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Article by Leo Zagami
For the second consecutive year, Pope Francis led Palm Sunday services in an almost empty St. Peter’s Basilica because of coronavirus restrictions. The Pope’s Holy Week services will take place with a limited number of participants including Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter, next Sunday.
“Last year we were shocked. This year we are more under pressure and the economic crisis has become heavy,” the pope said in his traditional Sunday noon address conducted after the Mass. He then added to a shocked audience, “The Devil is taking advantage of the crisis to sow distrust, desperation, and discord. “
Since he was elected in 2013, Pope Francis, who is working to usher in the One World Religion of the Antichrist, has made it clear that he believes the devil to be a real figure, stating in a 2018 document that it is a mistake to consider him only a myth, and this is one of the few things I agree with him on.
In both his homily during Mass and his comments afterward, Francis said the pandemic made it more important than ever to look after those in difficulty, the poor, and the suffering. Maybe it’s an excuse as the Vatican is in deep economic trouble due to the lack of cash flow from the now-closed Vatican Museums and the Pope just ordered on Wednesday that all of the cardinals and other clerics working in the Vatican take pay cuts to save the jobs of other employees.
Nearly everyone who took part in the Mass except for the Pope and the choir, wore masks to keep up the show, while in Texas COVID numbers fall for the 17th consecutive day following Gov. Abbott’s 100% opening and lifting of the mask mandate.
So, in what looked like a small-scale version of a traditional Palm Sunday service in St. Peter’s Basilica, the 84-year-old pope with a not very convincing group of cardinals proceeded to the altar holding palm fronds where the Pope could be seen with a pronounced limp throughout. He suffers from sciatica, which causes pain in his legs when it flares up. One of the reasons that will probably lead him to soon resign. Palm Sunday commemorates the day the gospels say Jesus rode into Jerusalem and was hailed by the people, only to be crucified five days later with the promise of a Second Coming that is based on Messianic prophecies and is part of most Christian eschatologies.
The Second Coming (sometimes called the Second Advent or the Parousia) is a Christian, Islamic, and Baháʼí belief regarding the return of Jesus after his ascension to heaven about two thousand years ago.
Views about the nature of Jesus’s Second Coming vary among Christian denominations and individual Christians, as well as among Muslims. Some specific dates have been predicted for the Second Coming, some now in the distant past, others still in the future.
A 2010 survey showed that about 40% of Americans believe that Jesus is likely to return by 2050. Let’s hope he hurries up and anticipates his arrival as we need Him now more than ever.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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