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Article by Leo Zagami
In my latest book, Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9, I described how the unthinkable happened in Germany this year when an AI chatbot suddenly asked the congregation in a packed evangelical St. Paul church in the Bavarian town of Fürth, to rise from the pews and praise the Lord.
The ChatGPT chatbot was even personified by the avatar of a bearded Black man on a huge screen placed above an altar, a creepy Orwellian-style image the made the first appearance of Cyber Satan in church even creepier. The AI-generated avatar began preaching to over 300 people on a Friday morning for an experimental Lutheran church service almost entirely generated by AI. Most of them knew what was happening, and probably thought it was cool, but this shocking appearance will be remembered in history books as the first horrific appearance of Cyber Satan in church, before the AI, aka Cyber Satan takeover of most Christian institutions. (cit. Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9, p. 81)
And now, AI aka Cyber Satan is formally starting its takeover of the Catholic Church with a new AI monstrosity set up by U.S. entrepreneur Matthew Sanders, who stated a few days ago that a new Artificial Intelligence project which his company has helped create “could be a game changer” for the Catholic Church which is already collaborating how to make this a realization for the masses.
Sanders, who is the founder and CEO of Longbeard, a U.S.-based software company that created Magisterium AI, a growing dataset of church documents and algorithms to make the church’s teachings more accessible, and explained that his “core objective is to help make Catholic insight and church teaching available to anyone in the world, on any device, in their native language,” but as in the case of Chat GPT, it seems there is much more than meets the eye. Currently in their experimental stage, Sanders told the press that Magisterium AI is primarily targeted for formators and teachers of the faith, to help priests enrich their homilies, facilitate catechism classes, and assist parents in catechizing their children.
But Sanders conceded that a lot more work needs to be done on Magisterium AI before it’s fully workable, and one of the main focal points is to create a wholly comprehensive knowledge base on magisterial teaching. The programmers are currently uploading 20 documents a day, Sanders said, but added: “We still have a long way to go.”
One such area requiring more input is the complex subject of canon law. Sanders said his company plans to insert commentaries on the Code of Canon Law and upload the canons of the Eastern Church. “It’s not useful yet,” he said, “but it will be incredibly positive.” However, he also said the way artificial intelligence is executed also needs improving, especially when it comes to “nuances.” The way it “preps homilies can be a little rough,” Sanders said, adding it is “much better at putting together magisterial teaching conducive to a homily.”
So, it looks like future homilies will be prepared for the Catholic Church by Cyber Satan. The homily is usually a lecture or discourse on a moral theme the priest delivers during his sermon. Can you imagine the insanity of putting this religious moment in the hands of AI aka Cyber Satan? A further question is how AI will deal with the increasing disputes arising over the teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church, (the magisterium), or even possible changes to the catechism of the Catholic Church.
Sanders stressed that he and his team “carefully monitor the websites of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith,” the oldest among the departments of the Roman Curia still informally known as the Holy Office, looking out for “any new decrees or doctrinal statements” and prioritizing them for uploading into their knowledge base. He added that “a document released 60 years ago may be authoritative, but if a newer one comes out and updates a canon or doctrinal understanding, that document will take precedence.”
“It does it okay some of the time but doesn’t do it as well as we’d want it to, and it’s an area we’re wanting to improve,” he said. “In the next version of AI, it’ll get better at that.”
The more general concerns around AI are well documented, especially when it comes to academia and research. One of them regards the accuracy of the data and that AI can be prone to mistakes, eventually resulting in research articles. But the creators behind Magisterium AI say it works slightly differently to other larger AI programs such as ChatGPT and Google Bard, which have had a mixed reception in academia, in that the information is limited to authentic church data, but will that be the case once the Magisterium AI completely takes over the show?
Father Baggot said that unlike more “general generative AI programs,” Magisterium AI draws on a “restricted database of official church documents” which makes it “much less prone to give false or misleading responses based on unreliable sources.” By including references and links to official church documents, he said the program enables users to read the original sources.
However, he cautioned that “since any generative AI system can ‘hallucinate’ [an AI term for creating false information], users should always consult the original documents to avoid confusion.” In the meantime, prepare for the imminent arrival of the Antichrist aided by the alien AI and quantum computers which I described in Volume 9, Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft.

And beware of any Catholic priest that will use material produced by Magisterium AI, which will inevitably generate more heretical nonsense in an already deranged post-Vatican II Church.
Leo Zagami’s most important book is out now! Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 9: Seven Steps to The Secrets of the New World Disorder from Transhumanism and Immortality to Gnostic Jesus, UFOs, and Insect Witchcraft
GET ALSO A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset, the only book out there that could help confused Kanye West aka Ye learn the truth about the Hollywood elite and their secret purpose.
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots
Leo Zagami is the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
GET also Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand-new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times