The evil nature of Pope Francis and his bankrupt church is becoming even more evident after a group of anti-vax nuns at an ancient monastery in Italy are now facing deportation after Cdl. Bassetti, head of the Italian Episcopal Conference, is ordering the closure of the convent for noncompliance with the country’s draconian COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
The five nuns are being punished for refusing to get jabbed, revealed Mother Catherine of the convent of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria in Perugia after meeting with Cdl. Gualtiero Bassetti, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference.
“It is true. I can confirm that this is the only explanation they gave me at the end of the apostolic visit,” Mother Catherine told Italian media La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana. The abbess of the monastery, which was built in 1500 and has been occupied by the Benedictine nuns since 1649, said the persecution against her sisters began after an unexpected apostolic visitation by Cdl. Gualtiero Bassetti, a close ally of Pope Francis, and a fanatical promoter of the experimental injection targeted the convent in mid-February.
“The decree states that my comportment was inadequate,” said the shocked abbess that added: “I did some soul-searching but sincerely could not find a justification.”
However, local media is speculating the diocese may be looking to profit from the sale of the prestigious property, which is in the historic center of the town. This proves once again the satanic nature of Pope Francis’s Church.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The Queen has ruled for longer than any other Monarch in British history, becoming a much loved and respected figure across the globe, but things might change fast after she finally showed her true colors at Prince Philip’s memorial service, in her first major public appearance in months.
We all know the elites are corrupt and do not care about average citizens, and this became very clear when the Queen traveled by car from Windsor for the event accompanied by her disgraced second son six weeks after he settled a sexual assault lawsuit with his accuser Virginia Giuffre.
“It shows she wholeheartedly loves and believes her son,” said a royal commentator named Robert Jobson trying to cover up for this scandalous move:
“As she did when she made a statement about Camilla being Queen’s Consort, many people will now accept the Queen’s word and judgment.”
However, Jobson the author of Prince Philip’s Century, also said there was disquiet among senior members of the family, “but she insisted.”
For hundreds of years, societies like Great Britain have depended on something that is so ubiquitous, so ordinary, that we scarcely ever stop to notice it: trust. The fact that millions of people believe the same things about reality is a remarkable achievement for Royal propaganda as we finally see the disdain and disrespect towards ordinary citizens of Queen Elisabeth II.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Putin sees himself as the great defender of the Orthodox faith on the global stage, and the conflict in Ukraine is, to some extent, a contest for what kind of Orthodoxy is going to prevail – the ecumenical, dialogic vision of Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, traditionally the “first among equals” in the Orthodox world –or the Kremlin-backed, anti-western Orthodoxy of Moscow.
If religion is part of the problem, then it seems natural to hope it can also be part of the solution. This explains why, from the beginning of the conflict, there’s been a focus on what Pope Francis and his Vatican team are saying and doing – or, in some cases, what they’re not saying and doing.
The Russian government does not want Pope Francis to accept Volodymyr Zelenski’s invitation to go to Kiev, and made it known to the Vatican that the trip could cause unprecedented tension in relations between Moscow and papal Rome. “If he were to visit Ukraine now, he would be doing a favor not so much to Zelenski, but to the United States,” was the message conveyed to the Vatican Secretariat of State, with words both irritated and alarmed.
Of course, a visit by Bergoglio to the Ukrainian capital now surrounded by Russian troops would give substance to the international isolation that Vladimir Putin already experiences almost obsessively after his military aggression. And even if the trip is highly unlikely due to the dangers Bergoglio could face, despite the assurances of Kiev on possible measures to protect him, a “ceasefire” would be needed to proceed, and that’s almost impossible after the statement made by the Russian Federation that followed the phone call between Pope Francis and the Ukrainian president.
On the one hand, Francis has made it known that he is ready to do anything to support a negotiation that will stop the war. On the other hand, going to Kiev would inevitably be seen as support to Putin’s enemies on the part of the Holy See that has so far tried in vain to mediate and stay neutral.
And there is also a risk of introducing Catholics into the ongoing clash between Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox, that is a further factor of tension in this political-religious feud. In fact, Francis would be seen as siding with the anti-Russian part of the Orthodox world. For this reason, in the last few hours the possibility of a visit to Kiev by Francis together with the Russian patriarch Kirill has been abandoned especially since Kirill has been fully supportive of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and a I discussed in a previous article, the Jesuit-led New World wants to indict Patriarch Kirill with war crimes:
In the meantime, Vladimir Putin’s state TV has broadcast a shocking warning message that there could be a “direct clash” between Russia and the West – and nuclear weapons would need to be used “whether we like it or not.”
Olga Skabeyeva, host of state- owned Rossiya 1’s show 60 Minutes, said: “If NATO members send peacekeepers to Ukraine…They should understand that this will represent a direct clash between the armed forces of Russia and NATO
The Apocalypse is unfolding in front of our eyes, and only God and the Messiah can save us not Pope Francis, or the Russian patriarch Kirill.
THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW Tuesday March 24th 2022 at 5pm PST (6pm MT/ 7pm CST/ 8pm EST) with Leo and Christy Zagami on all the latest concerning Putin’s threats if the Pope goes to Kiev, and the announcement by Russian Tv about World War 3 that could be “Unleashed Soon’”and it would be “Nuclear.”
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Maryana Naumova is the first female under-18 to be allowed to participate in professional powerlifting tournaments. In March 2015 she participated in the Arnold Classic, establishing the female record in the event Arnold BenchBach, lifting 150 kg (330 lb).
After the tournament, she asked Arnold Schwarzenegger to become the President of the United States and normalize Russia–United States relations. Back in 2015, she also passed an envelope to Arnold containing letters from Donbas children with a plea to intervene to stop the escalating war, and she said on more than one occasion that Arnold Schwarzenegger was a very important person in her life.
However, things have changed now that Schwarzenegger not only ignored the content of the envelope Naumova gave to him in March 2015, but also turned against the will of most of the Russian people, with a propaganda style appeal that completely ignored the drama of the war in Donbas that started in 2014. Arnold Schwarzenegger presented a video message on his Twitter account stating arrogantly that he will tell them “…the truth about the war in Ukraine.”
I love the Russian people. That is why I have to tell you the truth. Please watch and share.
But what truth is that? In the video put together by somebody who we all know is also an actor, just like Zelinsky, the Austrian son of a Nazi, aka Arnold Schwarzenegger, said about his father:
“He didn’t like Russians, because of his experience in the Second World War when he was injured in Leningrad.”
The Nazi army that his father was part of did vicious harm to that great city and to its brave people. Adding later in a dramatic fashion typical of the current War propaganda effort:
“The reason I’m telling you all of this is that ever since I was 14 years old, I’ve had nothing but affection and respect for the people of Russia. The strength and the heart of the Russian people have always inspired me. That is why I hope that you will let me tell you the truth about the war in Ukraine. No one likes to hear something critical of their government. I understand that. But as a longtime friend of the Russian people, I hope that you will hear what I have to say.”
The world powerlifting champion, Maryana Naumova recorded a powerful response to Schwarzenegger’s video message to the Russians that I will include below. Please watch it dear Arnold, and stop being a brainless tool of the New World Order propaganda from climate change and Greta Thunberg to the invasion of Ukraine, you are only an opportunist, nothing more, like you have demonstrated in the past during your rants against former President Donald J. Trump.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
On June 16, 2021, a meeting was held between a member of the Illuminati elite of Italy and a representative of the Sovereign Order of Malta, aka the Knights of Malta in the Russian Federation, Aimone di Savoia Aosta, with the Director of the First European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Alexey Paramonov. The parties discussed bilateral relations, issues on the international agenda, as well as a significant date – the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of official relations between the Order and Russia, which took place strangely enough, in 2022.
The parties expressed mutual hope for strengthening bilateral humanitarian and cultural interaction. The meeting was also attended by Counselor, Giovanna Parravicini, from the side of the Sovereign Order of Malta and the Deputy Director of the First European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Molchanov Sergey.[1]
Things have changed since then, and we still don’t understand the present position of the Knights of Malta in the current military conflict, but Alexei Paramonov, director of the European Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, has warned Italy yesterday against even tougher sanctions and threatened, “irreversible consequences.”
Alexey Paramonov told the Ria Novosti agency onbehalf of the Russian Federation that he is working on a response to the “illegitimate” sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union. Citing French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire’s statement on the EU’s plans to wage a “total economic and financial war” against Russia, Paramonov said: “We do not want the logic of the minister’s statements to find supporters in Italy and provoke a series of irreversible consequences.”
As Paramonov told Sputnik, “Moscow has never used the export of energy resources as an instrument of political pressure. Russian energy companies have always fully fulfilled their obligations. They continue to do so now.”
But of course, things could change, and Italy, as well as the rest of Europe, might be left in the cold for next winter if the Knights of Malta don’t intervene. Paramonov noted that Italy is very concerned about the future of energy supplies from Russia.
“Given Rome’s significant dependence on Russian hydrocarbons, that reaches 40-45%, the rejection of reliable mechanisms for transporting energy resources that have developed over many decades would have extremely negative consequences for the Italian economy and for all Italians,” the diplomat stressed.
At the same time, the threat of a direct confrontation with NATO and Italy has grown exponentially in the last couple of weeks and Italy’s military has been told to prepare for a possible direct confrontation with Russia.[2]
Only the other day, the Italian newspaper ‘La Stampa’ denied accusations it engaged in disinformation by publishing a front page photo of a Ukrainian ballistic missile strike on Donetsk while suggesting it had been carried out by Russia.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I want to write about Irish Priest, Father Malachi Martin and his revelations about the Real Third Secret of Fátima. In the late 1990s, another consummate Vatican insider, the late Irish priest and exorcist Father Malachi Martin, a former Jesuit, went on Art Bell’s radio show and entered a guessing game with the listeners. They told him the hearsay they had heard about the Third Secret of Fátima and Martin replied as to whether they were correct or wrong. This was Martin’s way of circumventing the oath he took not to reveal the Secret, which he read when he was working in the Vatican during the early 1960s, when he served as Secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea during preparations for the Second Vatican Council. Disillusioned by Vatican II, Martin eventually asked to be released from certain aspects of his Jesuit vows in 1964 and moved to New York City.
Three decades later, he said he could answer the listeners questions truthfully because he could not tell a lie – and indeed he agreed a “plague” would be around for those living in the time of the Third Secret. The “plague” he talked about could very well be the infamous China virus that has indeed changed our lives as the first stage of the current Great Reset in the last couple of years.
On Art Bell’s show, Martin gave fragmentary but significant answers as to the contents of the Third Secret itself, which was confided to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco in 1917 and was meant to be read and published by the Pope in 1960, which turned out to be Pope John XXIII, a Freemason, who obviously refused.
The late Fr. Malachi Martin, a purported reader of the Third Secret of Fátima, while he was working in Rome, confirmed in his book The Keys of This Blood, that the consecration of Russia had been sabotaged by Freemasonic globalists among the cardinals and bishops themselves. And in his books and interviews, Martin hinted on more than one occasion that the Third Secret, if publicly revealed, would confirm the apostasy of today’s Vatican officials—as well as the Providential role of Ukraine and Russia for world peace.
He said:
“Now as regards the mystery of Fátima it still stands…. So, Russia is within the plans. Why? Err…that would take me too far afield into papal secrets. Why Russia and Kiev are involved in the final solution of this problem. But they are. They are part-and-parcel and it’s really God’s choice. And it is purely and simply God’s choice. Like He chose the Jews. He has His own favorite solutions. I wouldn’t have chosen Russians or Kiev or The East for salvation. But salvation is to come from the East.”[1]
Most shockingly, one listener told Martin, that they had heard from a priest who had claimed to have read the Third Secret that, “The last Pope would be under the control of Satan…when Pope John XXIII read this he fainted, thinking it was him”, to which Martin replied, “Yes, it sounds as if they were reading the text of the Third Secret”
Though some consider Martin suspect, as I suggested in Volume 3 of my Confessions, especially for his alleged connections to the Israeli Intelligence Community, he was the private secretary to one of the most influential Jesuits of his time, Cardinal Bea, for 6 years from 1958 to 1964, and so well placed in the curia to know some (verified) secrets of the Vatican during a period in which the Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima, and the content of The Third Secret ofFátima in particular written down “by order of His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and the Most Holy Mother” on January 3, 1944, was one of the hottest topics after it was delivered in Rome in a sealed envelope in 1957.
However, three years later in 1960, the Vatican issued a press release stating that it was “most probable that the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal.”
Nevertheless, why would Martin mention Kiev out of all places in his public comment, since he did not stand to gain anything from it and at a time when Kiev was not known to be geopolitically significant to the public nor connected with Fátima? Only the full revelation of the Third Secret would reveal the whole truth, and for this reason, a growing number of Catholics are pressuring the Pope to make a statement about it or release the integral version.
According to one source, when Lúcia was asked about the Third Secret, she said it was “in the Gospels and the Apocalypse”, and at one point had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes the Book of Revelation 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fátima on 13 May 2000.
[1] Father Malachi Martin during an interview with Bernard Janzen, New York City, 22 March 1997.
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PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a specific act of a reigning Pope along with all other Catholic bishops of the world was allegedly ordered in a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima in July 1917 as part of the Three Secrets of Fátima, that are a series of apocalyptic visions and prophecies which were purportedly given to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, by a Marian apparition, starting on May 13, 1917. Sister Lúcia dos Santos, one of the three visionaries publicly stated that at different times the Blessed Virgin Mary had given her a message of promise and that the consecration of Russia (as a country) would usher in a period of world peace.
The first secret, was a vision of Hell, the second secret was instead a statement that predicted the end of World War I and requested that Russia be immediately consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to avoid an even bigger war in the future.
Sister Lúcia declared that the Third Secret instead could be released to the public after 1960. Some sources, including Canon Barthas and Cardinal Ottaviani, said that Lúcia insisted to them it should have been released by 1960, saying, “By that time, it will be more clearly understood”, “because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so” but instead, in 1960, the Vatican published an official press release stating that it was “most probable that the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal.”
Back in 1946, during a gathering of youth at Fátima, Sister Lucia was asked by a young Russian girl, Natacha Derfelden as to how the conversion of Russia would be accomplished. Sister Lucia responded that the conversion of Russia would come through the Orthodox Church and “the Oriental rite,” meaning the conversion implied reconciliation and reunion between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, something that seems almost impossible when the Jesuit-led New World wants to indict Patriarch Kirill with War Crimes, as I outlined in a previous article:
In a 1980 interview for the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens published in October 1981, John Paul II was asked explicitly to speak about the Third Secret. He said:
“Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the worldwide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish… there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message.”
