Silvio Berlusconi’s health rapidly declines

Article by Leo Zagami

A few moments ago, in a phone interview anticipated by Italian press agency AGI that will be broadcasted later on this evening on the TV Show Matrix (broadcasted on one of Berlusconi’s own TV channels-),  that, “with sadness and pain, I will be taking a few days of rest. It has been stressful and painful.” 


(AGI) – Roma, 31 gen. – “Mi spiace di deludere i nostri competitori ma io sto bene, sto bene davvero. Ma dopo cinque giorni di 17 ore di lavoro, di ripensamenti e decisioni difficili, col dispiacere e col dolore, mi sono preso dei giorni di sosta. Sono stati giorni stressanti, direi addirittura dolorosi. Ma adesso riprendiamo la campagna elettorale per vincerla”. Lo ha detto Silvio Berlusconi, intervenendo telefonicamente a Matrix, in onda stasera. Il leader FI, rivolgendosi a Matteo Salvini, presente in studio, ha detto anche “Matteo, mi raccomando fai il bravo…”.


Berlusconi accusa un lieve malore dopo il comizio del Pdl a Roma. Nella foto un'espressione di Silvio Berlusconi mentre sembra accusare la fatica durante la presentazione dei candidati del PdL e apertura della campagna elettorale
Silvio Berlusconi got sick during the past election, after the presentation of the electoral list in Rome,  he is sick again but this time it could be worst.



This confirms 100% what I said yesterday on the show with Alex Jones about his health that nobody knew about until the show.



Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

The plague of Pedophilia and the bankruptcy of the Catholic Church

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami

Cardinals close eyes

Back in 2014, Pope Francis estimated that 2% of priests in the Catholic Church are pedophiles, but that was, of course, another Jesuit lie. In the US, the number of alleged abuses increased in the 1960s, peaked in the 1970s, declined in the 1980s, and by the 1990s returned to the levels of the 1950s.


There have been settlements and bankruptcies that have affected several American dioceses, whose compensation payments have totaled billions of dollars, and might ultimately force the Catholic Church out of business.


According to Donald Cozzens: “By the end of the mid- 1990s, it was estimated that… more than half a billion dollars had been paid in jury awards, settlements and legal fees.” This figure grew to about one billion dollars by 2002. Roman Catholics spent $615 million on sex abuse cases in 2007.


The following figures and descriptions are taken from Wikipedia in the month of January 2018:



Citing monetary concerns arising from impending trials on sex abuse claims, the Archdiocese of Portland (Oregon) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on July 6, 2004, hours before two abuse trials were set to begin, becoming the first Roman Catholic diocese to file for bankruptcy. If granted, bankruptcy would mean pending and future lawsuits would be settled in federal bankruptcy court. The archdiocese had settled more than a hundred previous claims for a sum of over $53 million. The filing seeks to protect parish assets, school money and trust funds from abuse victims; the archdiocese’s contention is that parish assets are not the archdiocese’s assets. Plaintiffs in the cases against the archdiocese have argued that the Catholic Church is a single entity, and that the Vatican should be liable for any damages awarded in judgment of pending sexual abuse cases.



The Diocese of Tucson filed for bankruptcy in September 2004. The diocese reached an agreement with its victims, which the bankruptcy judge approved June 11, 2005, specifying terms that included allowing the diocese reorganization to continue in return for a $22.2 million settlement.



In December 2004, the Diocese of Spokane, Washington agreed to pay at least $48 million as compensation to those abused by priests as part of its bankruptcy filing. This payout has to be agreed upon by victims and another judge.



On October 10, 2006, the Diocese of Davenport filed for Chapter 11 protection.The decision to file for bankruptcy was driven by many claims which focused on Bishop Lawrence Soens, who had been accused of fondling as many as 15 students during his tenure as priest and principal at Regina Catholic High School in Iowa City during the 1960s. Soens denies the allegations. A judge discharged one suit in October 2006.


San Diego

On February 27, 2007, the Diocese of San Diego filed for Chapter 11 protection, hours before the first of about 150 lawsuits was due to be heard. San Diego became the largest diocese to postpone its legal problems in this way.



On March 7, 2008, the Diocese of Fairbanks filed for bankruptcy after 130 civil suits filed by Alaska natives who claim to be abused by priests, and other church employees, beginning in the 1950s.



On October 18, 2009, the Diocese of Wilmington filed for bankruptcy as the first of some eight lawsuits (of more than 100 potential) was scheduled to go to trial the next day.



On January 4, 2011, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee announced that it would be filing for bankruptcy. The church was facing more than 23 lawsuits, and attempts to reach a mediated settlement with victims failed in December 2010. This came two days before the bishop was scheduled to be deposed about these cases, and after the church had refused to release the names or personnel records of the priests accused. The opposing attorney said that the bankruptcy filing was an attempt to delay turning over church records on the cases.

The Milwaukee archdiocese has already paid out over $29 million to settle 200 cases over the last 20 years. They said that these additional cases would cause hefty legal fees that the archdiocese could not afford. The archdiocese has assets of about $98.4 million, but $90 million of that is restricted for specific uses.


Ecclesiastical Province of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization on January 17, 2015.

The Diocese of Duluth filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on December 7, 2015.On March 3, 2017, the Diocese of Ulm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection following numerous lawsuits surrounding sex abuse by Catholic clergy in the area. New Ulm follows the Duluth Diocese and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, thus making Minnesota the first state in the United States of America to have three Roman Catholic dioceses file for bankruptcy protection.


The Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico filed for bankruptcy protection on November 12, 2013.

The Diocese of Helena filed for bankruptcy protection in February 2013 to resolve more than 362 claims.


Boy in Crucifix




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :




Articolo di Leo Zagami presidente Italians4Trump e Trumpiani d’Italia


A poche ore dall’ atteso discorso di Donald J. Trump a Davos George Soros attaccava con malizia il presidente Usa: “Penso che l’amministrazione Trump sia un pericolo per il mondo. Ma la considero un fenomeno passeggero che sparira’ nel 2020 o anche prima”, aggiungendo. “Riconosco che Trump ha motivato i suoi sostenitori in modo brillante, ma per ogni fan ha anche creato un numero maggiore di oppositori che hanno motivazioni ugualmente forti. Alle elezioni di mid-term di quest’anno mi aspetto una netta vittoria dei Democratici”, ma Donald J. Trump arriva e conquista di colpo la scena di Davos alla faccia di George Soros il criminale numero uno di questo Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ormai allo sbando, e lo fa dopo aver ribadito che Le borse stanno battendo un record dopo l’altro” affermando senza mezzi termini “Per burocrati non eletti che hanno imposto leggi anti-business e regolazioni anti-lavoratori sui nostri cittadini con nessun voto nessun a responsabilità in America i loro giorni sono finiti”.

Trump mantiene giustamente la sua posizione come presidente di uno Stato Sovrano: “Come presidente degli Stati Uniti mettero sempre l’America prima così come i leader degli altri Paesi dovrebbero mettere il loro Paese per primo.”

Aggiungendo più in la “Proprio come mi aspetto i leader degli altri Paesi di difendere i propri interessi noi difenderemo i nostri.”

Inoltre “Sì al commercio globale, purché sia giusto ed equo”.


Invece a rappresentare l’Italietta a Davos nel 2018 il primo ministro Paolo Gentiloni,  rappresentante del quarto governo non eletto di burocrati della nostra Repubblica delle banane, che in segreto pare abbia  garantito ai suoi alleati a Davos (Francia e Germania) che chiunque vinca le elezioni (incluso Berlusconi o i 5 Stelle),  il 4 marzo 2018 tutto rimarrà lo stesso… per una seconda insalata Gentiloni…magari  con l’aggiunta di un pò Di Maio che piace anche a Soros.



Fate circolare questo articolo contro ogni censura del sistema verso la vera libertà di stampa.



Pope Francis defends the pedophile network and causes a clash with US cardinal

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Breaking news from Chile as Pope Francis’ words ,  shocked many when he defended the Bishop of Osorno, Juan Barros, who protects and covers for the suspected pedophile named Luis Fernando Figari Rodrigo.

Rodrigo, is a Peruvian Catholic layman and the founder and former superior general of Sodalitium Christianae Vitae. He also founded the Christian Life Movement and several other religious associations before becoming the object of allegations of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse of young men, some of whom were minors that were forced with unusual requests under the guise of spiritual guidance. Mr. Figari Rodrigo, even told young men to undress in front of cameras recording such shocking acts for personal use. “If someone asked you to do something, you simply did it,” said Mr. Osterling, now 44, while recalling a night in 1991. “Some 20 years later, I realized that lots of people were asked to undress.”


Prosecutors in Peru have been after this scumbag since 2015, but when they began their criminal investigation, Figari conveniently disappeared to Rome, protected by Bishop Juan Barros. He eventually sought refuge in a convent in central Italy. A Peruvian judge is now set to rule on whether to authorize his arrest, which would allow prosecutors to seek extradition.


Even Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, a top adviser to Pope Francis, rebuked the pontiff’s disparaging remarks targeting the Chilean abuse claims, saying the comments “abandon” survivors of the church’s sex abuse crisis, to a sort of “discredited exile” . Neverthe less, Pope Francis seems firm in defense of the pedo-network.



Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican


In collaborazione con Trumpiani d’Italia e Italians4Trump Vi invitano Sabato 20 Gennaio 2018 Dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 presso la GALLERIA SALLUSTIANA ART GALLERY in Via Sallustiana 27/a Roma per la Conferenza:
Analisi di un Rivoluzione annunciata
A un anno dallo storico insiediamento del presidente Donald J. Trump alla Casa Bianca che ci ha visto in parte protagonisti con due eventi, uno a Via Sallustiana, e l’altro a Palazzo Ferrajoli, i veri Trumpisti d’Italia di cui ha parlato la stampa di tutto il mondo ritornano insieme per fare il punto della situazione, tra Fake News, Rivoluzione economica Trumpiana, e Nuovo Disordine Mondiale.

Conduce l’evento Daniele Imperiale (Giornalista, consigliere regionale ODG Abruzzo)
Interverranno i relatori:

Leo Zagami
(Giornalista e autore/INFOWARS, co-fondatore ITALIANS4 TRUMP e TRUMPIANI D’ITALIA, presidente dell’Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis)
Professor Antonio Maria Rinaldi
(Economista, docente di Finanza aziendale all’università “D’Annunzio” di Pescara,
Marcello Bussi
(Giornalista finanziario/Milano Finanza)
Alfredo Esposito
(Esperto di relazioni internazionali e co-fondatore ITALIANS4TRUMP)
Pasquale Antonio di Todaro
(Giornalista che per ventotto anni, dal ’64 al ’92 quando è andato in pensione, è stato il padrone di casa del Corriere della Sera a Roma e presidente della Confederazione Massonica “CONCILIUM MAXIMUM”)
Luciano Fortunato Sciandra
(Presidente del C.R.E.S.T. – Centro ricerche e studi della tradizione)

I posti a sedere sono terminati ma vi invitiamo a prenotare per garantirvi un posto in piedi:


Chelsea Clinton fa gli auguri ai vecchi amici della Chiesa di Satana


Cari lettori qui non si tratta di una cospirazione ma di una triste realtà confermata da fatti verificabili non da chiacchere.

Chelsea Clinton  nota anche come “Cessa” Clinton si presenta al mondo come una vecchia amica della Chiesa di Satana, come si evince chiaramente dagli auguri reciproci fatti due giorni fa su Twitter.

Ecco quindi che nel 2018 vengono finalmente allo scoperto le tendenze sataniche e perverse della figlia di Hillary, nota Satanista e criminale al soldo di George Soros,  che negli ultimi anni sta investendo molto sul futuro politico sempre più improbabile della figlia “Cessa” che ama indossare una croce capovolta tipica dei Satanisti.



Questo dimostra che i Satanisti dell’élite stanno uscendo sempre più allo scoperto negli ultimi tempi, confermando quello che per anni ho scritto nei miei libri.

Altro che cospirazioni….

Buon 2018 quindi a tutti,  e state sicuri che ne vedremo delle belle in questo nuovo anno.


Schermata 2018-01-04 alle 09.42.16

Vladimir Putin: I’m Not Sure The Pope Is Even A Christian

Vladimir Putin: “If you look around at what he (the Pope) says, it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”


Pope Francis has rather socialist views in economic thought, he is a One-World Government advocate and an enthusiast of open borders and mass migration.

In other words, the Jesuit Pope appears to be an enemy of the little that is left of Western Civilization.




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :