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Article by Leo Zagami
Since 2002, the Roman Catholic Church has been in a big crisis over the sexual abuse of minors by its priests and the cover-up of those crimes by bishops. The church has paid over one billion dollars to adults who claim to have been sexually abused by priests. Celibacy, homosexuality in the priesthood, and the infiltration of secular moral relativism and Satanism into the priesthood sincethe Second Vatican Council has been suggested as the main cause for this never-ending crisis.
For both leftist Catholics and those who follow true Catholic teachings, the Second Vatican Council often referred to as Vatican 2, is a line of demarcation in both Western cultures and the church. For the leftist Catholics who love Pope Francis and his progressive church, the council brought the church out of the dark ages of medieval thinking and stands as the final word in what it means to be a Catholic in the modern world.
For this reason, on January 30, Pope Francis urged those charged with passing on the principles of the Catholic faith to consider the teachings of the Second Vatican Council as sacrosanct, saying that to be Catholic one must adhere to the reforms brought about by the landmark event.
“You can be with the church and therefore follow the council, or you can not follow the council or interpret it in your own way, as you want, and you are not with the church,” the pontiff said in a meeting with a group of catechists connected to the Italian bishops’ conference.
“The council is the magisterium of the church,” said the pope. “On this point, we must be demanding, severe. The council cannot be negotiated.”
At the same time, those who adhere to the fullness of the Church’s teachings, referred to as “traditionalists,” see the Second Vatican Council as an apparent break with the past and a church in decline and crisis.
The council in question was inaugurated by Pope John XXIII in 1962 and completed by Pope Paul VI in December 1965 in time for the 1966, Year Zero of the new Satanic era. It was a time of expectation and excitement because Catholics were told the doors and windows of the church would be thrown open and the church would modernize, but in reality, as I wrote in volume 4 of my Confessions, Satan had taken over the Church in those years and the results are now in front of our eyes.
According to a leaked investigation report, German nuns sold 175 orphaned boys to businessmen and were forced to participate in “gangbangs and orgies” before being returned to the convent where the nuns would discipline them for having “wrinkl[ed] their clothes or being covered in semen.”
A report being withheld from the public documents horrific acts of rape and sexual abuse against young boys that were facilitated by nuns belonging to the Cathoic Archdiocese of Cologne in Germany, according to the Daily Beast.
The investigation’s findings, which concluded last month and stemmed from a lawsuit brought against the archdiocese by victims, have not been publicly released, but the contents of the report have been leaked to several media outlets.
Sections of the 560-page report seen by the Daily Beast details how nuns who ran a convent in Speyer, Germany between the 1960s and 1970s right in the middle of the Vatican 2 frenzy, and “rented” orphaned boys to businessmen and clergy, who abused the children, sometimes for weeks at a time, before ‘returning’ them.
The report concluded that 175 children, most of them boys between the ages of 8 and 14, were abused over two decades.
The probe allegedly found that some of the children were intentionally barred from being adopted or taken into a foster home so the nuns could continue to hire them out to the Satanic elite.
This is obviously another product of the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, a doorway to hell and heresy.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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