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Article by Leo Zagami
Interviewed by the Italian news agency Adnkronos, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ukraine, Anatoliy Dymchuk, said that traditionally as Masons “We cannot support war, tyranny, moral, and physical violence, it is impossible on a metaphysical level. We, Freemasons, as citizens of Ukraine, actively fight against it. Freemasonry recognizes as the borders of a state those recognized by the various international institutions and by the government, unless it is a totalitarian state, given that during totalitarian regimes Freemasonry has always been persecuted, as demonstrated by what happened in imperial Russia and even in Soviet Russia.”
However, the History of Freemasonry in Russia is a bit more complex than that and completely intertwined with the history of Russia over the last 300 years. Speculative Masonry was originally brought to Russia in the early part of the 18th century by foreign officers in service to the Russian military, and Catherine the Great’s factotum Ivan Yelagin, succeeded in reorganizing Russian Freemasonry into a far-reaching nationwide system and secured at the same time the English authorization for the first “Regular” Russian Grand Lodge becoming also its provincial Grand Master. According to Albert Mackey, the tendency was mystical and the influence on society “negligible.” Russia was later recognized also as the 8th autonomous province of the Rite of Strict Observance but after the French RevolutionAnti-Masonic measures started to creep in, as well as a schism developed between the lodges of Moscow dominated by the Strict Observance and St. Petersburg ruled instead by the Swedish Rite.
In the meantime, Catherine the Great, the last reigning Empress of Russia (from 1762 until 1796) and the country’s longest-ruling female leader suspected the Freemason had turned her son Paul against her, becoming a tool in the hands of her main enemy, the King of Prussia, and viewed their attitude towards women as backward. When Paul I came to the throne, he initially supported Masonry, but quickly changed his mind once he became Tsar, largely out of fear over the French Revolution and the alleged role Masons had in it. He outlawed the fraternity in 1796, along with all other suspected secret societies in the country.The Order of Freemasons became was a quasi-forbidden thing in Russia. Even in the period of the “Golden Age” of Russian Masonry (1810-1822), the lodges were under direct surveillance by the Special Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs[1], making a de facto a quasi- state institution like it’s considered today also by the Ukrainian Grand Master.[2]
Two large, competing Grand Lodges formed: the Swedish Provincial Grand Lodge of Russia with 7 lodges and the Grand Lodge of Astraea with 19 lodges. (This is the period of Freemasonry depicted in Tolstoy’s novel of the Napoleonic period, War and Peace.) Under Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, Freemasonry was eventually legalized and enjoyed a brief revival only after the First Russian Revolution of 1905, and the October Manifesto of 1905 that granted limited rights to unions and private meetings. This period saw the birth of the Grand Orient of Russia’s Peoples (GOoRP) an illegal Co-Freemasonry political organization that existed in Russia from 1912 until 1917, built with the help of the French Illuminati that seceded however from the Grand Orient de France, with Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov and Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky as its main leaders, as well as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (1870 –1924), better known by his alias Lenin founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution that he put into motion after conveniently closing all the lodges in 1917.
Lenin was also a member of the known French Masonic lodge “L’ Union de Belleville” (Paris), a Communist Lodge that was used by the Illuminati to recruit influential political figures like Lenin and supported in the past “The Paris Commune,” a revolutionary government that seized power in Paris, the capital of France, from 18 March to 28 May 1871.[3]Debates over the policies and outcome of the Commune had also a significant influence on the ideas of both Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), who described it as the first example of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Lenin and the Grand Orient of Russia’s Peoples inspired Russian brothers to try and take high places in state bodies and diplomatic and military circles. They had their people in the French Embassy (10, French embankment, St. Petersburg), State Council, Progressist block of the State Duma, Cadet, Oktyabrist, Trudovik (Labourist) Parties and factions, working groups of Military Industrial Council, General Staff (after 1915), Moscow State Duma, Commerce and Industry Alliance, the Bar, professorship of St.-Petersburg, Moscow Universities. Freemasons were especially active in the IV State Duma where they formed the Progressists block (summer 1915) and tried to form the block comprising all opposition parties to eliminate the monarchy in Russia[4] following the original plan of the Illuminati.
Going back to the words of criticism recently made towards the Grand Lodge of Russia by the Ukrainian Grand Master Dymchuk, he has explained that he is working on distributing aid to the exhausted population thanks to the commitment of many volunteers, including goods that come from Masonic organizations and Obediences around the world. He then said he was proud “of my Ukrainian Brothers who have trusted their Masonic oaths and their civic duties towards the Homeland”.
