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Article by Leo Zagami
Netflix has just released a Brazilian “gay Jesus” Christmas special called, The First Temptation of Christ that might spark the biggest controversy ever on the subject this Christmas.Already, 1.14 million Brazilians have signed a petition asking Netflix to remove this movie.
Of course, the controversy around religious features is nothing new. In 1979, numerous British town councils banned Monty Python’s, “The Life of Brian” from being exhibited in local theatres, and in 1988, the Martin Scorsese Biblical drama, “The Last Temptation of Christ” was released by Universal Pictures under a storm of protests, the Roman Catholic Church labeled the film “morally objectionable,” and a group of Southern California Protestant ministers urged a total boycott of the businesses owned by MCA if Universal Pictures released Scorsese’s film.
The only “sin” of this otherwise excellent film based on a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, was to depict Jesus in human terms, struggling against his divine fate but not giving in to temptation and the alleged violence in certain scenes. For this reason, the late gay film director, Franco Zeffirelli, who directed the 1977 film “Jesus Of Nazareth,” tried to have Scorsese’s movie banned from Italian cinemas, and withdrew his film, “The Young Toscanini” from the Venice Film Festival in protest. There were also protests in 2004 for Mel Gibson’s, “The Passion of the Christ that was accused of anti-Semitism due to key phrases of unsubtitled Aramaic. But today, the situation is very different in the age of the Antichrist and Obama’s Netflix, as the LGBT community wants to openly promote a gay version of Jesus for Christmas on their favorite platform. has endorsed the film describing it as: “light-hearted and fantastical” Adding that, “a very seductive God visits Jesus to scandalously reveal that he’s actually Jesus’ father (and not Joseph).” criticizesBrazil’s conservative Christian’s reaction to the movie saying that they “have become more vocal following the 2018 presidential election of Jair Bolsonaro, a man who is staunchly opposed to LGBTQ equality.”
Deriding Jesus has nothing to do with opposing the LGBTQ community, and I wonder what an illustrious member of this community like Franco Zeffirelli, who died in June of this year, would have thought of such blasphemy entering the home of millions of people this Christmas, as he got upset for much less with Scorsese.
The Brazilian heretical comedy group Porta dos Fundos(which translates to “back door”) describes in their heretical movie, Jesus (Gregório Duvivier) attending his 30th birthday surprise party with his boyfriend Orlando (Fábio Porchat). The party, thrown by José (Rafael Portugal) and Maria (Evelyn Castro), has many high-profile biblical guests, including God (Antonio Tabet), described by as “a very seductive God.”
The crazy thing is that in 2019, no Catholic representatives will oppose this film and I doubt groups of Southern California Protestant ministers will gather to urge a total boycott of Netflix because they are all in bed with Satan.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
And on paperback :
Leo Zagami is also the author of Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
And on paperback :
Ciao Leo, ora cerco di citare le mie storie anche a te, in modo che la conoscenza sia trasmessa. I tuoi libri che ho comprato sono davvero grandi, ottimo lavoro.
da: per favore anche: Ero uno scienziato dell’informazione di Berlino, con il padre fondatore di I. Dr. Gernot Wersig, che era anche un futurologo. Sì, sono pienamente d’accordo con Maria Sakharova, portavoce del Ministero degli esteri russo.
Julien era ed è un agnello completamente innocente da macellare. Come scrive Leo Zagami nei suoi libri, dobbiamo creare con satanisti che agiscono senza morale ed etica. Non è più possibile commettere tutti questi crimini contro i bambini, contro i prigionieri e contro le guerre………………… per postare di più.
Si tratta di membri speciali della NWO che appartengono tutti al comitato di 300 (ora 1000 membri). Questi sono quelli davvero potenti. Molti di loro non hanno un indirizzo ufficiale. Tutto questo rende triste, tutta questa sofferenza, tutte queste preoccupazioni e tutto questo non sarebbe affatto necessario. Non voglio più avere questa agitazione e questo mondo cattivo e naturalmente voglio aiutare con il Rinascimento. Questa falsa élite deve essere condannata e anche quest’ultima dovrebbe essere condannata in un tribunale di guerra e poi imprigionata al posto di Julien e di migliaia di altri perseguitati. Si’? Il diritto all’art. 5 è probabilmente nullo!
Its blasphemous and outcry . I mean what are the doing with Jesus and us, as Christians ! My gott!
from: please also: I was an information scientist from Berlin, with the founding father of I. Dr. Gernot Wersig, who was also a futurologist. Yes, I agree in all respects with Maria Sakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Julien was and is a completely innocent lamb to be slaughtered. As Leo Zagami writes in his books, we have to create with Satanists who act without morals and ethics. I have 3 books by Leo and am in contact with the latter. Please buy Leo’s books. Thank you !!!!
It is also hardly possible anymore to commit all these crimes against children, against prisoners and against the wars……… to post more.
These are special NWO members who all belong to the committee of 300 (now 1000 members). These are the real powerful ones. Many of them have no official address. All this makes sad, all this suffering, all these worries and all this would not be necessary at all. I don’t want to have this unrest and this bad world anymore and of course I want to help with the Renaissance. This false elite is to be condemned and the latter should also be condemned in a war tribunal and then imprisoned instead of Julien and thousands of others who are also persecuted. Yes ? The right to Art. 5 is probably null and void !
Harveywood/Netflix finds a new low in Lucifer’sLounge. Moral Relativism is a f’ing CANCER.
“Pathos to grief. Dignity to resentment.” ~ Sir Walter Scott