Outrageous Court Ruling in Finland Acquits Pedophile Because Victim Didn’t Suffer Enough!

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Article by Leo Zagami 



A controversial court ruling has left Finland in shock. A pedophile committed sexual violence on a 10-year-old child and because of their outdated laws that support the actions of pedophiles and perverts, court was not able to prove that the physical abuse was carried out by force and that the victim suffered. In short, since this was not demonstrated in court, the judges dismissed the case and acquitted the accused who was free to leave. Last year, the Finnish Supreme Court stated that even pedophiles have the right to live in peace and can’t be exposed for their actions on social media or newspapers.

Total madness, which of course has unleashed a storm of criticism against the Scandinavian country that is now being investigated by the European Council for their almost blatant support of pedophilia. In essence, the experts from Strasbourg, as reported by EuropaToday, accuse the Finnish legislation, of facilitating child rapists since not all forms of sexual violence are criminalized. This situation has embarrassed the Finnish government and the entire country so much in the past few months that they assured the public that by the end of next year, the law will be revised entirely, so as to work against pedophiles and rapists, but in the meantime, Finnish pedophiles can continue preying on their innocent victims.

In March 2019, the National Bureau of Investigation NBI said that at least five Finnish men were involved in an international pedophile ring but it might be only the tip of the iceberg of a much larger organization that has used Finnish laws to their advantage.



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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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