Ireland prepares for the Jesuit Pope amongst fierce criticism


Article by Leo Zagami


The World Meeting of Families Congress is a gathering of the Roman Catholic Church that has occurred every three years since 1994. Pope Francis will be traveling to Ireland to take part in the World Meeting of Families 2018, in Dublin, from 21-26 August 2018. The last pontiff to visit the Republic of Ireland was Pope John Paul II, who drew crowds of over 2.5 million. That’s more than half the population of Ireland back in 1979. The director of the Holy See Press Office confirmed to the BBC that the Pope’s schedule would not include a visit to neighboring Northern Ireland.


The main reason for this strange decision has been apparently the recent clerical sex abuse allegations against deceased priest Fr Malachy Finegan. In October 2017, the Diocese of Dromore settled the “biggest ever pay-out in a historical abuse case in Northern Ireland” over claims that Fr Malachy Finnegan, who was head of the college between 1976 and 1987, sexually abused a pupil. Finnegan, who died in 2002, was the subject of twelve abuse allegations made between 1994 and 2016. Pedophile priest Malachy Finnegan, who has been linked to a string of child abuse allegations, understood to have taken place at St Colman’s College in Newry, and later in the parish of Clonduff in Co Down, never saw any evil in his actions and died unrepented. This was made very clear by Finnegan  himself during his time at the Stroud treatment center for sex offenders in England back in 1995.


The BBC program, Spotlight, that aired last February, raised many questions about how the diocese of Dromore, which includes parishes in counties Antrim and Armagh, but covers much of Co Down, handled child sex abuse allegations against Finnegan.  The program included interviews with three men abused by Finnegan as children.

However, in the Republic of Ireland, from beginning of the 1990s, a series of criminal cases and Irish government enquiries established that hundreds of priests had abused thousands of children over decades and they are still finding children’s bodies in unmarked mass graves arranged by Catholic Church officials.


In March 2002, a BBC documentary, entitled Suing the Pope, highlighted the Irish case of Seán Fortune, one of the most notorious clerical sex offenders. The film followed Colm O’Gorman as he investigated the shocking story of how Fortune was allowed to abuse him and countless other teenage boys, but unlike the Catholic sex abuse cases in the United States, only a limited number of criminal convictions have  involved the Irish clergy.


In March 2010, Pope Benedict XVI even wrote a pastoral letter of apology for all of the abuse that had been carried out by Catholic clergy in Ireland, and began an official investigation. The church truly brutalized Ireland, and the Irish people have a right to protest against the Pope’s visit, but will they? Pope Francis will attend the Festival of Families in Croke Park on Saturday, 25th of August and celebrate an open air Mass in Phoenix Park on Sunday, the 26th of August. Pope Francis’ visit  is indeed bringing controversy and pain to Irish Catholics and others, as they prepare to welcome the Jesuit Pope and thousands of devote Catholic families from all over the world to Ireland for this important event in the calendar of the Church and their hierarchy.




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :


Trump save us from the libtards and false flags

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami




This picture sums up the present moral decline of the West as Cultural Marxism is clearly evident in the daily manipulation that psychologically wills us to accept this as normal. The increasingly controlled media of the New World Order, and now the giants of Silicon Valley, have begun the final stage of their plan to shut any voice of dissent, before they kickstart another season of lies, murders, and treason on a national and an international level, to bring down their number one enemy, Donald J. Trump.


For the last few months, experts have been warning about the rising risk of a major false flag event to take place in the US just before the mid-term elections. Something manufactured by the left to influence the upcoming vote, possibly blaming a Trump supporting right-wing terror group, or an Iranian one, so they can force Trump into another useless war.


While the Democratic Party is moving mind-controlled fools like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is becoming their libtard idol of the year, the progressive wing, that has taken over the Democratic party, is actually inciting the growing violence across America. At the same time, they are censoring social media and banning people like Alex Jones and Infowars, who could expose this to the masses.


I’ve also been blocked for thirty days on my official Facebook profile for absolutely no reason, if not for the fact I am closely associated with Infowars.  However, in the face of all this censorship, we need to continue the Infowarrior battle with no fear on our side, especially now that they could be planning another 9/11 on US soil. We the people have had enough of the Communist dinosaur Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the demented Communist circus set up by George Soros.


Support now more than ever the Trumpian candidates in the Midterms!




Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Facebook ha bloccato anche i profili di Zagami corrispondente italiano di Infowars



Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami

Come ha giustamente affermato il collega di Infowars Paul Joseph Watson su Twitter “La grande censura è iniziata”. Sicuramente molti di voi sapranno che negli ultimi giorni le maggiori piattaforme di Silicon Valley hanno iniziato una campagna di censura e blocchi ai danni dell’amico Alex Jones e del sito Infowars con cui collaboro da diversi anni.

Facebook ha bloccato nei giorni scorsi tutte le nostre pagine, Apple ha rimosso i podcast, e Youtube ha rimosso centinaia di video, tra cui molti in cui io e Alex mostravamo al nostro publico senza censure le verità indicibili sul Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e il Vaticano che lo governa.

Purtroppo dall’ 11 agosto anche il mio profilo ufficiale Facebook è stato bloccato per ben trenta giorni. 

La tutela della libertà di espressione in uno Stato è simbolo di progresso e democrazia, ma oggi le cose sono cambiate purtroppo per colpa delle sinistre mondialiste e delle loro pensiero unico che non garantisce più la libertà di espressione e vuole imprigionarci tutti in un incubo di orwellliana memoria capace di poter controllare ogni elemento della realtà che ci circonda.

Questi criminali capitanati da figure ambigue e perfide come George Soros e Jacob Rothschild, vogliono governare il mondo imponendo la loro visione sinistrorsa seguendo il modello antidemocratico cinese tanto caro a Henry Kissinger e i suoi amici della Apple che hanno dato il via a questa purga nei confronti di Infowars ora estesa anche alla mia persona e al mio profilo personale su Facebook.

Bravi continuate così idioti e perbenisti della sinistra che supportate i grandi della Silicon Valley e un giorno questa potrebbe essere non solo un guerra virtuale, ma una guerra reale, che si combattera strada per strada in nome della libertà.

La mia ultima riflessione va al fatto che non vi è stato un solo collega giornalista o blogger italiano, che mi abbia chiamato o chiesto di commentare quello che sta accadendo a Infowars. Questo dimostra ancora una volta che giornalisti e i blogger italiani sono tra i più vigliacchi e opportunisti del mondo.

Buon proseguimento nel  mondo della censura e dell’inganno che piace tanto anche in Italia.






Popular Italian journalist Paolo Attivissimo sends a death wish to Alex Jones via Twitter




Paolo Attivissimo at the Italian Chamber of Deputies (Italy) 


 Article by Leo Zagami


 “The 9/11 conspiracist Alex Jones is one of those people that if I had a time machine I would like to put him on one of those hijacked planes.”

These are the shocking words posted on Tweeter on the 6thof August 2018, by a well-known Italian left-wing writer and journalist Paolo Attivissimo, who since 2006, is the host of a popular show on Swiss National Radio called Il Disinformatico. He has authored and coauthored many Italian-language books on IT related subjects, and also on the blog Attivissimo is a consultant for Swiss National Radio and TV (RSI), Mediaset and RAI, and speaker on information technology, conspiracy theories, hoaxes and misinformation in the media.


A big shot in the Italian media who presented his work on the subject of fake news in the former governments’ Chamber of Deputies that was lead by left-wing prime minister Paolo Gentiloni, during a lecture conducted with ultra left-wing fanatic Laura Boldrini, the former President of the Chamber and a close collaborator of George Soros,  involved  with various organizations like Amnesty International, ARCI,  Human Rights Watch and others linked to Soros.


So this not-so-veiled threat on Alexs’ life comes from one of Italy’s most influential journalists and disinformants connected to George Soros, who also created the Servizio Antibufala ( hoax busting service) website, visited by millions of visitors and writes or has written articles for La Borsa della Spesa, and Le Scienze (the Italian edition of Scientific American).


The fact that a left-wing journalist working for important state institutions like RAI or Swiss National Radio, can wish somebody like Alex Jones death on Twitter,and not get banned or lose his job, demonstrates once again the injustice we suffer in today’s society controlled by anti-democratic left-wing extremists.


The new Italian populist government has recently attempted to turn things around with the appointment of Marcello Foa as new president of RAI, but the pro-Trump and pro-Russian journalist nominated to run Italy’s State broadcast institution was immediately stopped by left-wing opponents, and RAI continues to remain firmly in the hands of the left-wing enemy.


Jones has been attacked heavily in the Italian media lately, but this Tweet and the ones that followed on Paolo Attivissimo’s wall show once again the typical intolerance of the left.




Paolo Attivissimo video from April 2017 published on the official Italian Chamber of Deputies (Italy)  Youtube channel



Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

George Soros, the man behind the purge



Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


According to billionaire investor and pseudo philanthropist George Soros, Facebook and Google had become, “obstacles to innovation”and were to be considered a “menace” to society whose “days are numbered”.  Soros’ ominous warnings were given in January 2018 during the prestigious World Economic Forum, a yearly event in Davos Switzerland, where he also prophecied that, “This may well result in a web of totalitarian control the likes of which not even Aldous Huxley or George Orwell could have imagined.”


Using serious economic and political threats, George Soros  eventually forced the liberal mafia of Silicon Valley into working for him, or risk being completely wiped off the map. As Soros pointed out in Davos, “The power to shape people’s attention is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few companies.” Soros and the left wing mondialists want complete control over such companies to purge all opposition starting, of course, with Infowars. That’s why Soros stated that Davos was a good place to announce: “Their days are numbered.” Soros had been in fact bullying and threatening both Google and Facebook, who initially seemed to not want to fully comply with his undemocratic agenda. However, Facebook completely gave up on resisting Soros’ plan after suffering the biggest loss in stock market history at the end of July with a 100 billion dollar loss in market value in just one day, and Google suffered a similar fate when a week earlier they were hit with a record-breaking €4.34bn (£3.87bn) fine from the Soros-controlled European Union, for anti-competitive “illegal practices”. These two events gave Soros complete control over Facebook and Google, that can now be used together with Apple and other internet platforms to wage war against freedom of speech and conservative thought.


To gain Apple’s support, George Soros apparently asked his old time buddy Henry Kissinger to help out. Eventually the orders to kick start the purge of all content contrary to the New World Order in the US and Europe was given at the end of May by George Soros, during a meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Paris, a key organization of the New World Order, that he himself helped found.


In the meantime, Apple says it is monitoring the Infowars app for content violations while George Soros, Henry Kissinger, and Jacob Rothschild are now prepared to use social media as well as mainstream media to manipulate both the midterm elections in the US favoring the Democracts against Trump, and the next elections of the European Parliament that are expected to be at the end of May 2019, and are considered of great importance in stopping the rise of the European populist forces opposing George Soros.






Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :




Facebook ha rimosso le pagine di InfoWars, Apple diversi podcast su iTunes. Era chiaro che la fandonia delle ‘fake news’ è nata per censurare le voci dei dissidenti che hanno portato Trump alla Casa Bianca (e Salvini al governo ).

E’ in atto, da parte di un manipolo di miliardari parassiti che si è eletto custode della nuova ‘morale’ perbenista – quella del politicamente corretto – una guerra alla libertà di informazione.

Lo ripetiamo: le multinazionali sono una minaccia alla democrazia. Il fatto che poche corporations come Facebook Google Apple controllino praticamente tutta la diffusione di notizie su internet pone un gravissimo problema di censura.

Perché non c’è alcun controllo democratico. Sono degli amministratori delegati generalmente con idee di sinistra – omofili, xenofili e desiderosi di importare masse di schiavi lowcost – che decidono cosa può essere o non essere sulle loro piattaforme.

Questo può andare bene per un blog, non per piattaforme che, di fatto, monopolizzano internet.

Quindi vanno regolate. E gli va imposto di non censurare in base alle idee. Qualunque idee.

Apple and Facebook clamped down on content by Alex Jones Monday, with the former pulling five of his podcasts and the latter removing four pages controlled by him.

Apple confirmed on Monday that it had removed five out of six podcasts, which includes Jones “The Alex Jones Show” as well as a number of other InfoWars audio streams.

InfoWars è uno dei maggiori siti di notizie indipendenti americani di idee ‘trumpiste’. Ed è oggetto di un attacco senza precedenti da parte delle multinazionali. Probabilmente un attacco che avrà delle conseguenze e farà decidere a Trump di intervenire.

L’elezione di Trump ha sconvolto gli equilibri e terrorizzato il deep state, per questo vogliono addomesticare la rete.

Vogliono fare terra bruciata intorno a Trump. E a Salvini in Italia. I populisti devono intervenire e regolare le multinazionali del web: devono imporre a queste corporazioni con utili superiori agli Stati, di rispettare le leggi. Non di farle.

Facebook, Google e Apple si trovano nella situazione di fatto di potere decidere cosa può essere o non essere sulla rete. Di fatto sono degli Stati. E’ come se un parlamento emanasse una legge che proibisce ad un sito internet di esistere: solo che, almeno, il parlamento è eletto.

Interviene anche WikiLeaks:

Schermata 2018-08-06 alle 19.03.26


Facebook e Apple sono una minaccia alla nostra libertà. Vogliono imporre – alcuni ultramiliardari vogliono imporre – senza essere eletti, quello che può o non può essere detto.

In Cina è il partito comunista a censurare le idee, nel resto del mondo ‘libero’ sono Facebook-Google-Apple. Intollerabile.

E’ tempo che i governi populisti respingano l’attacco alla libertà di internet.









United Grand Lodge of England leaves regularity to embrace gender policy



Article by Leo Zagami


Just over three hundred years ago, the Premier Grand Lodge of England, the first Masonic Grand Lodge in the world (known as United Grand Lodge of England or UGLE since 1813), was founded in London to govern Freemasonry in 1717. They are still considered by most Freemasons the Vatican of Freemasonry, the ones who set masonic regularity standards for the rest of the world. Just like the Vatican, they seem to have completely lost their mind over the gender policy issue, promoted in recent years by the New World Order.


In 2006, under fierce criticism, Pope Francis stated that Catholics must discern difficult situations of sexual morality on a case-by-case basis, even when presented with a person who is considering, or has had gender reassignment surgery. But even liberal Pope Francis has not yet approved of gender reassignment for his Catholic hierarchy of priests and nuns. Who knows, maybe that’s the next  thing on his list of heresies?


In the shocking new guidelines issued last week by the United Grand Lodge of England for Gender Reassignment Policy, women and men who have undergone gender reassignment surgery can now join Masonic Lodges without having any discrimination problems, and will  be supported in the process. The strangest thing to come out of this new set of guidelines issued by the UGLE, is that women who have not undergone reassignment surgery will continue to be exempt from joining regular Freemasonry, but if they commit themselves to a sex change and become a man, they will eventually be able to fully join the Craft. The United Grand Lodge of England is encouraged to treat such cases with “utmost compassion and sensitivity” adding,“that the individual is supported throughout the process.”

In my opinion, the title used by the Daily Mail: “Freemasons break tradition as they allow women to join the brotherhood (but only if they were born male)”  is also deliberately misleading.


Let’s not forget that a solar cult like Freemasonry cannot become a lunar one because of a sex change or political correctness, as it will completely lose its original identity and create many problems, even in the present rituals adopted for initiation by the UGLE. For example, the reason why the left breast is exposed during the first degree initiation is to ensure the candidate is indeed a male, and not a female trying to infiltrate Freemasonry.


With the new Gender Reassignment Policy, such practice will indeed become a problem in the coming months, and will inevitably generate a change within the ritual that could push many Freemasons into leaving the UGLE, or other Obediences that follow this change, considered by many, a unprecedended step towards Masonic irregularity. The Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723 is in fact clear on this point: “The persons admitted Members of a Lodge must be good an true Men, free-born, and of mature and discreet Age, no Bondmen no Women, no immoral or scandalous men, but of good Report.”


Remember, that Anderson’s Constitution is the basis of Modern Freemasonry and its foundation of operation. A variety of stories and irregularities exist about its legitimacy and its foundation, yet, it remains an early canon of Masonic History. For some background, this excerpt from wikipedia offers some insight into its history.


Last February, I traveled to London, with my wife, Christy, to attend her initiation into Freemasonry. It was not a regular lodge of course, but 70% of its members were regular Freemasons from the UGLE, working in clandestinity because women are still not accepted in their Obedience. I have always respected this choice, but I completely reject the foolish Gender Reassignment Policy by the UGLE that clearly shows political correctness has gone way too far. I would prefer real women in lodges than this left-wing hypocrisy. Check it out for yourself:







Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :


Christy Zagami is the author of Confessions of an Illuminati Princess: