Satanist Katy Perry welcomed in the Vatican


Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Pop Satanist superstar Katy Perry, who received the National Equality Award at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual galain 2017, and openly supported Hillary Clinton in the US Presidential election the year before, arrived in Rome with her current partner Orlando Bloom,  to meet the Jesuit Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and to attend the Unite to Cure conferencein Vatican City. It’sathree-day event, held on the 26-28 April, that united a wide range of individuals – healthcare, media, and technology experts alongside figures from the entertainment world – to officially discuss how technology can be used to improve the quality of, and access to healthcare.

Katy Perry told fans on Instagram: “Happy Saturday everyone, I’m here in Rome at the Vatican, to speak on meditation. I’m with my momma, my darling [Orlando], and my manager, Steve! It’s a great day! I am so excited!,”


Incredibly, Katy Perry, who inspired  a voter registration campaign from the humor website “Funny or Die,”which features Perry going to a polling station in the nude to demonstrate the ease of voting, and donated in November 2016, a sum of $10,000 to Planned Parenthood,calling on her fans to follow suit, attended the Papal event to speak about meditation, something perfectly in line with the New Age ideology promoted by the Jesuits.

This is truly shocking counting the fact that in March 2018 an 89-year-old Catholic nun who has battled pop star Katy Perry for years over the sale of a Los Angeles convent has collapsed and died while attending court proceedings about the case, according to media reports and supporters.



Strangely enough, she and other celebrities who have sold their souls to the devil, end up in front of the Pope.

Remember Bob Dylan years ago?

Dylan and his band performed three songs at the 23rd World Eucharistic Congress in Bologna, Italy in the presence of Pope John Paul II, who sat on a dais off to the side of the stage while Dylan smoked a big fat joint.




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

International Illuminati Slave Day



Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


If you think Islam and the migrant invasion pose a grave threat to Italian society in 2018, that’s not what you’ll see today.  On May 1st, Italians commemorate the labor union movement’s social and economic achievements on what is defined as Labor Day. It is a nationwide public holiday celebrated by left-wing supporters marching on the streets of Italy, where you find a growing number of immigrant supporters and refugees, many who are illegal.




May Day was chosen as the date for International Workers’ Day by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International, to commemorate what is known as the Haymarket Affair in Chicago. However, there is also a historical link with the foundation to the Illuminati, created on May 1st, 1776. This is a secret society that was founded by Jesuit inspired, Adam Weishaupt, that began a process that would end with Filippo Buonarotti, who finally transformed communism into its full  tyrannical ideology.


Infact, in 1818, Buonarotti, whose alias in the Illuminati Order was Camilius, issued a manifesto that claimed communism can only be initially achieved and thereafter maintained by means of a dictatorship and a socialized system of rigid state controls.


Later, Karl Marx became one of  the biggest fans of Buonarotti’s work, and the road was set for the perverse ideology of the communist movement, and later, The Spartacus League (German: Spartakusbund) that was a Marxist revolutionary movement organized in Germany during World War I, that officially was named after Spartacus, the leader of the largest slave rebellion of the Roman Republic, but in reality was based on Adam Weishaupt’s alias in the Illuminati Order, Spartacus.


Welcome to International Workers’ Day, that should be renamed International Illuminati Slaves Day.








Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Norway, We demand a Nobel Peace Prize for Trump!

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami





Since 1901, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has been responsible for selecting the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, according to the terms of Alfred Nobel’s Will. On Oct 9,2009, war-monger Barack Hussein Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after just eight and a half months in the White House.  Later, the Norwegians realized that awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama in 2009 was a big mistake, and its ex-secretary Geir Lundestad in charge of the Committe until 2014,  told the AP news agency that, “Even many of Obama’s supporters believed that the prize was a mistake,” adding, “In that sense, the committee didn’t achieve what it had hoped for.”


