Article by Leo Zagami
A new report published two days ago by the Miami Herald sheds further light on the perversions of the late Jeffrey Epstein during his incarceration in Palm Beach County Jail following his infamous 2008 guilty plea for soliciting a minor for sex. Purchase logs have revealed that among the thousands of dollars of items bought while in prison, Epstein purchased two pairs of small women’s panties, size 5. As the newspaper pointed out “The panties were certainly too small for Epstein, who also purchased his briefs in men’s medium and sweatshirts ranging from XL to 3XL, and size 12 shoes. So what, or who, were they for and why wouldn’t the purchase raise eyebrows under the circumstances?”
Many questions arise from the thousands of pages of records obtained by the Miami Herald from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. How can a male inmate, accused of sexually abusing girls as young as 14, be allowed to buy female undergarments so small that they wouldn’t fit an average-sized adult woman? We can only speculate how the panties were used.
Since prisons are separated by gender, most sexual activity is usually with a same-sex partner, but of course, exceptions are conjugal visits permitted for married inmates, and at times sex with a prison employee of the opposite sex. The late Epstein was a very special prisoner who was granted exceptional privileges during his first time in prison that should now be investigated thoroughly. Friday’s release of records exposes the lax prison environment Epstein was given during the Obama era and the great lengths that the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office went to accommodate the infamous pedophile who was one of the original financial architects of the Clinton Foundation.
One of Epstein’s privileges included a list of plainclothes police deputies assigned to his“security” that acted more like bodyguards than policemen. Deputies were required to wear business suits to provide “security” for convicted pedophile Epstein while he was on work release during which he allegedly sexually abused more girls and possibly more minors that could wear the extremely small panties he ordered in prison. Epstein paid the sheriff’s office more than $128,000 to cover the cost of deputies’ supervising him off duty. Documents show their rates began at $42 per hour. His time out of jail was extended from 12 hours per day to 16, and he was allowed to pass some of that time at home vs. initially being required to remain at his Palm Beach office.
When he was arrested again on July 6, 2019, Epstein tried once again to reach connections to acquire with his money a position of comfort in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City, but before he could get too comfortable he was apparently found dead on August 10, 2019, kicking off the never-ending Epstein conspiracy theories that with his private plane still active after his death generated the ultimate legend of Epstein been flying to……….Antarctica! Possibly buying his way out and spending the remainder of his life with no problems on Rothschild Island, an island 24 miles long in Antarctica.
The island was named in honor of Baron Edouard de Rothschild (1868-1949), head of the Rothschild banking family of France and president of de Rothschild Frères. Let’s remember that two days before his untimely death in a Manhattan jail cell, Jeffrey Epstein signed a will listing over $577 million in assets – around $18 million, more than what was stated weeks ago in court filings. The assets were conveniently transferred to a trust as of August 8, ensuring that the details of how his fortune will be distributed are kept private.
Link to the file for all the citations provided: https://gofile.io/?c=GqjNcB – Combined PDF Document.
Page 10
– more women than just Maxwell who acquired girls for Epstein is claimed.
– Maxwell ‘primary co-conspirator’.
– Maxwell and Epstein converted Giuffre into a sex slave
– Maxwell appreciated immunity from an earlier case.
– Maxwell took photos
– Giuffre was trafficked to “powerful individuals” including internationally by Maxwell and Epstein.
– Forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in Maxwell’s apartment. Maxwell acted as a ‘madam’ for Epstein.
– Giuffre was forced to watch other underaged girls have sex with Epstein, Maxwell, and others.
Page 12 – 14
– Numerous witness corroborate the statements Giuffre made in her motion
– Witnesses listed include flight logs, police reports, sex slave books ordered by Epstein, evidence sent by Maxwell, Epstein’s black book, psychological records, a message pad, hospital records, and named witnesses and depositions.
– Claimed to be forced to have sex with Alan Dershowitz, Jean Luc Brunel, and more, including prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign Presidents, well-known prime ministers, and other world leaders.
Page 15
– After 4 years as a sex slave Giuffre escaped to a foreign country and hid for years.
– However, it appears she was with him for two years between 2000-2002 after new evidence emerged.
– Giuffre suggested the government was part of the conspiracy when it secretly negotiated a NPA with Epstein and his co-conspirators. Alleges they did it because it would shine light on powerful individuals.
– Denies she has suggested this and mentions the CVRA Action relates to whether they failed in their responsibilities.
Page 16
– Other Jane Doe cannot corroborate Giuffre but both appear to claim to not know each other and the patterns of abuse are similar in many regards.
Page 28
– Giuffre has written a book on the events but not published it.
Page 34
– Giuffre Flew with Epstein at least 32 times between Dec 11 2000 to July 28 2001, and June 21 2002 to August 21 2002.
