Article by Leo Zagami
This evening Macron, the man once dubbed “Jupiter,” after the Roman god-of-gods, had to apologize to the Yellow Vests, stating he has been “at times unreasonable.”This was his first formal press conference where he announced, “A new era for France,” and a series of reforms drawn up after a vast listening exercise he launched in response to the Yellow Vests protests that he said had some good points made at the beginning, before it degenerated.
Macron earned the nickname “Jupiter”after a pre-election 2016 interview for Challenges magazine in which he said his predecessor Francois Hollande,“Does not believe in a Jupiterian president … [but] I do not believe in a ‘normal’ president. The French aren’t waiting for that, on the contrary, such a concept makes them feel insecure.“
Today, however, we saw a much weaker French President, who delivered his long-awaited response after almost six months of intense crisis and street protests that created a huge economic and political crisis in France. Polls show Macron’s popularity rating stuck on or even under 30%, a far reach from the seemingly distant days after his inauguration, almost two years ago, when his approval rating was over 60%.
But incredibly enough, Macron still has his eye on the 2022 French presidential elections, not caring about the fate of his two predecessors Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, who only stuck around for one term and failed to implement lasting change. At stake is not only his ambitious agenda to modernize France, but his status as a key figure of the New World Order and the future One World Religion.
Macron wants to stand up to President Donald Trump and eventually lead Europe and the NWO in the future. Even after the Yellow Vests crisis he still has the full support of the mondialists that believe in him.Macron’s crisis in France is considered a danger to be avoided. So let’s keep an eye on Macron’s next moves because he remains a prominent agent of the Vatican Jesuits.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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Leo Zagami is also the author of Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
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