Forget the QAnon lies! Cardinal Pell walks free after 400 days behind bars while Jesuit Fauci works to undermine Trump

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Article by Leo Zagami

QAnon conspiracy theorists believe Donald Trump is secretly leading a law-enforcement scheme to arrest a global pedophilia ring during the COVID-19 crisis. Unfortunately, this is not true, and the situation is rather the contrary at the moment, meaning that the pedophiles are using the present crisis to leave their prisons. First, we have Hollywood’s Harvey Weinstein, who was removed from prison recently because he was allegedly affected by COVID-19, and now we have Cardinal George Pell,  who got his get out of jail free card after the High Court influenced by both Pope Francis, and Queen Elisabeth II, completely squashed his pedophilia conviction for sexually abusing two choir boys.

This decision confirms what I wrote on February 17, 2020, regarding the will of the Vatican to save Cardinal Pell at all costs and bring him back to Rome:

“In a nutshell, the Secretariat of State, the Vatican’s ultra-powerful coordinating agency, has been involved in a huge scandal last year that only Pell seems able to solve, but of course, he wants freedom and to be able to return to Rome in exchange.”

I also wrote in the same article that: “Pope Francis and the Vatican’s ongoing support and protection of Cardinal George Pell will make it clear to the whole world that Pope Francis and the church at the highest level are complicit in at least concealing the sexual abuse of children.”


In another article from two days later,  on February 19, 2020, I was even more clear about Cardinal Pell’s destiny:  “Of course, Pell whose weak spot was always pedophilia, like most Vatican officials, is conveniently in jail, but not for long, as Pell, who is the only one who knows the full extent of the speculative and illegal offshore operations conducted by the Vatican and certain Freemasons using mainly Credit Suisse bank.” Adding soon after “As the last appeal for Cardinal Pell draws closer, his chances of returning to Rome are increasing every day.”


The Vatican pulls this stunt at the most convenient time for them, with the world too preoccupied with the novel Coronavirus to care about Cardinal Pell.  I’m afraid Trump is not secretly arresting pedophiles while you’re watching Netflix during your quarantine, my dear QAnon fanatics, they are doing exactly the opposite.

However today, President Donald J. Trump during his daily speech at the White House Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force briefing, mentioned the war against human trafficking, and we know he will continue in his capacity to do more to fight the pedophile elite with a more realistic time frame, not the fantasy world of Qanon where daily arrest seems a daily occurrence. In the meantime, a rare video that shows Jesuit agent Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious disease specialist, giving a rather prophetic speech at Jesuit Georgetown University in 2017, casting one more shadow on the true intentions of Dr.Fauci.

In the video in question, Fauci sends a warning back in early 2017 that a “surprise outbreak” would occur during the Trump administration,  stating that more was needed to be done to prepare for a pandemic. How did he know that? Well, Dr. Fauci, loyal to his Jesuit background, has a multi-million dollar relationship with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, another ally of Pope Francis and the Jesuits. For this reason, Dr. Fauci, who is closer to the Democrats and fellow Italo-Americans Jesuit agents like Nancy Pelosi, cast doubts on Chloroquine, visibly opposing President Trump’s wishes to at least experiment with this malaria drug for people in desperate need during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Jesuit trained Dr. Fauci, and Coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx, who was appointed by former-President Obama to serve as the United States Global AIDS Coordinator, not only supports the Gates vaccines solution, but also Bill’s “digital certificates” or quantum-dot tattoos,  aka microchips, that will be officially implementedto help control disease like the novel Coronavirus, but are in reality an excuse for the infamous Mark of the Beast.

Bill Gates announced on March 18, 2020, during a Reddit Ask Me Anything session, that he is working on a new, invisible “quantum dot tattoo” implant that will track who has been tested for COVID-19 and who has been vaccinated against it. They are trying to put us all under their evil spell and thanks to their technology, establish a New World Order ruled by Artificial Intelligence aka Cyber Satan. Coronavirus or “COVID-19” is part and parcel of that unholy and evil agenda and people need to wake up fast or risk enslavement by the Prince of Darkness.

So are you wondering how Cardinal Pell one of the most influential Satanists on the planet made it out of prison during the COVID-19 crisis? Australia’s most senior Catholic originally convicted in 2018 of performing sex acts on choir boys of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne back in 1996, and after avoiding other cases of pedophilia against him, is now free to go back to Rome as I predicted on Infowars and many times.

The decision overturns an earlier ruling by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Justice Anne Ferguson, president of the Court of Appeal, Justice Chris Maxwell, and Justice Mark Weinberg. It took nine weeks to come to their decision, and it took the High Court a little under four to reverse it.

OUT NOW Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 8: From the Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset,  the only book out there that could help confused Kanye West aka Ye learn the truth about the Hollywood elite and their secret purpose.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics


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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


And on paperback :


11 thoughts to “Forget the QAnon lies! Cardinal Pell walks free after 400 days behind bars while Jesuit Fauci works to undermine Trump”


    The Company of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola around the 16th century to safeguard the bulwark, etc. of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. Ignatius of Loyola (and his first co-founding companions) is a saint in all respects, regularly and validly canonized by the Catholic Church. For those who are not Catholic or in any case do not have a lively Catholic faith, this discourse may not be pleasing or incomprehensible, but the reality, before God, is this.

    The Company’s motto is obedience “perinde ac cadaver” to the Pope. Let’s take a 2000 year jump back. What was the Chosen People, after having sentenced Jesus Christ to death and killed through a third person, (in this case, the Romans), as will be in the best Jewish-Masonic tradition, has never ceased to persecute his disciples: Christians and the Catholic Church, Jewish elites have always pursued the conquest of the world, a conquest that the Jews consider an even divine right.

    But it is a purely material conquest, while Jesus Christ did nothing but repeat: “My Kingdom is not of this world”. To do this they have always infiltrated, with a capacity for dissimulation that only Jews possess, in the ranks of the enemy to be knocked down, as also happens in politics, etc.

    The Catholic Church (which is projected, takes care and is concerned with bringing souls into the Kingdom of God) has always been, for obvious reasons, the greatest obstacle to be overcome.

    Starting in the 16th century the Jewish elites found a very hard bone in the Society of Jesus, (also because it was founded by a Jew REALLY CONVERTED to Christ) born precisely in defense of the Church. The only way to break it down or even make it its own instrument of action was, also and above all (given the theological, intellectual, moral, spiritual power of the Jesuits) in this case, infiltration And they succeeded greatly because the Company of Jesus we have probably seen for some centuries is no longer the one founded by Saint Ignatius, but a caricature.
    Hence the bad reputation that the Jesuits have acquired over the last centuries.

    The Company, due to the increasingly massive presence of infiltrated Jews, has increasingly moved away from its exquisitely Catholic roots to become an Order in the hands of the Synagogue.

    Obviously there have always been Jesuits who remained Catholics, who act in good faith, many even saints, etc., but the hierarchical structure of the Order is in the hands of the Jews, who have finally managed to break down the most powerful bulwark and arrive, after 2000 years of siege, to put on the Soglio di Pietro, a series of antipopes that began with Rosacroce Roncalli, continued with the Jew Montini, the Jew Woytjla, (the only non-Jew, Luciani, was murdered after 33, exquisitely Masonic number , days of pontificate), the Jew Ratzinger and, last but not least, with the Jew Bergoglio, the False Prophet, of which St. John the Apostle writes in the Book of Revelation. The Messiah, whom the Jewish world has been waiting for practically 4000 years and who seems to be very close to manifesting himself, is only the Antichrist, who will show, first to non-Jews (in particular Christian-Catholics) and then also to the Jews, something of immensely terryfing.

    In order not to widen too much the discourse on the Jewish origin (unheard of and at the same time extremely significant aspect) of the antipopes from 1958 to today, I limited myself to his (by Luciani) not being Jewish. Even Roncalli was not Jewish, on the other hand he loved (for a consecrated person, far too much) good food and it seems he was even a pedophile. In other words, he had all the credentials to yield to the Judeo-Masonic sirens and enter the Rosicrucian sect. As for Luciani, the fact, (although not decisive), that he was not Jewish, I think gave him a start, I would say instinctive and irrepressible, in front of the Judeo-Masonic cloaca, in which he found himself operating. I start, however, since he too was a “modernist”, that is, a heretic from head to toe, it did not help him, since it is unthinkable that God will protect a heretic, that is, someone who works to destroy the Church, born from the still more unheard of sacrifice on Golgotha of His Only Begotten Son. The logical consequence of this very high betrayal, (on the other hand predicted by Jesus: “When the Son of Man will return to Earth will he still find Faith?”, is that the world is on the edge of apocalyptic events, of which – as if not enough – almost nobody (compared to the oceanic masses) is aware or, worse, willing to become aware of and prepare a minimum of material, psychological, especially spiritual preparation.

    1. “Obviously there have always been Jesuits who remained Catholics, who act in good faith, many even saints, etc., but the hierarchical structure of the Order is in the hands of the Jews, ” – Same can be said of Opus Dei?

  2. Excellent article Mr zagami it is absolutely true & I see you are on board with so many others like Gregory mannarino on YouTube & Gerald celente about the q anon Trump worshipers out there helping to usher in the new world order over a grand hoax. The fact is that every one that took the flu shot after 2012 is carrying the Corona virus & in most cases it will not kill you. Look up virologist expert Dr mikovitz on you tube.So much disinformation out there to scare the public. Leo have you opened the book of Daniel decoded I sent you????????????????????????


  4. Fauci gives president Trump deceptive and conflicting advice in order for the President to look incompetent. That is what his handlers want. By the way malaria medication does not work!

    Robert Redfield (Center for Disease Control (CDC) boss), dr Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci are exterminationalists/Malthusians who want to reduce the world population to Georgia Guidestone levels (i.e 500 million people). They do not want to offer treatment that is effective. Of course people like Fauci knows all about the situation and uses  reverse transcriptase inhibitor (RTI) prophylactically on himself like millions of other elites. Fauci has done research on the HIV virus and knows all about the research/extermination agent development and its history from the visna virus in Iceland in the 1930-ties and its subsequent R and D in USA from the early in the 1960ties. That is why when informed about the astonishing curative results by the Liberian doctor Gorbee Logan with Lamivudine on Ebola version 2014., he totally played down the result and showed a criminally lack of interest. The fox is guarding the henhouse or rather the grim reaper is guarding the human herd.
    The only medication that will work is Lamivudine or other reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) because it prevents the virus from inserting a blueprint of itself in the DNA. RTIs , of which Lamivudine is the most common, is the only medication choice in order to prevent that COVID-19 virus will exist in the human gene-pool ready to be reactivated.
    Dr Deborah Birx has been the United States Global AIDS Coordinator since 2014. She has been helping along with WHO to grossly underreport the amount of HIV-infected patients world-wide. She can be relied upon to give stellar misinformation to the president. She has also been heavily involved in retrovirus research under the guidance of Dr. Fauci.
    Robert Redfield has also been involved in HIV/ retrovirus research.
    Why are the three doctors involved in the “White House Coronavirus Response Team” all retrovirus researchers? After all retroviruses is only a limited part of the whole field of human-affecting virology. Corona /Flu virus is not designated as a retrovirus officially. Of course they know how to stop a line of questioning that could lead to the suggestion that maybe COVID-19 was a retrovirus ( made in a laboratory)
     Please see the Tamaida Shimera blog: google “Tamaida Shimera”

    Can Leo Zagami please contact me by email in order to spread the word like for instance Algora Blog has done quite prominently.
    contact at . All I want is to stop this terrible disease that will kill billions of people and totally destroy human society if not Lamivudine therapy is introduced.

    Algora Blog belongs to Algora Publishing of New York, New York

  5. Fauci gives president Trump deceptive and conflicting advice in order for the President to look incompetent. That is what his handlers want. By the way malaria medication does not work!
    Robert Redfield (Center for Disease Control (CDC) boss), dr Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci are exterminationalists/Malthusians who want to reduce the world population to Georgia Guidestone levels (i.e 500 million people). They do not want to offer treatment that is effective. Of course people like Fauci knows all about the situation and uses reverse transcriptase inhibitor (RTI) prophylactically on himself like millions of other elites. Fauci has done research on the HIV virus and knows all about the research/extermination agent development and its history from the visna virus in Iceland in the 1930-ties and its subsequent R and D in USA from the early in the 1960ties. That is why when informed about the astonishing curative results by the Liberian doctor Gorbee Logan with Lamivudine on Ebola version 2014., he totally played down the result and showed a criminally lack of interest. The fox is guarding the henhouse or rather the grim reaper is guarding the human herd.
    The only medication that will work is Lamivudine or other reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) because it prevents the virus from inserting a blueprint of itself in the DNA. RTIs , of which Lamivudine is the most common, is the only medication choice in order to prevent that COVID-19 virus will exist in the human gene-pool ready to be reactivated.
    Dr Deborah Birx has been the United States Global AIDS Coordinator since 2014. She has been helping along with WHO to grossly underreport the amount of HIV-infected patients world-wide. She can be relied upon to give stellar misinformation to the president. She has also been heavily involved in retrovirus research under the guidance of Dr. Fauci.
    Robert Redfield has also been involved in HIV/ retrovirus research.
    Why are the three doctors involved in the “White House Coronavirus Response Team” all retrovirus researchers? After all retroviruses is only a limited part of the whole field of human-affecting virology. Corona /Flu virus is not designated as a retrovirus officially. Of course they know how to stop a line of questioning that could lead to the suggestion that maybe COVID-19 was a retrovirus ( made in a laboratory)
    Please see the Tamaida Shimera blog: google “Tamaida Shimera”

    Algora Publishing of New York, New York has published the contents of my articles as a main article.
    Google: Algora Publishing blog.
    Link to Tamaida Shimera is on the side columns.
    Please could mr. Zagami publish this information and contact me via email.
    All I want is to stop this terrible disease that will kill billions of people and totally destroy human society if not Lamivudine therapy is introduced.

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