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Article by Leo Zagami
Without a doubt, diabolical possession, the invincible influence of the devil on a person, is the most striking and serious form of the extraordinary action of the Legion of Satan on man. When the demon is able to take possession of a person, he can make him say and do what he wishes.Of course, before I analyze the situation further, it is necessary to clarify that the devil is not able to take possession of the soul of a man but only his body unless the person expressly consents to it. Nevertheless, I must say that the cases of valid and true possession have been on the rise since the beginning of the pandemic despite what the Catholic Church said initially.
I even published an article last September on my initial thoughts on this delicate matter:
Clearly stating: “Today possessions seem to be on the decline for the liars of the Catholic Church, who are saying that Satan and his Legion is driven away by gloves and masks, but we all know that’s a lie.”
I also pointed out the ridiculous words of the famous exorcist Don Matteo De Meo who stated that: “Exorcisms have actually decreased and where possible they are done with all the required precautions and wearing gloves and a mask.”
However, only a few months later Rev. Vince Lampert, a known Catholic priest and exorcist who receives thousands of calls for exorcisms all year from his home in central Indiana said the isolation that the coronavirus pandemic has brought has only made this phenomenon worse, confirming everything that I wrote back in September 2020. Lampert used to receive five or six calls a day from around the world, but the numbers have currently doubled and he estimates that it takes up about half of his time as a priest.
“That tells me when people are isolated and dealing with mental health issues that the number of calls has really escalated.”
Lampert said that while the number of appointed exorcists in America has risen in recent years, other cultures and backgrounds which are more willing to accept demonic activity have much larger numbers, but he is trained to be ever the skeptic. His first step when someone reaches out for help is to get them in touch with their local priest or pastor who can provide more ongoing, long-term care, even if it’s a different faith tradition. The process often requires a psychiatric evaluation as well as an evaluation from a medical doctor as a way of eliminating all other possible causes like mental or physical illness before landing on the supernatural.
“I should be the last one to believe someone is dealing with the demonic,” Lampert said.

He’ll even use some secret tests to make sure someone isn’t faking or perhaps misled; for example, pulling out a vial of tap water rather than holy water and see how the individual reacts. He’ll also bring sacred objects and read Scripture to see how someone might react and if they have an elevated perception of what is happening. He said sometimes it’s easier for someone to believe something else is doing this to them than it is to accept they have schizophrenia or another mental illness. Part of his job is also to determine why there is demonic activity at this location or inside a person. He said often the root is the occult, but in some cases it’s giving in to unhealthy brokenness such as anger, “giving the devil a foothold.”
As for the average person, the priest said, they do not need to worry about demonic possession.
“Evil is nothing to fear. If a person truly has faith, there’s nothing to fear,” Lampert said. “If you’re a person of faith and you’re living out your relationship with God, if you’re praying, the devil is already on the run. We don’t have to do anything extraordinary to fight the devil.”
Many exorcists choose to keep their identities secret. Lampert does not.
In fact, the pandemic gave him the time he needed to write a book about his experiences titled “Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons,” which is currently for sale online from a couple of vendors including Amazon. He wants to publicly share his ministry to educate people.
“For skeptics, I can just propose that I look at myself as an ambassador for the church so I present what the church believes and teaches and then it’s ultimately up to people to decide what they’re going to do with that,” Lampert said. The priest said there are two different types of prescribed prayer for exorcisms: a supplication to God asking for help, and a command for a demon to leave. He said they always have an immediate effect. But in exorcisms where the healing isn’t complete, he always finds the person is always holding onto something or holding back the full truth. They also have to want to be healed.
Lampert is a member of the International Association of Exorcists, a Roman Catholic group that was founded about 30 years ago in Rome. He said there are about 700 members around the globe.

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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the groundbreakingbook Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
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Leo, would you please post the details of the Hasidic prophecy and another sublect, the details of a Moloch & its connection to the satanic god, Raphael. Thanks.
More evil will be demonstrated in the sign of Scorpio.