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Article by Leo Zagami
The ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Holy See has said that there are “high hopes” that Pope Francis will visit the Central Asian country in June 2021, if the coronavirus situation permits, making it another milestone for his One World Religion project and Chrislam.
In 2017, Canadian author and Freemason Frank Albo published, “Astana: Architecture, Myth & Destiny” and is currently an adjunct professor of history at the University of Winnipeg. Albo who has helped the Republic of Kazakhstan with the unusual job of chief mythologizer for the former city of Astana, now called Nur-Sultan since March 23, 2019 described the city as the solution to the three greatest threats of the 21st century: religious extremism, environmental destruction, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Nur-Sultan, or Astana if you prefer, is dubbed by many as the “Illuminati Capital of the World,” and has demonstrated its commitment to the New World Order/Green New Deal energy nonsense with EPO 2017, and promoted the future of religious tolerance with a glass pyramid named, The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, also known as, The Pyramid of Peace and Accord, a 62-meter-high (203 ft) pyramid in the capital of Kazakhstan that serves as a non-denominational national spiritual center with an event venue designed by British International Studio for architecture and integrated design by Foster & Partners Ltd, established by influential Freemason and aristocratic architect Lord Norman Robert Foster, of Baron Foster of Thames Bank.
In an interview with EWTN on December 4, Alibek Bakayev Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the Holy See said that Kazakhstan was planning to host the seventh edition of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in June 2021, and he expected that Pope Francis would attend the event that will see the participation of the Orthodox patriarch of Moscow Kirill (Gundjaev) who will be the last missing piece to complete the One Word Religion puzzle by getting the whole of Islam on board.
“We have high hopes that on the pope’s agenda there will be an opportunity to visit Kazakhstan,” Bakayev said. Kazakhstan left the Soviet Union in 1990, but Russia is still a big influence on this country, and Freemasonry was officially brought back in May 2017 by the Grand Lodge of Russia.

While other nations of the former-USSR struggled on through what would become (for many) a decade of economic depression, the Kazakhs struck oil. The 1991 discovery of rich oil reserves in the nation’s Caspian region invigorated the newly-independent country and laid the foundation for what would become a culture of extravagance that quickly attracted the interest of the international Masonic community, as well as the religious community, who have gradually agreed in converging many important interests to this city, which still holds strong ties with Moscow.
In 2018, Pope Francis and the infamous Dr. Tedros from the WHO met in Rome in advance of the Global Conference on Primary Health Care, which took place in October of that year in Astana. The conference marked the 40th anniversary of the historic Alma Aty Declaration and its commitment to achieving Health For All. Delegates in Kazakhstan, who were officially endorsing a new declaration to revitalize primary health care around the world were mostly agents of Communist China in disguise working to prepare the world for the upcoming pandemic with their Russian and Jesuit allies.
In the meantime, the Vatican has confirmed that Pope Francis will travel to Iraq on March 5-8, 2021, becoming the first pope to visit the war-torn country and it will be the first international papal trip in over a year due to the pandemic. Pope Francis is eager to have the Shiite Muslim community on board his “Human Fraternity”, the Masonic covenant, also known as the Abu Dhabi Declaration, that he made in 2019 with the Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb that he followed with his Masonic encyclical Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers All”), where he even quoted the Qur’an as well as various Freemasons.
The Pope will fly to Nāṣiriya for a March 6 service entitled, “Prayer for the sons and daughters of Abraham” at the Plain of Ur after meeting the Shia Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf who will join the Vatican-led New World Religion.
Pope Francis is holding the interreligious meeting near the house of Ibrahim the prophet, which has a religious meaning for Christians and Muslims because as the Bible states Abraham was raised in “Ur of the Chaldeans” (Ur Kasdim) and some scholars (but not all!) believe that Ur Kasdim was the Sumerian city Ur, today Tall al-Muqayyar (or Tall al-Mughair), about 200 miles (300 km) southeast of Baghdad in lower Mesopotamia. But what isn’t being said outloud is why the Jesuit Pope is traveling around the world and inviting people to the Vatican during the worst moments of the pandemic since the Abu Dhabi Declaration. He is going there to carry out the Masonic covenant known as Human Fraternity.
And why is the Pope risking his life by going to Iraq? Well, the answer will become more clear in Astana, now known as Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, recently renamed in honor of former President Nazarbaev, who back in 1990 when he was the First Secretary of the Kazakhstan Communist Party, created a state basis for Islam by removing Kazakhstan from the authority of the Muslim Board of Central Asia, the Soviet-approved and politically oriented religious administration for all of Central Asia.

The powerful Nursultan Nazarbayev, who previously served as the first President of Kazakhstan, in office from April 24, 1990 until his formal resignation on March 19, 2019, joined the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in 1995, one year after visiting the Muslim holy city of Mecca as a Muslim, as part of an itinerary that also included a visit to none other than Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, who later visited Astana in 2001, where a rather intense collaboration with the infamous Gulen movement took place, that he eventually banned from the country in 2016 to please Turkey, that is another very close ally of Kazakhstan.
February 25, 2021 at 4pm PST (5pm MT/6pm CST) THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW with all the latest on the ONE WORLD RELIGION of the Illuminati.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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