Did the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, who are in the hands of a bunch of degenerate Jesuit agents from Norway’s Swedish Rite of Freemasonry, give the prize  out of political interest for the enormous promise that Obama held for the left-wing globalists, rather than recognition of concrete achievement? Remember, that when Obama entered office, he pledged to end the wars the United States was engaged in, and to embark upon a large-scale disarmament. Instead, this charlatan proved himself as one of the most militaristic-minded American presidents since WW2, which became a complete disaster for Norway’s Peace Prize Committee.




Now in 2018, Norway’s Nobel Committee is finally able to fix this unjustice by giving president Donald J.  Trump the just recognition he deserves, with a right and honorable Nobel Peace Prize for bringing  South Korean and North Korea to the table. Thanks to President Trump, the leaders from North Korea and South Korea officially agreed in a unprecedented move, to end the Korean war, and work for the “complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,”.


If the Kingdom of Noway and its Nobel Peace Prize Committee want to be taken seriously on the world stage they need to act now or history will condemn them!





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Is Cardinal Burke facing excommunication for supporting Trump?

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami




In 2016, Cardinal Burke, along with Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, and recently deceased Cardinals Joachim Meisner and Carlo Caffarra, signed a very critical message addressed to Pope Francis called the dubia.

They made the initiative public on Nov. 14, 2016, when it became clear the Holy Father would not respond.On the matter of the Four Cardinals’ dubia, Cardinal Burke explained that they have a duty to respond to the confusion caused by the papal document Amoris Laetitia.

Burke said at the time:

“There is so much confusion that we, first of all, asked the Holy Father to clarify please these questions, these fundamental questions. […] Because there is a very dangerous confusion, and also, with the confusion come divisions. Priests against priests, and disagreements among fellow Catholics about whether you are able to receive the Sacraments, if you live in an invalid marriage union. We even find disagreements among the Bishops, and this should not be…This is not for the good of the Church.”

However, Cardinal Raymond Burke’s concerns are not only based on matters of faith, he is also opposing the left-wing take over of Pope Francis and his Communist buddies, and allies in the church, who back his message of inclusion and support for immigrants sponsored by George Soros.


A controversial meeting between Burke, who is  regarded as being close to Trump, and Matteo Salvini aright-wing Italian nationalist who is a staunch supporter of president Donald Trump,  reportedly took place last February  in Burke’s home in the Vatican that lasted an hour and a half, according to a report by Francesco Grana, a Vatican journalist. Cardinal Burke fears the possibility of excommunication by the Vatican declaring to LifeSiteNews:


“I have envisioned such consequences” of resisting the Pope including excommunication. “Yes, the consequences could be very severe,” he said. “One has only to remember how Saint Athanasius, for example, was exiled for

defending the truth of the two natures in the one Divine Person of Our Lord.”


An event Rome in May may start a new schism in the Catholic Church.


John-Henry Westen wrote today on


“On May 17-18 life, family, and faith leaders will gather in Rome to strategize on the  current crisis in the Vatican at the annual Rome Life Forum. The event will feature two leading voices of faith to Catholic teaching, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. It will be an opportunity to gather the faithful from around the world to intercede for the light of the Holy Spirit, to guide the Church in this time of great crisis.


To register for the Rome Life Forum click here.”





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

The Trumpet of Nuclear War

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami



My soul, my soul! I am in anguish! Oh, my heart! My heart is pounding in me; I cannot be silent, Because you have heard, O my soul, The sound of the trumpet, The alarm of war.

 Jeremiah 4:19 (New American Standard Bible)


Russian state-owned television is urging the country’s residents to stockpile water and basic food because Moscow could go to war with Washington. The potential conflict between the two superpowers would be “catastrophic” but Europe and the US seem to ignore this threat, treating it simply as propaganda.



In the meantime, English newspaper the Daily Star is reporting “MAPPED: Russia war threat as US and UK forces READY for World War 3”.

So how close are we to the kickstart of WWIII?

Is this the time as predicted in the book of Revelation?

A Blue Moon during Easter weekend has been seen as a Biblical sign of the second-coming of Jesus Christ and the Rapture, according to informed sources  who have linked the movements of the moon across the sky to prophecies in the Bible.


Let’s remember NATO has been preparing for months on the borders with Russia in the Baltic States. NATO forces are part of “Operation Reassurance,” which was officially sparked following Putin’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, but in reality is part of a much broader plan of defence against a possible Russian invasion.  Even Nostradamus’ predictions for 2018 have foretold one of the worst years in global history with a string of natural disasters, the fall of the economy, and ultimately, the start of World War 3, that is now materializing in front of our eyes. Trump seems to have lost his battle against the globalist agenda, and has been forced to join the Deep State agenda dictated by ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’.


Even my friend Alex Jones, a staunch Trump supporter and patriot, is pointing out that “Trump is showing true weakness” in this situation, and now asking if Trump is his new enemy. For Jones, “Trump is politically dead” after ordering the strikes on Syria.


In his farewell speech in January 1961, President Eisenhower warned against the growth of the influence of ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’, i.e., the informal alliance between a nation’s military and the arms industry which supplies it, in subverting public policy to serve its own interests. History repeats itself once again as a president is kept hostage by military interest.





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Immaginate i politici italiani di fronte alla Terza Guerra Mondiale

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami




Nel Febbraio del 2018, scriveva che, “I ricercatori dell’università del Colorado hanno affermato che la lunga pace, instaurata dopo la fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, può essere solo una pausa statistica prima di una grande guerra. I ricercatori hanno deciso di fare riferimento alle statistiche: dal 1823 al 2003 il numero di conflitti piccoli e medi con la partecipazione di uno o più paesi è in costante crescita.”

Dall’eruzione del Vesuvio allo scoppio della Terza Guerra Mondiale, sono tante le catastrofi predette perfino da Nostradamus per il 2018. Nei mesi scorsi è diventata virale in rete la notizia che vede alcuni  versi di Nostradamus predire le catastrofi che accadranno durante il nuovo anno [VIDEO], tra cui è elencata anche l’eruzione del Vesuvio.

Adesso anche Elon Musk, che non è di certo un profeta, o un illuso, ma un celebre uomo d’affari e patron di SpaceX, sembra realmente preoccupato della cosa e sta lavorando verso la costruzione di una stazione spaziale su Marte e sulla Luna, in quanto nel caso scoppiasse la Terza Guerra Mondiale quest’ultima potrebbero contribuire alla rinascita della civiltà umana, visto che per Elon, Musk “c’è una certa probabilità” che entro breve possa sulla Terra “ritornare il Medioevo, soprattutto se ci sarà una Terza Guerra Mondiale.”

Immaginatevi in questo scenario apocalittico, in cui si scontrano le forze titaniche del Nuovo Disordine Mondiale, capeggiate da Stati Uniti, Cina, e Russia, le patetiche messe in scena dei nostri pseudo politici italioti. Figure senza attributi, e senza cultura, che di fronte al dramma della guerra scapperanno e piangeranno mostrando la loro vera natura di codardi e vigliacchi.

Questo è uno dei motivi della misteriosa sparizione dalla scena del Ministro Alfano  ministro degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale nel Governo Gentiloni dal 12 dicembre 2016 che dopo la missione in Ucraina e Russia dello scorso Febbraio, fatta nella sua veste di presidente in esercizio dell’Organizzazione per la cooperazione e la sicurezza in Europa non solo non si è ricandidato ma è praticamente sparito.

Dov’è Angelino? Si sta costruendo un bunker? Si sta preparando alla guerra?



Lui sa bene cosa sta accadendo e si è tolto dalla scena politica proprio per questo motivo.

Vi ricordate il mini documentario prodotto dalla Casaleggio Associati nel 2008  in cui  viene raccontato il futuro della Terra e presagito l’arrivo di una terza guerra mondiale nel 2020?

Di fronte all’imminente guerra mondiale i politici nostrani, inclusi i cialtroni del 5 Stelle, cosa faranno? La risposta c’è la da “l’onorevole” Cetto Laqualunque ovvero “Na beata minchia”.

