Article by Leo Zagami
On the 14th of December 2018, a Brazilian judge issued an arrest warrant for a famed Brazilian faith healer who has been accused of sexual abuse by more than 300 women. Three days later the police arrested the VIP psychic healer João Teixeira de Faria, 76, known as João de Deus (“John of God”), who became a worldwide celebrity when Oprah Winfrey reported his magical healing methods back in 2013.
Faria became a leading guru, on the American New Age/left-wing scene lead by Oprah Winfrey, when on November 17, 2010, Susan Casey wrote in O Magazineabout her amazing trip to see him in Brazil, and the event was subsequently covered on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The article Cassey wrote was entitled “Leap of Faith: Meet John of God”. The show was entitled “Do You Believe in Miracles?”.In both, Susan Casey discusses her need to deal with the traumatic loss of her father. She wondered if Faria could help heal her grief. She met him twice and later stated: “Three hours went by like 20 minutes, and it was blissful–it was like I was floating.” Casey claims she was able to speak with her dead father. “It was very real,”she says. “More of a vision than I had ever had before. … I got this feeling like I shouldn’t be sad, that everything was okay.”
The show never provided any scientific or medical explanations for the procedures performed by the occultist and accepted blindly that science and medicine had no explanation for what happened, but the whole thing obviously captured the attention of Illuminati leader Oprah Winfrey.On March 17, 2013, Oprah’s Next Chapter, Season 2, Episode 116, a televised show aired entitled “John of God.”This time Oprah traveled to Brazil herself to meet and talk with Faria both privately and in front of the camera. However, in December 2018, “John of God” was finally accused of sexual abuse, rape, and pedophilia by more than 200 women. After the allegations became public, Oprah, a hero of the MeToo Movement, deleted all the interviews of “John of God” from her site and quickly released a note stating that she hopes justice will be served. Well, it seems too late for what Brazilian prosecutors say could be the worst serial sex crime case in the country’s history.
Once again, what British singer Seal said almost a year ago about Oprah Winfrey, following her infamous speech at the Golden Globes, accusing her of being “part of the problem for decades, “is proven to be 100% true. Winfrey, the biggest hypocrite on the planet, not only is a close friend of sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, but also of “John of God,”accused by several women of molesting them during private consultations at his center.
Minutes before turning himself in, “John of God” said in a typical guru turned victim fashion, “I am giving myself over to the divine justice and the earthly justice.” His attorneys say that the preemptive arrest order is illegal and unfair in their opinion. According to them, “only a few testimonies of a small number of unnamed victims justified the arrest order.”But in reality, his name was on the radar of paranormal investigators and skeptics for many years.Oprah conveniently ignored their warnings as well as the Brazilian left-wing governments that supported this dangerous black magician for years, until their ultimate demise in the last elections in October 2018, and the arrival of the President-elect of BrazilJair Messias Bolsonaro.
Back in 2005, ABC News (U.S.) discussed “John of God” during the program Primetime Live, but was immediately criticized by one of the main participants, James Randi, a retired stage magician and a scientific skeptic, who has extensively challenged paranormal and pseudoscientific claims during his career, who denounced the whole things as a stunt to promote the Brazilian “healer”: “I had plenty more to say on the subject, and I said it. ABC-TV News didn’t want it.” Adding in disappointment, “Well, I believe that this ABC-TV program will encourage the incautious public to book trips to Brazil to go under the butchery that John of God inflicts on his victims.”
This statement from the official “John of God”website should also give you an idea of the strange beliefs of his followers, to include included Oprah Winfrey:
“Internationally known as John of God or João de Deus, is arguably the most powerful unconscious medium alive today and possibly the best-known healer of the past 2000 years. However, João is a humble man who is very clear about one thing: “I do not cure anybody. God heals, and in his infinite goodness permits the Entities to heal and console my brothers. I am merely an instrument in God’s divine hands.” – John of God. The medium Joao Teixeira has no formal medical training. Instead, he gives over his consciousness and incorporates the spirits of past doctors and saints. These entities give talks, examine the waiting masses and conduct the visible and invisible operations.”
Shockingly enough “supernatural” events terrified the police while interrogating him last Sunday night in the Brazilian city of Goiânia. Unexplained incidents ranging from a “bizarre” computer crash to wiring on electrical appliances suddenly short-circuiting appears to suggest supernatural forces of a demonic nature were at play during the interview. The mysterious problems unnerved cops but didn’t deter them from collecting the testimony from faith healer, João Teixeira de Faria, who is known as João de Deus – “John of God” .
Detective Karla Fernandes, responsible for coordinating the task force investigating the allegations, claimed that as the spiritual guru began to speak, strange things started to happen in what looked like a typical X-Files scenario. She said to the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo: “Suddenly the computer that was being used to transcribe the suspect’s answers to the allegations seemed to have a life of its own and the commands on the keyboard wouldn’t work. When the clerk tried to enter the medium’s statement, the keys locked on a specific letter and ‘OOOOOOO’ was recorded continuously on the screen for a few seconds.”
Although this has never happened before, bemused agents put the incident down to a faulty computer. But when the printer in the room began to print without receiving a command and a fridge blew up, their thoughts turned to paranormal interference.
Det Fernandes said: “It was hot in the interrogation room and I decided to turn on the air conditioning. I plugged the lead into an extension shared with a mini-fridge and the electrical wiring suddenly exploded, burning out the fridge. Everyone in the room screamed with fright. “
According to the officer, “John of God”, stayed silent. She said: “Although these things happened and surprised us, they failed to interfere with our work. He (John of God) didn’t say a word. “
“John of God”whomight more appropriately be referred to as a guru or even a witch doctor is a tool of the evil side of the Illuminati. He is an individual who claims to have religious or spiritual truth and powers to heal, but where does obtain such powers from if not the devil? Maybe the best way to describe this movement is occultic in nature, as such charismatic figures are usually the source of new religions and cults when in contact with an “Invisible Master”. I have discussed in detail this incredible case with Owen Shroyer on the Alex Jones Show on the 19th of December 2018.

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
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