Elon Musk, The Mark of the Beast, and the Vatican Jesuits


Article by Leo Zagami


In my latest book published in February of this year I wrote:

Elon Musk (b.1971), known technology entrepreneur ranked in 2016 as 21st on the Forbes list of The World’s Most Powerful People, has been one of the first to raise the specter of the digital devil taking over the world and humans being left behind. He fears that AI will exceed biological intelligence by such a margin that we will all need to think about an AI-infused human. This transformation will start with the implanting of the microchip. The infamous, “Mark of the Beast.”

 And a few months later, Elon Musk, who initially seemed to draw attention to AI’s potential harm against humans, has suddenly changed his tune and wants to insert Bluetooth-enabled implants into our brains, claiming such devices could enable telepathy and repair motor function in people with injuries, something reminiscent of a Hollywood movie. This will be done through the Neuralink Corporation, an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk and others, who are developing an implantable brain–machine that interfaces (BMIs).

“The interface to the chip is wireless, so you have no wires poking out of your head. That’s very important,” said Musk, who explained that trials on humans could start before the end of 2020. Mr. Musk described such a plan as reaching “symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” Words that are finally showing his true colors and his loyalty to Transhumanism, the international philosophical movement created by the dark side of the Illuminati that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.

As I wrote in vol.6.6.6: The implementation of this project on a global scale could well become the trademark described by St. John in Revelation. Such technology will also be used as a substitute for money and credit cards, just as it is now occurring in many countries, with so-called smartphones, which are gradually allowing automatic payment by simply swiping the device over a receiver.

 In September 2017, Wired reported to an astonished world that Anthony Levandowski, another controversial self-driving car engineer, and “unlikely prophet,” who was at the center of a trade secrets lawsuit between Uber and Waymo, had established a religious organization called Way of the Future  to promote:“The realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.”

There is also a lot of interest by the traditional religious world, and especially the Vatican on the subject, and a symposium entitled “From Awe to Wisdom: Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” was hosted in Rome by the U.S. Embassy at the Holy See in March of 2019, exactly a month after the Vatican Workshop “Robo Ethics. People, Machines and Health,” took place at the Pontifical Academy.

US-embassy-Ai-1024x683                                                                                                 Artificial Intelligence Vatican experts at US Embassy event warn of ‘technology arms race’

During the event at the U.S. Embassy,  two priests engaged in an extensive discussion on AI ethics and warned against a “technology arms race”and the risk we take when we make machines more human as people may become increasingly like machines. Yet not a soul in the Vatican has pointed out on the influence of the demonic side and the link to the “Mark of the Beast” prophecy mentioned in the Bible.

As we all know, Science fiction has long explored these themes because they involve many moral and ethical implications of great importance for humanity, but as I pointed out in Vol.6.66, very few people know that films like “2001 – A Space Odyssey”  were inspired by the Jesuits and the legendary figure of the late Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French idealist philosopher and Jesuit priest who also inspired “The Exorcist.”

Jesuit Father Carlo Casalone, has recently been nominated as the Pope’s consultant on robotics and the A.I. because Bergoglio “the False Prophet,” wants to eventually merge the One World Religion with robotics and Artificial Intelligence ultimately worshipping what Levandowski described as, “A Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence(AI),”called Cyber Satan, the biggest threat to humanity.

Jesuit Father Carlo Casalone, a member and consultant at the Pontifical Academy for Life, is pictured in his office at the Vatican Dec. 5. The Pontifical Academy for Life has added robotics to its list of specialized areas of study. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) See VATICAN-LETTER-ROBOTS-LIFE Jan. 3, 2018.
Father Carlo Casalone SJ in charge of the new Vatican AI Team 

Of course, the Antichrist and his minions like Elon Musk will force everyone to implant The Mark, without which one could not purchase or sell anything, and to refuse it would mean our imminent demise. Check this video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j37AGhbDQz4



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami





Jesuits Called for an Emergency Session to Exorcise the Demoncrats in Congress


Article by Leo Zagami


As we all know, on Sunday Trump went on Twitter to tell four Congress members from the extreme left of the Democratic Party to “go back” to the “corrupt” countries they came from. The four representatives in question are Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).  After Trump’s Tweet, the Demoncrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution on Tuesday evening condemning President Trump’s remarks from last weekend, describing them as “racist”.

The situation has become so tense in Congress that the Vatican Jesuits had to intervene directly for an unprecedented exorcism. Reverend Patrick Conroy SJ, an American lawyer and a Jesuit priest who is serving as the 60th Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives, and another Jesuit priest prayed to “cast out all spirits of darkness” on the House floor this morning, something extremely unusual.

“This has been a difficult and contentious week in which darker spirits seem to have been at play in the people’s House,” Father Conroy prayed, “In your most holy name, I now cast out all spirits of darkness from this chamber. Spirits not from You.”

“I cast out the spirit of discouragement, which deadens the hope of those who are of good will,” he added. ” I cast out the spirit of petty divisiveness, which clouds the sense and the desire to be of fruitful productivity in addressing the issues more appropriately before this House. I cast out any sadness brought on by the frustration of dealing with matters detrimental to the honorable work each member has been called to engage in.”

Father Conroy SJ then prayed to God to “anoint your servants here in the House with a healing balm to comfort and renew the souls of all in this assembly.”

 “May your spirit of wisdom and patience descend upon all so that any spirit of darkness might have no place in our midst,” he added.

Father Conroy SJ delivered his first prayer as House Chaplain back in the Obama era, on May 26, 2011 and since then he has, of course, been closer to the Democrats, as all Jesuits usually are. Satan and his Legion are obviously trying in every way to take control of Congress to attack Donald J. Trump,  thanks to Demoncrats like Ocasio-Cortez. The situation is obviously out of control as more than two dozen Democrats who hadn’t previously taken a position voted on Wednesday to advance a measure to impeach the President over his “racist” attack on their colleagues.

House Democrat impeachment support has gained new momentum despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to halt the effort, as she seems the only one that is not completely possessed. I would like invite my readers to check out my latest book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol.6.66 on the Exorcism subject in relation to the Jesuits to understand more on this epic Spiritual Warfare that has now reached the highest levels of society in the United States.

In the meantime,  a new poll indicates that Republicans actually like Trump more after the Tweet controversy. God is on our side, Amen.


Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami



Another Nazi to replace Jean-Claude Juncker in the EU Commission



Article by Leo Zagami


Yesterday, Ursula von der Leyen another member of the European Nazi elite became the European Commission’s next president, narrowly winning election in the European Parliament while supported by the usual elitist.

The Albrecht family involved in the German Illuminati were among the patrician (hübsche) families of the Electorate of Hanover as doctors, jurists and civil servants since the 17th century, but his immediate ancestors were wealthy cotton merchants in Bremen and members of the city-state’s Hanseatic elite in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ursula is the daughter of the late Ernst Carl Julius Albrecht, who was a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union and a former high-ranking European civil servant who during his career was involved in an unusually large number of political scandals; most famously, the Celle Hole.

Her greatgrandmother Mary Ladson Robertson was an American from the planter class Southern aristocracy, that dominated seventeenth- and eighteenth-century agricultural markets through the forced labor of slaves of African origin.

Unfortunately, the new role of this  Trump-Hating Nazi Ursula von der Leyen, who headed Germany’s defense ministry for six years before she resigned to take on this new job, will put her at the forefront of negotiations with the U.S. creating new tension.

Ursula von der Leyen has called Donald Trump’s discussions of NATO “immature” and while Reuters reports that the U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to unjustly condemn Donald Trump for “racist comments” allegedly made against four clearly anti-American Democratic congresswomen on Sunday, the left-wing mondalist scumbags are rejoicing over their decision to place Ursula von der Leyen as president of the EU commision once held by Philip Juncker.


Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


Facebook labels a quote from Saint Augustine as ‘hate speech’


Article by Leo Zagami


Incredible but true, even a Catholic Saint has been censured by Nazi Facebook. Last year, Zuckerberg had to apologize after labeling part of Declaration of Independence as “hate speech” but this time Facebook’s insane algorithm might have gone too far by challenging one of the most revered voices of the Church.

Two days ago, Domenico Bettinelli, a pro-life activist from Massachusetts, said in a blog post that a passage by St Augustine from the Divine Office was taken down because it violated Facebook’s “Community Standards on hate speech.”

Here is the quote in question:

“Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others.”

It’s a quote from a homily by St. Augustine of Hippo, a sermon that is contained in the official liturgical books of the Catholic Church because it is part of the Office of Readings for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Liturgy of the Hours (the Divine Office).

Facebook has repeatedly banned the quote from St. Augustine mentioned above every time people post it.

At this point, Catholics should demand immediate action from Mark Zuckerberg who is a strong supporter of the Jesuit Pope.


:::::::::Leo Zagami US Book Tour in Las Vegas::::::::::::::::::

 Don’t miss another exciting date on Zagami’s Book Tour for July 16, 2019 at the Patio Gallery room at the Spring’s Preserve in Las Vegas. Today The Springs will have the room opening from 5:30 pm and the event will start at 6pm!






Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


Nazi Censorship and the Future of Europe under the New World Order



Article by Leo Zagami 


Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister has had to defend himself a lot lately, it seems. While an investigation was opened by Milan prosecutors into the Lombardy-Russia Association where Salvini continues to insist his party’s balance sheets are transparent and that he never asked for money from the Russians, the infamous Sea-Watch3 captain, Carola Rackete, who works for Soros, filed a lawsuit on Friday against Salvini’s Facebook and Twitter accounts because they allegedly inspired hate against her and Alessandra Vella, the left-wing Sicilian prosecutor who released her even after she almost killed a group of Italian policemen from the Guardia di Finanza after ramming it with her ship, defiant of the minister’s closed-ports policy.

Salvini reacted to Rackete’s announced suit Thursday by saying, “The German Communist, the one who rammed the finance guard patrol boat, has asked prosecutors to close my Facebook and Twitter pages.”

 Unfortunately, the Italian judiciary system is completely rigged and there is no hope for Italians until they rediscuss the whole system or there is a civil war. I hope that Matteo Salvini  is 100% innocent of the accusation of Russian collusion so he can continue his job as Interior Minister, but he also needs to move from just words to facts, as the refugee crisis continues to bring thousands of people into Italy despite his claims, and people like Carola Rackete need to be kept in jail, not released.

Rackete even received an award in Paris for her gesture, while the Old Continent and Great Britain continue their persecution of freedom fighters like Tommy Robinson. Since Tommy Robinson was convicted for defying a court order, Facebook opened a new ban on Robinson, in Sweden, all you have to do is write his name on the social media platform to be banned for up to 30 days. Facebook user and opinion maker Johan Widén wanted to test the ban and wrote Robinson’s name in an update without adding a link to his text – and boom – he was banned.

The EU and Great Britain’s latest acts of censorship look more and more reminiscent of Nazi Germany, and it’s obvious that our future is in extreme peril when people like Carola Rackete are made into heroes, and true heroes like Tommy Robinson sit in a jail cell.




:::::::::Leo Zagami US Book Tour in Las Vegas::::::::::::::::::

 Don’t miss another exciting date on Zagami’s Book Tour for July 16, 2019 at the Patio Gallery room at the Spring’s Preserve in Las Vegas. The Springs will have the rooms opening from 5:30 pm and the event will start at 6pm!