Il Papa in declino, circondato da un manipolo di pedofili, assumerà tuttavia in questo scenario da fine del mondo un ruolo da leader, di questa ciurma di cretini e ipocriti pronti al macello, capeggiati in Italia da Re Giorgio Napolitano che continua a dettare legge in questo Paese dove i giovani sono solo dei poveri burattini controllati.

E voi siete pronti alla guerra? L’esercito del futuro dovrà avere un elevato grado di “utilizzabilità operativa” ed essere formato da giovani pronti al “sacrificio personale”come scriveva nel 2015, Emanuela Fontana per IL GIORNALE. Ma i giovani d’oggi sono purtroppo stati forgiati da anni di fancazzismo e ignoranza, in un Italia che di fronte alla Terza Guerra Mondiale non potrà che piombare nel caos e nella fame. E da quel momento solo chi è in grado di sopravvivere potrà scrivere il futuro.

La storia si sta inesorabilmente ripetendo mentre si avvicinano gli anni 20 del nuovo millennio, molto simili agli anni 20 dello secolo scorso.

Ma chi sarà il nuovo Duce? E l’Italia rialzerà la cresta, o diventerà solo una colonia islamica?

Ai posteri l’ardua sentenza, ma voi che mi leggete datevi una svegliata, perché manca poco e a breve quel ghigno spocchioso che ha caratterizzato fino ad ora i politici italiani alla Matteo Renzi, o gli sguardi da ebete soddisfatto alla Matteo Salvini, o da finto bravo ragazzo alla Luigi di Maio, si trasformeranno in facce terrorizzate e piagnucolanti. E ricordate che li avete votati voi.








A Rimini Sagra Annuale della Massoneria inutile

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami



Eccoci come ogni anno a Rimini anche nel 2018 per quella che possiamo definire “la Sagra Annuale di una Massoneria inutile e autoreferenziale”.  Un istituzione ormai stanca e schiava del peggior mondialismo e del Partito Democratico. Un partito che come tutti sappiamo governa la città del Gran Maestro Stefano Bisi, che è quello che disse prima delle elezioni del 4 marzo:

“I governatori renziani ci ringraziano”.


Il Gran Maestro Stefano Bisi



Ne siete ancora sicuri?  Povera Massoneria italiana ormai ombra di se stessa in mano a una Sinistra che fino al 2010 era apertamente Anti Massonica e adesso invece opera ai vertici del Grande Oriente.  Le cose cambiarono nel giugno 2010 quando un articolo del quotidiano di sinistra La Repubblica rivelò agli italiani,  in un intervista all’allora Gran Maestro Gustavo Raffi, che “I massoni di sinistra? Nelle logge sono 4mila” pochi giorni dopo che la commissione di garanzia del Partito Democratico si riunì per dirimere una volta per tutte la questione della compatibilità tra iscrizione al PD e alla Massoneria.

Il problema venne ovviamente risolto,  e di li a qualche anno l’ascesa del PD ai vertici del Gran Oriente d’Italia avrebbe assicurato nell’aprile 2014 l’elezione di Stefano Bisi, frutto della notevole influenza degli oltre 4 mila iscritti al PD su quasi 21 mila al Grande Oriente d’Italia, il 50 per cento dei quali concentrati in Toscana, Calabria, Piemonte, Sicilia, Lazio e Lombardia, con la maggiore densità assoluta a Firenze,  Livorno e Siena la città del  Gran maestro del Grande Oriente d’Italia. Di questi  4 mila Massoni del PD presenti nel GOI,  molte centinaia ricoprono tra l’altro cariche politiche, amministrative o dirigenziali, e sono stati proprio loro a rovinare l’Italia negli ultimi anni in combutta con Matteo Renzi e “Re” Giorgio Napolitano.  Facendo così crescere l’intolleranza vero la Libera Muratoria,  e ispirando la crescente Anti-Massoneria dei 5 Stelle,  e di una parte della popolazione italiana,  che ha purtroppo sofferto come non mai per colpa di questa nuova alleanza tra la Sinistra e la Massoneria.

Parlo di Massoneria e non solo del Grande Oriente d’Italia, perché anche nella Gran Loggia degli Alam di Palazzo Vitelleschi, la Sinistra e il PD, hanno preso il controllo assoluto della situazione in quella che era fino a pochi anni fa un Obbedienza tradizionalmente conservatrice e di destra. Arrivando in alcune situazioni a non far eleggere dei Venerabili solo per il loro appoggio virtuale tramite i social alla Lega, o a Donald J. Trump. E non parliamo poi della Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia i cui vertici sono legati segretamente agli “anti-Massonici” 5 Stelle, anche se lo storico e studioso di Massoneria Aldo Mola spiegò alcuni anni fa nel 2013 che il tardo Gianroberto Casaleggio e il M5S, non avevano nulla a che fare con la vera Massoneria; definendolo giustamente “un movimento tardoadolescenziale” .




Insieme all’illustre storico della Massoneria Aldo Mola….

Ma l’amico Aldo Mola non conosceva i legami segreti tra il Clintoniano e Obamiano Piergiorgio Bassi, Giuliano di Bernardo il Gran Maestro dell’Accademia degli illuminati, e l’attuale Gran Maestro della Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia Fabio Venzi. Legami grazie ai quali i Pentastellati sono arrivati a accreditarsi sia con il Partito Democratico americano e la Fondazione Clinton, che con i russi di Putin.



Piergiorgio Bassi (sorridente con gli occhiali) e i suoi amici russi…

Ricordiamo che Di Bernardo, ex Gran Maestro del Grande Oriente d’Italia e della Regolare, confermò già allora che l’ideologia del tardo Casaleggio era “sicuramente più vicina a quella degli illuminati di Baviera”.



Gran Loggia 2018: Liberi di conoscere 


Adesso dal 6 all’ 8 aprile la Gran Loggia 2018 del Grande Oriente d’Italia prende il via al Palacongressi di Rimini con il titolo  Liberi di conoscere:  questo il filo rosso della Gran Loggia 2018 del Grande Oriente d’Italia, la più importante e antica istituzione massonica italiana, che si tiene dal 6 all’8 aprile come di consueto a Rimini nella accogliente struttura del Palacongressi. Un tema che è un invito a riflettere, in questi tempi segnati dall’intolleranza e dal pregiudizio, su quello straordinario binomio costituito appunto da  libertà e conoscenza, che sono due valori che si compenetrano e si accrescono l’uno l’altro, e la cui conquista per l’umanità rappresenta un fine da perseguire per migliorare se stessa. Non c’è  libertà senza conoscenza e non c’è conoscenza senza libertà.  E non a caso è  il cannocchiale di Galileo Galilei (1564-1642),  custodito nel Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze, il logo scelto per questo importante appuntamento. Un logo che ha una grande carica simbolica. Il cannocchiale è infatti uno strumento di conoscenza, che consente di guardare lontano, di scrutare le stelle e il cielo infinito. Uno strumento che ha aperto nuovi orizzonti, contribuendo al progresso scientifico, ma anche al trionfo del libero pensiero sul pensiero unico.


Che si tratta di un “filo rosso” non abbiamo dubbi in quanto di Sinistra,  ma prima di usare il cannocchiale cari Fratelli del Grande Oriente d’Italia dovreste levarvi il prosciutto dagli occhi, e magari invocare una nuova elezione, visto che Stefano Bisi, il vostro attuale Gran Maestro non rappresenta più il pensiero della maggioranza degli iscritti, e la sua presenza non sarebbe più gradita da Washington dove si vorrebbe che l’Italia ritornasse a una Vera Massoneria anticomunista,  rivolta di nuovo agli interessi degli italiani e non degli islamici e dei gesuiti.




