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Article by Leo Zagami
I covered the Sabbatean Frankist heresy by false Jewish Messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626 – 1676), Nathan of Gaza (1643–1680), who assumed the role of a modern Elijah or John the Baptist, and “his Kabbalist successor Jacob Frank (1726 –1791) who claimed to be the reincarnation of Zevi,” explaining in Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East how “He, like Zevi, would perform strange acts which violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats that were forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, promoting orgies, and sexual immorality. Jacob Frank would eventually enter an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati.”
I also talked about the Sabbatean Frankist subject in detail in Volume 4 and Volume 7 of my Confessions, and to a certain extent also in Volume 8, regarding their involvement within the guiding forces of show business. In Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10 I exposed their involvement with Islam, early Nazism, and Turkish Freemasonry, as well as the birth of Progressive Judaism, also known as Liberal Judaism, or Reform Judaism, another tool of the Illuminati and the Jesuits who planted their evil seed in the supreme organ of the early Zionist movement, so they could create:
…the left-wing, socialist variation of Zionism called Labor Zionism, a Sabbatean Frankist left-wing, socialist variation of Zionism, set up by Russian Jews that followed the ideas of early Communist Moses Hess’s infamous work, Rome, and Jerusalem: The Last National Question (1862), where the pioneer of Labor Zionism had proposed a socialist state for the Jews who settled in Palestine. For this reason, two Zionist labor parties were eventually established in Palestine in late 1905 by party organization veterans in the pale of settlement. One socialist was “Palestine’s Jewish Social Democratic Labor Party”; the other radical was “Ha-poel Ha-Tsair.” In theory, shaping the ideologies that had to generalize long-term strategic policy and day-to-day tactics from an overarching worldview was the role of the group. But, without the assistance of the parties or even their avowed principles, the experiments which proved to be of decisive importance in the growth of the labor movement were initiated.
Now, thanks to the current Sabbatean Frankist infiltration even a group of American rabbis, all identifying as Orthodox, have fallen into the trap of Progressive Judaism when a letter of support for Vice President Kamala Harris was published on Friday. The organizers described the move as a “rabbi rebellion” given that Orthodox Jews have reliably voted for Republicans and turned out en masse for former President Donald Trump in 2020. (Jews, in general, however, overwhelmingly vote for Democrats). “While one can certainly engage in debate regarding certain policies, the risks posed by former President Trump’s character make clear to us as Torah-abiding Jews that we should support VP Kamala Harris,” the endorsement read. It also praised her as “a person of upstanding character, offers stability in her leadership, and supports Israel and the Jewish people.”
Out of the 33 rabbis in the letter, (a suspicious number that seems to indicate a Masonic connection), at least nine were women. In traditional orthodoxy, women are not ordained or ever accepted as rabbis, so this a trap set by Progressive Jews masquerading as Orthodox or Modern Orthodox leaning toward Progressive and leftist values. A recent Nishma Research survey showed that 77% of Orthodox Jews — who ranked antisemitism and Israel as critically important issues — back the former president. However, the poll of 1,296 voters, conducted via the web between August 28 and September 18, found that 55% of Modern Orthodox intended to vote for Harris.
The war in Gaza has fractured Democrats, and Republicans see an opening with Jewish voters.
Nishma pollster Mark Trencher said 678 respondents in this year’s poll identified as Haredi — Hasidic or Yeshivish Jews who belong to a sect or follow a particular rabbi. Modern Orthodox Jews, who closely observe Jewish law but are more integrated in secular society, represented 595 respondents and their views sadly seem to embrace Progressive Judaism instigated by the Sabbatean Frankist and their Jesuit overlords.
In the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City in 2017, Kamala Harris saw the Western Wall and knew what she had to do to further her political career, she told her new Jewish husband, Doug Emhoff, whom she married only three years earlier, to embrace his Jewish identity and invited him to bend down a bit and fastened the kippah to his head. Though he was given some Jewish education, had a bar mitzvah, and attended a Jewish summer camp, he displayed little or no interest in Jewish identity, faith, or Israel until a few years ago, as most Progressive Jews. Indeed, to the great disappointment of The Forward in 2021, when it hoped to embrace his daughter Ella as a Jewish celebrity, she disabused them of this claim, telling the newspaper that although her father had gotten more interested in his background since marrying Harris, it was “not something she grew up with.” As her spokesman told The Forward three years ago, “Ella is not Jewish.” Jews have thrived in America as they have nowhere else in the diaspora because of its freedom, and the choices of Emhoff and his daughter must be seen in that context and accepted as one of the consequences of that freedom which has sadly facilitated the promotion of Progressive Judaism and the Sabbatean Frankist heresy.
Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, an activist rabbi from Arizona who spearheaded the letter in support of Kamala, who is a Sabbatean, said he worries about a possible Trump win: “His character is not suited to be the leader of the free world, and his values are not aligned with those of our holy Torah,” Yanklowitz said. Rabbi Avraham Bronstein of New York’s Hampton Synagogue, who also signed the endorsement, said that the late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, a leading Haredi authority on Jewish law and ethics, said Jews should participate in elections out of gratitude to the United States as a nation founded on loving-kindness. However, Bronstein argued, Trump “embodies the opposite of this, pitting different elements and groups of American society” against each other. This move shows growing desperation by the Sabbatean Frankists who have been busy destroying the Jewish faith for over 250 years, and the different actors involved in the New World Disorder, mainly the Jesuits, who are scared of a second Trump presidency, which will mess up their plans for expansion of what I defined in Volume 10, as the “eternal conflict in the Middle East,” another key element in their evil plan for World War III that will be inevitable with a Kamala Harris presidency. Let’s pray for Donald J. Trump and don’t be lazy GO OUT TO VOTE before it’s too late, the future of mankind is at stake.
Purchase this book now: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11: The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond
GET ALSO Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East
Don’t forget the groundbreaking Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft
A real book about the infamous Hollywood Illuminati: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset
And don’t miss the amazing Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots
Leo Zagami is the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
GET also Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand-new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times
And don’t forget also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World