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Article by Leo Zagami
The crisis over sexuality in the Catholic Church goes beyond abuse, to the heart of the priesthood, into a closet that is trapping thousands of gay men at multiple levels of the Catholic hierarchy in a hypocrisy of immense proportions in both the United States and the Vatican. A huge problem for the Catholic Church often connected to pedophilia, that is finally pushing the Pope in the light of the latest findings made by a Denver nonprofit Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal to suddenly rediscuss the 1,000-Year-Old celibacy Rule.
A few days ago, Francis said the ban was only “temporary” and there was also “no contradiction” for a priest to marry. There is no doubt that this nearly 1000-year-old decision, transformed the Church into the most powerful gay lobby in the world, as I described in detail in my bestseller Pope Francis: The Last Pope? Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic. Remember, celibacy was not something Jesus ordered to his disciples, but a requirement the Catholic Church made in the 11th century for financial reasons, as clergy without children were more likely to leave their wealth to the church.
So why the sudden change in direction from the Catholic Church? Ten days ago, The Washington Post reported that the Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal, a group of philanthropists, after pouring money into a Denver nonprofit organization, obtained “mobile app tracking data that identified priests who used gay dating and hookup apps and then shared it with bishops around the country.” The Denver nonprofit Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal aim with this shocking move to: “…empower the church to carry out its mission by giving bishops evidence-based resources with which to identify weaknesses in how they train priests.” The data that spans from 2018 through 2021 taken from Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, and Jack’d finally confirmed what we all knew for a long time, most of the Catholic clergy today is heavily involved in homosexual activity when not raping children. The Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal organization expect that this work will help “purify the church by making other clerics more fearful of breaking their promise of celibacy.”
But is this enough to save the Church? Of course not! This depravity needs to end once and for all by turning around this rule and making it a personal choice, but also restricting the clergy to heterosexuals as homosexuality is still a sin in the Catholic Church and the hypocrisy must end now before the Messiah returns. So, for once I agree with the Pope ventilating the idea of change for this absurd celibacy rule that should only be voluntary for those clergy members who want to achieve in this way, a more intense spirituality, but the Pope should also tell us right now clergy will also not be allowed to enter same-sex marriages.
In the meantime, Wesley Wildman, Professor of Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, and Computing and Data Sciences at Boston University, told the media that he believes AI will soon be able to perform religious duties even better than human priests. That means Cyber Satan could soon take over your Catholic Church after furthering its corruption using dating apps. After all, the AI feeds on data and those gay dating and hookup apps are indeed a gold mine of info for the AI, aka Cyber Satan, if the Church continues in its hypocrisy. Maybe in the future Cyber Satan could blackmail them using the data he has already on them. Professor Wildman said: “AIs will write better sermons than most preachers, give better bible studies than most teachers, create amazing music and visual art for use in services and communications that struggling religious groups don’t have to pay for”.
The likes of ChatGPT have already reportedly found their way into churches, and synagogues writing thoughtful and authentic sermons on behalf of priests and rabbis as I wrote earlier this year:
Wildman, who is obviously too enthusiastic about the idea without considering the implications, explained that AI will have the ability to change everything we know about relationships with spiritual advisers and religious figureheads. Explaining that: “It will be like having your own personal guru you can take with you anywhere.” Somebody you can basically trust more than your priest stating incredibly that: “You can confide in it, get advice from it, and learn to trust it to help you figure out complicated moral and spiritual situations”.
This is a very dangerous situation which I denounced in Volume 7 of my Confessions where I wrote:
…the future of the upcoming “One World Religion” believe it or not, will be based on Artificial Intelligence, which promises to remake the world including religion.
OUT NOW: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset, the only book out there that could help confused Kanye West aka Ye learn the truth about the Hollywood elite and their secret purpose.
GET ALSO A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
GET also Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand-new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times