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Article by Leo Zagami
Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict have received the first dose of a coronavirus vaccine less than two weeks ago and already Pope Francis has been forced to cancel three public appearances due to a sudden reoccurrence of sciatica, that struck him at the end of 2020.
A sickness that got worse after receiving the Pfizervaccine that Pope Francis insisted to take after Fabrizio Soccorsi, his personal doctor, suddenly died on January 9th of complications caused by Covid-19.
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced to the world on January 14, 2021, that the two popes had received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, but 9 days later, the 84-year-old pope would once be again canceling public appearances due to painful sciatica. In recent weeks, Pope Francis who has spoken several times on the subject of vaccines said in an interview with Berlusconi’s Canale 5 channel that he believes “that ethically everyone should take the vaccine” without taking into account the possible side effects and dangers.
Now the flareup of Francis’ sciatica raises questions about his planned March trip to Iraq, in a region of the world that is becoming more unstable and far too dangerous to visit after the arrival of President Biden in the White House. In the meantime, talks behind the Vatican walls are intensifying regarding the possibility of an imminent resignation for health reasons by Pope Francis, that has completed his mission to corrupt the Catholic Church by nominating a sufficient number of left-wing Cardinals loyal to the Jesuit agenda inthe College of Cardinals to determine the Communist future of the Church and the next Papal election. Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Archbishop emeritus of Cape Coast (Ghana), will almost surely be that progressive choice.
Sciatica, also known as radiculopathy, occurs when the sciatic nerve, which begins in the lower back and splits to run down each leg, is pressed or pinched. The associated pain is described as traveling down the leg to the foot and can vary from a dull sensation or soreness to severe stabbing, radiating pain. In some cases, the pain can be so intense that it becomes difficult to walk or stand. So the situation might be truly devastating and almost impossible to carry on for the Jesuit Pope who might also be affected now by the side effects of the Pfizer vaccination. The most commonly reported side effects, which typically last several days, are pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. Something to note, more people experienced side effects after the second dose than after the first dose, so imagine what could happen to Pope Francis when he takes the second dose after 21 days? The death of Fabrizio Soccorsi, his personal doctor, traumatized the Pope so much he rushed to take the vaccine even against the advice of doctors, worried about his already frail condition.
Pope Francis has always been expected to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned in 2013, but the persistence of Pope Ratzinger, the Pope Emeritus who is still alive and kicking has probably delayed the inevitable process. Pope Francis is transfoming the Catholic Church into the future One World Religion and is very wary about leaving the Petrine Ministry with Ratzinger, who is such an opponent of change and is still alive, where Jorge Mario Bergoglio wants to retire.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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