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Article by Leo Zagami
Each month, under the glow of a waning crescent moon, thousands of American voters who also happen to be self-identified witches gather online and in person with one goal: preventing Donald Trump from winning the presidential election. Armed with orange candles, tarot cards, and a not-so-flattering photo of the former president, they cast a spell to block his return to the White House. The final words of their synchronized ritual — “You’re fired!” — echo as Trump’s image burns to the ground.
As I explained in an article that I published back in November 2017 regarding one of the originators of the Trump binding spell:
“What most people don’t know is that the person responsible for organizing this ritual is a Christian liberal Freemason named, Michael M. Hughes. He lives in Baltimore and is the author of both fiction and nonfiction, that is regularly promoted by the liberal media. When he isn’t writing, he speaks on Fortean, about paranormal and other topics, and teaches workshops on the Tarot. What is most important, is that Michael Hughes is a Freemason and a member of The Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, a Christian Rosicrucian organization where Membership is by invitation only and is a regular mainstream Masonic affiliation.”[1]
Michael Hughes branded his evil initiative MAGIC FOR THE RESISTANCE, publishing a book about it in 2018. As I outlined in Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7, the initiative “was praised by one of the current leaders of the Ordo Templi Orientis named Lon Milo Duquette, who I have written extensively about in Volume 1 of my Confessions. Duquette is a staunch leftist and Bernie Sanders supporter who wrote in the introductory praises of Hughes’ infamous book: Then…put your magic where your mouth is! You might want to start by reading Magic for the Resistance.” In Volume 7 I also show in detail how Hughes and a group of black magicians devised this infamous ritual for Binding Trump, which they are rehashing to help Kamala. “They’re turning to the supernatural because they feel like they have no other choice,” says Sabina Magliocco, a University of British Columbia professor who studies the modern witch movement. “They are looking to tip the scales in their favor, using whatever means possible.”
This month on the eve of Halloween something unprecedented will take place. 100 women (with many more probably joining on the day) across the U.S. are invited to virtually gather on Zoom and light their yellow candles for another infamous ritual.
This creepy ritual began on the evening of the Festival of Samhain about 2,000 years ago and is considered a very special moment of the year by Satanists to perform certain magical rituals that will favor their goals. Halloween has long been claimed as the high, holy day of Satanic worship. This is the day when witches and warlocks gather to praise their leader and extend his work on Earth. Festivities are marked by unprecedented evil and blasphemy, with blood sacrifices and hedonistic practices playing prominent parts. For this reason, the followers of Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, who died on October 29, 1997, even went to the extent of changing his death certificate to list the date as October 31, 1997.
With eyes closed; the anti-Trump witches will create an egregore and visualize a future where Kamala Harris is president. Each witch will focus on this vision while their candles symbolize clearing obstacles from Harris’s path to victory. The egregore is a force or feeling that arises from the collective thoughts, emotions, and actions of a group that I often mention in my books.
The evil witches have called this special ritual against Trump, “future-casting,” and at the center of it all is a certain Wendy Houseman, a D.C.-based witch who left her corporate career to practice witchcraft full-time. Leading a coven of professional’s made-up of lawyers, doctors, and executives, according to her, Houseman guides them through rituals aimed at shaping the political landscape, in what honestly seems more of a gathering reminiscent of Polansky’s movie Rosemary’s Baby. “It’s giving us agency where we don’t have any,” Houseman said in an interview. [2] And, according to her, the more future casters there are, “the stronger the magic is.” That’s why she plans to invite her 25,000 mailing list subscribers to join in for this and other possible political rituals for the election. Such rituals are performed by what are clearly Illuminati-controlled witches and warlocks across America, and they are aimed at securing a Democratic win in 2024. The other monthly ritual that might also be conducted after the election depending on the outcome is the one devised by Michael M. Hughes, who suggested these rituals have gained momentum in participation as the election nears. “There was a renewed energy from witches once Kamala got the nomination,” he recently said.

However, some self-proclaimed “witches” say such spells won’t work against Trump and one “witch” strongly advised against it, suggesting everyone practice spells in favor of Kamala Harris while leaving Trump out of the picture. “I hate to say this but don’t do magic against him. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others. I wish it would work to bind him or do a freezer spell, but you will only be helping him.”[3] It’s true that Trump has spiritual warriors creating, as the witch said, a “form of protection surrounding him,” and are they are calling on divine intervention to bring him back to the White House.
Many Jews and Christians from all denominations can are rightly seeing Trump as God’s chosen leader, or at the very least somebody who will protect our Judeo-Christian values. In a recent open letter to American Catholics for example, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who practically denounced Kamala Harris as an infernal monster who obeys Satan, wrote the following ominous warning: “In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul. Trump’s America can become great and prosperous again. Harris’ America is destined for invasion and moral, social, and economic destruction: the most ferocious dictatorship.”[4]
We don’t have much time left before all hell breaks loose, remembering what J. Peder Zane recently wrote in a commentary for the RealClearWire on October 22, 2024, the worst is yet to come: “Enjoy these last nasty days of the presidential election – they are the quiet before the storm. As long as the race continues, each side’s anger is reined in by the hope of victory. Once a winner is declared, the loser’s rage will erupt. This political Vesuvius promises to inflame the land as events unfold in these final days to maximize furious disappointment.”[5]
The left is getting more and more desperate and that’s why, “They’re turning to the supernatural because they feel like they have no other choice,” Magliocco says. “They are looking to tip the scales in their favor, using whatever means possible.” Nevertheless, Irene Glasse, a witch from Maryland, says that while magic is important, “magic alone won’t win elections.” This growing blend of magic and Satanic activism is known as “acting in accordance” with witchcraft following up spells with real-world efforts. Similarly, but on God’s side, Leon Benjamin, leader of MAGA Black and speaker at the Michigan Courage Tour, said, “We can gather and pray, but the real work is done on the ground.”
Sadly, in a repetition of Trump’s first term, if he wins, leftist party leaders will refuse to accept his election and Soros will unleash his army of thugs on the American streets to accomplish chaos and civil unrest. An army of Democratic Party lawyers is also being amassed, awaiting instructions on how, and where, to challenge the results if Trump wins. If, as the polls suggest, Democrats retake the House, however, they have already floated the idea of refusing to seat him, invoking the Civil War-era 14th Amendment to claim he is a Jan. 6 “insurrectionist.” If that fails, they will almost certainly launch multiple impeachment efforts against him while their stenographers in legacy media continuously cast him as an existential threat to the Republic and the ultimate threat since Adolf Hitler, when it was Hitler, that, as the Democrats are doing now, was using black magic and propaganda to control the masses. Keep on praying for Trump and God Bless America against the infamous Halloween ritual of 2024.
Join us to discuss this fascinating subject on THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW Saturday, October 26, 2024. with Leo & Christy Zagami LIVE at 5 pm PST (6 pm MT/ 7 pm CST/8 pm EST) with news, geopolitical, and occult analysis.
Purchase this book now: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11: The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond
GET ALSO Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East
Don’t forget the groundbreaking Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft
A real book about the infamous Hollywood Illuminati: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset
And don’t miss the amazing Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots
Leo Zagami is the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
GET also Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand-new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times
And don’t forget also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World