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Article by Leo Zagami
Six years after Switzerland opened the world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel, which cuts through the heart of the Alps, there was a striking spectacle of blasphemy and in your face Satanism, where in a dark, disturbing, and weirdly Satanic ritual that shocked the entire world and was attended by Europe’s most powerful people, Switzerland, the land of cheese and chocolate is back, as the occult and geopolitical center of the New World Order, with both the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum), organizing two historical events at the end of May, kicking off on the 22nd. Now, that’s not a coincidence, for sure.
The World Economic Forum will have its first in-person meeting since the beginning of the pandemic between the 22nd and the 26th of May 2022:
And the seventy-fifth World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), between the 22nd and the 28th of May 2022.
After all, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was an introduction to Satan’s Legion’s plan for world domination. Remember, the portrayal of the workers of the tunnel as zombie soldiers, and the general population as a bunch of lascivious people who appear to be extremely suggestible? There was the demonic fallen angel, a sort of baby-faced Lucifer, or the strange procession that held horned skulls as if they are priceless religious artifacts, and last, but not least, the appearance of a Baphomet-like looking figure. That occult ceremony was a presentation of a future project that is now sadly unfolding in front of our eyes, with no dissent or opposition permitted, as the billionaire backers of the World Economic Forum are cracking down on free speech and setting up a noose to hang around the necks of sovereign nations.
In the meantime, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, the number one puppet of this demented scenario, is set to deliver a virtual address before the Davos, Switzerland based World Economic Forum on their first day, where the message is expected to be something along the lines of “send me more money, or see the global food crisis worsen,” which is also a recent theme of U.S. Congressional leaders as they seek to push through the record-breaking $40 billion Ukraine aid package while Biden is destroying the U.S. economy through massive debt and inflation. The U.S. forecast expects that wheat production in the war-ravaged country will fall by one-third compared to last year affecting the whole world, and India, another large producer has just prohibited wheat exports in a move to calm local prices, with Third World countries on the brink of what the Rockefeller Foundation as described as an unprecedented crisis in the next six months, in a turn of events that in the end can only benefit the New World Order depopulation plan that could also include a further nuclear escalation of the present conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
This is all tied in together, along with the sneaky ploy by the Jesuit-led Biden administration to create an all-powerful United Nations World Health Organization, that will unfold during the meeting of their World Health Assembly in Geneva a Global Pandemic Treaty, that will undermine the national sovereignty of the United States and most of the Western countries.
That’s why we see disturbing anti-free speech measures unfolding in all the formerly-free nations of the West. They are designed to keep users of large social media platforms silent and immersed in the constant brainwashing of their governments led by the New World Order. The masses are forced to follow their demented narrative about the forever China virus (Covid), about whether elections in Western nations are still free and fair (which they are not!), about the holy and righteous nature of Ukraine’s resistance to war with Russia, that everyone must support at all costs, even if it bankrupts you and could lead to a nuclear apocalypse.
Biden is prepared to make a very bold, unconstitutional, and anti-American act that will give U.S. sovereignty for health care decisions over to the WHO, but don’t forget that Yuval Noah Harari, the chief advisor to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, and one of the main characters of my latest book, Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject has stated that globalist elites will use “crisis’s” to bring about world government, and that’s exactly what they are doing.
So here we go… 6 years after the Illuminati elite gave you a preview of their plans during their bizarre show for the opening of their 35-mile rail tunnel under the Swiss Alp, just like they did ten years ago at the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics, with the giant death figure holding a needle, the dancing nurses, and all the children in hospital beds, the occult elite is now ready to implement the next phase of the diabolical plan. Remember, the Illuminati and their minions enjoy predictive programming and putting on full display their agenda and philosophy through, dramatic symbolic displays which are reminiscent of dramas re-enacted in the secret society rituals of the Illuminati network.
In Chapter Four of Volume 7, I discuss in detail “The unfolding of the Fourth Reich” and analyze the occult roots of the Great Reset, and I explain how “The Illuminati Playgrounds of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland” have a special place in the structure of the New World Order. Please get your copy now to know more about what is going to happen next and how you can join the Great Reject.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.