Pressed by the immense popularity of Our Lady of Fátima, the Vatican eventually stated that Sister Lúcia, declared to them in private correspondence on November 8, 1989, that the consecration offered by Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter’s Square on March 25, 1984, had been properly accomplished and was “accepted in Heaven.” But this message was not believed to be authentic by many people in the church, as Sister Lúcia, when asked about the Third Secret, said it was “in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse,” and at one point had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes the Book of Revelation 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fátima on May 13, 2000, a few weeks before the Vatican finally disclosed the so-called third secret of Fátima on June 26th, of the year 2000, when they simply described the secret as a vision of the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, leaving many Vatican experts wondering if the Vatican had deliberately left out a page. Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican Secretary of State at the time, explained that the one concealed part of the prophecies said to have been revealed to three Portuguese shepherd children by an apparition of the Virgin in 1917 was only a vision of an attempt to kill a pope, an event they were obviously linking to the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.
The “bishop clothed in white,” who is the pope, “makes his way with a great effort toward the cross amid the corpses of those who were martyred,” Cardinal Sodano said as he described what he called an interpretation of the vision to 600,000 pilgrims gathered at the sanctuary where John Paul II had just beatified two of the shepherd children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, and thanked the Virgin for saving his life on May 13, 1981. “He too falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a burst of gunfire,” the cardinal said.
Now the problem seems to be that the attempted assassination of the “bishop clothed in white,” predicted by the allegedly incomplete Third Secret of Fátima, might not be, after all, the attempted assassination of the Polish Pope, but rather the attempted assassination of Pope Francis who has always emphasized the basic title of “Bishop of Rome” in the Vatican’s annual directory.
Part of the “official” Third Secret recites in fact:
“…a Bishop dressed in White. We had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other bishops, priests, religious men and women going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other bishops, priests, and religious men and women, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. “
Scared about this possible capitulation of his Satanic Church, Pope Francis suddenly announced from the official Vatican website on March 15, 2022, that he would consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 2022, at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, adding in the official announcement that Our Lady of Fátima said that if the Pope will not follow her advice for the Consecration of Russia he “will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be destroyed.”
A consecration ceremony is also scheduled in Fátima, Portugal by the Papal almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, but I don’t think this is enough for what the church has done in the last few decades as the wrath of God is about to unleash on mankind.
If you would like to know more about The Third Secret of Fatima, get Pope Francis: The Last Pope? available on amazon or through CCC Publishing, where I write about it extensively.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
As I predicted in my latest book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7, welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: War.
While the pandemic acclimatized the world to lockdowns, normalized the acceptance of experimental medications, precipitated the greatest transfer of wealth to corporations by decimating SMEs and adjusted the muscle memory of workforce operations in preparation for a cybernetic future, an additional vector was required to accelerate the economic collapse before nations can “Build Back Better” that will lead you in the hands of Cyber Satan.
In the following article wrote by an anonymous “special correspondent” for Winter Oak author Paul Cudenec, the author presents below several ways in which the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, facilitated by an interconnected web of global stakeholders and a diffuse network of public-private partnerships.
1.The war between Russia and Ukraine is already causing unprecedented disruption to global supply chains, exacerbating fuel shortages and inducing chronic levels of inflation.
As geopolitical tensions morph into a protracted conflict between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis, a second contraction may plunge the economy into stagflation.
In the years ahead, the combination of subpar growth and runaway inflation will force a global economic underclass into micro-work contracts and low-wage jobs in an emerging gig economy.
Another recession will compound global resource thirst, narrow the scope for self-sufficiency and significantly increase dependence on government subsidies.
With the immiseration of a significant portion of the world’s labor force looming on the horizon, this may well be a prelude to the introduction of a Universal Basic Income, leading to a highly stratified neo-feudal order.
Therefore, the World Economic Forum’s ominous prediction that we will ‘own nothing and be happy’ by 2030 seems to be unfolding with horrifying rapidity.
2. The war’s economic fallout will lead to a dramatic downsizing of the global workforce.
The architects of the Great Reset have anticipated this trend for a number of years and will exploit this economic turbulence by propelling the role of disruptive technologies to meet global challenges and fundamentally alter traditional business patterns to keep pace with rapid changes in technology. Like the pandemic, disaster preparedness in the age of conflict will rest significantly on the willingness to embrace specific technological innovations in the public and private spheres so that future generations can supply the labour demands of the Great Reset.
A recurring theme in Klaus Schwab’sShaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that groundbreaking technological and scientific innovations will no longer be relegated to the physical world around us but become extensions of ourselves. He emphasizes the primacy of emerging technologies in a next generation workforce and highlights the urgency to push ahead with plans to digitize several aspects of the global labor force through scalable Technology Based Solutions. Those spearheading the Great Reset seek to manage geopolitical risk by creating new markets which revolve around digital innovations, e-strategies, telepresence labor, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies. The breakneck speed in which AI technologies are being deployed suggest that the optimization of such technologies will initially bear on traditional industries and professions which offer a safety net for hundreds of millions of workers, such as farming, retail, catering, manufacturing and the courier industries. Many of the jobs which will be lost in the years ahead were already moving towards redundancy and are unlikely to be recovered once the dust is settled.
However, automation in the form of robots, smart software and machine learning will not be limited to jobs which are routine, repetitive and predictable. AI systems are on the verge of wholesale automation of various white collar jobs, particularly in areas which involve information processing and pattern recognition such as accounting, HR and middle management positions. Although anticipating future employment trends is no easy task, it’s safe to say that the combined threat of pandemics and wars means the labor force is on the brink of an unprecedented reshuffle with technology reshaping logistics, potentially threatening hundreds of millions of blue and white collar jobs, resulting in the greatest and fastest displacement of jobs in history and foreshadowing a labor market shift which was previously inconceivable. While it has long been anticipated that the increased use of technology in the private sector would result in massive job losses, pandemic lockdowns and the coming disruption caused by a war will speed up this process, and many companies will be left with no other option but to lay off staff and replace them with creative technological solutions merely for the survival of their businesses. In other words, many of the jobs which will be lost in the years ahead were already moving towards redundancy and are unlikely to be recovered once the dust is settled.
3. The war has significantly reduced Europe’s reliance on the Russian energy sector and reinforced the centrality of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ‘net zero‘ emissions which lies at the heart of the Great Reset.
Policymakers marching lockstep with the Great Reset have capitalized on the tough sanctions against Russia by accelerating the shift towards “green” energy and reiterating the importance of decarbonization as part of the “fight against climate change.” However, it would be very short-sighted to assume that the Great Reset is ultimately geared towards the equitable distribution of ‘green’ hydrogen and carbon-neutral synthetic fuels replacing petrol & diesel. While UN SDGs are crucial to post-pandemic recovery, more importantly, they are fundamental to the makeover of shareholder capitalism which is now being vaunted by the Davos elites as ‘stakeholder capitalism’. This will centralize power in the hands of stakeholder capitalists under the benevolent guise of reinventing capitalism through fairer and greener means. In economic terms, this refers to a system where governments are no longer the final arbiters of state policies as unelected private corporations become the de facto trustees of society, taking on the direct responsibility to address the world’s social, economic and environmental challenges through macroeconomic cooperation and a multi-stakeholder model of global governance. Under such an economic construct, asset holding conglomerates can redirect the flow of global capital by aligning investments with the UN’s SDGs and configuring them as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) compliant so that new international markets can be built on the disaster and misery of potentially hundreds of millions of people reeling from the economic collapse caused by war. Therefore, the war offers a huge impetus for the governments pushing the reset to actively pursue energy independence, shape markets towards ‘green and inclusive growth’ and eventually move populations towards a cap-and-trade system, otherwise known as a carbon credit economy. This will centralize power in the hands of stakeholder capitalists under the benevolent guise of reinventing capitalism through fairer and greener means, using deceptive slogans like ‘Build Back Better’ without sacrificing the perpetual growth imperative of capitalism.
4. Food shortages created by the war will offer a major boom to the synthetic biology industry as the convergence of digital technologies with materials science and biology will radically transform the agricultural sector and encourage the adoption of plant-based and lab-grown alternatives on a global scale.
Russia and Ukraine are both bread baskets of the world and critical shortages in grains, fertilizers, vegetable oils and essential foodstuffs will catapult the importance of biotechnology to food security and sustainability and give birth to several imitation meat start-ups similar to ‘Impossible Foods’ which was co-funded by Bill Gates. One can therefore expect more government regulation to usher a dramatic overhaul to industrial food production and cultivation, ultimately benefiting agribusiness and biotech investors, since food systems will be redesigned through emerging technologies to grow ‘sustainable’ proteins and CRISPR gene-edited patented crops.
5. Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) foreshadows an economic reset which will generate precisely the kind of blowback necessary for corralling large swathes of the global population into a technocratic control grid.
As several economists have opined, weaponizing SWIFT, CHIPS (The Clearing House Interbank Payments System) and the US Dollar against Russia will only spur geopolitical rivals like China to accelerate the process of de-dollarization. The main benefactor of economic sanctions against Russia appears to be China which can reshape the Eurasian market by encouraging member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS to bypass the SWIFT ecosystem and settle cross-border international payments in the Digital Yuan. While the demand for cryptocurrencies will see a massive spike, this is likely to encourage many governments to increasingly regulate the sector through public blockchains and enforce a multilateral ban on decentralized cryptocurrencies. The shift to crypto could be the dress rehearsal to eventually expedite plans for programmable money overseen by a federal regulator, leading to the greater accretion of power in the hands of a powerful global technocracy and thus sealing our enslavement to financial institutions.
I believe this war will bring currencies to parity, therefore heralding a new Bretton Woods moment which promises to transform the operation of international banking and macroeconomic cooperation through the future adoption of central bank digital currencies.
6. This war marks a major inflection point in the globalist aspiration for a new international Rules based order anchored in Eurasia.
As the ‘father of geopolitics’ Halford Mackinder opined over a century ago, the rise of every global hegemon in the past 500 years has been possible because of dominance over Eurasia. Similarly, their decline has been associated with losing control over that pivotal landmass.
This causal connection between geography and power has not gone unnoticed by the global network of stakeholders representing the WEF, many of whom have anticipated the transition to a multipolar era and return to great power competition amid America’s receding political and economic influence and a pressing need for what technocrats call smart globalisation.
While America tries desperately to cling to its superpower status, China’s economic ascent and Russia’s regional ambitions threaten to upend the strategic axial points of Eurasia (Western Europe and Asia Pacific). The region in which America previously enjoyed uncontested, hegemony is no longer impervious to cracks and we may be witnessing a changing of the guard which dramatically alters the calculus of global force projection.
Although China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has the potential to unify the world-island (Asia, Africa and Europe) and cause a tectonic shift in the locus of global power, the recent invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for China-Europe rail freight.
The Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that Ukraine could function as the BRI’s gateway to Europe. Therefore, we cannot ignore China’s huge stake in the recent tensions over Ukraine, nor can we ignore NATO’s underlying ambition to check China’s rise in the region by limiting the sale of Ukrainian assets to China and doing everything in its capacity to thwart The Modern Silk Road. As sanctions push Russia towards consolidating bilateral ties with China and fully integrating with the BRI, a Pan-Eurasian trading bloc may be the realignment which forces a shared governance of the global commons and a reset to the age of US exceptionalism.
7. With speculation mounting over the war’s Long Term impact on bilateral trade flows between China and Europe, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will catapult Israel –a leading advocate of the Great Reset –to even greater international prominence.
Israel is a highly attractive BRI market for China and the CCP is acutely aware of Israel’s importance as a strategic outpost connecting the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through the Gulf of Suez. Furthermore, the Chinese government has for many years acknowledged the primacy of Israel as a global technology hub and capitalized on Israel’s innovation capabilities to help meet its own strategic challenges. Therefore, Naftali Bennet’s mediation between Moscow and Kiev is likely to factor the instrumental role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in expanding both China and Israel’s regional and global strategic footprint. Israel’s status as among the leading tech hubs of the future and gateway connecting Europe and the Middle East is inextricably tied to the web of physical infrastructures, such as roads, railways, ports and energy pipelines which China has been building over the past decade. Is Israel in the formative stages of outsourcing its security interests away from the US and hedging its bets on the Sino-Russia axis? Already a powerhouse in auto-technologies, robotics and cybersecurity, Israel aspires to be the central nation in the millennial Kingdom and the country’s tech startups are predicted to play a key role in the fourth industrial revolution. Strengthening its evolving relationship with China amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis could help propel Israel into a regional hegemon par excellence with a large share of centralized economic and technological power converging in Jerusalem. As Israel embarks on efforts to diversify its export markets and investments away from the United States, it begs an important question. Is Israel in the formative stages of outsourcing its security interests away from the US and hedging its bets on the Sino-Russia axis?
8.It is now common knowledge that Digital IDs are a central plank in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda and are to be streamlined across industries, supply chains and markets as a way of advancing the UN 2030 SDGs and delivering individualised and integrated services in future smart cities.
Many have cottoned on to how such a platform can be used to usher in a global system of technocratic population control and compliance by incorporating humanity into a new corporate value chain where citizens are mined as data commodities for ESG investors and human capital bond markets and assigned a social and climate score based on how well they measure up against the UN SDGs. This seamless verification of people and connected devices in smart environments can only take place once our biometrics, health records, finances, education transcripts, consumer habits, carbon footprint and the entire sum of human experiences is stored on an interoperable database to determine our conformity with the UN SDGs, thus forcing a monumental change to our social contract. Vaccine passports were initially touted by public-private partnerships as an entry point for Digital IDs. Now that such a logic has run its course, how might the present geopolitical tensions contribute to scaling what is the key node in a new digital ecosystem? Ration entries could be logged on blockchain ledgers on the Digital ID to track our carbon footprint and consumptive habits during a national emergency. Ukraine has traditionally been called Europe’s bread basket, and alongside Russia, both nations are major global suppliers of staple grains. Therefore, the war has all the makings of a black swan for commodities and inflation. With an economy teetering on the brink of collapse due to a global supply crunch, I believe the resulting economic tremors will trigger wartime emergencies across the world and the public will be told to brace themselves for rationing. Once this takes place, the multilateral adoption of Digital IDs which interface with Central Bank Digital Currencies can be touted as the solution to efficiently manage and distribute household rations under an unprecedented state of emergency and exception.
The Bank of England has already floated the prospect of programmable cash which can only be spent on essentials or goods which an employer or government deem sensible. Once the issuer is granted control over how it is spent by the recipient, it will become nigh impossible to function adequately without a Digital ID, which will be required to receive food parcels and obtain a basic means of subsistence. Think UBI (Universal Basic Income). If food inflation continues on an upward trajectory with no signs of abating, governments may institute price controls in the form of rationing and ration entries could be logged on blockchain ledgers on the Digital ID to track our carbon footprint and consumptive habits during a national emergency.
9. Europe is directly in the line of fire once a hybrid war between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis is underway.
It would be remiss to ignore the clear and present danger posed by a Cyber Attack on banks and critical infrastructure or even a tentative and tactical nuclear exchange with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). I can’t see how any warring party will not be limited by the doctrine of mutually assured destruction, so a thermonuclear fallout is unlikely. However, the use of remote access technologies to erase system memory from the SWIFT banking apparatus or Cross-Border Interbank Payment System can potentially render much of the international economy non-operational and send the dollar into a tailspin. If an event of such cataclysmic proportions was to occur, it will undoubtedly lead to increasing demands to overhaul cyber security. The fallout from such an event, could very well establish a new global security protocol according to which citizens must possess a Digital ID as a necessary national security measure. One can imagine how accessing the internet or public services in the aftermath of a nationwide Cyber Attack may require citizens to use a Digital ID to authenticate that their online activities and transactions are from a legitimate and non-malicious source.
There are few coincidences in politics.
10. The economic implications of this war will be so disastrous that governments and the public sector will require a significant injection of private capital to address the financing shortfall.
This will effectively render the traditional separation of powers between central banking institutions and governments obsolete, as the former will be positioned to disproportionately influence the fiscal trajectory of nation states, whose sovereignty will be hollowed out by the wholesale capture of governments by the central banks and hedge funds. Therefore, the nation state model is gradually being upended by a global technocracy, consisting of an unelected consortium of leaders of industry, central banking oligarchs and private financial institutions, most of which are predominantly non-state corporate actors attempting to restructure global governance and enlist themselves in the global decision-making process. Therefore, the future of international relations and the social, economic and political transformation which the world is presently undergoing in light of the pandemic, and Russia-Ukraine conflict will not be decided through multilateralism and elected representatives of sovereign states. Rather, it will be decided through a network of multi-stakeholder partnerships which are motivated by the politics of expediency and not accountable to any electorate or beholden to any state and for whom concepts like sovereignty and international law are meaningless.
THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW Tuesday March 15th 2022 at 5pm PST (6pm MT/ 7pm CST/ 8pm EST) with Leo and Christy Zagami on all the latest concerning the 10 signs the current war In Ukraine Is part of The Great Reset as predicted by Zagami and much much more.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Things were not going well for the political side of the New World Order after two years of Biological Warfare, aka the COVID-19 pandemic, and a series of deliberate decisions to crash the stability of the world economy and cancel the freedom of most Western countries. So here we go with the sudden creation of two bogeymen that can finally become the ideal scapegoats for all the problems generated by the criminal elite of the New World Order.
In a sudden move, the Western Illuminati and The World Economic Forum have put their relationships with Russia on ice, including strategic partnerships with conglomerates run by oligarchs, a Kremlin-backed research center in Moscow, and an advisory council led by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s economic adviser have also been torpedoed in this dangerous escalation. Klaus Schwab’s organization announced that it has severed “all relations” with the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
Amanda Russo told Politico this week: “We are not engaging with any sanctioned individual and have frozen all relations with Russian entities.”
However, Politico also suggested the possible future moves of the Globalist Cabal:
“Frozen perhaps, but not dead: WEF is leaving open the possibility of serving as a bridge-builder between Russia and Ukraine once the active conflict is over.”
Only a couple of days after the decision made by the Davos Illuminati elite one of its most influential members George Soros wrote in an op-ed published by Project Syndicate:
“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was the beginning of a third world war that has the potential to destroy our civilization. The invasion was preceded by a long meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Chinese President Xi Jinping on February 4 – the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. At the end of that meeting, the two men released a 5,000-word, carefully drafted document announcing a close partnership between their two countries. The document is stronger than any treaty and must have required detailed negotiations in advance.”
Soros also confirms the beginning of the Third World War and his supposed fears:
“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was the beginning of a third world war that has the potential to destroy our civilization.”
The man who brainwashed the Ukrainians since the establishment of its foundation in Kiev in 1990, and financed first the Orange Revolution, a series of protests and political events that took place in Ukraine from late November 2004 to January 2005, and later the Euromaidan uprising, a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began in November 2013 with large protests, Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kiev, said:
“In July 2021, Putin published a long essay arguing that Russians and Ukrainians are one people and that the Ukrainians have been misled by neo-Nazi agitators. The first part of his argument is not without some historical justification, given that Kiev was the original seat of the Russian Orthodox Church. But in the second part, it was Putin who was misled. He ought to have known better. Many Ukrainians fought valiantly during the Euromaidan protests in 2014.”
In the end, Soros openly invites the United States and European Union to remove Putin and Xi from power:
“We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization.”
The stage is set by the Davos agenda for what might soon become the biggest tragedy in recent history, so what’s going to happen next? Well as Egon von Greyerz, the founder and managing partner of Matterhorn Asset Management AG wrote on March 7th:
“The world will obviously blame Putin for the catastrophe which will hit every corner of our planet. But we must remember that neither Putin nor Covid is the reason for the economic cataclysm that we are now approaching.
These events are catalysts that will have a major effect because they are hitting a gigantic debt bubble at a magnitude that has never been seen before in history. And it takes very little to prick this epic bubble.
What is unequivocal is that all currencies will finish the 100+ year fall to ZERO in the next few years. It is also crystal clear that all the asset bubbles – stocks, bonds, and property – will implode at the same time leading to a long and deep depression.”
For this reason, behind the theatrics of the New World Disorder, right at the top of the Illuminati pyramid of power, there is a gray area represented by Klaus Schwab’s direct interest in China, and as I explained in my latest book, Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject, his son Olivier Schwab, who heads the Word Economic forum office in Beijing, is married to a Chinese woman that works with the Chinese government, and at the same time, the interest of his controllers aka the Jesuits and Pope Francis, have no intention of siding with the West after signing their “secret” deal with China September 22, 2018.
Let me end with another warning by Egon von Greyerz who wrote, “The Dark Years are here,” adding:
“We had the warning in 2006-9 but central banks ignored it and just added new worthless debt to existing worthless debt to create worthless debt squared – an obvious recipe for disaster. So as is often typical for the end of an economic era, the catalyst is totally unexpected and worse than anyone could have forecast.”
Prepare for the worst and please get my latest book that is not only a detailed essay to expose their plan to place the world in the hands of Cyber Satan by 2030, but also a practical manual to survive the unfolding apocalypse with the groundbreaking idea of a “Great Reject.”
THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOWSaturday March 12th 2022 at 10am PST (11am MT/12pm CST/1pm EST) with Leo and Christy Zagami on the New World Disorder and the NATO-RUSSIA direct confrontation approaching that will trigger the end of the World as we know it and bring Europe to ashes as predicted by the Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova (1911 –1996), commonly known as Baba Vanga, was a Bulgarian mystic widely known in Warsaw Pact Eastern Europe for her alleged abilities of clairvoyance and precognition.
The late blind mystic that is said to have predicted the 9/11 terror attacks, and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, led an ordinary life up until the age of 12 when she mysteriously lost her eyesight during a massive storm — described as a freak tornado. The youngster is said to have been flung into the air and then thrown to the ground by a powerful gust of wind. Her family reportedly found her close to death several days later, her eyes were injured and sealed shut, encrusted with a thick layer of dust and dirt.
Later, the psychic Baba Vanga said that she had experienced her first vision during the days she was missing and believed she had been instilled by God with the ability to heal people and predict the future. Not only did Baba Vanga foretell of an “unstoppable” Vladimir, who would turn out to be Vladimir Putin, that would one day rule the world after Europe is turned into a “wasteland,” she also predicted that Putin could be assassinated in an attempt made from within the Kremlin – the citadel of Moscow, home to the government of Russia.
Something truly extraordinary as her last predictions on Vladimir Putin were made when Putin was only starting his work for President Boris Yeltsin’s administration, moving to Moscow when Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga, known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans,” died in 1996, aged 85. Baba Vanga even told of Brexit, decades before it happened.
Keep in mind that experts say that Vanga’s predictions are said to have at least an 85 percent success rate.
Baba Vanga also predicted that Vladimir Putin would win the 2018 election but said in a meeting that took place in 1979, with writer Valentin Sidorov, that: “All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched – Vladimir’s glory, the glory of Russia.”
Shortly before her death, the elderly woman said regarding the Russian Federation that: “Russia will not only survive, but it will also dominate the world.”
So, will Vladimir Putin survive the ordeal to become the dominant force of the Sino–Russian New World Order? Only time will tell.
In Russia. In the art park “Nikola-Lenivets” in the Kaluga region, the “Tower of Babel” was burned – a symbol of the current Maslenitsa, a holiday of remembrance of the dead in Russia, according to the artists’ plan but it is also viewed as the end of the Babylonian World Order. Last year, the “Ogre’s Crown” was burned there.
THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOWSaturday March 12th 2022 at 10am PST (11am MT/12pm CST/1pm EST) with Leo and Christy Zagami on the New World Disorder and the NATO-RUSSIA direct confrontation approaching that will trigger the end of the World as we know it and bring Europe to ashes as predicted by the Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
PLEASE SUPPORT LEO’S WORK BY BUYING HIS LATEST BOOKS!!! Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.