To reserve your place and for more enquiries: OrdoIlluminatorumUniversalis@gmail.com

Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


U.S. Intelligence sends a coded message to Salvini through BuzzFeed News



Article by Leo Zagami


After Vladimir Putin’s July 4th visit to Rome, the atmosphere has become increasingly tense for Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who is suspected by the U.S. Intelligence community of being too close to Moscow, as I wrote in my article dated July 5, 2019:

“Salvini, who has outstripped pro-Soros Di Maio in recent polls with his anti-migrant and other hardline stances, has frequently voiced admiration for Putin, and has advocated dropping Western sanctions, and for this reason some suspect Salvini might have received secret financing from Russia in the past, something that worries U.S. Intelligence agenciesthat are busy investigating this matter

Well, only five days after the exclusive revelations of leozagami.com, the site BuzzFeed News has apparently obtained an audio recording of a secret meeting that took place on October 18th, 2018, at the famous Metropol Hotel in the center of Moscow, in which Gianluca Savoini, a close, longtime aide of Matteo Salvini, and five other men, three Russians and two Italians, discussed the terms of a possible oil deal with Eni S.p.A. for 3 tons of oil equivalent to 20.5235barrels of oil to secretly funnel around $65 million of Russian money to Salvini’s Northern League and its European election campaign.

One of my sources in Italy, Massimiliano Mion, who has worked in the past as an informer for the Italian military intelligence told me that Salvini participated in his presence to a secret Skype conference with CasaPound Italy and Marine Le Pen to ask for such funds a couple of years prior to him going to Moscow.

However, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini denied in a media report today that he had sought millions of euros from Russian investors via this secret deal. Has Salvini been compromised by the Russian president who is trying to influence the future of Europe?

Salvini states every day he will not accept immigrants, but disappointing many as the so-called refugees continue to arrive in large numbers protected by the corrupt left-wing judiciary system, despite his claims.


:::::::::Leo Zagami US Book Tour in Las Vegas::::::::::::::::::

 Don’t miss another exciting date on Zagami’s Book Tour for July 16, 2019 at the Patio Gallery room at the Spring’s Preserve in Las Vegas. The Springs will have the rooms opening from 5:30 pm and the event will start at 6pm!

To reserve your place and for more enquiries: OrdoIlluminatorumUniversalis@gmail.com



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami






My Orwellian Nightmare and the future of Tommy Robinson


Italian Left-wing Judiciary tries to silence me….


Article by Leo Zagami

This official document from the Italian Judiciary published above was handed to me by the Italian police that arrived at my house with sirens blaring last March for a Facebook Post. It was after this latest Orwellian episode that happened a few days after my 49th birthday, on March 8, 2019, that my wife and I decided, after years of persecution by the Italian authorities, to permanently leave the Fascio-Communist European Union and the Republic of Italy that dominates every aspect of life. It was not easy, I had to leave most of my belongings behind and sell or donate anything of value, including my car, in order to prevent it from being taken by the Italian State. While all this was going on, several more lawsuits for defamation were moved against me with the motivation to ruin and possibly arrest me.

I have been saying for months during my interviews that the situation regarding the freedom of speech has been rapidly deteriorating in the EU and also in the UK where I hosted a couple of public events in the past year and where most of my family lives, as some of you may know. My first thought after being increasingly persecuted in Italy by the left-wing judiciary and harassed on a daily basis by the Italian authorities, was to actually take refuge in England, as I am half British, and my mother, who is related to the Queen of England through the late Queen Mother, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, is still very active in the English community, holding a senior position in the Association of British ex-pats in Italy.

However, my idea of fleeing Italy for Great Britain was quickly abandoned after I witnessed the daily persecution of our Infowars friend and political activist Tommy Robinson, who is now asking the U.S. for political asylum. During the months of discreet preperation, my wife and I had to act in secret, as if we were about to flee Nazi Germany, and we were able to trust no one, not even my own family members. It was  very stressful for my wife, so when we that plane left Italy, I was the happiest person in the universe, even if I had almost nothing left of material value to my name.

I wrote this on Facebook the 22nd of May after entering the U.S., and I still stand by my words:

 “Europe comes up these days with perfectly Orwellian responses to any opposition. I decided to leave Italy and Europe once and for all after being not only threatened by Mafiosi in the street calling me names but also by police and carabinieri that are simply mercenaries in the hands of the Italian left-wing authorities these days acting as criminal organizations for vigilance and repression of the Italian people just like in the old days of Mussolini who made these stupid defamation laws to protect the Vatican and the State representatives. One evening, a couple of months ago, I was visited at 9pm by the Italian Municipal Police from the Comune di Subiaco to give me this court order about a post I made last year on Facebook.  Try to get me now suckers, I am in U.S. territory defended by the U.S. Constitution.”

Schermata 2019-07-10 alle 09.32.21

Now thanks to the Republican National Lawyers Association, I am legally applying for U.S. citizenship and I hope our friend Tommy will be able to do the same in the near future if our president, Donald J. Trump, will grant him asylum. Tommy Robinson has, in fact, launched a public appeal for Donald J. Trump to grant him “political asylum” as he faces imprisonment and almost certain death by Islamic assassins. Europe and the UK have fallen prey to the Islamic- Communist take over imposed by the New World Order, so please don’t let this happen to the United States, as this is the last beacon of light, liberty, and freedom left in the world. The answer to 1984 is always 1776! Tune in to Infowars today at 4pm CST to hear all the latest on this and much more.



:::::::::Leo Zagami US Book Tour in Las Vegas::::::::::::::::::

 Don’t miss another exciting date on Zagami’s Book Tour for July 16, 2019 at the Patio Gallery room at the Spring’s Preserve in Las Vegas. The Springs will have the rooms opening from 5:30 pm and the event will start at 6pm!

To reserve your place and for more enquiries: OrdoIlluminatorumUniversalis@gmail.com

Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami




The Hopi Tribe, White Feather, and Trump




In the summer of 1958, a minister named David Young, who happens to be a distant relative of mine, was driving across the Four Corners region of the U.S., a bit like I have been doing myself in the past few weeks, when he picked up an old Hopi man named White Feather that he found standing by the side of the road.  Hopi is a shortened form of the original term “Hopituh-Shi-nu-mu” for which the most common meaning given is “peaceful people.”

The Hopi reservation that I recently visited while traveling back from Texas to California, is almost 2.5 million acres in size and located in stunning northeastern Arizona near the Four Corners area just east of the legendary Grand Canyon, and is surrounded completely by the Navajo reservation.  For this reason, I spent the night on Navajo Boulevard in Holbrook, during my brief stay in this beautiful area of the United States that I regard as spiritually special.

The Hopis inhabit 14 villages, most of which are situated atop three rocky mesas (called First Mesa, Second Mesa, and Third Mesa) that rise 600 feet from the desert floor. The Hopi Nation had 7,360 members in the 1990 census, and about 1,000 lived on reservations. They are considered an ancient tribe, having lived continuously in the same place for a thousand years. They are a deeply religious people, whose customs and yearlong calendar of constant ritual ceremonialism guide virtually every aspect of their lives. I am fascinated by their devotion and their spiritual stand in an Indian world increasingly corrupted by greed and matter, especially since the birth of the government program to help American-Indian tribes become more self-sufficient by allowing them to run casino gambling, as codified by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.

According to Suzanne and Jake Page’s book Hopi , the Hopis are called “The oldest of the people” by other Native Americans and Frank Waters wrote in The Book of the Hopi, that the Hopis “Regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America.”  Keeping this in mind it is very important to understand the importance of David Young’s encounter in 1958.

This spiritual elder of the Bear Clan, who is said to be the most sacred of all the Hopi clans, confessed to him that all his sons were dead and that the Hopi ceremonial cycle was slowly becoming extinct. After sensing that Reverend Young, a man of God, was trustworthy of his revelations, he decided to pass along nine primary Hopi prophecies that together would herald the destruction of the Fourth World.

As described in Frank Walter book  from 1963 entitled Book of the Hopi, the account begins by describing how, while driving along a desert highway one hot day in the summer of 1958, a minister named David Young stopped to offer a ride to an Indian elder, who accepted with a nod. After riding in silence for several minutes, the Indian told him:

I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things filled with wisdom. I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers’ fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left — the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.

