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Article by Leo Zagami
No, it’s not a joke, Freemasons are now openly working on their own AI robot, and they are discussing the creation of it in one of their most prestigious British publications, The Square, and they are doing it without any sense of shame, because as I explained on The Leo Zagami Show, in Step One: Alchemy and Transhumanism in an Illuminati Document, based on my latest book, they are promoting Transhumanism as the new form of Freemasonry.
As some of you may already know, I showed beyond any reasonable doubt how Freemasons and the Illuminati are actively working towards transhumanism, in Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft, where I explain in detail how they are embracing the ultimate product of the philosophy of the Antichrist, aka Transhumanism. And I do it with the help of a rare document published by the Greek initiate Dr. Nicolas Laos, who is a Freemason and high-level member of the Academy of the Illuminati in Rome. I briefly wrote in my previous book, The Invisible Master,[1] that while promoting what he calls “Ur-Illuminism”[2] among Freemasons, he is also officially part of the intelligence team working for the “Private” Intelligence Company R-Techno,[3] based in Moscow at 29 Bratislavskaya Street,[4]which is considered a Russian intelligence asset controlled by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).
As I wrote in Volume 9:
…Dr. Laos, a self-proclaimed Gnostic who subscribes to the motto “Coffee, Cigars, and Gnosis,” is a relevant figure in today’s international Illuminati milieu…[5]
For Laos,
…there is a “Profane transhumanism,” that will inevitably bring us towards “the ‘dry land’ of total algorithmization,” but there is also a far more positive approach, described by him as the “Transcendental Meta-Algorithmic Transhumanism” (TMT) which could overturn it all. This new proposal will help “Gnostic” Laos play the part of the devil’s advocate on behalf of transhumanism and Cyber Satan, attacking in the process religious believers and religious leaders, and even esotericists[6] with a more conservative mindset, whom he considers bigots, accusing them of “a phobia for technical innovation.” That is something we will be dealing with a lot in the coming years, there will be a whole part of society completely brainwashed which will be pushing transhumanism like they are now pushing transgenderism.[7]
No wonder Dr. Laos’ concepts are now echoed by at least three articles published this year alone by the independent Masonic publication The Square (but there might be more coming soon).[8]
The first article was written by Dr. Laos’ fellow countrymen and Illuminati sect member George Boussoutas Thanasoulas, the Past W. Master of Attikos Astir Lodge Nr. 139 of the Grand Lodge of Greece, Past President of the Council of General Affairs of the National Grand Lodge of Greece, and Past W. Master of the Research Lodge of Isis Nr. 9 of the National Grand Lodge of Greece. He is a Greek academic who holds a master’s degree in public History, and modern Greek history writes about the wonders of Artificial Intelligence and how it helped us during the COVID-19 pandemic:
A few years ago, but even more so with the advent of COVID-19, a new factor rushed into our lives and took over. This factor is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Indeed, with the appearance of COVID-19, its applications began to be used by almost the entire population on the planet. The result is intense reflection on its use and its effects on our daily lives.
…that AI has contributed a lot to Medicine with its help, for example, with patients in remote and hard-to-reach areas who now can have basic medical assistance.
However, Freemason and Illuminati George Boussoutas Thanasoulas admits later in his article entitled, Artificial Intelligence and its Uses Society to Freemasonry, [9] the rather Orwellian nature of their evil plan:
Recently, however, on the occasion of COVID-19, various governments and organizations are trying to impose the implementation of programs to control the behavior of citizens, in the context of limiting the spread of the disease. They are preparing to implement, and are implementing, measures that turn every citizen’s right to privacy and choice into an obligation to report and obey.
They take away one more right to our own life and the choice of how we will live it. They mandate a certain way of behaving and dealing with any health problems that may arise from the disease. In this way, you make a public issue about the possibility we have in the treatment we decided on and not the one that the “experts” recommend.
Big Brother gradually and perhaps initially with our consent, enters our lives, through the back door of fear in front of the disease. Privacy, freedom of movement, medical confidentiality, in-person education, and employment rights are suspended under the pretext of protecting public health.
As the journalists Maria Dima and Giota Tessi emphasize, “The new rules are implemented through Acts of Legislative Content, the bans are announced on television and apply from the next minute and we have the choice to comply or be punished. The consequences of the new normal are too early to be recorded, but it is now certain that privacy is among the victims of Covid-19, and this poses huge risks for the day ahead.”

Thanasoulas even talks about how AI tools enabled and helped members of Lodges to meet during the pandemic by holding “informal” virtual sessions, and ends his article by stating:
Just as AI is not a panacea or a disaster and the results depend on its use, so its application in Masonry will be beneficial and not counterproductive if the Brothers apply it constructively.
However, things get slightly more out of hand in the second article written this time for The Square by Nicholas J Broadway, who acquired the title of The Square Magazine in January 2020 and oversees the technical running of the digital publication. Brother Broadway was initiated into Freemasonry in 1989 in Stonewell Lodge No. 9137, Essex England (United Grand Lodge of England) and was Worshipful Master of his lodge in 1995, 2011, and 2016, and is a Past Zerubbabel in the Royal Arch Chapter (All Chapters of Royal Arch Masons are “dedicated to Zerubbabel”).
In the article Embracing the Future: The Freemason AI Robot,[10] Broadway openly advocates for the creation of a Freemason AI robot.
The concept of a Freemason AI robot embodies the fusion of the historic values of Freemasonry with the cutting-edge technology of AI. This unique intersection promises to enhance the capabilities of AI while grounding it in ethical and moral principles that have withstood the test of time. As we continue to explore and develop this idea, it’s clear that the Freemason AI robot could play a significant role in shaping the future of AI.
Nicholas J Broadway justifies the pursuit of the creation of Masonic robots in the following way:
Personal AI robots are increasingly becoming part of our everyday lives. These intelligent devices can perform tasks ranging from household chores to providing companionship and care for the elderly. They can learn, adapt, and predict human behavior, making our lives more comfortable and efficient. For instance, AI robots can assist with tasks like cleaning, cooking, and even personal health monitoring. They can also provide companionship, particularly for those living alone or with limited social interactions. The Freemason AI robot represents a compelling fusion of historic values and futuristic technology. By embracing this concept, we could not only advance AI technology but also uphold the time-tested principles that make us human. The potential of this intersection is enormous and exploring it could lead to exciting developments in the future of AI.
As I wrote earlier, don’t expect any sense of shame from these brainwashed Freemasons/Illuminati promoting Transhumanism, Robotics, and AI. Maybe they should all read Volume 9, Volume 6.66 of my Confessions, and Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject, but that may be too much to ask as these Freemasons know exactly what they are doing by encouraging the rise of Cyber Satan aka AI.
In fact, in the third article published by The Square, entitled The Languages of Freemasonry, Generative AI, and the Turin Test: An Introduction,[11] written by Gerald Reilly who was initiated in 1995 into St. Osyth’s Priory Lodge 2063, Essex, England (UGLE), and was also a founder member of Josh Heller’s All things masonic, and co-wrote with Josh Heller, The Temple that Never Sleeps (Cornerstone Books, 2006), Reilly finally admits the pivotal role of the Davos Illuminati:
Based on nanotechnology, generative artificial intelligence (AI), and white-collar robotics, a fourth Industrial Revolution was declared at the 2016 World Economic Forum.
After all, for Reilly:
Humanity faces the challenge of ecological collapse. This could be precipitated, singly or conjointly, by nuclear war; climate change; or digital disruption of the human infrastructure. The challenge is to understand if the exponential acceleration of AI development could lead to unintended consequences.

The solution for these “challenges” which included the libtarded “ecological collapse” is outlined in the last paragraph of Gerald Reilly’s article:
Perhaps each Masonic lodge could form a committee to consider AI. From this, Freemasons could, within their communities, connect people by Post Code. This opens the possibility of an organic – not organizational – networking from which, options can be considered and lead to an informed, popular, AI Strategy.
The Square adds a note at the end of this last article that announces more brainwashing pills to come:
In the Autumn of 2023, The Square will continue its focus on AI’s engagement within human affairs and how Freemasonry, in civil society, could make a difference: perhaps in the form of special interest lodges focusing on the Turin Test.
In the meantime, for all those Freemasons who are not completely robotized and controlled by The Square and the Illuminati narrative of people like Dr. Nicolas Laos and want to know the truth of what is unfolding and stick to their original values, I strongly recommend the purchase of my books. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8.32). Amen
[5] Leo Lyon Zagami, Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft, Cursum Perficio, 2023, p. 54.
[6] Esotericists are individuals who publish studies about existing occult, mystic or magical systems.
[7] Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9, Ibid.
ATTENTION Leo Zagami’s most important book is out now! Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft
And don’t miss the amazing Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots
Leo Zagami is the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics