Pope Francis defends the pedophile network and causes a clash with US cardinal

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Breaking news from Chile as Pope Francis’ words ,  shocked many when he defended the Bishop of Osorno, Juan Barros, who protects and covers for the suspected pedophile named Luis Fernando Figari Rodrigo.

Rodrigo, is a Peruvian Catholic layman and the founder and former superior general of Sodalitium Christianae Vitae. He also founded the Christian Life Movement and several other religious associations before becoming the object of allegations of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse of young men, some of whom were minors that were forced with unusual requests under the guise of spiritual guidance. Mr. Figari Rodrigo, even told young men to undress in front of cameras recording such shocking acts for personal use. “If someone asked you to do something, you simply did it,” said Mr. Osterling, now 44, while recalling a night in 1991. “Some 20 years later, I realized that lots of people were asked to undress.”


Prosecutors in Peru have been after this scumbag since 2015, but when they began their criminal investigation, Figari conveniently disappeared to Rome, protected by Bishop Juan Barros. He eventually sought refuge in a convent in central Italy. A Peruvian judge is now set to rule on whether to authorize his arrest, which would allow prosecutors to seek extradition.


Even Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, a top adviser to Pope Francis, rebuked the pontiff’s disparaging remarks targeting the Chilean abuse claims, saying the comments “abandon” survivors of the church’s sex abuse crisis, to a sort of “discredited exile” . Neverthe less, Pope Francis seems firm in defense of the pedo-network.



Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican


In collaborazione con Trumpiani d’Italia e Italians4Trump Vi invitano Sabato 20 Gennaio 2018 Dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 presso la GALLERIA SALLUSTIANA ART GALLERY in Via Sallustiana 27/a Roma per la Conferenza:
Analisi di un Rivoluzione annunciata
A un anno dallo storico insiediamento del presidente Donald J. Trump alla Casa Bianca che ci ha visto in parte protagonisti con due eventi, uno a Via Sallustiana, e l’altro a Palazzo Ferrajoli, i veri Trumpisti d’Italia di cui ha parlato la stampa di tutto il mondo ritornano insieme per fare il punto della situazione, tra Fake News, Rivoluzione economica Trumpiana, e Nuovo Disordine Mondiale.

Conduce l’evento Daniele Imperiale (Giornalista, consigliere regionale ODG Abruzzo)
Interverranno i relatori:

Leo Zagami
(Giornalista e autore/INFOWARS, co-fondatore ITALIANS4 TRUMP e TRUMPIANI D’ITALIA, presidente dell’Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis)
Professor Antonio Maria Rinaldi
(Economista, docente di Finanza aziendale all’università “D’Annunzio” di Pescara, Scenarieconomici.it)
Marcello Bussi
(Giornalista finanziario/Milano Finanza)
Alfredo Esposito
(Esperto di relazioni internazionali e co-fondatore ITALIANS4TRUMP)
Pasquale Antonio di Todaro
(Giornalista che per ventotto anni, dal ’64 al ’92 quando è andato in pensione, è stato il padrone di casa del Corriere della Sera a Roma e presidente della Confederazione Massonica “CONCILIUM MAXIMUM”)
Luciano Fortunato Sciandra
(Presidente del C.R.E.S.T. – Centro ricerche e studi della tradizione)

I posti a sedere sono terminati ma vi invitiamo a prenotare per garantirvi un posto in piedi:


Chelsea Clinton fa gli auguri ai vecchi amici della Chiesa di Satana


Cari lettori qui non si tratta di una cospirazione ma di una triste realtà confermata da fatti verificabili non da chiacchere.

Chelsea Clinton  nota anche come “Cessa” Clinton si presenta al mondo come una vecchia amica della Chiesa di Satana, come si evince chiaramente dagli auguri reciproci fatti due giorni fa su Twitter.

Ecco quindi che nel 2018 vengono finalmente allo scoperto le tendenze sataniche e perverse della figlia di Hillary, nota Satanista e criminale al soldo di George Soros,  che negli ultimi anni sta investendo molto sul futuro politico sempre più improbabile della figlia “Cessa” che ama indossare una croce capovolta tipica dei Satanisti.



Questo dimostra che i Satanisti dell’élite stanno uscendo sempre più allo scoperto negli ultimi tempi, confermando quello che per anni ho scritto nei miei libri.

Altro che cospirazioni….

Buon 2018 quindi a tutti,  e state sicuri che ne vedremo delle belle in questo nuovo anno.