Vatican media justifies Scalfari, and a new scandal rocks the Vatican



The late Br. Anthony Freeman, LC  the Catholic Seminarian whose death is under investigation


Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Avvenire,the Italian daily newspaper which is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, published a very odd article on the 3rd of April 2018, by top Catholic journalist Father Mauro Leonardi, in defense of the friendship between Eugenio Scalfari and Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The Vatican media does not change the words of Bergoglio on the non-existence of hell, but rather confirms them, as well as the close friendship with Scalfari, going as far as stating that “true friendship means finding common ground not proselytism”and at times being condescending, stating “if Scalfari believes the Pope does not believe in hell let him believe it”. 


As for their special friendship, for Leonardi, who also knows the Pope personally,  their friendship is something that doesn’t respect the “Catholically correct” modality, and is not to be considered “Secular or Catholic”.  Father Mauro Leonardi goes as far as stating that “the Pope, when with Scalfari, does not behave as Francis, but as Jorge Mario”.


What does this mean exactly? Does this confirm the Pope is a complete actor in his fake role as Pope, but when meeting with Scalfari he is someone else? Leonardi ended by stating that “their relationship is so free and of high level and that we renounce sometimes for fear of favoring ways of convenience”. Well, it seems the rehabilitation of Marxist Eugenio Scalfari has already started, and the Vatican does not want to rediscuss the non-existence of hell, but rather their true friendship, demonstrating they don’t care about the millions of Catholics disappointed and offended for his interviews.

In the meantime, a new case has erupted in the last few hours in the Vatican with the mysterious death of  an American seminarian, Brother Anthony Freeman, who served Pope Francis in Sunday’s Easter Mass. He was the cross bearer at the Easter Sunday Mass presided by Pope Francis on April 1, 2018, in St. Peter’s Square in Rome.  The Italian authorities are treating this death as “related to another murder”. 


You can see Brother Anthony Freeman carrying the processional cross during the entrance procession in this video:


Brother Anthony Freeman, who was going to be ordained a deacon this upcoming July 7 in Houston, Texas  received on February 26th, 2017 the ministry of acolyte in the controversial Legionaries of Christ International Collegein Rome, connected to the pedophile affairs of its late founder. A place where Freeman lived since 2013.

He  was also the author of the book, One Step Closer: 40 Doses of Motivation, Hacks, andExperiences to Share with Millennial Catholics.  Rome Reports recently interviewed Brother Anthony on this book:

His Facebook page still ongoing is:

In his last post on Instagram he wrote:  “Christ is Risen Alleluia! After an 8 day silent retreat I was blessed to meet Pope Francis today and serve the Easter mass!”

So, what is really happening in the Vatican when people serving Mass on Easter Sunday are found dead the day after?





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

The Pope’s Attempted Impeachment



Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Last week at the Vatican, an attempted impeachment of the Pope for heresy was made by a group of influential cardinals. On Thursday, the group allegedly sent an emissary, a foreign cardinal, to warn the Pope about the imminent threat of impeachment he would face. He was urged to dismiss his public assertions on the non-existence of hell as fake news, by his good friend and collaborator, left wing journalist Eugenio Scalfari, whose sin was to simply use brackets for the first time in his interviews with the Pope.


This shocking news and the risk of impeachment for Pope Francis has been confirmed by Antonio Socci, one of Italy’s leading Catholic journalists and a best-selling author, who is also the director on behalf of RAI, the Italian State owned TV of the advanced School of radiotelevision (RAI) journalism of Perugia.


Socci stated that after the threat by the group of cardinals, who talked through their representative about two possible heresies commited by the Pope that could lead to violation of the Canon Law and his impeachment, Jorge Mario Bergoglio called His Excellency, Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Substitute of the Secretariat of State, now in charge of the Knights of Malta, and a trusted confidant of the Pope, for his advice.


Becciu told Bergoglio to retract these statements immediately, and last Thursday, the Holy See released an official statement on the non-validity of this interview with Scalfari, the third in recent years, whose past interviews where even included in official Vatican publications on the Pope, issued, of course, with Bergoglio’s direct approval, even when deemed controversial, to say the least.


To save the Pope from this growing crisis that is affecting the identity of the Church, even Repubblica, one of Italy’s leading newspapers, founded by the same Eugenio Scalfari, ran an article today, Monday the 2nd of April 2018, by Piergiorgio Odifreddi, stating that everything Scalfari wrote about the Pope, should be dismissed, and can be simply considered Fake News. A final blow to the credibility of Scalfari,  who will probably never interview the Pope again and be blacklisted, after a long career as a Marxist propagandist and a servant of the elite.


In the meantime, the only Fake News that we can fully confirm comes from the Vatican itself, and the recent endorsement of Pope Francis by Pope Ratzinger in a falsified letter that has brought the resignation of Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, Prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication, in late March.  The Pope is losing control of the Church, and in a growing fear of schism and possible scandals, he is trying desperately to find external support for his modernization of the Church,  something Ratzinger categorically refused.


Will the Pope eventually resign or will Bergoglio be impeached?  Discontent in the Vatican grows every day, and signs of an imminent catastrophy seems to be around the corner.  Last Thursday, while the Pope was kissing Muslim feet and pieces of the Basilica of St.Peter’s were falling to the ground,  an Australian magistrate closed a month long court hearing of evidence on whether the most senior Vatican cleric ever charged in the Catholic Church sex abuse crisis will stand trial.


Yes, we are also at the final stages of Cardinal’s Pell case, and Belinda Wallington told the Melbourne Magistrates Court she will finally make her decision after lawyers make their final submissions on April 17, to decide if prosecutors have a strong enough case against Australia’s highest-ranking Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, to warrant a trial by jury. Something the Vatican his trying to desperately avoid.





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

The Fall of the Vatican

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami




The Italian newspaper, La Repubblica, printed an article last Wednesday announcing that the Pope had expressly denied the existence of hell and the immortality of the human soul, in a recent conversation with the founder of the newspaper. On Thursday, the 29th of March 2018, the Holy See stated that the reported interview between Pope Francis and an Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari, which claimed the Pope denied the existence of hell, should not be considered as an accurate depiction of Pope Francis’ words, but the author’s own “reconstruction”.


Scalfari, who has always been perceived as a Papal confidant, claimed Pope Francis had abolished hell, purgatory, and heaven back in early October 2017, so this is not a mistake, but a definite reiteration of a heretical thought the Pope already discussed with the same journalist in earlier interviews. News spread around the world of the Pope’s denial of hell, and the Vatican was desperate to clarify the comments made by the Jesuit Pope. A strong and unexpected sign from the Heavens was witnessed in the heart of the Vatican, when several pieces of plaster fell from St Peter’s Basilica, fortunately causing no harm, in what was a terrorizing experience and narrow escape for many tourists standing by.



Plaster pieces that fell down from the ceiling of St. Peter’s Basilica


In the Sistine Chapel, there contains the many magnificent frescos painted by Michelangelo, depicting the story of Christianity which is his interpretation of The Last Judgment. It was painted on the wall behind the altar 15 years after the ceiling was painted. This floor to ceiling masterpiece of amazing proportions portrays hundreds of corpses snatched from their graves and carried by angels to either heaven or hell, concepts the present Pope seems to want to abandon. Masses of tourists crammed into a packed Saint Peter’s Basilica, were left shaken, as a shower of plaster rained down from a height of nearly 20 metres, not far from the chapel where Michelangelo’s Pieta is located, in what the Ancient Romans would have considered an ominous sign.




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A prophetic book…


Anne Catherine Emmerich, a Roman Catholic Augustinian Canoness Regular of Windesheim, was a mystic, Marian visionary and stigmatist, who announced in her most apocolyptic prophecy, the destruction of Saint Peter’s Basilica. In the meantime, unscathed from the incident, many contemporary idiots reached for their phones straightaway, eager to capture the near miss with photos, videos and selfies, seemingly unconcerned by any further hazard, where the heretical words of the Pope have yet to be linked.   This is the same Pope that washed and kissed the feet of two Muslims in a Holy Thursday ritual, while the accident at St Peter’s Basilica was taking place.



Pope kissing the feet of a Muslim in a Holy Thursday ritual




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :