International Illuminati Slave Day



Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


If you think Islam and the migrant invasion pose a grave threat to Italian society in 2018, that’s not what you’ll see today.  On May 1st, Italians commemorate the labor union movement’s social and economic achievements on what is defined as Labor Day. It is a nationwide public holiday celebrated by left-wing supporters marching on the streets of Italy, where you find a growing number of immigrant supporters and refugees, many who are illegal.




May Day was chosen as the date for International Workers’ Day by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International, to commemorate what is known as the Haymarket Affair in Chicago. However, there is also a historical link with the foundation to the Illuminati, created on May 1st, 1776. This is a secret society that was founded by Jesuit inspired, Adam Weishaupt, that began a process that would end with Filippo Buonarotti, who finally transformed communism into its full  tyrannical ideology.


Infact, in 1818, Buonarotti, whose alias in the Illuminati Order was Camilius, issued a manifesto that claimed communism can only be initially achieved and thereafter maintained by means of a dictatorship and a socialized system of rigid state controls.


Later, Karl Marx became one of  the biggest fans of Buonarotti’s work, and the road was set for the perverse ideology of the communist movement, and later, The Spartacus League (German: Spartakusbund) that was a Marxist revolutionary movement organized in Germany during World War I, that officially was named after Spartacus, the leader of the largest slave rebellion of the Roman Republic, but in reality was based on Adam Weishaupt’s alias in the Illuminati Order, Spartacus.


Welcome to International Workers’ Day, that should be renamed International Illuminati Slaves Day.








Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


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