Ratzinger is back to reveal the real reasons for the sex abuse crisis!


Article by Leo Zagami

It’s the sudden come back of Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI, who, as we all know, resigned the papacy back in 2013. Ratzinger vowed to live the rest of his days in seclusion but as I have reported in the past, there is a more conservative faction operating in the Vatican that still sees the Pope Emeritus as the real Pope, and wants him back to oppose the liberal changes imposed by the Jesuit Pope.

The retired pontiff marked his return with a 6,000-word document, highly critical of the present situation and attempts to explain the origins of this crisis. He wrote in his native German language and it will be published in a monthly periodical for clergy in his home region of Bavaria, the home of the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (commonly known as the Bavarian Illuminati.)Ratzinger said that the document in question is meant to assist the Church in seeking “a new beginning”and making “it again truly credible as a light among peoples and as a force in service against the powers of destruction.” So there seems to be a real credibility crisis at stake here.

In the preface, he makes it clear that he is “no longer directly responsible” for the church and that he consulted Pope Francis before he decided to make this document public. Incredibly enough, and in stark opposition with his successor, Pope Benedict XVI says in this document that the church’s still-radiating crisis was a product of the moral laxity that swept the West in the 60s that was not only present in the Church. For Benedict, the young rebels of 1968 fought for “all-out sexual freedom, one which no longer conceded any norms.” Benedict also added that in the 60s, pedophilia became widely accepted as appropriate in certain “Revolutionary” circles: “Part of the physiognomy of the Revolution of 1968 was that pedophilia was now also diagnosed as allowed and appropriate.”

The New York Post commented saying: Let’s remember that some of the leading ’68ers also advocated “anti-authoritarian education,” which involved some pretty unsavory interactions between adults and children. Hippie communes weren’t child-friendly places, either.

Ratzinger also states: “I have always wondered how young people in this situation could approach the priesthood and accept it, with all its ramifications,” adding, “The extensive collapse of the next generation of priests in those years and the very high number of laicizations were a consequence of all these processes.”

Benedict’s controversial document “The Church and the Scandal of Sexual Abuse” should be  considered a post-retirement encyclical that conveniently leaves out the hand the Jesuits played in the decadence and depravity of the 60s. It was likely written to please the growing dissent of the conservative side of the Catholic Church, without putting into discussion the respectability of the infamous Jesuits that actively worked to transform the church and the rest of the world into a liberal nightmare. A document possibly tolerated to avoid the danger of a schism. However, what Ratzinger is saying about the looseness of the 60s is true. In Pope Francis: The Last Pope? I explain how the O.T.O. and Aleister Crowley influenced the Catholic Church in the 60s:

Regardless if the O.T.O. is a relatively small order of fewer than 4,000 registered members worldwide, it had a huge impact on contemporary Masonic culture, and a very negative influence on the Catholic Church, the American Catholic Church in particular. It happened thanks to the expansion in the 1960s of the perverse ideology of one of its greatest exponents, Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947), also known as “The Great Beast 666.”

“The root of this problem was the growing popularity of Crowley’s work in the 1960s. Some of the rebel seminars were nicknamed ‘Pink Palaces‘ in particular because they facilitated the plague of pedophilia in the U.S. Catholic Church. The seminarists discovered the deviant teachings of the Satanist Aleister Crowley, especially those of his Gnostic Catholic Church, that lead in the following decades to an even greater moral decline.

If one analyzes the message of the 1960s from a theological and historical perspective, it was in the ‘60s that some Catholic seminaries, especially those in dioceses headed by liberal bishops, earned nicknames such as “Pink Palace” because they gave shelter to pedophiles while rejecting faithful young men of Orthodox persuasion. Ratzinger rightly blames clerics and theologians who, in the aftermath of Vatican II, transformed the Church into places of debauchery, writing:  “In various seminaries, homosexual clubs were established, which more or less openly and significantly changed the climate in seminaries.” For Ratzinger, the new morality also encouraged  “A critical or negative attitude toward hitherto existing tradition,” in favor of a “new, radically open relationship with the world” and the looseness of those years affected how the church handled cases of abusive priests. In the past, “conciliary” Church: “the rights of the accused had to be guaranteed” above all else, “to an extent that factually excluded any conviction at all.” However, such absolutism in defense of the accused was, for Ratzinger, incorrectly seen as a “conciliar.”

