It’s now official, the Catholic Church endorses Satan and human sacrifice after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis today and received communion during a papal Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica despite her position in support of abortion rights.
Pelosi attended the morning Mass marking the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul, during which Francis bestowed the woolen pallium stole on newly consecrated archbishops. She was seated in a VIP diplomatic section of the basilica and received communion along with the rest of the congregants, according to two people who witnessed the moment.
A little over a month ago, Pelosi’s home archbishop, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, said he will no longer allow her to receive the sacrament in his archdiocese because she supports abortion rights, a decision that exposed the archdiocese of San Francisco to attacks, as I reported here.
Despite that, Nancy Pelosi went directly to Rome with her drunken husband in defiance of Catholic rules, to show to the world they are above them, as the official teachings of the Catholic Church oppose all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus, since it holds that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.”
After this stunt, we can no longer recognize the current Pope or the Catholic Church as being coherent and honest about their beliefs, and we can no longer believe in Catholicism as being Christian in any form or way.
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The helicopter flies over you, carrying the elite to the airport; but not to the part where normal folks are forced to go through security, where we take our shoes off, and if required have our temperatures taken and whatnot. They go to the other side, where all the sleek jets are parked. Their pilot awaits and they fly off to their enormous compounds in remote areas of the world where they have food supplies stocked to last decades, personal doctors, medical supplies, etc., etc. Their private security personnel guard the gates which are out of sight of the main compound, often by many miles, but now things are getting even more creepy because the elite of the New World Order is preparing for a societal collapse in ways unheard of before.
As COVID-19 made landfall in 2020, the super-rich in New York City went to their second, third, or fourth homes. Whichever they thought best. I assure you that small airports in places such as Kalispell, MT, were packed with private jets in the middle of the plandemic.
Other super-rich elite have bought condos in former ballistic missile silos, where the smallest one goes for $1.5 million for 900 square feet. If you desire more Daniel Boone elbow room, you can shop instead for $4.5 million 3,600 square feet silo and get an entire floor, which also has a gym, a movie theater, and many more amenities. Earlier this year, ambitious Japanese scientists revealed plans to build a gigantic Ocean Spiral City under the sea that would let the elite use the deep sea for resources and live next to colossal octopuses. The Ocean Spiral City, designed by the engineering firm Shimizu Corporation, looks a bit like the Eden Project attached to a helter-skelter or a Turkey Twizzler. It would rely on the resources of the ocean to operate and sail slowly and comfortably around the world, 2.5 miles beneath the surface of the water. While earth experiences societal collapse with war, pestilence, famine, economic collapse, population decline, and mass migration, the elite can still enjoy life as usual in the deep sea.
First unveiled in 2014, the Ocean Spiral City was tipped to be ready for its first 5,000 residents by 2030[1]. But this is not the only solution the elite have been working on in recent years as a collapsed society may revert all of us to a more primitive state of living, the elites find new ways of avoiding the impending collapse.
Another of the most recent project put together by the elite of the New World Order is a nuclear-powered “flying hotel” that could one day see up to 5,000 members of the rich and famous enjoy a luxury stay above the clouds, with swimming pools and shopping centers included, while we, here on earth, deal with the ugly apocalypse. The ambitious Sky Cruise – which is designed to never land by using 20 engines running on nuclear fusion – has been featured in a new video. Described by designer Hashem Alghaili as the potential “future of transport”, the YouTube clip shows off an incredibly detailed mockup of the giant plane.
So, while the Sabbatean Frankist Illuminati, their Jesuits supervisors, and Big Businesses herd entire populations into a global society of digital gates and switch to the “Mark of the Beast,” calling it “Build Back Better,” and “The Great Reset,” with a Fourth Reich manifesting under the auspices of The World Economic Forum as it stands with Ukraine to “fight Russia,” they are preparing to survive at the bottom of the sea, or in the sky, or of course, in space, once the nukes start exploding. However, space is still a very dangerous place. Without proper protection, people would not be able to survive there for long periods, so we are still far away from the futuristic scenario depicted in the 1979 James Bond film, Moonraker, where a huge, city-like space station, hidden from radar by a cloaking device, floats on top, fueled with people, as the evil elite plot to wipe out the world population to recreate humanity with a master race. But the last point described in the movie might be still a valid one, and a possible eye-opener on how the Illuminati elite plan to survive while eliminating us.