 And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people have tired of the old ways — the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten, yet even this has been foretold.

 The time grows short.

 My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother [from the stars], as do all our brothers in the land.He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.

 He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.

 The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

 This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana — men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder. [First sign of guns.]

 This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes — [the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies.]

 This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes –[the coming of the white men’s cattle.]

 This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron.[Railroad tracks]

 This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be crisscrossed by a giant spider’s web. [Electric power and telephone lines]

 This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be crisscrossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun. [Highways and their mirage-producing effects]

 This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. [Oil spills in the ocean]

 This is the Eighth Sign: You will see many youth who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom. [“Hippie Movement” of the 1960s]

 And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. [The Ninth Sign was the U.S. Space Station Skylab, which fell to Earth in 1979. According to Australian eye-witnesses, it appeared to be burning blue.]

 These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands — with those who possessed the first light of wisdom [Israel?]. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. [Atomic Bomb] Only those who come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon — very soon afterward — Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World. But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. Perhaps you will see it. In time, in time….’

The old Indian fell silent. They had arrived at his destination, and Reverend David Young stopped to let him out of the car. They never met again. Reverend Young died in 1976, so he did not live to see the further fulfillment of this remarkable prophecy.

Being there and honoring White Feather after this historic Fourth Of July Speech given by our president Donald J. Trump was no coincidence. We are gaining momentum in our Spiritual War against the enemies of humanity.



:::::::::Leo Zagami US Book Tour in Las Vegas::::::::::::::::::

 Don’t miss another exciting date on Zagami’s Book Tour for July 16, 2019 at the Patio Gallery room at the Spring’s Preserve in Las Vegas. The Springs will have the rooms opening from 5:30 pm and the event will start at 6pm!

To reserve your place and for more enquiries: OrdoIlluminatorumUniversalis@gmail.com




Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


Zagami’s Official Instagram Removed for posting a pic with Alex Jones




Article by Leo Zagami 


This afternoon, my official Instagram was permanently removed stating that I was in violation of Instagram policies. I am not very active on Instagram but decided to post a picture of Alex Jones and myself today wearing an Infowars shirt, after my recent visit to Infowars headquarters in Austin, Texas. Instagram is also censoring conservatives for the clothing they wear, as reported on Infowars today by Kaitlin Bennett who described how she had a post removed for wearing a shirt from InfoWarsStore.com.

However, in my case, there still remain several fake profiles made by Nigerian scammers pretending to be me asking for money to join an organization that claim to be the infamous Illuminati called ILLUMINATIAM, who are still allowed to post such pics and make money infringing on my copyright and the copyright of Infowars.com.

For this reason, I have decided to move a lawsuit against Instagram tomorrow morning for repeated violation of Federal laws by Zuckerberg’s Instagram. These Nigerian scammers are profiting off of gullible people who believe they are joining a legitimate organization and ruining my image in the meantimewith the clear support of Instagram, as same the photo and many others that were stolen from my social media are still present on their fake Instagram account.


Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami


Isis Terrorists to find a new home in Europe


Article by Leo Zagami


In the last few hours, a threat has been made by one of the two factions of freeing all migrants from detention centers in retaliation for the massacre at Tajoura last Wednesday, stating their safety can no longer be guaranteed. Among them there is said to be a big number of Isis terrorists that will soon find a new home in Europe.

The Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera reported that Fayez al-Sarraj, the Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and Prime Minister of the Government of National Accord (GNA) is preparing to release 8000 prisoners in the coming days and there could be hundreds of thousands more that could be on their way if the conflict between al-Sarraj and its counterpart Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army, (LNA) is not stopped as soon as possible.

This new crisis could be the final blow to the already frail situation at EU borders and could jeopardize the life of U.S. tourists visiting the Old Continent in the coming months, so stay safe and keep yourself informed at all times.


Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



And on paperback :



Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

OUT NOW ON KINDLE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQVQ9ZM/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

And on paperback : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986894657/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1522233257&sr=8-8&keywords=leo+zagami
