The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control

   from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond


Leo Lyon Zagami

For the first time, Leo Zagami unveils the true untold story of brainwashing, psychological operations, and mind control in connection to the Illuminati and the New World Order. From Sun Tzu in Ancient China to MK-ULTRA and PSYOP Soldiers in modern America, the elites have always known how to control millions of people not only with the use of conventional weapons but also with the power of the mind. Also learn about the psychology of initiation and how the Illuminati and Freemasons control their own.

Learn about the occult roots of mind control, secret experiments, the complete history of brainwashing, and the making of a Manchurian Candidate after Donald J. Trump’s attempted assassination revealed that the elite are Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination as they did with Lee Harvey Oswald.

In the end, the evil elite will use Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology to control your body and your freedom of thought. However, we still have a chance to keep the inner sanctum of our brains free, and with this book, you will learn how.

Table of contents

Introduction by the Author                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Chapter One

The Origins of Mind Control

Pavlov and Classic Conditioning

The Three Stages in Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning

From BCI’S to Mesmerism and the Birth of Hypnotism

Products of the Illuminated “Magnetic Professor”

Mind Control, Mesmerism, and Magic

Chapter Two                              

MK-ULTRA Between Legend and Reality 

The Origins of MK-ULTRA

Mind Control and Drugs as MK-ULTRA Unfolds

From Operation Midnight Climax to Today’s San Francisco

Fort Detrick’s Biological Warfare and Mind Control

Unleashing the Manchurian Candidate

Satanism and the Occult Origins of MK-ULTRA

Huxley: Beyond the Doors of Perception to the Gates of Hell 

Canada, the Brainwashed Laboratory of the Western World

Chapter Three

Unveiling Big Brother and Big Pharma’s Pandora’s Box

Drugs, Espionage, and Brainwashing

The Rise of Antidepressants and Mass Shootings

James Vicary and the Subliminal Messaging Panic

The Prisoner

The Threat of Subliminal Mind Control in the Age of Social Media

Yesterday’s Brainwashed Children are Today’s “Creative Leaders”

Corrupt Influencers and Satanic Brainwashing 

Chapter Four

The Truth about Psychological Operations (PSYOPS)

Ghosts in the Machine, Conquering Minds in War


MISO or PSYOPS in the Age of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

PSYOPS Made in China and NATO’S Cognitive Warfare

Obama’s PSYOP on Netflix

Chapter Five

The Psychology of Initiations and Mind Control

Are Initiations Dangerous?

The Initiation Experiment

Blind “Obedience” in the Illuminati and Freemasonry

The Hypnotic Spell of a Black Mass and Similar Rituals


The 9/11 Mega PSYOP and a Mind-Controlled Prison

Chapter Six

The Making of a Mind-Controlled Assassin

Programming and Controlling the Human BioComputer

The New Mental Battlefield

A Brief Personal Note about Michael Aquino

Lee Harvey Oswald the Manchurian Candidate

New Shocking Evidence of an Oswald-CIA Relationship

Crooks, the Brainwashed Would-be Assassin of Trump

Thomas Crooks was Conveniently Cremated on the 23rd of July

The Tragic Consequences of a Mind-Controlled Prison

Freemasons are No Longer “Free.”

Transhumanism, BCIs, and the Political Abuse of Psychiatry

In the End, We Must Protect our Minds and Freedom of Thought