Schermata 2018-01-04 alle 09.42.16

Vladimir Putin: I’m Not Sure The Pope Is Even A Christian

Vladimir Putin: “If you look around at what he (the Pope) says, it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”


Pope Francis has rather socialist views in economic thought, he is a One-World Government advocate and an enthusiast of open borders and mass migration.

In other words, the Jesuit Pope appears to be an enemy of the little that is left of Western Civilization.




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Unicef e la grande truffa mondialista ora in scacco con Trump

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami


Scrive Marco Lillo nel luglio del 2016 “ La Procura di Firenze sospetta che i soldi dell’Unicef e di Operation Usa destinati alle campagne per i bambini affamati in Africa siano stati usati nel 2011 dal cognato di Matteo Renzi – Andrea Conticini – per iniettare capitali in tre società.”

E adesso l’Unicef Italia ha anche il coraggio di scrivere negli ultimi giorni del 2017 “Idiota, fascista, imbecille” per indicare chiunque non sia d’accordo con loro, per la mancata approvazione della legge sullo Ius Soli.



E poi c’è chi critica Trump per aver tagliato finalmente i fondi anche allUnicef, covo di criminali mondialisti e agenti sinistrorsi di George Soros, e all’ONU, da sempre la centrale operativa del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

L’italia di Napolitano, Gentiloni e Mattarella rischia un futuro isolamento, ma gli italiani sempre più buonisti e ignoranti per colpa della propaganda Papale, cadranno tuttavia ancora una volta nelle pericolose trappole dei Gesuiti e dei loro burattini radical chic, rendendo nullo o quasi, il voto degli italiani previsto a marzo del 2018.

Cosa fare? Per il momento dobbiamo semplicemente rassegnarci alla stupidita collettiva di un paese senza attributi e sopratutto senza veri leader, sperando in un domani migliore, dove l’individualismo  degli italiani,  possa essere sostituito da un gioco di squadra realmente rivoluzionario che opponga questo schifo,  e sostenga finalmente dei  veri leader che pongano al centro, e prima di tutto, l’Italia e gli italiani, anche a rischio della propria vita senza fare inciuci con figure compromesse com Silvio Berlusconi,  per garantire così un futuro reale ai nostri figli contro i criminali Mondialisti e il Vaticano che li supporta.






                  In collaborazione con Trumpiani d’Italia e Italians4Trump

Vi invitano Sabato 28 Gennaio 2018 Dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 presso la GALLERIA SALLUSTIANA ART GALLERY in Via Sallustiana 27/a Roma per la Conferenza:


Analisi di un Rivoluzione annunciata



A un anno dallo storico insiediamento del presidente Donald J. Trump alla Casa Bianca che ci ha visto in parte protagonisti con due eventi, uno a Via Sallustiana, e l’altro a Palazzo Ferrajoli, i veri Trumpisti d’Italia di cui ha parlato la stampa di tutto il mondo ritornano insieme per fare il punto della situazione, tra Fake News, Rivoluzione economica Trumpiana, e Nuovo Disordine Mondiale.


                                         Conduce l’evento Daniele Imperiale

                  (Giornalista consigliere regionale ODG Abruzzo)

                                                           Interverranno i relatori:




Leo Zagami

(Giornalista e autore/INFOWARS, co-fondatore ITALIANS4 TRUMP e TRUMPIANI D’ITALIA, presidente dell’Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis)


Professor Antonio Maria Rinaldi

(Economista, docente di Finanza aziendale all’università “D’Annunzio” di Pescara, Scenarieconomici.it)


Marcello Bussi

(Giornalista finanziario/Milano Finanza)


Alfredo Esposito

(Esperto di relazioni internazionali e co-fondatore ITALIANS4TRUMP)


Pasquale Antonio di Todaro

(Giornalista che per ventotto anni, dal ’64 al ’92 quando è andato in pensione, è stato il padrone di casa del Corriere della Sera a Roma e presidente della Confederazione Massonica “CONCILIUM MAXIMUM”)

Luciano Fortunato Sciandra

(Presidente del C.R.E.S.T. – Centro ricerche e studi della tradizione)


I posti sono limitati quindi per garantirvi un posto a sedere e l’entrata vi invitiamo a prenotare il prima possibile presso OrdoIlluminatorumUniversalis@gmail.com



Remembering Aroon Russo the producer of “Trading Places” who fought the NWO

Ricordiamo oggi nel periodo Natalizio il produttore del celebre film “Una poltrona per due” (Trading Places), Aron Russo, che mori prematuramente per un tumore dieci anni fa a 64 anni dopo le sue scioccanti rivelazioni sul Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.



Dan Aykroyd in Trading Places. Photograph: handout/Handout


Today we remember during the Festive Season, Aroon Russo, the producer of Trading Places, who died prematurely of cancer at age 64 after his shocking revelations on the New World Order.




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican

UN ANNO DI TRUMP: 20 gennaio 2018!


              In collaborazione con Trumpiani d’Italia e Italians4Trump


Vi invitano Sabato 28 Gennaio 2018 Dalle 15.30 alle 19.30 presso la GALLERIA SALLUSTIANA ART GALLERY in Via Sallustiana 27/a Roma per la Conferenza:


Analisi di un Rivoluzione annunciata




A un anno dallo storico insiediamento del presidente Donald J. Trump alla Casa Bianca che ci ha visto in parte protagonisti con due eventi, uno a Via Sallustiana, e l’altro a Palazzo Ferrajoli, i veri Trumpisti d’Italia di cui ha parlato la stampa di tutto il mondo ritornano insieme per fare il punto della situazione, tra Fake News, Rivoluzione economica Trumpiana, e Nuovo Disordine Mondiale.


                                         Conduce l’evento Daniele Imperiale

                  (Giornalista consigliere regionale ODG Abruzzo)

                                                           Interverranno i relatori:




Leo Zagami

(Giornalista e autore/INFOWARS, co-fondatore ITALIANS4 TRUMP e TRUMPIANI D’ITALIA, presidente dell’Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis)


Professor Antonio Maria Rinaldi

(Economista, docente di Finanza aziendale all’università “D’Annunzio” di Pescara, Scenarieconomici.it)


Marcello Bussi

(Giornalista finanziario/Milano Finanza)


Alfredo Esposito

(Esperto di relazioni internazionali e co-fondatore ITALIANS4TRUMP)


Pasquale Antonio di Todaro

(Giornalista che per ventotto anni, dal ’64 al ’92 quando è andato in pensione, è stato il padrone di casa del Corriere della Sera a Roma e presidente della Confederazione Massonica “CONCILIUM MAXIMUM”)


Luciano Fortunato Sciandra

(Presidente del C.R.E.S.T. – Centro ricerche e studi della tradizione)



I posti sono limitati quindi per garantirvi un posto a sedere e l’entrata vi invitiamo a prenotare il prima possibile presso OrdoIlluminatorumUniversalis@gmail.com

Robert Bigelow and The Temple of Set behind the Pentagon UFO investigation

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami



Less than a week ago, the Pentagon finally admitted that it ran a secret program tasked with investigating sightings of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. As reported by The IndependentAlthough the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Programme ended five years ago, when US defence officials shifted attention and funding to other priorities, it remains unclear if it has continued to investigate sightings of mysterious vehicles. The programme ran from 2007 to 2012 with $22m (£15m) in annual funding, which was hidden in US Defence Department budgets worth hundreds of billions of dollars,”

The New York Times reported that: “The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time and who has long had an interest in space phenomena. Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s, Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce xpandable craft for humans to use in space. On CBS’s 60 Minutes in May, Mr. Bigelow said he was “absolutely convinced” that aliens exist and that U.F.O.s have visited Earth.”



As I wrote in volume 2 of my Confessions, Bigelow works with John B. Alexander (born 1937), a retired United States Army colonel, who currently lives in Las Vegas with his two sons and his wife Victoria Lacas Alexander, and studies alien abductions. As I pointed out in my book, what most people don’t realize about Bigelow and Alexander, is that the two are members of The Temple of Set, the darkest faction of the American Illuminati, founded by Satanist and Theosphist Dr. Michael A. Aquino, a retired Lt.Colonel of the Military Intelligence who specialized in Psychological Warfare. They seem to use this research to disguise the groups more occult experiments and Satanic practices, in places like Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, a property located on approximately 480 acres (1.9 km2) southeast of Ballard, Utah, that is allegedly the site of paranormal and UFO related activities.



Official theatrical movie poster for Skinwalker Ranch (2013)


Colonel John B. Alexander is the author of a very interesting book on the UFO phenomenon called, UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities (New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books, 2011), a book particularly appreciated by his ex-colleague in the U.S. military, Michael Aquino, who described the whole UFO phenomena as a huge PSYOP (Psychological Operation): “So the emerging picture om UFO’s is not one of are-They/aren’t-They-here, but rather of a global phenomenon of human psychology: a PSYOP campaign without anyone actually running it. Much like the traditional circus coming to town, it thrills us, scares us, and certainly alleviates boredom. John Alexander isn’t about to stare it down; like everyone else, he’s having way too much fun with it.”

By making such a statement publicly on an internet forum, Aquino is participating to some extent to the massive cover-up underway of the true occult origin of the UFO phenomena. There is something sinister going on behind closed doors, with what we know now as an Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. It seems that Bigelow, Col. Alexander, and the Temple of Set are helping NASA return to its occult roots in dealing with the industry that was pioneered by scientist and occultist Jack Parsons (1914-1952) of the Ordo Templi Orientis.



Get Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume II by Leo Lyon Zagami at:



Ordo Templi Orientis: Unveiling the Rituals

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami                                                                             




 MINERVAL (0°) Degree

Today I will start unveiling the secret rituals and instructions of the infamous Illuminati sect known as the Ordo Templi Orientis, to finally show to the world their hidden allegiance to Islam, and expose their Satanic teachings further, after their despicable actions towards me have proven they are attempting to censor the truth.



Prefatory Note


Formally joining O.T.O. requires participating in a physical ceremony of initiation called the Minerval Degree or 0°. It is the initial ceremony of the first cycle of initiations known as the Man of Earth Degrees. In this context we fine the Minerval. The sign, grip, penal sign, etc., of this degree seem to vary widely amongst those occult lodges which claim an O.T.O. ancestry. Accordingly they have not been inserted into the body of the ritual; in any case they are no more than the usual claptrap of secret societies — quite the least important parts of the Ritual were the O.T.O transmits to their candidate the name ON, considered the secret name of God or to be more precise the God Osiris.


Minerval Ritual


A conical tent, within which is seated Saladin, in oriental costume. Before him is an altar, ‘a Well covered with a coping-stone’, on which are:


  • The Book of the Law (CCXX). (2) A Sword.
  • (3) A platter (disk)
  • of bread and salt.


On his right hand is a seat. The Tent is lighted by a single candle: or, there is a palm tree. Without is an armed black guard, who seizes the Candidate on his approach, and binds him hand and foot, and blindfolds him.

He then leads him to the Tent and knocks once. Saladin: Whom have you there?
Black Guard: A Prisoner, mighty Saladin. Saladin: Have you discovered his identity?


Black Guard: I have, mighty Saladin. He is a native of Corinth; but he has attained the freedom of the city of Athens, the ally of Mitylene.

Saladin: Why does he travel in the land of Egypt?
Black Guard: He says that he is travelling to Heliopolis, the City of the Sun.

Saladin: Are his intentions friendly?

Black Guard: He desires peace, and seeks wisdom.
Saladin: Then let him confirm his aspirations with AN OATH

Sir, if your intentions be honourable, you will be set at liberty, and received with true hospitality in the camp of friends. Repeat your name at length and say after me:

I, … being an helpless prisoner in your power, hereby declare that I am a native of Corinth, a freeman of the city of Athens, the ally of Mitylene, and that I am travelling peacable to Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, in search of Light and Truth, of Wisdom and of Peace. Humbly, yet frankly, I demand your hospitality, and participation in your MYSTERIES, which I swear to study and to hold sacred and secret, and if I break this oath

(Saladin puts bread and salt into his mouth)

and betray the bread and salt, may the dogs devour my carcass; may I be mutilated and no more a man!

(Black guard applies sword in penal sign.)


Saladin: Noble Emir, release your prisoner!

(Done. 1st — Feet. 2nd — Hands. 3rd — Hoodwink.)


Saladin: (Shaking hands with the Candidate.) Noble guest, welcome to our camp! Be seated on my right hand.

(Candidate seated.)


I greet you as a brother with the title of Minerval, Man of Earth, a seeker after the hidden wisdom. Also, I present you with this Sacred Scroll28 (Done.) Study it well; it is the Charter of Universal Freedom.



Noble Emir, I charge you with the pleasant duty of proclaiming the arrival of our guest to our fellow soldiers!

Black Guard: OYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ! hear ye all that … is a welcome guest at our camp! (All applaud.)

Saladin: In order to enable you for the future to penetrate our camp without annoyance from the sentries, I will confer upon you as a sign of recognition and a Pass Word. The sign is given by … etc. The Penal sign is given by … etc. The grip is … etc. The Word is ON. It signifies the Sun in the old Egyptian language. The password for the present month is …. For the present, worthy and welcome guest, I see that you are in need of repose. This noble Emir will conduct you to a suitable lodging. Therefore I bid you, for the present,

Hail and Farewell!
(Black guard conducts New Member to join his fellow soldiers.) Note. If Candidate be female the obvious emendations must be made.



Minervals should be made in batches, preferably 12 at a time, according to the signs of the Zodiac. Each goes through the first part separately, all coming in together for the second part.

Saladin: Noble Emir, have you attended to the necessities of our guests? Black Guard: I have, mighty Saladin.
Saladin: Let me assure myself of the same.
(Black guard brings the candidates forward.)

Worthy and valiant guests, I trust that so far you have had no reason to complain of our hospitality. Are you well rested and refreshed?

Candidate: I am. (Candidates are girded with swords.)
(A foreman can be chosen, as in a jury.)
Saladin: Are you ready to fight by the side of your comrades at the behest of the Supreme and Holy King, the Grand Master, Baphomet?


Candidate: I am.

Saladin: Our Grand Master will have none but free men in the ranks of his army. His soldiers must be neither mercenaries nor pressed men. I therefore ask you your object in enrolling yourself amongst us.

(Candidate replies as he thinks fit, and Saladin holds an impromptu dialogue with him which ends as follows.)

Noble and valiant guests and comrades! you have arrived amongst us at a time when freedom is about to deliver the decisive combat against the forces of superstition, tyranny and oppression. In the time which you spent in reposing from the fatigue of your journey, what was your sustenance and comfort.

Candidate: The Book of the Law.

Saladin: Can you explain the nature of that law in a few words?

Candidate: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

(All repeat, and give the sign.)

Saladin: Can you explain further the nature of the law?

Candidate: Love is the law, love under will.

(All repeat, giving the penal sign.)

Saladin: Are you prepared to defend those principles with your life?

Candidate: I am. (All repeat.)

Saladin: In order to fortify yourselves for combat, it is our custom to read a chapter of the Book of the Law. I will therefore request you to encourage your comrades in this manner.

(The Black guard gives the Candidate a chapter to read, and he reads it.)

Saladin: Let all present raise the right hand and say with me; ‘We swear to defend the principles of the Book of the Law in the name of the freedom of man, in whom is God.’

(All repeat.)




Noble and valiant guests, I will venture to acquaint you with the first paradox of philosophy. In order to obtain freedom to do your will, it is necessary to submit voluntarily to discipline and organization. Evolution implies structuralization. The power of man is greater than the power of the amoeba, because he has specialized the functions of our protoplasm of which he is composed. The regulations of our Order are strict, even as the sinews of your arm are firm. Were your sinews loosened, you could no longer move your arms. Chafe not, therefore, at the apparent restrictions which your obligations place upon you. They are designed solely to enable you to do your will.

In order that you may do the one thing which you will truly, you must therefore renounce all those other things which may tempt you to swerve from the one purpose of your sojourn amongst us. This tent, under whose canopy I sit, is restrained by the rigidity of its support. It fulfils its design by virtue of this discipline. I charge you, therefore, to meditate over this paradox, in order that you may understand the necessity to undergo that course of training which will make you efficient as a soldier of freedom. Let me further assure you that the word freedom is with us, no idle term. We neither know nor care what your will is.

‘Thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that and no other shall say “nay”.’ We unreservedly place power in your hands. If it be your will to enter this army as a spy to destroy your comrades, so be it!

Yet remember that you have made solemn affirmation to us in these words, which you will again repeat after me. ‘If I break this oath and betray the bread and salt, may I be mutilated and be no more a man.’

(All give penal sign.)

Saladin: It is our custom before going into battle, to fortify ourselves with meat and drink. A banquet has been prepared for our entertainment.

Emir: The banquet is ready, mighty Saladin. Saladin: Let us partake of it. (O.T.O. Applause.) (All go to banqueting tent.)


Saladin at head of table. Black guard at foot. Saladin rises … gives sign. ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the Whole of the Law.’

Emir: What is thy will, mighty Saladin? Saladin: It is my will to eat and drink.


Emir: To what end?
Saladin: That I may fortify my body.
Emir: To what end?
Saladin: That I may do battle in the cause of freedom according to the Book of the Law. Emir: Love is the Law, Love under Will.
(O.T.O. applause.)



The late Grady Louis McMurtry, Caliph of the Caliphate American Ordo Templi Orients clearly shows is Islamic ways…






Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami