“Today is September 11th, the date of an apocalyptic disaster, and also the Church is in the whirlwind of news in recent weeks and all the more following the publication of the report by the grand jury of Pennsylvania, we look in shock at our own September 11th, even if our catastrophe is unfortunately not associated with a single date but so many days and years and countless victims. ”
These were the heavy words expressed today by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Secretary of Benedict XVI, during a book presentation in the Italian Chamber of deputies, as the situation in the Vatican remains critical.
Yesterday, the Pope held an extraordinary meeting for his elite group of Cardinals, called the C9, regarding the present crisis, and this morning in a homily at Casa Santa Marta, the Pope told the bishops that they seem to be under attack from the devil himself, stating “In these times, it seems like the Great Accuser has been unchained and is attacking bishops,”.
The Pope also said “The best way for bishops to fight this is by being men of prayer who remain close to the people and who have the humility to remember they were chosen by God “Vatican News reports.
To blame the Devil for your own sins is truly remarkable. “True, we are all sinners, we bishops,”said Pope Francis, adding in his defense, “He tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people.”The Pope is basically saying, with these carefully chosen words, that all journalists investigating and exposing the Vatican’s sins are working for “the Great Accuser”aka the Devil. The Jesuit Pope will use all his diabolical tricks to distract us from the truth.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
The storm created by the sex abuse scandals raised by the Viganò report are having very concrete repercussions on the finances of the Holy See. US Catholic entrepreneurs are suspending their donations after the recent pedophilia crisis may possibly bankrupt many dioceses in the US in the near future. Legatus, an association of businessmen created in 1987 by Thomas Monaghan, the founder of the Domino’s Pizza chain, has just frozen in an “escrow” fund, the annual donations of its affiliates rather than sending them to Rome as in the past. The group’s tithe to the Holy See this year would have been about $820,000, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“We certainly pledge our continued devotion to the Holy Mother Church and recognize the tithe has been an important commitment of Legatus since our founding,”a September 6th letter to Legatusmembers from Chairman and CEO Thomas Monaghan, stated. “However, in light of recent revelations and questions, we believe it appropriate to respectfully request clarification regarding the specific use of these funds.”
This is a very serious problem for the Vatican and the Jesuits as Legatusis an influential organization of Catholic business leaders with more than 80 chapters throughout the United States and Canada usually very loyal to the Church.
Jorge Bergoglio, the first Jesuit to actually become Pope, may end up as the last Jesuit to ever become Pope, in light of the havoc that he and his Order are inflicting upon the Church every day. He is fueling the College of Cardinals with liberal appointees in the hopes that they will elect a modernist Jesuit clone in the next conclave but things are not working out as expected and rebellion is growing within.
Today’s Pope Francis is the result of the work of the liberal policies promoted back in the days of Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ and his loyal servant Fr Vincent O’Keefe SJ. Both have been dead for a long time, but their legacy is still felt in the Church today. Arrupe is sometimes considered the second founder of the Jesuits after Ignatius Loyola, and in July, the new Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa, S.J., suggested that: “We have formally begun the process of beatification for Father Pedro Arrupe.” So a truly inspiring figure for the Jesuits and the Jesuit Pope.
No wonder Arrupe said it was important to“understand well and appreciate the reasons that make it (Marxism) attractive. Christians readily and rightly sympathize with the aim and ideal of liberating mankind from domination and oppression.”
“In regards to Marxists themselves,”Arrupe said, “we should remain fraternally open to dialogue with them.” Rejecting anti-Communism, he also stated, “We should also firmly oppose the efforts of anyone who wishes to take advantage of our reservations about Marxist analysis in order to condemn as Marxist or Communist, or at least to minimize esteem for a commitment to justice and the cause of the poor, the defense of their rights against those who exploit them.”
“Have we not often seen forms of anti-Communism that are nothing but a means for concealing injustice?” he asked. Even in public he did not rule out possible collaboration with Marxists, but said such collaboration must be activities “acceptable to a Christian.”
O’Keefe was an old friend of ex-Cardinal McCarrick, who studied at Fordham University, where Vincent O’Keefe was president. The two promoted what was known at the time as “nouvelle theologie” a mix of left-wing ideology and shared religious ideals. Fordham is the third-oldest university in New York and the only Jesuit University in New York City. O’Keefe became the 2nd in charge to the venerable Fr. Pedro Arrupe, the legendary Superior General of the Jesuits from 1965 to 1983. In 1981, he became the Vicar General of the entire order and was by most accounts slated to become the 29th Superior General and the first U.S. citizen to reach that pinnacle but something happened that delayed the rise of the Jesuits in the Vatican.
In 1981, the late Pope John Paul II, a reactionary Polish anti-Communist who didn’t like Marxism, suspended the normal governance of the Jesuit order, fearing their plan to destroy what was left of the doctrine of the Church after the Second Vatican Council, and imposed his own delegate to run it, effectively ending O’Keefe’s tenure in Rome. At the time, it was not known if the Pope would, for the second time in history, suppress the Jesuits altogether.
Pope John Paul II’s predecessor to Papa Luciani, who died mysteriously in 1978, after just 33 days in office, was apparently preparing for such a move and some say this was one of the reasons for what many regard as his murder.
Arrupe reoriented the vast ministries of the Jesuits toward working for a more politicly incisive institution that would participate in the geopolitical games of today, and O’Keefe was his trusted collaborator. They are responsible for the rise of the left-wing radicals who are destroying the Church with the help of the first Jesuit Pope.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
While the Vatican friendly media continue their attack about the allegedly inaccurate memories of the former nuncio who asked the Jesuit Pope to resign, Francis was interviewed by the director of the Italian newspaper, Sole 24Ore,on money, Europe, and migration. The extensive interview appeared on the pages of the daily newspaper on Friday, the 7th of September 2018. For the Pope, “Europe needs hope and a future. Openness, driven by the wind of hope”.
But what kind of future can we expect from a Muslim invasion? With the rife security issues experienced across Europe due to mass Muslim migration, a poll conducted earlier this year across 28 nations in the European Union (EU), revealed that 78 percent of EU citizens see the influx as a problem and desire tighter control of Europe’s external borders, but the Pope still seems to ignore this, and insists that, “a peaceful future does not exist if not in solidarity.”
So what about solidarity for the many victims of his clergy pedophile network?
A letter recently made public by the Catholic News Service, that was sent in 2006 from a top official from the Vatican Secretariat of State, acknowledged allegations made by a New York priest back in 2000, concerning the then Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.
Fr Ramsey told Catholic News Service, “I complained about McCarrick’s relationships with seminarians and the whole business with sleeping with seminarians and all of that; the whole business that everyone knows about.”
Fr Boniface Ramsey, now pastor of St Joseph’s Church in Yorkville, New York City, was once on the faculty of the seminary where ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick groomed and sexually molested young seminarians. Fr Ramsey, who had been on the faculty of the seminary from 1986 to 1996, was shocked by the situation, and sent a letter in 2000 reporting McCarrick to Archbishop Montalvo, who wasat the time Vatican nuncio to the United States, informing him of the many complaints he heard from seminarians, located in South Orange, New Jersey.
Another letter made available by Fr Boniface Ramsey to the Catholic News Service dated October 11, 2006, sent from Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, the former Vatican substitute for general affairs, confirms that the Vatican knew about Ramsey’s letter that was sent 6 years earlier, and the sexual abuse going on in the seminary but did absolutely nothing to stop them.
Archbishop Leonardo Sandri wrote to Fr Ramsey, “I ask with particular reference to the serious matters involving some of the students of the Immaculate Conception Seminary, which in November 2000 you were good enough to bring confidentially to the attention of the then Apostolic Nuncio in the United States, the late Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo.”
Fr Ramsey also said he assumed the reason the letter from Archbishop Sandri, who is now a Cardinal and Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, only mentioned “serious matters involving” seminarians and not Archbishop McCarrick’s behavior was because accusations against the former Cardinal were “too sensitive.” However, “My letter on November 22, 2000, was about McCarrick and it wasn’t accusing seminarians of anything; it was accusing McCarrick.”
Archbishop Leonardo Sandri has been the Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches since June 2007 and a cardinal since November of that year.
His accusations were ignored and Fr Ramsey said he never received a formal response to the letter he sent in 2000, but he was certain the letter was received because of the letter he received later from Archbishop Sandri, in 2006, acknowledging the allegations he had raised against ex-Cardinal McCarrick. This letter from Sandri basically confirms that both Pope Francis and his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II, have been covering up the sordid affairs of ex-Cardinal McCarrick for a very long time, and it clearly shows elements that appear in the controversial 11-page document written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who served as nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016, and has now been delegitimized by the Pope’s fake news network.
The letter dated Oct. 11, 2006 from Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, then substitute for the Vatican Secretariat of State, to Father Boniface Ramsey, scanned and released by Father Ramsey to Catholic News Service Sept. 7, confirms past remarks by Father Ramsey and also confirms elements of the Aug. 26 testimony by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former nuncio to the United States. (CNS photo/courtesy of Father Boniface Ramsey).
This letter demonstrates the cover-up and the dishonesty of Antipope Francis, who continues to destroy the Church in support of his liberal policies, ignoring the real problems of his perverted clergy. Several former seminarians have claimed that the now ex-Cardinal McCarrick would invite groups of them to a beach house, and McCarrick insisted that individual members of the group always share a bed with him, but this was not a problem for Pope Bergoglio, Pope Ratzinger or Pope Wojtyła, who has even been made a Saint.
This demonstrates once again that the Second Vatican Council, informally known as Vatican II, was the beginning of the end for the Catholic Church that was taken over by liberal Freemasonry and deviant Illuminati sects, that use the Vatican’s unparalleled ability to influence more than a billion people to manipulate humanity.
A Pope supported by Freemasonry all over the world
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
While the Vatican is still reeling from the 11-page report by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the conniving silence of Pope Francis, it is hit with another bombshell.
The Italian newspaper, Il Fatto Quotidiano, reported two days ago, on the existence of another dossier on Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, supplied by, “qualified sources close to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith”.
Cardinal Kevin Farrell, head of the Vatican’s family and laity office, was ordained by McCarrick to the episcopacy in 2001, and Farrell served as auxiliary Bishop to McCarrick in Washington DC through 2006, before Farrell was transferred to Dallas. In those years, Farrel also shared an apartment with McCarrick.
Farrell has published a video responseto avoid being associated with his pervert friend’s activities, but it remains unclear whether Farrell is actually saying he knew nothing about the abuse of the teenage boy, or whether he knew nothing about the homosexual harassment of adults.
The report mentioned by the Italian newspaper seems to directly link Pope Francis with both McCarrick and Farrel. “The two are part of hismagic inner circle” states Il Fatto Quotidiano.
It is not clear when this investigation on Farrel by the ex-Inquisition, now known as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, actually took place, but Vatican expert Roberto De Mattei questions the strange relationship between the two prelates.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
Pope Francis’ first mass in the Church of Santa Marta (St. Mary Major),
after the summer break of 2018, could have been an opportunity to speak out about the recent controversies surrounding Archbishop Viganò’s dossier. Instead, the Pope compared his own struggles to those of Jesus, stating during his homily, that the angry crowd shouted, instead of using reason, and Jesus’ response was to remain silent, just as he wishes to remain silent in front of the growing criticism that has followed Viganò’s 11-page letter.
Pope Francis eagerly proclaimed, “There are those who seek division and destruction, even within the family. Truth is humble and silent.”
Covering up for a bunch of pedophiles and Satanists operating at the highest levels of the Catholic Church is a crime, and Jesus never protected pedophiles during his mission on Earth, such a comparison is in itself an act of heresy by the Jesuit Pope.
The solution for all the problems of the Church can’t be silenced in front of such horrible crimes committed by his clergy, and the needs of the thousands of victims must be prioritized. According to a Vatican News report on the homily, Pope Francis said that it was with his silence that Jesus defeated the “wild dogs”,the devil, who “had sown lies in the hearts”.
Calling those who cause “scandal” and “divisions”, the “wild dogs”, who seek war and not peace , when people like Viganò are only trying to save the Church, and not properly addressing the extensive cover-up of the sex abuse crimes of his clergy, is a situation that can’t be tolerated any longer by most of the Faithful who are backing Viganò’s accusations.
While the Pope’s media are to busy discrediting the former nuncio to the USA, scandals erupt daily in the Catholic Church. Today, for example, Father Federico De Bianchi, Parish priest in the province of Treviso in Italy, is being investigated for sexual violence on 4 patients from the hospitals of Conegliano and Vittorio Veneto, where he worked as a Chaplain. In the meantime, in the US,Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, while addressing the Catholic Church’s clergy sexual abuse scandal, was opposed by one Catholic who yelled ‘Shame on you!‘ while another turned her back on Wuerl, in protest.
We are too smart to fall for the Jesuit Pope’s diversion methods, the only response we should be hearing from the Pope right now is his resignation.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
EXCLUSIVE – According to information released by trusted French journalist François Koch, on September 5th, Macron will host a dinner for 8 or 9 French Grand Masters to discuss various topics, such as the relationship between France and the Catholic church.
The main French obediences attending this event will be: the Grand Orient of France (GODF), the Grand Lodge of France (GLDF), the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF), the French Federation of Human Rights (FFDH), the Grand Lodge of the French Masonic Alliance (GLAMF), the Women’s Grand Lodge of France (GLFF), the Symbolic Traditional Grand Lodge Symbolic Opera (GLTSO), the Grand Lodge Mixed of France (GLMF), and the Grand Mixed Universal Lodge (GLMU).
This invitation does not come by chance. Macron was accused earlier this year of underminding French secularism, after he told French bishops that, “Relations between Church and State have been damaged” and must be “repaired,”
The president of France will now try to explain to the French Grandmasters how he did not violate the 1905 law of separation between Church and State. Macron, a liberal Freemason of the Grand Orient of France, wants to show the world that he does not only dialogue with religions, but also with other spiritual and philosophical currents, such as Freemasonry.
However, we all know that Macron and Freemasonry are hiding a sinister plan, that is gradually destroying the Catholic Church, which began a long time ago, with the Masonic infiltration of the Vatican during the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.
Macron will be pleased to announce to his fellow Freemasons the soon to be canonization of the first Masonic Pope, Paul VI’s which is to be celebrated on the 14th of October 2018, by Pope Francis .
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society