Page 36
– She worked at the Club at Maralago sometime in fall 2000 including many other places that year.
– At Maralago she worked as a “seasonal” spa attendant after turning 17.
– Giuffre disputes this claiming actual dates not listed by Maralago and some records seem to indicate she worked there during the summer.
Page 37
– Giuffre represented herself as a masseuse for Epstein, they met at Maralago. She told her father she got a job for Epstein as a masseuse.
– Her father took her to Epstein’s house at least once, Epstein introduced himself.
– However, Giuffre denies this pointing out that working as a masseur would have been illegal for her to do as a minor with no high school diploma. She claims Maxwell approached her while she was a spa attendant. Her father did drive her and Maxwell then taught her how to give massages.
Page 38
– Epstein and Maxwell turned that into a sexual encounter and offered money and better life in return for sexual demands.
– She served people for sex not as a masseur.
– Alessi states, Epstein’s house manager, would drive Maxwell to places prepared ahead of time to recruit girls.
– Another girl named Sjoberg was also recruited.
Page 40
– While one of Epstein’s regular pilots Dave Rodgers kept logs, Epstein had another pilot who did not keep such logs and also traveled by commercial plane occasionally.
Page 41
– Giuffre flew at least 32 times but claims more
– Maxwell admits the flights logs are incomplete and had multiple pilots with multiple aircraft and only Rodgers kept logs.
Page 42
– Giuffre claims she received $10,000 after being forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in London at Maxwell’s home and bought a car with the money.
Page 43
– Giuffre traveled to Thailand in September 2002 to received formal training as a masseuse.
Page 44
– Giuffre claims she was also sent to Thailand to recruit another underaged girl.
– At this point rather then returning she escaped to Australia with her new husband and hid.
Page 47
– Another co-conspirator named Kellen scheduled the appointments with underaged girls.
– After Giuffre escaped her ex-boyfriend says he was recruited by Maxwell to procure underaged girls.
Exihibit NN
– Nothing to important appears
Exhibit OO Page 82
– Sharon Churcher seems to admit Giuffre had no evidence or proof Alan Dershowitz was a pedophile but seems to be asking if they ever hung out.
Exhibit PP Page 88
– Confidential Video deposition of Virginia Giuffre
– Defendant Ghislaine Maxwell
Pages from missing deposition
Page 97 (439)
– Giuffre claims that in Churcher’s article the statement “Donald Trump is a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in any sex with any of us, but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, ‘you’ve got the life‘”is incorrect.
Page 101 (442)
– Giuffre clarifies what is and isn’t true in the statement. Donald Trump was a friend of Epstein but did not have sex with any of the girls or flirt with Giuffre. He also never told Trump “you got the life.”
Page 102 (443)
– Guiffre Clarifies she never said Donald had sex with any of the ‘girls’ in her presence but had met him a few times.
– Donald Trump was never in her presence with her with any of the ‘other girls’.
– Her Dad seems to have known Donald Trump and talked when they saw each other and was there at least once when they met.
Page 103 (444)
– Giuffre had never been in Donald Trump’s presence while at the same time being in the presence of Epstein.
– Jeffrey was the one who told Giuffre they were good friends, but she never observed them together.
– She never saw him at Epstein’s island, New Mexico, or New York that she can remember.
Page 105 (447)
– Giuffre worked for Epstein for about 2-1/2 years.
– Admits she would do whatever the pedophiles wanted of her.
Page 108 (450)
– Admits to meeting Al Gore
– Admit to meeting Heidi Klum
– Admits to meeting Naomi Campbell
– FBI told her Epstein is filming her even when she is in the washroom.
– FBI told her it was all illegal because she was underaged.
Page 109 (451)
– This was told to her after the article was printed by Sharon.
Page 116
– Epstein invited two young brunettes to a dinner which he gave on his Caribbean island for Mr. Clinton shortly after he left office (says it’s true.)
– Al-Gore and his wife Tipper were also guests of Epstein on his island.
– Senator George Mitchell frequently visited Epstein’s NY residence, very close friend of Epstein.
Page 117
– Ghislaine took nude phots of her lying naked in a hammock, legs open, that they gave Jeffrey for his birthday.
– Epstein would send her to locations to sleep with people at either the island or New Mexico.
Page 118
– The encounter with Prince Andrew was in the bathroom and he was licking her toes.
Exhibit RR – Video Deposition of Virginia Giuffre Page 122
– attempts to attack credibility of witness (my opinion) but witness says her self- written manuscript is 99.9% correct about details related to Maxwell.
Page 136
– Defendant’s Reply to Plaintiff’s Statement of Contested Facts and Plaintiff’s “Undisputed Facts”
This story is still developing…

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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Leo Zagami is also the author of Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
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