled to the same degree as in death, and freed utterly so that it seeks a new tenement, and is cut off absolutely from the old. But even this, rare as it must be except in lunacy, involves an extension of the natural meaning of the term homunculus.
In the third chapter we discuss Our method of producing that which, if not a true homunculus, at least serves all proper purposes thereunto pertinent.
Second ChapterCAPITULUM SECUNDUM. The classical method of making the homunculus is to take the fertilized ova of a woman and to reproduce as closely as may be, without the uterus, the normal conditions of gestation therein.
For: in the case of ectopic gestation, it is clearly possible for the ovum to develop for a considerable period; and a child of 41⁄2 months weighing nine ounces, has been known to live for over an hour after delivery. These considerations encourage us. Life is indefinitely adaptable, and life originally appeared in a planet bacteriologically sterilized by temperatures of many thousands of degrees Centigrade. There is therefore every reason to hope that, starting as we do with the proper First Matter, we may be able to devise conditions of its growth in a ‘culture’, just as we have done in the case of the simpler organisms.
As it is written ‘With God all things are possible’; and is not our Motto ‘Deus est Homo’?
The White Tincture of the Alchemists was in this connection a replica of the Liqor Amnii, and their Red Tincture a substitute for Blood.
Certain truly magical aids to the physiological experiments indicated above have always been held worthy. The Adept must, however, be left to devise these, as in so small a treatise we have no place for a subject so starry vast as this.
We assume that Our Brethren have well studied Our Epistle De Arte Magica Secundum Ritum
Gradus Nonae O.T.O. k.t.l.
Before introducing our own method of making the homunculus, let us refer to (A) the theory of Incarnation and (B) the method of Evocation invented by us in An VI Sol in Aries (April 1910 E.V.).
For about three months the fetus is empty of any soul. It then attracts an Ego of such a nature as (a) its own Karma i.e. naturae and tendency, and (b) the Karma of the Ego, combine to make viable. If a suitable combination is not found, the result is either miscarriage, still-birth or the birth of an idiot.
In the last case the fetus has been obsessed by some dumb non-human spirit, or by some human spirit of exceptional Karma. By Karma We mean always nature and tendency, and no more, although we use these words in a large sense to include all causes moral as well as physical. But we include not any conceptions of ‘Justice’ and the like in these.
If this be accepted, then clearly it is possible that a magician might find means (a) to bar the gate against any Human Ego, and (b) to cause the Incarnation of some non-human being, such as an elemental or planetary spirit, of a nature fitted to some desired end. Thus one eloquent, from an incarnation of Tiriel, or one bold in war, from the indwelling of Graphiel.
And these will be his chief difficulties (a) that Man (even when discarnate) is so spiritually powerful, that to bar him from his urgent need is a task of colossal awe; and (b) it is necessary to choose a spirit suitable to the fetus. Thus if the babe that is to be were by reason of physical heredity sluggish, melancholy and weak, it would be but nugatory to invoke into it a spirit of Nakhiel or Raphael or Haniel or Anael.
The human soul is all but inexpugnable; yet We have succeeded in the temporary expulsion of a weak and wandering soul, and its replacement. For example, We once supplanted the soul of a Caliban- creature, a certain deformed and filthy abortion without moral character, named Victor Neuburg, by a soul of Isis, by a soul of Mars and by a soul of Jupiter in turn, so that this quasi-human shape, not being a poet, did yet write verses goodly and great in praise of Isis; and not being a prophet, did yet foretell most accurately the wars which even now devastate the earth; and not being generous or wealthy did yet for a season support many dependants on his bounty.
And this we did with no elaboration of thought, no Persian apparatus, no weariness or trouble at all. Now then do We mark down the Means devised by Us Baphomet for the making of the homunculus.
Take a suitable woman willing to aid thee in this Work. Explain to her fully the precautions to be taken and the manner of life necessary. Let her horoscope be, if possible, suited to the nature of the homunculus proposed; as, to have an incarnate Spirit of Benevolence let Jupiter be rising in Pisces with good aspects of Sol, Venus, and Luna; and with no notable contrary dispositions; or so far as may be possible.
Take now a man suitable; if convenient, thyself or some other Brother Initiate of the Gnosis; and so far as may be, let his horoscope also harmonize with the nature of the work.
Let the man and woman copulate continuously (but especially at times astrologically favourable to thy working) and that in a ceremonial manner in a prepared temple, whose particular arrangement and decoration is also suitable to thy work. And let them will ardently and constantly the success of thy work denying all other desires. Thus proceed until impregnation results.
Now let the woman be withdrawn and carried away to a place prepared.
And this place should be a great desert; for in such do rarely wander any human souls seeking incarnation.
Further let a great circle be drawn and consecrated to the sphere of the work; and let banishing formulae of the Sephiroth, and especially of Kether, be done often, even unto five or seven times on every day. Outside which great circle let the woman never go. Let the mind of the woman be strengthened to resist all impression, except of the spirit desired. Let the incense of this spirit be burnt continually; let his colours, and his only, be displayed; and let his shapes, and his only, appear so far as may be in all things.
Further let him be most earnestly and continually invoked in a temple duly dedicated, the woman being placed in a great triangle, while thou from the circle dost perform daily the proper form of Evocation to Material Appearance. And let this be done twice every day, once while she is awake and once while she is asleep.
And let the quickening be a feast of the Reception of the Spirit. Henceforth ye may omit the Banishings.
And during the rest of the Pregnancy let there be the Charge to the Spirit (so that the whole period of all this work is as it were an expansion in terms of life of the Art-formula of Evocation) in this manner.
Let the woman be constantly educated by words and by books and by pictures of a nature consonant, so that all causes may work together for the defence and sustenance of the Spirit, and for its true development.
And let the delivery of the woman be retarded or advanced so far as possible to secure a rising sign proper to such a child.
The child being born must be dedicated, purified and consecrated, according to the formulae of the planet, element, or sign, of which it is the Incarnation.
Now then thou hast a being of perfect human form, with all powers and privileges of humanity, but with the essence of a particular chosen force, and with all the knowledge and might of its sphere; and this being is thy creation and dependent; to it thou art Sole God and Lord, and it must serve thee.
Therefore the whole of all that part of Nature whereunto it belongs is thy dominion; and thou art Magister Octinomous.
Be wary, Brother Adept, and choose well thine object, and spare not pain and labour in the Beginning of thy Operation; for to have corn of so subtle a seed is a great thing once; to achieve it twice were the mark of a primal energy so marvellous, that We doubt whether there be one man born in ten times ten thousand years that hath such wonder-power.
Now the Father of All prosper ye, my Brethren that dare lay hold upon the Phallus of the All-One, and call forth its streams to irrigate your fields. And may the spirit of Prometheus hearken, and the Spirit of Alcides aid, your Work.
Farewell, therefore; in the name of the Secret Master Blessing and Peace from Us Baphomet X° O.T.O. Given from the throne of Ireland, Iona and all the Britains in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis this day of Sol. An X 6 in ^ 26° 40′ 49″ 9 in & 5° 4′ 24″ (Noon Sept. 20 1914 E.V.)[2]
[1]See. Cornelius, Jerry (2005). In the name of the Beast. California: Red Flame. p. 104.
[2] Francis X. King , The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O, ( London: C.W. Daniel Company, 1973), pp. 231–239.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Last Friday, as reported by one of Norway’s leading newspapers Dagbladet, journalist and writer John Færseth, a prominent member of the Norwegian Ordo Templi Orientis, as well as other occult orders, was attacked and injured in Oslo by a supposed “Conspiracy Theorist”, after being recognized in a Club in the center of the city.
Færseth, who threatened my life back in 2003 for exposing part of his infamous Satanic sect, has been trying to gain credibility in the corrupt liberal, Anti-Trump Norwegian media, facilitated by the many connections between the O.T.O. and regular Freemasonry in Norway.
His two books; Ukraina – landet på grensen, about the crisis in Ukraine, and KonspiraNorge, were secretly financed by groups linked to George Soros, and he even obtained an official recognition by Oslo’s local chapter of the B’nai B’rith.
In KonspiraNorge, John Færseth explores the how and why of conspiracy theories, without mentioning his connection to the Occult, or the fact he practices ceremonial magick and witchcraft, including ritual orgies and animal sacrifice. Færseth is also connected to the demented activities of Antifa in Norway, and monitors the Norwegian underground scene on behalf of the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST).
Could such activies be the real reason for the brutal attack against him?
Does this mean the people of Norway are finally waking up to Færseth’s lies and his deliberate disinformation? Even if most Norwegians are brainwashed by the media, some are slowly realizing the truth. If you wish to know more about John Færseth’s role, and his involvement in the activities of the New World Order, I suggest you read volume 1 and 2 of my Confessions.
John Færseth’s Leviathan Rising…
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Divide et impera mentre i burattinai se la ridono e l’Italia va inesorabilmente verso una guerra civile….
Dopo aver visto la marcia di ieri a Como frutto del peggior buonismo e della peggior ipocrisia sono convinto che l’Italia sempre più divisa va ormai inesorabilmente verso un guerra civile. Qui non si tratta di difendere Fascismo o Comunismo, di cui sinceramente nel 2017 non c’è ne dovrebbe fregare più niente. Ma di dire la verità: ovvero che l’Europa ci comanda, che non contiamo una beata minchia, e che George Soros e il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale si sono comprati tutti perfino Silvio Berlusconi che ora non fa più l’anticomunista e ha piazzato la regina dei giornalisti radical chic, ovvero la signora Rutelli alias Barbara Palombelli, sui suoi canali. Un operazione studiata a tavolino che serve per fare il lavaggio del cervello giornaliero alle casalinghe di Voghera e del resto del “Bel Paese”.Facendo accettare loro lo Ius Soli, l’invasione e la violenza degli immigrati, l’adozione da parte di coppie dello stesso sesso, e qualunque altra diavoleria Sinistrorsa.
Tuttavia la guerra civile sarà forse l’unica soluzione per ristabilire valori etici e morali ormai persi e la Sovranità contro la deriva Piddiota.
Qualcuno dirà che esagero nella mia analisi, ma non credo che si possa essere un dialogo tra le parti, o che le future elezioni cambieranno qualcosa, quando una come la Boldrini parla di “troppa indulgenza” in Italia, e il ministro Orlando parla di sanzioni contro i fascisti in un Italia di disperati che non c’è la fa ad arrivare a fine mese, dicendo frasi a effetto come “Solo centrosinistra oggi consapevole del rischio deriva fascista”. Ma quale “rischio” che siete voi i veri fascisti.
Rimango perplesso. Il problema dell’Italia in questo momento non sono sicuramente le dimostrazione folcloristiche di una certa destra, ma il degrado delle nostre città. Cari Piddioti e tutta la sinistra che comunque in un modo o nell’altro vi va dietro come inutili comparse, siete voi i fascisti che avete in mano tutti i media e tutti i giornalisti, e siete voi il cancro da estirpare un domani anche con l’uso della forza.
Quindi Piddioti e soci, vi meritate la fine che farete, che secondo me e la maggioranza degli italiani non sarà una bella fine.
Fate circolare questo articolo contro ogni censura del sistema verso la vera libertà di stampa.
The time of revelation is going as planned. This is a brief extract from my book, Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume II: The Time of Revelation and Tribulation Leading up to 2020, to be read in the light of the latest events in Jerusalem and around the world:
Now is the time for the general public to comprehend what is really behind this veil of illusion. Only then will we come to better understand the years prior to 2020, as indicated by many in Illuminati circles as the year of real change toward the implementation of the New World Order, as a time of opportunity for the creation of a better world. There are many who believe that it is in this time that disclosure concerning an alien reality will finally be revealed. A truth which will completely revolutionize and forever change our society and mankind.
The Temple Institute, which is the organization leading the Jewish movement for the construction of its new Jerusalem temple, has already made detailed plans, and provide regular updates, concerning their various “preparatory” activities. So far, the information that has been disclosed paints a striking picture.
Some examples include the “Last Spring,” announced in 2015, which will be the altar for the future Temple when completed, that is identical in size and characteristics to that which existed at the time of Jesus. Then there is the work of the famous architect Shmuel Balzam, who is developing the blueprints for the temple’s Sanctuary. The best goldsmiths of Israel are also faithfully reproducing copies of the furniture and tools used during that sacred period (shovels, basins, trumpets, crowns, cups, censers, candlesticks, and more). They are preparing clothes and ornaments true to tradition, and in 2013, the “Committee for the Veil” was created with a team of Jewish women who are weaving a veil that will adorn the temple. In recent years, extensive studies have been made by interested parties in the Jewish community to replicate, with extreme accuracy, the sacred rites of their ancestors. Thanks to sophisticated DNA studies, scientists have been able to trace the male descendants of Aaron.
These are the only men said to be able to exercise the priestly office in their religious tradition, as well as to revive the famous Ritual of the Red Heifer ( in Hebrew parah adumah). This is also known as the Ritual of the Red Cow, where a red cow is brought to the priests as a sacrifice, as according to the Hebrew Bible, and its ashes are to be used for the ritual purification (as prescribed in Chapter 19 of the Book of Numbers), and deemed suitable for service in the ird Temple. A er centuries and centuries, the temples re-appearance is considered a sign in anticipation of the next coming of the Messiah.
In short, we are closing in on the so-called end times … and every little detail, if properly interpreted, reveals ever more disturbing truths. So, welcome to Volume II of my Confessions, where I expose a far different reality than that held within most peoples every day perceptions.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
The papal election of Pope Bergoglio has been questioned several times, first by various books, and then by Cardinal Danneels, head of the St. Gallen Mafia, who suported and aided the election of the Jesuit Pope. There are plenty of heretical statements and actions from this Pope, whose episcopal lineage derives from Cardinal Rampolla, a Freemason, and a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis, as stated in official documents of the Order.
Nevertheless, what was discovered lately is even more shocking. The group of clerics dubbed the St. Gallen “mafia”, whose goal is to radically reform the Church to make it “much more modern”, was in close collaboration with the late exponents of the Swiss Ordo Templi Orientis, the oldest O.T.O. lodge worldwide, active since 1954, based in Stein, Appenzell, Switzerland, known as Die Abtei Thelema, operating as a lodge of the World Federation of Illuminati. This issue has been investigated in depth by Swiss author and researcher PeterR. Koenig, for his research project on the Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon:
The late Hermann Joseph Metzger OHO of the O.T.O., Patriarch of the Gnostic Catholic Church, Head of his Order of the Illuminati, Head of his Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua with some of his followers and their families
It confirms that between 1963–1967, the Swiss Ordo Templi Orientis used for their so called Gnostic Mass, a total of 3,000 Hosts obtained by the Thelemites (ie followers of Aleister Crowley’s Satanic religion), from a genuine Catholic convent.
The incense-grains were supplied by the Chief Sacristan of St. Gallen Cathedral, where the St. Gallen mafia met in secret to conspire for the takeover of the Catholic Church in the following years. The wine for the weekly Crowley Mass, came directly from the Catholic Bishop himself. Well, it’s no wonder the ecclesiastical arm of the Ordo Templi Orienti is called The Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.).
Inside the St. Gallen Cathedral
The Gnostic Catholic Church’s Crowleyan Masses continued until not so long ago, on alternate Sundays. The museum and library dedicated to the Illuminati remains active, as do Order operations in a minor way, as they have ceased publicly in April 2008, after the death of Fraeulein Aeschbach, who was the main financer of the Swiss O.T.O. However, the finances were merged with those of the Aeschbach-Stiftung, which is overseen by the cantonal authorities, and run by a Foundation Committee, headed by Ernst Graf and Adalbert Schmid: The latter looks after the library and estate business.
Video from the Masonic Museum of the Illuminati Order in Stein, a municipality in the district of Rheinfelden in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland
Besides being the new president of the Psychosophische Gesellschaft, Graf is also the vice-president. A financial cushion results from the sale of the Haus Schedlern, where Fraeulein Aeschbach lived; this also overcame any financial hurdles that might have thwarted the Society’s successful continuation. New members recluted within the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland (SGLA) are taken on, but it seems they are not so active, as their main objective was reached in 2013, positioning a Jesuit Pope, whose episcopal lineage derives from a member of the O.T.O., to the throne of St. Peter.
Interestingly enough, the Pontifical Swiss Guards and their families have visited the Illuminati museum in growing numbers, since the end of 2013.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society