Introduction by the Author Thursday December 8, 2022 at 8pm EST
Chapter I
The notes of God and the frequency of the Devil
Music and frequencies: a diabolic conspiracy
Is there a frequency of evil?
Hollywood and Walt Disney are the machines of Masonic propaganda
A Luciferian wedding uniting music, cinema, and sound
From Tavistock to the C.I.A., the social geo engineering that controls Hollywood
The globalization of sound and the new figure of the DJ
Water, man, and music
The behavioral science used to manipulate the masses
Chapter II
The noise of the Antichrist
What we mean by noise and the mission of this book
Fiat Lux and the Sabbatean Frankist who own Ferrari
How the Illuminati and Rothschilds helped the rise of Communism and the power of the Rockefellers
The Flexner report, the origins of the Big Pharma and the sound of manipulation
Music as a non-conventional military weapon
RCA, Elvis, and the 360-degree control of the world of entertainment
Top Secret: the militarization of cinema and music
Chapter III
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
The animistic origin of rock, Pythagoreanism, and the rhythm of the Devil
Voodoo rock and the roots of evil
Crowley and the covenant with the Devil in the world of music
Crowley the first Rockstar
Artist of the “Great Beast” amongst deadly accidents and successes
Everyone crazy about Crowley and the curse continues
Ordo Templi Orientis and the religion of the Illuminati that dominates Hollywood
From the ancient mystical cults to Hip Hop
When the Devil music inspires massacres
Bob Dylan, the Mask, and his pact with the Devil
All at the crossroads with the Devil
Chapter IV
Hollywood and the Great Babylon of the Antichrist
The hidden roots of Hollywood
The propaganda factory of modern Babylon guided by the Military-industrial complex and Freemasonry
From Acid House to Black New Age, the secrets of Thee Temple of Psychick Youth
Anton LaVey, the Sabbatian Frankist who founded the Church of Satan
LaVey’s crisis and the Satanist conquering politics
Chapter V
Chaos control, counterculture, psychedelia, and mass manipulation from the 50s to the 90s
The Beatnik’s diabolical roots, LSD, and the Hollywood generation
Woodstock and other hippie experiments from the C.I.A.
EMI and the “Spiritual” and hidden turn of The Beatles
The control industry creates the Rockstar phenomenon
The three musketeers of the Beat Generation
Felicity Mason and the New York occult scene
William Burroughs, the dark guru of the Beat Generation and the 1980s
Aldous Huxley, a disciple of Crowley and chief of the MKUltra project
Chapter VI
The rise of the Antichrist
Balducci and the “normalization” of Satanism in the post-conciliar Vatican
Satan and pedophilia in Hollywood
The myth and the importance of the Illuminati in African-American culture
Oprah the true queen of the Illuminati of Hollywood
Chapter VII
The Great Reset of Hollywood and the music industry
Artificial Intelligence and the Hollywood Metaverse
The “Reset” philosophy of streaming, Apple, and the mysterious death of Michael Jackson
The Masonic involvement of Steve Wozniak and his passion for the music of the Devil
Red magic, fashion, and sex slaves
The Luciferian stars at the service of the Monarchy
The genesis of the Illuminati from Mozart and Wagner to Beyoncé