After Intervention from the Vatican, Cardinal Pell’s Appeal Will be Heard in High Court

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Article by Leo Zagami 


In a last-ditch effort for the former Vatican finance chief to have his conviction overturned, Pope Francis has stepped in to save his friend and avoid further exposure of the international pedophile ring. After a few phone calls from the Holy See to the Australian judiciary, Cardinal George Pell will be able to appeal to high court over his child sexual abuse conviction and will almost certainly win.

Of course, the former Vatican treasurer connected to the Opus Dei has maintained his innocence after the Victorian court of appeal ruled two-to-one against him. However, as I wrote last month, there is no official guarantee the appeal will be heard, but my sources have insisted that Cardinal Pell will return alive to Rome, rather than in a coffin.

In the meantime, on September 14th, Pope Francis and the Vatican-lead New World Order received 40 bishops from the Oriental Catholic Churches of Europe  to urge unity among Eastern Churches of Europe before the arrival of the Anglicans next month in Rome to further implement the NWO plan of a One World Religion.

UPDATE: Sources close to the cardinal told CNA his case would likely be accepted given the controversy triggered by the split decision of the Appeal Court judgement confirming the content of this article. The cardinal, 78, who remains an archbishop and a member of the College of Cardinals, was returned to prison immediately after court adjourned, where he has remained. Pell has not been permitted to celebrate Mass in prison. As reported also by the Catholic Herald “In an extensive dissent from the majority finding, Justice Mark Weinberg noted that the entirety of the evidence against Pell consisted of the testimony of a single accuser, whereas more than 20 witnesses were produced to testify against his narrative.”



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics


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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :





3 thoughts to “After Intervention from the Vatican, Cardinal Pell’s Appeal Will be Heard in High Court”

  1. The Pope said: “Let us think of the history of Christians, including the history of the Church, with so many sins, with so many scandals, with so many bad things in these two millennia. And why did it not collapse? Because God is there.”

    My question to the Pope is this: Where was your so-called God when Pell and other Catholic priests were sexually raping children for what seems to be forever? Your religion has survived because of money and people not knowing how to believe in themselves. For most people, if a pediphile moved into their neighborhood and they knew it the pedo would probably be killed. Why has this not happened to the rapist priests or, at least, be locked up in prison???? I despise the Catholic religion. Actually, any organized religion. It has always bred sexism and racism.

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