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Article by Leo Zagami
Catholics in southeast Michigan welcomed their new chief progressive shepherd with exuberance as Archbishop Edward J. Weisenburger took his seat in the cathedral on March 18, 2025, thereby becoming the sixth archbishop and 10th ordinary of the Archdiocese of Detroit.[1] This was made possible on February 11, 2025, only three days before Pope Francis was hospitalized and never seen again, as the first photo of Pope Francis in the hospital has not convinced some Vatican experts of its genuineness,[2] he appointed Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger, Bishop of Tucson from 2017 to 2025, as the sixth Archbishop of Detroit, succeeding Archbishop Allen Vigneron.
Weisenburger, who is said to have always been a favorite of the Jesuit pope, is a severe critic of President Donald J. Trump, especially his immigration policies. Only one day before Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger’s appointment, on February 10th, 2025, Pope Francis sent a letter to the bishops of the United States telling them in clear terms that they must resist President Trump’s immigration policy at all costs.
“I have followed closely the major crisis that is taking place in the United States with the initiation of a program of mass deportations,” the Pope wrote, adding soon after:
… the act of deporting people who in many cases have left their own land for reasons of extreme poverty, insecurity, exploitation, persecution, or serious deterioration of the environment, damages the dignity of many men and women, and of entire families, and places them in a state of particular vulnerability and defenselessness. His is not a minor issue: an authentic rule of law is verified precisely in the dignified treatment that all people deserve, especially the poorest and most marginalized. The true common good is promoted when society and government, with creativity and strict respect for the rights of all — as I have affirmed on numerous occasions — welcomes, protects, promotes, and integrate the most fragile, unprotected, and vulnerable. This does not impede the development of a policy that regulates orderly and legal migration. However, this development cannot come about through the privilege of some and the sacrifice of others. What is built on the basis of force, and not on the truth about the equal dignity of every human being, begins badly and will end badly.[3]
Seven years ago, during the first Trump presidency, Weisenburger suggested that people who “are involved” in those policies should, perhaps, be subjected to “canonical penalties,”[4] up to and including excommunication. It is difficult for one to imagine how such actions would accomplish the mission of the church to save souls. In advocating for the excommunication of political opponents, Weisenburger, the newly installed sixth archbishop of Detroit, both undermines the seriousness of the church and confuses the faithful about their moral responsibilities facilitating the rise of the Masonic “One World Religion,” which I’ve exposed in Volume 6.66, Volume 7, and Volume 9 of my Confessions. Finally, by being more involved in politics, the Jesuit-controlled church is trying to tip the political scales of the Catholics towards the Socialist/Communist style society that has always been envisioned by progressive Freemasons and their Illuminati agents, who are simply Jesuit puppets.

That’s why Pope Francis is a Jesuit who dislikes President Trump’s immigration policies, regardless of what some badly informed individuals say about Trump’s brief time at Fordham University where the Jesuits ended up hating him. In the meantime, the most recent Trump-Putin call on Ukraine shows once again that “the Ukraine conflict manipulated and secretly controlled by the elite Freemasons of the United Grand Lodge of England (MI6…66) with the support of the Davos elite and the Vatican, may shape the trajectories of a future fractured world,” as I wrote in Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9, where I also warned that “In the short-term, anti-Russian sentiment has united the West, but in the long term, it is likely to accelerate its divisions and decline.” As the Jesuit-controlled European Union says, “Moscow is not interested in peace,”[5] when it is they who are not interested in peace so they can build the future of the European Fourth Reich with the Blessings of the Vatican on Ukraine’s ashes and rare earth minerals.
President Donald Trump said today that he had a “very good telephone call” with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as he continued efforts to broker a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, but, Trump Jr., Witkoff, and Carlson are all involved in secret talks with Zelensky’s rivals, as reported by Politico,[6] in a secret effort to have a backup plan against the Ukrainian Jesuits supported dictator.
Don’t miss THE LEO ZAGAMI SHOW Special Guest independent investigative journalist Greg Szymanski from the legendary Arctic Beacon, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, with Leo & Christy Zagami LIVE at 4 pm PST (5 pm MT/ 6 pm CST/ 7 pm EST) with news, geopolitical, and occult analysis.
Purchase this book now: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11: The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond:
GET ALSO Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East
Don’t forget the groundbreaking Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft
A shocking book about the real Hollywood Illuminati: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset
And don’t miss the amazing Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots
Leo Zagami is the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
GET also Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand-new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times
And don’t forget also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World