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Article by Leo Zagami
Religious leaders and politicians in Berlin laid another foundation stone for the upcoming One World Religion orchestrated by Jesuit Pope Francis last Thursday in Berlin, with a new multi-faith place of worship that aims to bring Christians, Jews, and Muslims together under one roof. An interfaith shrine that is being built on the ruins of the 12th century St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Berlin, that even for the skeptics, finally shows the future of the Catholic Church.

The interfaith House was, in fact, hailed by the Vatican as a “house of prayer bringing the three world religions together under one roof,” but it was slammed by traditional Catholics as “gnostic” and “syncretistic.” The House of One will follow the establishment of a similar interfaith complex by the so-called “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity” known as The Abrahamic Family House, set to be completed in Abu Dhabi by 2022, that will also unite a church, a synagogue, and a mosque.
As I wrote two years ago:
The Pope is accelerating the path towards a One World Religion and One World Government that will use Chrislam, but will eventually be controlled by Artificial Intelligence and implemented with the use of force by the future Robocops of the New World Order.
Incredibly enough, the German taxpayers are mostly paying for this 47-million-euro interfaith shrine. The federal and state governments of Germany are pouring 30 million euros of taxpayer cash into this edifice, aside from financing several staff positions, including a social media team. Private donors are supplementing the remaining costs, but it is incredible how the Germans are duped into supporting this demonic project, remnants of their Nazi past must still be in the air.
“The idea is bigger than the building,” project director Roland Stolte said at the ceremony to mark the beginning of the construction work on the so-called “House of One.” Conceived a decade ago, the ambitious project is scheduled to open by 2025 on Museum Island in central Berlin in line with the rest of the One World Religion planning.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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