For now, the effects of space exposure that can result in ebullism, hypoxia, hypocapnia, and decompression sickness still make the Moonraker scenario the stuff of science fiction, but things might change soon. For more than 50 years, NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) has studied what happens to the human body in space and researchers are using what they learn to design procedures, devices, and strategies to keep astronauts safe and healthy throughout their missions. NASA is now particularly interested in investigating how the body reacts to long-duration spaceflight as the agency plans for extended missions on the Moon and Mars. Because beginning with short flights and working up to extended trips, NASA estimates that the lunar base could be functional soon, so they can use the lunar base as a launch site for a manned mission to Mars. The elite know they might need a faster solution right here on earth, and that’s why they are planning to take refuge in the abyss of the oceans, or in the skies.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
In an article from Babylon Bee, the Pope has truly “canonized” the vaccine. Designed by Italian coin and medal artist Chiara Principe a female Freemason known as a “worthy ambassador of the Italian school of engraving,”[1] the coin depicts a doctor, a nurse, and a young person who are ready to receive the infamous vaccine. The three characters are of course all wearing face coverings.
The Vatican Philatelic and Numismatic Office announced on Monday that the coin is “dedicated to a current theme that is very close to Pope Francis’ heart: treatments to counter the pandemic and the need to be vaccinated.”
“A Vatican commemorative coin dedicated to the ‘need to be vaccinated’ against COVID-19 is something serious scholars and people of goodwill would have gladly done without,” said eminent Italian ethicist Dr. Fulvio Di Blasi to my friends at Church Militant.[2]
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
There are now so many “fully vaccinated” people showing strong signs of demonic possession that a new St. Michael Center for Spiritual Liberation and Exorcism is opening up in Manila, Philippines. The world’s first-ever center is being constructed for those who are not only possessed but suffering demonic attacks. The Archdiocese of Manila is currently building the groundbreaking center in the Philippines. The center will be used as the headquarters of the Philippine Association of Catholic Exorcists (PACE), the Ministry of Exorcism, and the Ministry on Visions and Phenomena.
The Archdiocese of the Manila Office of Exorcism said it will be a “product of more than seven years of prayers, planning, and fundraising.” In a statement, the archdiocese said: “This religious structure will be the first of its kind in Asia, if not the world.” Francisco Syquia, director of the Manila Office of Exorcism, said it will be for people “in bondage with the devil” who are “therefore the poorest of the poor and are usually overlooked”. Adding, “We are grateful to you our benefactors who have until this point supported the Saint Michael Center-”
According to reports, the new site will be dedicated to performing exorcisms on people who got jabbed for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Father Jose Francisco Syquia, says he now receives about 10 reports every single day of demons infesting the bodies of the vaccinated. In this incredible new scenario, the Roman Catholic Church is responsible for erecting the facility, which is reportedly the first of its kind in Asia.
Priests will be trained in the art of expelling demons, and Father Syquia, the director of the archdiocese, will hold the position of the chief exorcist. The official story is that the plandemic and all of its stressors are responsible for the uptick in demon possession, following the new strategy against the increase in demonic possessions that I pointed out last year:
A complete 360degree change, heading in the opposite direction as the previous position they took at the start of the pandemic when the Catholic Church was denying the problem as I also pointed out in September 2020:
But the reality is that the jabs, as well as the isolation induced during the China virus lockdowns all over the world, are also a major contributor to the present increase in demonic possession, which has been on the rise for many years now as it was also indicated in the past by various Senior Vatican exorcists:
“A product of more than seven years of prayers, planning and fundraising, this will be the first of its kind in Asia, if not the world,” the archdiocese announced. “This center will minister to those in bondage to the devil, who are therefore the poorest of the poor and are usually overlooked.”
However, “full possession,” according to Father Syquia, only accounts for about 20 percent of all exorcisms performed by the Roman Catholic Church. The majority, he says, are performed on people who are being “harassed physically” by evil spirits. In the past three to five years, Father Syquia added, there has been a “sharp increase” in witchcraft activity taking place inside people’s homes, which is also a factor in the current crisis.
Incredibly enough, after performing the exorcism ritual on some people, Father Syquia says the demons that were cast out later “texted” him on his mobile phone. In one instance, he claims to have seen a woman levitate after becoming possessed, only to have the demon later send threatening messages to his office phone while Syquia was talking to the woman and her boyfriend, and the phone was in a completely different room. The archdiocese is quoted as saying, “The devil has power over anything electrical,” adding that the message he received from the alleged demon accused him of being a sinner and a liar. This fully confirms everything I wrote in volume 6.66 of my Confessions, regarding the use of technology, which is basically “anything electrical,” by the demonic world. Father Syquia said: “If this place is infested, for example, and they want their presence known, usually the lights would flicker. If I give a talk and use a certain gadget, the devil can easily shut it down because he is an expert in anything electrical.”
