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Article by Leo Zagami
Haiti lacks an elected president, legislature, and mayors following the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Last year, the U.N. Security Council approved a resolution that imposes sanctions on Jimmy Chérizier, also known by the pseudonym “Babekyou” or “Barbecue,” a Haitian gang leader and a former police officer who is the head of Fòs Revolisyonè G9 an fanmi e alye (“Revolutionary Forces of the G9 Family and Allies,” abbreviated “G9” or “FRG9,”) a federation of over a dozen Haitian gangs based in Port-au-Prince which has recently seized control of the country as confirmed by PBS in a recent news report where they interviewed for the first time Chérizier, a Freemason who is currently considered one of, if not the, most powerful gang leaders in Haiti.
Jimmy Chérizier, who is also believed to be responsible for numerous large-scale massacres in the Port-au-Prince area since his time as a police officer, was interviewed by PBS showing a Master Mason Blue Lodge Necklace, something he did after being recently appointed Worshipful Master of one of the most influential lodges in the country.
In colonial Saint-Domingue (modern-day Haiti)— Freemasonry arrived with French merchants and soldiers—immediately becoming one of the few European institutions that admitted black members. Freemasonry still thrives in contemporary Haiti and its visual world pervades the Haitian imaginary and, as I explained in detail in Volume 8 of my Confessions, it is closely linked to Haitian Vodou and the birth of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Square and Compass, the use of the letter “G” and various Masonic tools can be spotted among several of the rituals and shrines of Vodou.
However, Mr. “Barbecue” Chérizier, who is also a Vodou practitioner, is a dangerous criminal who allegedly perpetrated the 2018 La Saline massacre in which at least 71 people were killed and over 400 homes were burned down. He was also accused of being involved in the 2017 Grande Ravine Massacre which killed at least 9 people, and even the 2019 Bel-Air Massacre. Aside from being a professional kidnapper, as 30 percent of his revenue comes from kidnappings and 20 percent from extortion, but thanks to his Masonic links and powerful friends, he is trying to clean up his image.

In a video posted on Facebook last year, Cherizier called on the government to grant him and G9 members amnesty to void all arrest warrants. In the meantime, the United States and Mexico drafted a resolution to sanction gang leaders in Haiti and their financial backers, but Jimmy Chérizier is openly showing his Masonic support on TV, so it is highly possible that he now will not only be granted amnesty, but he will also be appointed head of the country with the blessings of the U.N. Security Council, that went after him last year because as Haitians know since the “Haitian Revolution,” the revolt that began on August 22, 1791, and ended in 1804 with the former colony’s independence from France, Freemasonry controls everything and that’s why Jean-Jacques Dessalinest, the first ruler of an independent Haiti under the 1805 constitution is a Freemason.
OUT NOW: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset, the only book out there that could help confused Kanye West aka Ye learn the truth about the Hollywood elite and their secret purpose.
GET ALSO A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
GET also Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand-new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times
And don’t forget also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World