I don’t think the cover-ups and shuffling around of abusive priests started after the Second Vatican Council, because this kind of perversion has been around since Ancient Rome, but it definitely expanded and found a belief system in Aleister Crowley’s new religion of Thelema and his infamous motto: Do What Thou Wilt. Benedict XVI recommends reforming the church law, to give as much emphasis to protecting the faith of Catholics as to safeguard the procedural rights of accused priests. But there is no amount of procedural reform, the Pope notes, that can substitute for recovering Catholicism’s absolute moral standards. “Why did pedophilia reach such proportions?”he asks. “Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God.”

In Roman Polański’s film, “Rosemary’s Baby”(1968), one of the fictional protagonists of the evil Satanic elite named Roman Castevet, says in July 1966: God is dead and Satan lives! The year is One, the first year of our Lord! The year is One, God is done!  These words should be feared by every Christian, as convicted pedophile Roman Polański, was, in fact, sending a real Satanic message to the world on behalf of the Satanic Illuminati elite that worked until now to destroy the Catholic Faith. Yet Ratzinger ends on an optimistic note: “Yes, there is sin in the church and evil. But even today there is the Holy Church, which is indestructible.” But is it really?



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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

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Microsoft exposed for working with Chinese military


Article by Leo Zagami


Two years ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping stood before the 19th Communist Party Congress and laid out his ambitious plan for China to become a world leader by 2025 in advanced technologies such as Robotics, Biotechnology, and Artificial Intelligence.

James Lewis, a specialist in China on technology at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, says China recognizes that technological superiority helps give the United States an edge in National Security and wants in on it. Now three papers, that were published between March and November last year, co-written by academics at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing and researchers with affiliations to China’s National University of Defense Technology which is controlled by China’s top military body, seem to prove once again that the Chinese takeover of Silicon Valley technology is getting increasingly dangerous.

China is the world leader in facial recognition technology and one of the papers in question is described as a new Artificial Intelligence method to recreate detailed environmental maps by analyzing human faces, which experts say could have obviously important applications for surveillance and censorship in the near future.  The paper acknowledges that this system provides a better understanding of the surrounding environment “not viewed by camera,”which can have a “variety of vision applications.”  They are trying to develop a vast hyper-surveillance system able to monitor and target all the enemies of Communism and Microsoft is helping them out.

The Chinese government has been forming global partnerships with Western think tanks, that are part of the New World Order recruiting key talent at networking events sponsored by the Chinese government and has been working to infiltrate U.S. universities. The Chinese takeover of the NWO is becoming increasingly scary, as I predicted years ago. Samm Sacks, a senior fellow at the think-tank New America, and a China-tech policy expert said the papers raised “red flags because of the nature of the technology, the author affiliations, combined with what we know about how this technology is being deployed in China right now”.

 “The [Chinese] government is using these technologies to build surveillance systems and to detain minorities [in Xinjiang],”Sacks added.

The U.S. government is debating whether research collaborations, particularly in sensitive areas such as Artificial Intelligence and augmented reality, should be subject to stricter export controls. Microsoft, backed by the Democrats, defended the research, saying it was part of a worldwide effort by its scientists, who were often academics, to work with their international counterparts on cutting-edge technology issues.

“The research is guided by our principles, fully complies with US and local laws, and . . . is published to ensure transparency so that everyone can benefit from our work,”the company stated, but we know that is a complete lie. China may be in the middle of a tech battle with the United States, but the U.S. should immediately consider companies like Microsoft or Google as spies working with the enemy. Google’s censored Chinese search-engine project now on hold has drawn anger from the U.S. government last year, so let’s see what happens with Microsoft now.


