Bannon’s meddling in Italian politics


Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


In an interview on Monday with Swiss newspaper Weltwoche, Steve Bannon made the following statement in regards to the results of the 2018 Italian elections:

“This is just a populist victory and should send a massive signal to the permanent political class in Rome and more importantly to the permanent political class in Brussels that people want change…”

The rather naive Bannon, who has only been in Italy since Thursday to observe the election, compared the success of the far-right League to Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election, stating bombastically: “They got 20 percent of the votes in Tuscany, which is traditionally a turf of the left, or the center left: This is equivalent to Wisconsin going to Trump…” .


180304-barbie-bannon-rome-tease_xyria4 photo REUTERS

Well, dear Bannon, you are correct that Matteo Salvini has indeed gathered a growing number of supporters as the the leader of Italy’s Eurosceptic Northern League that has enjoyed a surge in popularity, becoming the country’s largest conservative party. It is still technically impossible for him and his party to lead any kind of goverment, even with the help of coalition allies Georgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi, as it is impossible to form a government as they only reached 36% of the electorate, not 40% as required by the current electoral law, built to force a much wider and bigger coalition for the Italian governability. This scenario will only be possible with the compromise and the possible alliance with  the prevalently left-wing 5Star Movement in the hands of George Soros, now the first party in Italy with 32.36.

However don’t believe that the former prime ministers Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Renzi are the big losers in the 2018 Italian elections, as voters opted for anti-establishment parties like the Northern League. In reality, Matteo Renzi, who gathered only 20% of the Italian vote with the Democratic Party, has already a place planned for him by the EU establishment in Bruxelles. Silvio Berlusconi, instead, owns the symbol of the Northern League party that he literally bought back in the year 2000, when Salvini’s party, at the time in the hands of Umberto Bossi, was risking bankruptcy:

In the next few days, Silvio Berlusconi’s coalition with the Northern League will be forced into something like the German Große Koalition, with the Democratic Party and The Five Star Movement  already coming together under the supervision of the Italian President Sergio Mattarella shaping yet another technocratic government fully controlled by the EU and George Soros, and in the hands of the present Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who might not accept his new opposition role given by Renzi.

The populist victory described by Steve Bannon unfortunately has no chance to create a new Italian Government in 2018, because the system is rigged. So, why did Bannon previously suggest he supported Matteo Salvini, head of the Northern League, and why does he believe a impossible coalition between the League and the 5Star Movement could work for Italy remains a mystery, as Berlusconi, who owns the Northern League symbol, will never let that happen, or will he? The only way he will let this happen is within a Great Coalition German style if not he will be forced into the opposition by a Soros left wing alliance that Bannon seems to serve with his disinfo.





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

L’Italia ingovernabile del dopo elezioni 2018

Articolo di Leo Lyon Zagami






Nella nebbia post-voto tutto è andato come previsto e nessuno ha ovviamente raggiunto il fatidico 40% siamo quindi alle solite e per il momento ci teniamo il conte Gentiloni ( Gentiloni Bis all’orizzonte?…), anche se chapeau ai 5 Stelle che come avevo annunciato nelle settimane passate sono davvero il primo partito in Italia, notizia questa che consolerà George Soros vista la perdita netta di quel cesso della Bonino e del suo partito + Neri (al suo servizio…).

Positiva tuttavia la fine di quel fenomeno grottesco denominato Renzusconi frutto del peggior compromesso all’ombra del Nazareno, anche se ovviamente hanno riconfermato Zingaretti a governatore del Lazio e non ci libereremo di queste due bestie immonde della politica e dell’inciucio all’italiana così facilmente.

Ma Renzusconi ha nettamente perso questo è poco ma è sicuro così come il PD di Matteo Renzi. Sono tuttavia contento che la Boldrini, Grasso, Minniti, Franceschini e altri schifosi vermi comunisti e filo gesuiti piazzati da Giorgio Napolitano e dal Nuovo Ordine Mondiale negli ultimi anni non hanno più un futuro nella politica. Tuttavia grazie alla Bologna rossa il democristiano Ferdinando Casini uomo di Papa Francesco è ancora un politico e guardando i sondaggi mentre scrivo vedo che i fiorentini sono ancora amanti del loro Matteuccio Renzi…poveri cretini….. Quindi non visiterò più le città di Bologna e Firenze per protesta finché i cittadini queste due città rosse non cambiano registro e finiscono di vivere nel compromesso e nella menzogna radical chic; perché è anche colpa loro se l’Italia è in mano a questi cessi.





Ed ora nelle prossime ore godiamoci il teatrino Salvini-Berlusconi con frasi patronali del genere “Fai il bravo Matteo”….e la Massoneria Piddiota del Grande Oriente d’Italia cosa farà ora che il PD non conta più un cazzo?

Insomma una sola cosa è sicura italiani da oggi abbiamo 400 milioni di euro di debito in più grazie alle spese elettorali.

Ad maiora



Italy’s 2018 rigged elections

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami




io non voto

Earlier today, a topless Femen activist disrupted polling in Italy’s national election, while ex-Premier Silvio Berlusconi was casting his ballot. The longer than usual lines due to the new anti-fraud measures fiasco is already making Italy look like the laughing stock of Europe.


The fradulent nature of the Italian 2018 elections derives from the new law nicknamed the Rosatellum, after Ettore Rosato, the Democratic Party parliamentary leader, who obviously proposed and introduced a mixed system rigged to perfection, to facilitate a coalition type government built on compromise and fully controlled by the EU as the 40% requirement to establish a government will be impossible to reach for all parties. This will basically send Italy right back in the hands of Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, as the present system provides an ideal set up for the various parties and coalitions that will join together in the most improbable political alliance, to ensure Italy’s governability on behalf of the New World Order.


The most obvious beneficiaries of this useless election are former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and Matteo Renzi, who apparently made a secret deal to overcome the Five Star Movement and manipulate the populist rise of Matteo Salvini and Georgia Meloni. The biggest winner of all is of course, George Soros, who has invested in both the left-wing parties, as well as the Five Star Movement, where he placed the possible future Minister of Economy, Lorenzo Fioramonti, who writes for Open Democracy, which is an emanation of Soros’ Open Society.


On the 5th of March 2018, Italy will most likely remain in the hands of the left-wing mondialists sponsored and manipulated by George Soros, with the new leading position of Silvio Berlusconi as a populist side show, ready to serve in the grand coalition controlled by the technocrats of the European Union. Can we free Italy without a Civil War? Only time will tell.


Meanwhile in Rome, Steve Bannon, the White House traitor, is playing a strange role in support of the populist rise. Something is indeed going on behind the scenes during these rigged elections, that will only bring what the Italian media have already called “Gentiloni bis”, which means another term for the present Prime Minister and close friend of George Soros.






Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Leo Lyon Zagami Interview ‘Confessions of a Real Illuminati’





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Nigerian voodoo mafia and the New World Order in Italy

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami





13 years ago, AISI, the Italian domestic intelligence agency warned in their official publication called GNOSIS, of “the integrated Nigerian threat” and something “even more complex and dangerous”, and

“the practice of voodoo and ju-ju” adding that: “This criminal organization reaches Italy through an impenetrable and indefinable network which has the potentiality of conveying integralist topics, illegal lobbies’ interests and criminal activities.”



 (file picture of an unconnected voodoo ritual)


If this has been something known for so long, why aren’t they doing anything to stop it now? Is George Soros forcing the AISI to close an eye on its Nigerian mafia buddies? At the end of January 2018, the dismembered body of an 18-year-old Italian girl, Pamela Mastropietro, was found in two suitcases along side a country road near the town of Macerata, Italy. Investigations quickly led to the home of the ironically named Innocent Oseghale, a 29-year-old Nigerian illegal immigrant, with a criminal record for drug dealing who will be joined in prison ten days later by Desmond Lucky, 22, and Awelima Lucky, 27.


Blood-covered clothes belonging to the girl were found in Innocent Oseghale’s apartment. He had washed part of her body with bleach. The discovery that her heart and internal organs were removed from the remain of her body found in a suitcase has now led investigators to suspect that the girl may have been sacrificed in some kind of voodoo ritual. Her mother identified her daughter’s body from the head alone. A short time later, on the third of February, Italian nationalist Luca Traini went on a shooting rampage across Macerata to vindicate Pamela, injuring several black people.



The victim Pamela Mastropietro

There have been previous reports (link) of African drug dealers practising voodoo, among other things, call for the deaths of the police officers who arrest them. These are the ways of the feared Nigerian mafia whose voodoo temples are now all over Italy supported by the agents of the New World Order:





Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :

Incredible: Barack Hussein Obama gave his Swiss Bank account to Vladimir Putin

Article by Leo Lyon Zagami

US President Barack Obama winks as he tells a joke about his place of birth during the White House Correspondents Association Dinner in Washington, DC, April 28, 2012. The annual event, which brings together US President Barack Obama, Hollywood celebrities, news media personalities and Washington correspondents, features comedian Jimmy Kimmel as the host. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/GettyImages)


Carlo De Benedetti is a famous Italian industrialist, engineer, and media tycoon, who works for the French branch of the Rothschild banking family in France, and is considered close to the Italian democratic party and its leader Matteo Renzi, a puppet of the Clinton foundation. In 2014, he confirmed in an interview, that Barack Obama gave his Swiss bank account to Vladimir Putin.


This shocking revelation by a leading member of the New World Order, turns the false narrative of the Russia investigation around. The Italian news site Scenari Economici included a recording of De Benedetti’s exact words:


De Benedetti’s words confirm the age old alliance between the ex-communist and the American democracts and highlight the corruption of Barack Hussein Obama.


Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican