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Article by Leo Zagami
I have been warning for years in my books about the rise of The Satanic Temple, that I consider the last stage of the rise of Satanism in today’s society, and once again I was right. On Friday, February 11, 2022, Satanists from across the world will converge, thanks to The Satanic Temple in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the group’s “first religious convention” and for three days, they will conduct sacrilegious rituals, services, celebrations, and more debauched, evil events dedicated to the Prince of Darkness.
The unprecedented event called SatanCon, that will start in less than 24 hours, will take place from February 11 -13. The Satanists of The Satanic Temple, founded by Douglas Mesner, better known as Lucien Greaves, and Malcolm Jarry, ten years ago at the Harvard University, that has their international headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts, chose to locate their conference to Scottsdale as a reprisal against the city for originallydeclining their request to deliver a Satanic invocation before the Scottsdale City Council meeting. The Satanic Temple later sued Scottsdale for refusing to allow the organization the opportunity to deliver their “invocation” and is now challenging them with this diabolical event that would transform Scottsdale into the new mecca for Satanists worldwide.

In a statement about the event, Lucien Greaves said, “In addition to creating a community for our members, SatanCon serves as an expression of our goodwill toward the city of Scottsdale, despite the perplexing and unfortunate ruling against us which defied precedent and common sense. In the course of litigation, Scottsdale officials desperately made clear that they are, in fact, accepting and inclusive regarding Satanists. We heard you, Scottsdale, and we accepted that as an invitation to turn Scottsdale into the Happy Satanic Fun Capital of the World.”
The Satanic Temple is planning talks and presentations that discuss the various campaigns championed by the left-leaning demons of The Satanic Temple. The pro-abortion group will also focus on “psychiatric abuse, addiction recovery, and build support for TST’s after-school club.” [RELATED ARTICLE: Satanic Temple Denied By TUSD]
There will even be vendors and Satanic entertainment as well, including a keynote presentation by co-founder Lucien Greaves, who has spoken in recent years on the topics of Satanism, secularism, and, of course, The Satanic Temple, at universities throughout the United States, that are unfortunately promoting this garbage, and he has been a featured speaker at national conferences hosted by American Atheists, the American Humanist Association, and the Secular Student Alliance. But Greaves has been instrumental for also setting up controversial projects for children like the Protect Children Project, and the After School Satan project. The Satanic Temple After School Clubs already meets in variouselementary and secondary schools across the nation. The organizers of the Satanic conference say that they want people to think of Satan when they think of Scottsdale, something that should scare all those who oppose Satanists living in Arizona. This gathering of Satanic followers is more than just payback to Scottsdale. The Satanic Temple, with over half a million members, is involved in leftist civic activities such as pro-abortion lobbying—especially pushing back on the new pro-life legislation and sanctuary cities for the unborn in nearby Texas. A new Satanic streaming service being introduced will increase the reach of their beliefs, rituals, and activities.
The SatanCon event is also open to the public, hoping to entice inquiring minds to open up to the products and activities in the SatanCon Marketplace. Visitors can also participate in the late-night “Impurity Ball” Satanic ritual. No doubt there will be many people attending for the sake of spectacle and intrigue, and who may find that their curiosity comes at a price with the demonic activity summoned at an event such as this.That is why we must all pray against this manifestation and the normalization of Satanism in our society.
This is not just a prayer request for Scottsdale Christians–or even just Arizona believers. This is a call to pray against this blatant and brazen gathering and all their intentions by people of all faiths who believe in the dangers of Satanism. You may remember that several years ago there were Satanic gatherings scheduled for many U.S. cities, as well as some international capital locations. With a blanket of prayer, we later saw the scheduled gatherings fizzle to paltry numbers and disorganization. God moved and this time we need to do the same, as the organization in question is also launching a streaming service that will increase the reach of their beliefs, rituals, and activities all over the world, and we need to do something about it.
As we are getting closer to the appearance of the Antichrist on the world stage led by Cyber Satan, as you will discover in Volume 7 of my Confessions, his followers are paving the way for his arrival. Learn more about it by reading my latest book and let’s pray for Scottsdale this weekend.
GET A COPY OF LEO ZAGAMI’S LATEST BOOK Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject OUT NOW!

Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society with a brand new chapter on the CCP virus and The End Times.
And get also Leo’s latest book: Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 4, American Renaissance 2.0 and The Missing Link From the Invisible World.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics