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Article by Leo Zagami
On Saturday, October 12, 2024, I was invited with my wife by the Trump team as members of the press, to a historic event, Donald J. Trump’s otherwise successful rally in Coachella, California. There were between 50-100,000 thousand attendees, but regardless of the numbers, it was a massive crowd, especially because Coachella is considered “enemy territory,” by Republicans, and their local media are biased. The Desert Sun,in the days before the event, published an idiotic article mocking the event and the patriotic participants, branding them as a religious political cult.[1]
On the day of the event, The Desert Sun published an article claiming it was a pathetic anti-Trump rally with only 60 people. Coachella Mayor Steven Hernandez gathered a bunch of desperados in downtown Coachella on Saturday morning to protest former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally. On the scene, the usual brainwashed leftist participants suffering from Trump derangement syndrome caused by the never-ending Cognitive Warfare against President Trump. Hernandez claimed it was important that all the locals and visitors understood that “Coachella Valley residents don’t stand for Trump coming to their community.” Protesters even held stupid signs reading: “Coachella Valley No Place for Hate” and “Keep CV Great Deport Trump to Moscow” on a grass patch on 722 Vine Avenue near Coachella Veterans Memorial Park, in a scene that looked like a sad gathering of bitter losers headed by their loser Mayor.
However, Trump’s rally was also the scene of a third possible assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump’s life, which fortunately was thwarted by Riverside County Sheriff, Chad Bianco’s deputies, who at 5 pm (PST) stopped a man in a black SUV armed with guns and fake passes in the designed media and VIP parking lot at 52306 Jackson Street. This was a sensitive location accessible only with a specific pass issued by the Trump campaign after your media credentials are approved. Within the security perimeter of the event, the early morning hours were patrolled, and protected by both the Secret Service and Riverside County deputies, who did an excellent job by placing several cars around the parking lot. The perimeter was protected by motorcycle deputies from Riverside County Sheriff’s Department of Rancho Mirage and other surrounding areas.
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department has an excellent Special Enforcement Bureau that responds to complex problems and critical incidents and was present in full force for this important event by Trump, supported by Chad Bianco, who sarcastically declared in June 2024: “I think it’s time we put a felon in the White House,” in a video posted to social media.
Bianco, who was at the Coachella rally with his family, has openly commented in the past few months about the possibility of running for governor of California, saying in the video in question posted at the beginning of the summer, that he has done all he could over three decades in law enforcement to “keep our community safe by arresting criminals and putting them in jail,” but lamented that leaders in California have become pro-criminal in recent years. This is exactly what happened with Vem Miller, the Nevada resident who was freed on $5,000 bail after being arrested in the media parking lot with a loaded shotgun and handgun on Saturday. Sheriff Bianco publicly denounced on FOX the California bailing laws that permitted the armed rally suspect to be immediately released, stating it was “Hard to believe.”
The suspect who had a fake press pass and several fake passports was described in his first press conference by Sheriff Bianco as a “sovereign citizen.” Later, Miller, a self-described MAGA supporter and registered Republican who once tried, but failed, to launch a political career in Nevada, denied that he was there to assassinate the former president in an interview Sunday with the Press Enterprise, claiming he didn’t mean any harm to the Republican candidate who he says he supports, but Bianco doesn’t seem convinced by his opportunistic explanation, even after Trump’s campaign announced they were not viewing the Coachella incident as an assassination attempt. In a joint statement, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Secret Service, and the FBI confirmed that the incident did not compromise protective operations for the former president. Miller, a self-described 30-year media veteran and founder of the America Happens Network, said he identifies as a former Democrat who has shifted to supporting Trump, and even claims he has connections with the Trump family.
The sovereign citizen movement is a large anti-government extremist movement whose mostly peaceful adherents believe the government is the illegitimate product of a conspiracy that subverted the original, lawful government. They claim people can take steps to divorce themselves from an illegitimate government, after which it has no authority or jurisdiction over them.[2] It’s weird legal nonsense that can rarely be proven in a court of law. Personally, I don’t think I’m a sovereign citizen, in that I believe the law applies to me the same as everyone else, but so-called “sovereign citizens” are known for their abstruse pseudo-legal arguments, as well as other unusual behaviors, such as inserting gratuitous punctuation marks in their names or flouting fake motor vehicle regulations while proclaiming they are “travelers,” not “drivers” as in the case for Vem Miller, whose “Sovereign” car license plate was immediately noticed by police authorities and Secret Service after entering the media and VIP parking lot at 52306 Jackson Street.
These controversial claims made by the sovereign citizen movement brought many problems to my late friend, Jordan Maxwell, also known as Russell Pine, a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult/religious philosophy, who was condemned in connection with “the advertising, promotion, offering for sale, and sale” of amongst other things, fake “international driver’s license permits.”
Sadly, Jordan, who was naïve about his public associations, was used by the sovereign citizen movement, and ended up losing most of his copyrights and effectively his identity.
Now, returning to what happened on October 12th, 2024, the parking lot in question where Vem Miller would be arrested was open at 7 am for the media, volunteers, and VIPs for security reasons, and the situation was very different from what we saw up until July 13, 2024, when Thomas Crooks attempted an assassination of President Trump on behalf of the Deep State. A tragic event which I have explored in my latest book, Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11: The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond.

I was honored that Trump’s team appreciated my long-standing efforts to unfold the hidden truths of the New World Order in my books and my constant support of former President Trump since June 16, 2015, when he first announced his candidacy for President of the United States at Trump Tower in Manhattan. My mission in unmasking the inner workings of the New World Order in my books and my previous work with Italians4Trump granted us in this very delicate moment for the security of Donald J. Trump, full media access to the event and I was glad to see the increased security in place. Miller addressed the various identification documents he possessed which seem highly suspicious, insisting that none were fake. “None of those are fake,” he asserted, adding that his Armenian heritage requires different names on legal documents for safety reasons. “Using my full Armenian name could put me in danger,” he explained. No federal charges have been filed, “We thank law enforcement for securing the rally site and helping ensure the safety of President Trump,” said Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign communications director.

This is Vem Miller’s Statement made on Rumble on the same day of the event, on October 12, 2024, about the “3rd Assassination Attempt” on Donald Trump, claiming that he “was falsely accused by the Riverside Sheriff’s Department of attempting to assassinate President Donald Trump.”
Should we believe in him? I think the comment left below his video on Rumble by GailBuffington sums up the sentiments and feelings of many Trump supporters at the moment, disappointed by his actions regardless of his many claims to the contrary made after he was arrested and bailed out:
“Funny how you say you’re a person who studies law on your own, you had no common sense to look up gun laws in each state you may be in. You just sound like a cry baby. As a Trump supporter, I cringe at the thought that you think you should have a right to bring a gun to a rally after everything that has happened. What a fool you are.”
We, as part of the media, or any other person invited by the Trump team to attend the events backstage as VIP guests, were indeed made privy to the following rules to avoid any security breach, so you can now see for yourself these were not followed by Vem Miller.
A brief extract of the Media Logistics for President Donald J. Trump’s Rally in
Coachella, California
October 12, 2024
8:00-9:00 AM PDT Media pre-set.
· Media parking is available at 52306 JACKSON STREET, COACHELLA, CA 92236. See diagram at the bottom of the document for further guidance.
· Once parked, please proceed to the press entry point located in the diagram below, where you will be directed to parking.
· Once parked, proceed through MAGS. You will then be directed to the location for pre-set.
· Satellite and microwave trucks are not permitted to cable on-site.
· Photo Identification and Network Credentials are required for entry.
· Riser space is first come, first served, and not guaranteed.
· All media must pre-set all cameras, bags and equipment by 9:00 AM PDT on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2024. No Exceptions. Failure to do so may lead to delays during re-entry.
· If you have a camera set up upon exiting pre-set, it is required that a cover is over the camera lens for security purposes.
9:00 AM PDT: A security sweep will be conducted at this time. No media will be permitted onsite. Media will be able to sit in their vehicles during sweeps but may be asked to exit their vehicles while they are being inspected.
11:30 AM PDT: Media re-entry.
· Upon re-entry, please proceed to the media check-in table located under the white tent (See diagram). You will receive your credentials and go through security to access the event.
· Photo Identification and Network Credentials are required for entrance.
· Credentials will be issued at the media entrance and are non-transferable.
· All media must enter by 3:00 PM PDT. Late entries will not be granted access. No exceptions
· Media that failed to pre-set will face significant delays during re-entry due to enhanced security checks.
3:00 PM PDT: Event Pre-Program Begins
5:00 PM PDT: President Donald J. Trump’s Remarks Begin
Additional Information:
· Media must remain in the designated press area at all times.
· At the conclusion of remarks, the media will be given 30 minutes to clean up and depart.
· Media will not be allowed to approach the stage with their equipment at any time.
Prohibited Items List
• Aerosols
• Alcoholic beverages
• Balloons
• Balls
• Banners, signs, placards
• Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems
• E-Cigarettes
• Explosives of any kind (including fireworks)
• Firearms
• Glass, thermal and metal containers
• Laser lights and laser pointers
• Mace and/or pepper spray
• Noisemakers, such as air horns, whistles, drums, bullhorns, etc.
• Packages
• Spray containers
• Structures
• Supports for signs/placards
• Weapons
• And any other items that may pose a threat to the security of the event as determined by and at the discretion of the security screeners.
Why did Vem Miller, or whatever his real name is, think he could enter after 3pm? And why did he think he could bring weapons that are clearly indicated in the Prohibited Items List. I didn’t even bring my deodorant to comply with this stringent requirement and I had to wait in the car with my wife between 9 am and 11:30 am for the security sweep on each car after obtaining our press pass and leaving our equipment in the press area.

Miller seems to have forged his document, but he states the contrary, claiming he belongs to the alternative media, but “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” and Leo Zagami will keep you updated about it. Vem Miller fits all the characteristics of an ideal “Manchurian Candidate,” which I outlined in Volume 11.
God bless America and God Bless Donald J. Trump!
Purchase this book now: Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11: The Past, Present, and Future of Mind Control from Sun Tzu to MK-ULTRA and Beyond