In the United States, demon possession is currently at a fever pitch, especially now that we have entered “Pride” month some experts say there has been an increase. Children everywhere are being dragged by their parents and guardians to parades and bars where transgender drag queens are flashing their fake body parts and reading them books about “gender identity.”
Father Jose Francisco Syquia, knows the difficulty of his new task as “Demon activity and even possession are clearly on the rise,” as someone wrote in response to the news about the new exorcism facility while others warned that “Those who dabble in the occult and witchcraft are especially vulnerable.”
Sources fro this article include aside from
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The former Russian president and prime minister Dmitry Medvedev believes that the real-time frame for Ukraine’s possible entry into the EU in the 2050s, and the economic and political block could break up before suggesting the fate of the USSR could also befall the EU.
“It’s possible that Communism could have arrived by now had the USSR been preserved. But the union, unfortunately, died. Do you understand what I’m hinting at? P.S. Perhaps (knock on wood) the EU disappears by this time? It’s frightening to think what a scandal this would be, given the sacrifices that have been made on the altar of joining the EU, and what a deception it would be of the expectations of the unfortunate Ukrainians,” Medvedev concluded, and his warnings might be on target since the Russian Foreign Ministry has just responded in the last 24 hours to Lithuania’s partial blockade of Kaliningrad, that could open another war front, writing in a statement that they consider the “provocative measures” to be “openly hostile” and warning that the Kremlin may take action to “protect its national interests.”
Kaliningrad is sandwiched between the EU and NATO members Poland and Lithuania, which seem to possess nuclear weapons ready to defend Russian interest in the region capable of reaching most of Northern Europe. According to Lithuanian officials, Russia has always kept nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad. “They keep nuclear weapons, delivery vehicles, and have warehouses [in Kaliningrad]. The international community and countries in the region are perfectly aware of that,” Anušauskas told BNS last Thursday.
Supplies from Russia are delivered regularly to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, via rail and gas pipelines through Lithuania – which announced last week that it was banning the rail transit of goods subject to EU sanctions, which include coal, advanced technology, metals, and construction materials.
“If in the near future cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests,” reads the statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry as tensions grow also on the borders of Moscow-backed Transnistria region.
Transnistria separatist region of Moldova has in fact also sparked fears that Moldova could also be dragged into conflict following Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine.
And as tensions are growing all over the region former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev says there is currently “no need to negotiate” with the United States on nuclear arms reduction, stressing that Moscow should wait until the Americans “crawl” back to talks and “beg” for them.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The fact that Pope Francis will resign rather than wait until the end of his mandate was something I pointed out from the beginning of his papacy and now even Megyn Kelly is jumping on board with the news.
Unusual activity at the Vatican as reports break that Pope Francis may be about to resign. (And we are there!)
The American journalist, attorney, political commentator, talk show host, and television news anchor who currently hosts a talk show and podcast, The Megyn Kelly Show, that airs live daily on SiriusXM, is in Rome for a family holiday and seems to have detected unusual activity at the Vatican confirming the imminent decision of the Pope.
However, Pope Francis, who is currently in a wheelchair, will stay at least until the consistory to create 21 new cardinals scheduled for August 27, 2022, which as I pointed out in one of my last articles, “will include sixteen progressive-leaning cardinals under the age of 80, that will be eligible to vote in a future conclave to elect Francis’ successor, following of course his Communist/Satanic ideology”.
So Megyn Kelly may have detected some unusual activity, but she will not be able to see much more during her Italian holiday.
In the meantime, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, who some experts indicated as papable, is tacitly approving Italy’s first public same-sex blessing, held in his archdiocese of Bologna when Father Gabriele Davalli, who blessed homosexual couple Pietro Morotti and Giacomo Spagnoli on Saturday at the parish church of San Lorenzo, Budrio, in flagrant violation of the Vatican’s recent prohibition of same-sex blessings. Such actions indicate the course of the future Pope.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Pope Francis grants an interview to the Jesuit review ‘La Civiltà Cattolica’, and shares his thoughts on the war in Ukraine, stating that “World War III has been declared” suggesting war in Ukraine was “perhaps in some way provoked” denying being pro-Putin and slamming the “cruel” Russian troops while holding in the meantime “secret” talks with Putin in the shadow of Ukraine crisis, and making sure the CIA and other agencies keep their hands of the Knight of Malta.
For this reason, Pope Francis, disrespectful of the constitution of the Order, nominated yesterday Fra’ John T. Dunlap, a member of the Sovereign Council, as Lieutenant of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta after the suspicious death of CIA asset Fra’ Marco Luzzago on the 7th of June 2022, violating the legendary sovereignty of the nearly one-thousand-year-old Order that has always acted independently from the decisions of the Holy See.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), officially the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and Malta, was founded in 1048 by Amalfian merchants in Jerusalem as a monastic order that ran a hospital to tend to Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. At the height of its power, and before the Jesuit takeover of the Vatican in 2013 they have been the biggest players in both the diplomatic and intelligence fields with numerous CIA heads and even US Presidents as members.
But things have changed in the last few years as the Pope has taken over the order as I pointed out in past articles:
Behind the scenes the Pope needs the complete control of the Knights of Malta and he has secretly opened a line of communication with the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin thanks to Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta, 6th Duke of Aosta one of two claimants to be head of the House of Savoy who resides in Moscow and has served since November 2019, as the Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to Russia a country with a long history with the Knights of Malta since the Russian Emperor, Paul I, gave the largest number of knights shelter in Saint Petersburg In 1798 after Napoleon led the French occupation of Malta, an action which gave rise to the Russian tradition of the Knights Hospitaller and the Order’s recognition among the Russian Imperial Orders.
In the meantime, tensions are indeed growing amongst the Knights of Malta against the nomination of Fra’ John T. Dunlap. In his letter of appointment, Pope Francis states that “the sudden departure of the Lieutenant of the Grand Master, Fra’ Marco Luzzago, a few months before the celebration of the Extraordinary Chapter General, brings the Order of Malta to a new moment of dismay and uncertainty.”
Pope Francis’ decision will allow the Order of Malta to accelerate the progressive reform process and return to an ordinary administration under a Grand Master soon afterwards as long as is a Jesuits agent first and not a CIA one.
Fra’ John T. Dunlap will be sworn in on 14 June in the Church of Santa Maria in Aventine in front of Cardinal Silvano Maria Tomasi and the Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta’s at the end of Fra’ Marco Luzzago’s solemn funeral and many member of the Vatican Illuminati will be present.
THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW is back Tuesday June 14, 2022 at 5pm PST (6pm MT/7pm CST/8pm EST) with Leo and Christy Zagami and all the latest on the unprecedented American crisis. DON’T MISS THIS SHOW YOU WILL ALSO BE ABLE TO CALL IN AT: + 1 970 577-6369
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The Catholic Church still considers sexual activity between members of the same sex to be a mortal sin against chastity, but since Pope Francis’s moderating tone has shifted the landscape in the last few years, in which homosexuality is imagined and judged. It seems there is a growing ambiguity from the Catholic Church regarding this subject, especially after a huge controversy erupted over the presence at the first Gay Pride, which took place last weekend in the Lombard city of Cremona, in Northern Italy, that featured a life-size doll disguised as a Madonna, a representation of the Holy Mary, with bare breasts, wearing what looks like a sadomasochistic collar and bondage wear.
The blasphemous representation that shocked most Catholics immediately circulated on social media, bringing heavy criticism against the mayor of Cremona, Gianluca Galimberti, who originally granted public patronage to this clearly Satanic event, disrespectful of a religion that is still practiced (at least formally) by most Italians.
“It is not like this, with this squalid and disrespectful way of the Christian faith, that the [LGBTQ] rights are claimed,” said, outraged most exponents from the various local conservative political forces, that range from the typical Northern movement of the Lega Nord (English: Northern League), to Berlusconi’s Forza Italia (usually translated to “Forward Italy” or “Let’s Go Italy”), to the right-wing Fratelli d’Italia (English: Brothers of Italy). But of course, there was no criticism towards this Satanic stunt from any of the left-wing parties, including Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement now an appendix of Italy’s Democratic Party.
However, public criticism of the blasphemous image of the “Virgin Mary” that was carried on a canopy with her breasts out during the Gay Pride parade, was also moved by important local business figures of what is considered one of Italy’s wealthiest cities.
Giovanni Arvedi for example, a known steel entrepreneur, who is the patron of the local soccer team Cremonese, who built, among other things, the Violin Museum said:
“These symbols have nothing to do with the legitimate protection of rights and the fight against homophony and discrimination. They are out-of-tune images. because they offend others’ sensitivity.”
Arvedi also expressed “amazement and regret” at the fact that no authority has intervened implying he was shocked the local Diocese of Cremona had not said anything. The Diocese of Cremona is a suffragan diocese in the ecclesiastical province of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Milan that has always been in the hands of the most progressive side of the Catholic Church.
Erotically alive, feminist and lesbian versions of the Holy Mary have been increasing in the LGBTQ events in the last few years, and are a common theme in the art of Alma Lopez, a controversial Chicana artist and activist born in Mexico and raised in California that has promoted in recent years an art piece called “Our Lady,” a digital print showing the Virgin of Guadalupe in a bikini made of roses, exalted by a bare-breasted butterfly. Lopez says she intended it as a tribute to Our Lady, “inspired by the experiences of many Chicanas and their complex relationship to La Virgen de Guadalupe.”
However, many people do not like her heretical representations, which usually end up triggering violent protests in front of the art galleries that carry them and have brought a big number of death threats toward the artist.
While most Catholics have no problem today in accepting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, the same people have a problem with a senseless attack on their Faith like parading a blasphemous image of the Holy Mary.
We wonder at times why doesn’t the LGBTQ community mock Mohammed instead at their Gay Pride events? Too scared? Of course, you are, so please stop mocking Mary, the mother of Jesus, before the wrath of God brings you some nasty surprises.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The fact that Pope Francis will resign rather than wait to the end of his mandate was something I pointed out from the beginning of his papacy, but now Bergoglio has added fuel to rumors about the future of his pontificate by announcing he would visit the central Italian city of L’Aquila in August for a feast initiated by Pope Celestine V, one of the few pontiffs who resigned before Pope Benedict XVI stepped down in 2013 as I pointed out in my book published in 2015 Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons, and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church
In the last few days, the Italian and Catholic media have been rife with unsourced speculation that the 85-year-old Francis might be planning to follow in Benedict’s footsteps, but it’s not the first time, I pointed out 4 years ago in the article, The Italian Media announce that the pope’s resignation is imminent:
However, given his increased mobility problems that have forced Pope Francis to use a wheelchair for the last month and announcing a consistory to create 21 new cardinals scheduled for August 27, 2022, which will include sixteen progressive-leaning cardinals under the age of 80, that will be eligible to vote in a future conclave to elect Francis’ successor, following of course his Communist/Satanic ideology.
The main reason why he did not step down earlier was that the far more conservative Pope Ratzinger is still alive, but after the power grab of August that will no longer be a problem and the conclave will be ready to vote in the first black Pope in recent history.
Three early popes were from the Roman African Province. These were Pope Victor I (reigned c. 189 to 199), Pope Miltiades, (reigned 311 to 314) and Pope Gelasius I (492 to 496); all three were North African men but this time the next Pope will come from the heart of Africa as pointed out by my most trusted sources in the Vatican.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The situation seems to be spiraling out of control as Vladimir Putin states that new Ukraine sites will be targeted if the West supplies more long-range weapons,
While the USS Kearsarge visits Stockholm to participate in a military training exercise involving 14 NATO states plus Finland and Sweden, the Russian political analyst Sergey Mikheyev used Russia’s state-controlled TV to send another nuclear warning to the West, and this time it might include more truth than we can digest. Speaking on Russia’s Channel 1, Mikheyev threatened that the weapons that keep reaching Ukraine will see the war in Ukraine escalate into WW3. “The nuclear war is coming”, he added after warning “[the West] don’t understand what happens next”.
Should we consider this threat worse than the others? Yes, we should, because as I pointed out in the past, the Illuminati have a secret plan to depopulate this planet using among other things, a nuclear war.
In the meantime, the ever-so “colorful” and “dramatic” Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrove, warned the Ukrainian population of “real special operations” to be conducted by Russian invaders “in the coming days” as the country remains under Putin’s attack without really understating how close they are to a possible nuclear attack by the Russian Federation.
In 2020 a poll found that nearly one in five people believe that the coronavirus pandemic is a “depopulation tactic” but nobody has yet conducted a similar poll regarding the present nuclear threat that should also include not only the current threats by Russia but also the current revival of nuclear power plants.
Even with their apocalyptic reputation, nuclear power plants are increasingly promoted as relatively safe by the elite that needs them.
There is the danger that more nuclear power stations in the world could mean more nuclear weapons, after all, the first nuclear power stations were built primarily to provide fissile material for nuclear weapons during the Cold War. Nuclear materials may also get into the wrong hands and be used to make a crude nuclear device or a so-called ‘dirty bomb’.
So, while we don’t fully understand yet the seriousness of the Russian threat, we can say with certainty that one way, or another the nuclear threat is alive and kicking on multiple sides and is rising as we speak. The connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons have always been very close and are largely kept secret. Most governments take great pains to keep their connections well hidden, the nuclear power industry’s habit of hiding things from the public was established right at its beginning, due to its close connections with military weapons that are not back in high demand. That’s why we need to be ready for something terrible as The Great Reset continues to expand.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.