Ukrainian Grand Master Anatoliy Dymchuk then lashed out at his Russian colleague Andrey Bogdanov, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia claiming that in the past, in 2014, he had posted on his Facebook profile “exhortations to divide or invade Ukraine,” noting that Bogdanov was running for president with the Russian Communist Party, whose activists are traditionally atheists, while Freemasons cannot be. The Ukrainian Grand Master then said that he “does not believe that the Russian Masonic Lodge is free,” because the Russian Federation “is a totalitarian regime and we have information that the Russian Masonic Lodge has been supported, in the past, by the Kremlin,” as well as having learned “from the conversations of the Russian Freemasons expelled, that the Russian Masonic Grand Lodge is supported by the Kremlin, and, in particular, by Surkov, an entrepreneur and Putin’s trusted advisor for years.” The Ukrainian Grand Master then specified that there is no mutual recognition between the two Masonic institutions as “they were the first to disown us, consequently we did too.”
Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov who is said to be the current leader of the Russian Illuminati, also known as, “Putin’s Rasputin, the Grey Cardinal of the Kremlin or the Puppet Master,”[5]and as the BBC says one of “the most powerful man you’ve never heard of,[6]” is the real “Secret Chief” of Russian Freemasonry and the supreme architect of Russia’s ideology of sovereign democracy or “managed democracy” and the conflict in eastern Ukraine. This was confirmed in October 2016, by the Ukrainian hacker group CyberHunta which leaked over a gigabyte of emails and other documents alleged to belong to Russian political operative and senior Kremlin official.
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia, Bogdanov, reported on the Facebook page of the Grand Lodge of Russia that he had been contacted by the news agency Adnkronos to hear, as they say in the Masonic jargon, “his bell”, and to have replied that “No, I will comment on the political statements of my Brother Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ukraine in order not to violate our Masonic Constitution! I can only say that the Grand Lodge of Russia is registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which respects the Constitution of the Russian Federation and observes the Anderson Masonic Constitution. In its existence (since 1995) the state has never intervened in the affairs of the Grand Lodge of Russia! I can specify that today, in the context of the regular and recognized world of Freemasonry, it remains one of the few ‘bridges’ between Western civilization and Russia! We appreciate that very much! I very much hope that fraternal harmony will be maintained in regular international Freemasonry despite all the challenges of the world! “.
Twelve years ago, I made an exclusive interview with Viacheslav Smirnov Assistant Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia (who also took part in the formation of the Democratic Party of Russia) on the history of Russian Freemasonry that might be of interest now.
Bogdanov and Smirnov are “funny and very creative” political strategists with “good knowledge of Internet technologies,” said once political consultant Dmitry Fetisov to RBC, and he was right. Smirnov and Bogdanov have worked together since the 1990s. In 1991, Smirnov headed the executive committee of the DPR Youth Union, whose head was Bogdanov. In 1996, Smirnov became the director of the department of regional political programs of the information and analytical center “Novokom,” and in 1997, Bogdanov took over as vice-president of the center. Before the 2008 presidential elections, both political strategists were in the top three of the DPR federal list. Bogdanov also took part in the elections – but not from the party, but the “initiative group of citizens,” receiving 1.3% of the vote and taking last place. In 2018, Vladimir Putin asked Grand Master Andrei Bogdanov and political strategist Vyacheslav Smirnov not to participate in the presidential elections to avoid the “carnivalization” of the 2018 campaign, experts say as he was of course about to be re-elected.
The Grand Lodge of Russia operates to this day just like the Russian Orthodox Church for the interest of the Russian Federation, and Grand Master Andrei Vladimirovich Bogdanov is just as supportive of the military operation in Ukraine as Kirill, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Vladislav Surkov worked for years behind the scenes to make sure the foreign Masonic interest will never again interfere with Russia as it happened in the past. However, the French Illuminati, seem to have planted the seeds of a future “Revolution” when
in March 2001, about 100 Freemasons left the Grand Lodge of Russia to later form the United Grand Lodge of Russia (UGLR) under the patronage of the Grand Lodge of France. On the 2nd of July 2019, the UGLR counted 200 freemasons united in 11 Lodges and the current Grand Master of the UGLR is Yuri Arkhangelsky who might be working behind the scenes to sabotage Putin just like the Grand Orient of Russia’s Peoples (GOoRP) and Lenin did with Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov, the last Emperor of Russia.
[6] Ibid.
THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 5pm PST (6pm MT/7pm CST/ 8pm EST) with Leo and Christy Zagami on the unprecedented clash between Ukrainian and Russian Freemasonry and the Secrets of Russian Masonry and much more.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.