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Ahriman, The Evil Force Behind It All, Beware Humanity You Have Been Warned!

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Ahriman, as depicted by Rudolf Steiner



Article by Leo Zagami 


If you have read my books and watched my videos, you know that I believe that there are hidden or invisible powers and institutions that operate behind the scenes of historical events, representing themselves using signs, symbols, sigils, legal codes, ritual activities, black magic, and human sacrifice to obtain their evil goals. Some are more focused on the political realm, receiving inspiration from the Order of the Illuminati founded by professor Adam Weishaupt in the late 18th Century as a cynical effort to attain power by infiltrating Freemasonry. Others prefer the “magickal” realm, like the Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Temple of Set, but I have always identified these groups as being part of the Illuminati network that is working to bring on the End-Times.

I would associate the Illuminati as Ahriman – what Rudolf Steiner described as a being that pulls humanity toward minerality, sterility, soulless technology, nihilism, etc. Steiner foresaw the “incarnation” of Ahriman in the 21st Century and now we witness the ultimate incarnation of Ahriman called Artificial Intelligence, what the technocrats and nihilists are pushing to manifest.

Freemason and Illuminati member Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) wrote about Ahriman in great length in his final years, portraying him as a future counterbalance to Christ. Some students of Zoroastrianism even think Ahriman may be the first description of the Antichrist. In the earliest texts of Zoroaster, in Yasna 45:2 of the Avestan language Gathas, “Angra Mainyu” was the “angry spirit” or spirit of destruction or evil which was Zoroaster’s antithesis to Ahura Mazda, the spirit of good and creation. In the Persian language that followed Avestan, “Angra Mainyu” became “Ahriman.” Much later, Persian traditions would write Ahriman’s name upside down in contempt for the destructive power  “whose religion is evil.”


Even later, concepts of Ahriman describe the Creator’s omniscient foreknowledge of Ahriman’s future evil rebellion, but that it would be wrong “to punish Ahriman before he wrought evil.” The world must wait for the conclusive battle between good and evil, even though the Creator knows how and when evil will inevitably lose. For centuries, very little was said about Ahriman until the topic was revived by Rudolf Steiner, who was also involved, with the Theosophical Society. In addition to his expertise in German philosophy, Steiner was in fact an adept of ancient wisdom and occult traditions involving the Illuminati network of the various mystery schools. However, disgusted by people like Aleister Crowley, towards the end of his life he actually adopted and became closer to Christianity on top of other unorthodox beliefs.
In the traditional Christian concept of the battle between good and evil, the personification of all that is good and holy is Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God and a form of God incarnate, while the main evil being Lucifer (also known as Satan) is the one attempting to overthrow God’s plans for the universe – and humanity in particular. In many non-Christian traditions, a lesser god does this by introducing fire, knowledge, and technology to mankind and is viewed not as completely evil but as the wisdom-bringer or light-bringer. The Illuminati and their various traditions of Satan/Lucifer suggest that instead of obeying God and accepting God’s limitations for us, through greater knowledge man can become like gods themselves. This was a priority the infamous “Beast” Aleister Crowley put on the top of his list. Steiner even said: “Luciferic wisdom was of the utmost benefit to man”and should not be viewed as inherently evil unless taken to the extreme in which God’s supremacy is questioned.

This is certainly a rare and controversial perspective on Satan, but in line with the idea that before his fall from heaven, Satan was the wisest, most beautiful, and most powerful Archangel of God.

In 1919, Steiner gave a lecture in Zurich under the name “The Ahrimanic Deception.” Early in the lecture, he said: “From many anthroposophical sources, you will know that the further we go back in mankind’s evolution, the more we find a different constitution of the human soul, and something like an ancient, original wisdom underlying the whole evolution of humanity. You know, further, that certain traditions of an ancient wisdom of mankind were preserved in close, secret circles, right into the nineteenth century. They have even been preserved into our own time — but not, for the most part, at all faithfully.”

Steiner felt that all versions of “the truth” or “religion” or “the word of God” have been warped, mistranslated, and abused and what we have come to know today is by accident and intentional to misrepresent the true nature of things. This happened with the infiltration and decline of Freemasonry by the the dark side of the Illuminati.  Leti t be known that Freemasonry did not surrender its positions all at once. A struggle took place in which the healthy forces were finally overcome in 1877 when at the instigation of the Protestant pastor Frédéric Desmons, the Grand Orient of France allowed those who had no belief in a supreme being to be admitted. Satanism could now develop with no restrictions from this point onwards as the Ahrimanic spirits gradually forged the materialism of this epoch.

In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to redefine what it means to be human. The late Steiner stated that, “A great part of mankind today is already under the control, from one side or another, of Ahrimanic forces.”adding that, “Ahrimanic influence has been at work since the middle of the fifteenth century and will increase in strength until an actual incarnation of Ahriman takes place among Western humanity.” This period coincides with the birth and rise of the infamous Jesuits and the Society of Jesus.

Steiner also states that: “Ahrimanic powers prepare the evolution of mankind in such a way that it can fall a prey to Ahriman when he appears in human form within Western civilization.”

 Once Ahriman establishes the Artificial Intelligence take-over, he will appear in human form as the  Antichrist. The question is, will humanity be prepared to fight him? Will we have a strong Christian tradition and resist Ahriman, or will we lose our spiritual essence, a future that seems more evident each day.

We are lost in materialism and the glorification of the individual’s pursuit of pleasure like Steiner prophecied. So will we cling to God and Christ through hard times (the Great Tribulation) or submit to evil (the great apostasy) under the dictatorship of Ahriman? Although the entire concept seems to present Christ as a mere balancing act, Steiner does acknowledge that while both Satan and Ahriman attempt to ruin humanity’s relationship with the divine, Christ raises humanity up from its descent into the material and returns us to the spiritual.“Ahriman would seem to equate with the Christian perception of the Antichrist.”

I have studied biblical information and other ancient sources and calculated that the politician who is eventually revealed as the Antichrist will be a powerful Western politician and will have Satan incarnate into him, even if the identity of the Antichrist cannot be conclusively known by the entire world until the day, when God commands The Restrainer to stop restraining…


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Drunken Jean-Claude Juncker nearly sets fire to Rwandan President Kagame


Article by Leo Zagami


The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, attended a ceremony two days ago in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, commemorating the genocide in Rwanda. During the ceremony, a number of representatives, including Juncker, lit a monument called “The Flame of the Hope.” Unfortunately, when drunken fool Juncker turned around with the burning torch in hand, he almost set fire to Rwandan President Kagame.

The video shows the AU Commission President Moussa Faki Mahamat, Rwandan President Kagame, his wife Jeannette Kagame and Juncker lighting the “Flame of Hope” monument. The event not only almost set fire to President Kagame, but also ignited discussions about Juncker’s alcoholism and mental status as he often turns up drunk to important public appearances.

Internauts were quick to supply memes reflecting Juncker’s gaffe. One of them included a photoshopped picture from “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.”



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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Vatican Jesuits plan the extinction of Mankind



Japanese professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, with his robot double…


 Article by Leo Zagami


As I wrote in January on my website and in my latest book Vol.6.66, the historical workshop, Roboethics: Humans, Machines and Health was hosted by The Pontifical Academy for Life in February 2019.



The Vatican even partnered with Microsoft recently to offer an international prize on ethics and artificial intelligence, after a private meeting between Pope Francis and Microsoft President, Brad Smith. The prize is for the best doctoral dissertation of 2019 on the subject of “Artificial Intelligence in the service of human life.”

This is an article on the controversial subjects discussed in this event organized by the powerful Jesuits, that are working at the highest levels to make sure they control the present and future development of Artificial Intelligence and robotics.Last month, BBC entitled an article published on their website: “How Pope Francis could shape the future of robotics” clearly stating that:

“It might not be the first place you imagine when you think about robots.  But in the Renaissance splendor of the Vatican, thousands of miles from Silicon Valley, scientists, ethicists, and theologians gather to discuss the future of robotics.The ideas go to the heart of what it means to be human and could define future generations on the planet.”

 For the opening of this meeting, Pope Francis presented a letter to the Human Community, where he outlined the paradox of “progress” and cautions against developing technologies without first thinking of the possible costs to society. “There is a pressing need, then, to understand these epochal changes and new frontiers in order to determine how to place them at the service of the human person, while respecting and promoting the intrinsic dignity of all,”Pope Francis said.



Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro addresses the Vatican’s conference on Robotics photo by Giordano Giuseppe


However, in stark contrast to this message of apparent caution by Pope Francis came a much more dramatic and transhumanist hypothesis during the event laid out by Japanese Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, who said that we will no longer be recognized as flesh and blood humans, in 10,000 years time. Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro,  famous for creating extremely human-like robots at his lab in Osaka University, including one of himself, spoke at the Vatican’s conference on Roboethics about the need to evolve our bodies away from their current materials to something more enduring saying:

“Our ultimate aim of human evolution is immortality by replacing the flesh and bones with inorganic material,” he said adding: “The question is what happens if something happens on the planet, or something happens on the Sun, so we cannot live on the planet, we need to live in space.”

“In this case, which is better? Organic materials or inorganic materials?”

In the meantime, creating robots that can do tasks humans can do, even intimate tasks like caring for elderly people or having a relationship, is a fundamental aspect of Prof Ishiguro’s work that fascinates the Vatican Jesuits. Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro also made another shocking assertion: “We have a serious problem, the Japanese population is going down to half the number of the current population within 50 years.” Instead of relying on human immigrants or a baby boom to solve the decline, Prof Ishiguro points to the possibility of utilizing robots instead.

“We don’t have enough annual immigration, Japan is an isolated country, it’s an island, our culture is quite different from other countries,”

“It is not so easy for the foreigners to survive in Japan in some sense,Prof Ishiguro said.

“That is the main reason why we are so crazy for creating robots.”

Another reason to substitute humans with robots in Japan is the ongoing drama of Fukushima, but that’s not something many want to discuss.


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :




Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


Brussels Halts the 5G Apocalypse!



Article by Leo Zagami


Great news from Brussels, Belgium, considered the de facto capital of the European Union, that just rejected plans for a pilot project to provide high-speed 5G wireless internet in Brussels. Such plans have been at least put temporarily on hold due to fears for the health of citizens, according to reports. A Belgian government minister has, in fact, announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans— at least for now —due to concerns about health effects.

The following statement was made last Friday, by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment, and Energy, during an interview with L’Echo“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt.”

Ms. Fremaut also said that a 5G pilot project is not compatible with Belgian radiation safety standards(9 V/m, or 95 mW/m2 according to this online converter), and stated that she does not intend to make an exception. (In the Building Biology guidelines, the threshold for extreme concern is 1 mW/m2. However, many government agencies still only consider thermal effects, instead of the cumulative body of thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies.)

Perhaps with Brussels heading up the European Union, and with one of the two major 5G appeals being addressed to the EU, officials there are better informed and motivated to protect themselves. Let’s support Ms. Fremault and all those officials who are hearing the call to sanity and prioritizing people over the technocratic oligarchy that pushes to move forward with 5G even after a huge number of scientists and doctors have warned of potentially serious health effects.

Please read the Stop 5G Space Appeal and take action to stop the spread of this evil technology. Apparently, only eight months after the implementation of 5G at a global level could mean catastrophe for all life on Earth. Elon Musk is now set to launch the first 4,425 5G satellites in June 2019, to blanket the Earth with 5G, in breach of countless international treaties. This could initiate the last great extinction, courtesy of the multi-trillion-U.S.-dollar 5G mafia-controlled dark side of the Illuminati, that are trying to implement the biggest biological experiment in the history of mankind, on the human race. To read more about the health risks of 5G, check out my latest book, Confessions of an Illuminati Vol 6.66.


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :




Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

“The mafia is ours, Made in Italy,” Pope Francis stated on Saturday, infuriating Italians!


Article by Leo Zagami


During a speech last Saturday, while receiving a delegation of students, teachers, and parents of the San Carlo Institute, a high school in Milan, Italy, on the occasion of its 150th anniversary, the Jesuit Pope shocked and angered Italy once again.

The Pope engaged in a Q&A session, and at one point after justifying his own Communist values by saying “This is not Communism, but the teaching of Jesus” he went on to shock  the audience by saying that migrants are not criminals, and the Mafia was not invented by Nigerians.

Pope Francis, in typical Godfather style fashion, stated,“The mafia is ours, made in Italy: it is ours,”adding, “We all have the chance to be criminals.” He went on to say that, on the contrary, migrants bring us riches, a statement that made many Italians furious!

Back in 2007, Tony Gambino of the Gambino Crime Family, stated to a journalist I know very well, that the Vatican was behind all the pedophile and drug rings. At the time, Mr. Gambino said his prime motivation for revealing the “inside details”of Mafia corruption was to prove to Americans how the Vatican and U.S. government work together in orchestrating the huge pedophile and drug rings that are destroying the very fabric of American society.

For this reason, the recent statements made by the Italian church about dissolving their links to the mob are a complete farce, because the Jesuits and Pope Francis still control the Italian mafia that is a “Made in Italy” product of the Catholic Church. Critics of Pope Francis feel that the Vatican is, in fact,  increasingly silencing, eliminating, and replacing  those opposing its views in a typical mafia style.


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :




Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Can we resist The Mark of the Beast?


Article by Leo Zagami



Last year, alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips triggered even the mainstream media after Britain’s biggest employee organization and main trade union body had expressed serious concerns over the prospect of British companies implanting staff with microchips to improve security.

In November 2018, The Guardian wrote: “Britain’s biggest employer organization and main trade union body have sounded the alarm over the prospect of British companies implanting staff with microchips to improve security. UK firm BioTeq, which offers the implants to businesses and individuals, has already fitted 150 implants in the UK.  The tiny chips, implanted in the flesh between the thumb and forefinger, are similar to those for pets. They enable people to open their front door, access their office or start their car with a wave of their hand, and can also store medical data.

Another company, Biohax of Sweden, also provides human chip implants the size of a grain of rice. It told the Sunday Telegraph (£) that it is in discussions with several British legal and financial firms about fitting their employees with microchips, including one major company with hundreds of thousands of employees.”

The year before, Jefferson Graham wrote in USA TODAY on August 2017, “You will get chipped. It’s just a matter of time.”

 In today’s society, electronic chips have become so ordinary that we don’t even think about them anymore. Yet, they are everywhere—in calculators, computers, and even in household appliances. For the last few years, we also find chips embedded in ATMs, social security, and credit cards, and even in State-issued driver’s licenses and passports! Microchips are also implanted under the skin of animals, and contain medical data such as the pet’s name and vaccination records that allow them to be identified, localized, and tracked in the event the animal is lost or escapes. Is it mere coincidence that the Book of Revelation describes the “Mark of the Beast” as being on the hand or on the forehead? Why these two places? Why not the left hand or arm?

Putting aside the popular spiritual interpretation that our foreheads represent our thoughts, and our hands represent our actions, this may provide a good starting point regarding the spiritual realm.  Presented alone, it falls short of the true physical implications of “a mark” that is required to buy and sell in the near future. The truth is that inserting a chip in the front of the head will enable the altering of the hormonal level of the population because of the vicinity of the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, as explained by many researchers and scientists. You must ask yourself where is the most logical place to put a tiny microchip that is injected under the skin, used for payment, and only operates within a couple of inches of a reader? The hand is the obvious answer. It would literally allow payment at the wave of a handas it is already being implemented in some nightclubs around the world.The choice of the right hand, in particular, is explained further by its reference in Revelation 13, which is one of the best-known passages of the Apocalypse: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The implementation of this project on a global scale could well become the trademark described by St. John in Revelation. Such technology will also be used as a substitute for money and credit cards, just as it is now occurring in many countries, with so-called smartphones, which are gradually allowing automatic payment by simply swiping the device over a receiver. First, with Obamacare and then with Immigration Reform, one way or another, the chip is already planned, but not yet rendered enforceable by the U.S. government, especially in the age of Trump, but later, who knows? It will eventually find its way to the mainstream population. A majority of people are not only willing to accept what Christians call “The Mark of the Beast,” many are actively endorsing and promote its use as a tool of modern innovation. This is, of course, without understanding the dramatic consequences. Following this direction, we are lead to the latest product that will help this diabolical development. For further study on the subject of this article please check out my latest book, Confessions of an Illuminati vol.6.66.


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :




Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami

Dismantlement of Gladio caused the Spread of Democratic Socialism


Merkel pictured during her days as a Communist agent of East Germany


Article by Leo Zagami


Apparently, a favorite subject of Chancellor Angela Merkel, a Soviet agent, and an ex-Stasi informer, who when she was young worked in the socialist organization Free German Youth (FDJ), is the infamous Thirty Years’ War – arguably the most devastating conflict in central Europe until the First World War. In 1618, a war began unlike any the Continent had ever seen before, despite the Peace Treaty of Augsburg signed a few decades earlier, in 1555. By the time the inferno ended 30 years later, large parts of Germany had been depopulated and many cities left in ruin. For Freemason and Illuminati Angela Merkel, this war is much more than some distant historical date. Rather, it is a warning of just how delicate the present European situation really is, and what might happen if the U.S. doesn’t intervene in the next couple of years to stop the dark side of the Illuminati and their evil agents like Angela Merkel.

Just as people in the late 16th century were erroneous in their belief that the Peace of Augsburg would endure, and we could be just as mistaken today in the belief that the European postwar order, with all its treaties and alliances including the European Union, serves as a guarantee that the scourge of war will not return in the near future in Europe. The Holy Roman Empire of the 16th and 17th centuries is, in many ways, analogous to the Europe Union today. Indeed, the parallels may be too close for Merkel’s comfort, because she and her old Communist buddies are one of the main causes for the present European crisis, together with the old Nazi’s that forged a secret alliance in favor of a New World Order before the end of the Soviet Union.

One of the reasons for the past stability of Europe was the constant help of the United States of America. In 1947, the CIA (  who, in that year superseded the OSS), was faced with its first daunting task, i.e. how to prevent Communists from taking over Europe and the world. They did manage to stop this cancer from spreading, but only temporarily. Communism, Socialism, and, indeed, any Godless form of progressive government anywhere in Europe was stamped out because the risk was too great that they could try to take over society, just as they are doing right now after dismantlement of Operation Gladio, that was officially acknowledged and condemned by the European Parliament in November 1990.

While Washington and NATO refused to comment on the matter, it is proven that even if the methods of engagement of Operation Gladio were essentially illegal and of an immoral nature, it actually saved us from the present dangers of European Social Democracy and Europe’s technocrats. Dangers that include the constant support given by European politicians and intellectuals for the rise of a similar ideology in the United States.

The moniker “Gladio” (after the two-edged sword used in Rome) was eventually a necessary evil broadened to include a bewildering host of related deep state terrorist structures including: “P2” in Italy, “P26” in Switzerland, “Sveaborg” in Sweden, “Counter-Guerrilla” in Turkey and “Sheepskin” in Greece. This definitive European list was found to have connections not only to virtually every U.S. sponsored secret state terrorist organization in the world (including the likes of Operation Condor in Latin America), but also to many of the global drug cartels that provided the wealth needed to fund anti-Communism.

The late Pope John Paul II, who experienced first hand Nazi and Communist oppression in his native Poland, startled his admirers and opponents alike by suggesting in a book published a short time before his death, that Communism may have been a “necessary evil” of the 20th century.  Let’s remember that Saint John Paul II was one of the century’s most severe critics of totalitarian ideologies. His condemnations of Communism were an inspiration for the people of Poland when they established the Solidarity trade union two years after he became Pope in 1980, but since then, the perverse and Satanic Jesuit progressive and liberal ideology that infiltrated the Second Vatican Council took over the Holy See and forced the end of Operation Gladio.

It was thanks to Gladio, that people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s were kept far from the political arena. Communism was relegated to the dustbin of history following the collapse of Soviet-style socialism in the early 1990s. However, once again, a quarter of a century later, the idea of “socialism” is declared to be both relevant and alive as an alternative to the existing institutions of a market-based and liberal society.

Those of us, like myself, who have had the opportunity to travel to Russia after the end of the Soviet Union, know way too well the cold hard truth about this evil experiment that destroyed the life and the soul of millions of people. The new visionaries of socialism working for the Illuminati elite assure us that theirs is a kinder and gentler socialism, a socialism of democratic inclusiveness, social justice, and egalitarian fairness for all. For them, this ideology will end human exploitation, save the planet from environmental destruction, and ensure that everyone gets their just desserts on the basis of an identity politics focusing on race, gender, and social class. But it’s all Jesuit propaganda and lies that have been promoted with the help of ex-agents of the Soviet Union like Angela Merkel and Jesuits like Pope Francis.

The new Democratic Socialists neither offer any coherent theory, but they love Scandinavian Socialism.  I lived in Scandinavia for almost ten years and I can assure you it’s a complete nightmare. However, if you ask Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, or any “cool kid” on the block,  you will hear that it is the solution to today’s problems. Advocates of this system always point to the Nordic states to prove their point. Countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway demonstrate to the world that one can have “socialism” – that is, a huge welfare state – and still be on a prosperous path. It sounds like paradise on earth but this is a myth. Most of these countries had their security and Intelligence Organizations infiltrated during the Cold War by Soviet Russia, and have been completely compromised after the end of Operation Gladio. The CIA station in Stockholm that originally supported the training of stay-behind armies became in the 90s another tool for Socialist propaganda.

So what next? Well, “Civil war is coming to Europe” as a German city politician told a Breitbart journalist last year and Angela Merkel will be remembered by historians as one of the traitors that made it happen, so they could facilitate the future Russian invasion.


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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :




Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


Vatican Jesuit Propaganda Made In China


Article by Leo Zagami



As I reported a few days ago, in the past few weeks there has been a growing number of disturbing reports on the destruction or desecration of Evangelical Churches, “underground” Catholic churches and shrines throughout China.The Vatican has decided to step up their efforts by discussing an abandoned factory in China that is now becoming a church, but its all propaganda.Last year, the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China have signed an unprecedented historic agreement regarding the methods of appointing Catholic bishops in the country. The announcement of this unholy accord, which affected millions of Chinese Catholics, aroused interest and a variety of reactions worldwide.


In early March 2019, I reported the words of former Hong Kong bishop, Cardinal Joseph Zen, who was strongly critical of the recent Vatican deal and stated with great disappointment: “The incredible thing is the invitation to trust the government! Is information on recent oppression measures missing from our superiors in the Vatican?”


Even the Superior General of the Jesuits, Arturo Sosa, the infamous “Black Pope,”openly endorsed the deal with China, last month in Rome, at the presentation of a book published by the Italian Jesuits dedicated to the new relationship between the Catholic Church and China.


However, in Guangzhou, the capital of China’s Guangdong Province, they are offering citizens money in exchange for information on “illegal religious groups” as the Communist Party of China continues to crack down on all forms of religious activity, including the remains of the “underground” Catholic Church, not aligned with the recent deals made between the Jesuits and China.


But the Vatican Jesuit media is now reporting that in a remote village in the diocese of Baoding, China both “official” and “underground” Catholics, who were once divided, are coming together to convert an abandoned factory into a place of prayer, liturgies, and sacramental celebrations. Masters in the use of theatrics and propaganda, the Jesuits want us to believe that the reconciliation of hearts between brothers and sisters who have been divided for decades is now happening, and it’s going great. In reality, real Catholics from the underground Church are being arrested and persecuted!



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Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :




Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami