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Article by Leo Zagami
Last night, something scandalous happened in Rome in front of the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Br. Alexis Bugnolo, a controversial Franciscan hermit and a dual citizen of the United States and Italy, who is a current resident in Rome, was brutally arrested and targeted together with a group of eight other Catholic faithful by the Italian local police of the “Ex Trevi” Group for violating the curfew to participate in a group prayer they had been conducting for several months in the same location without any problems. The local police group directed by Donatela Scafati also threatened Br. Alexis Bugnolo who is 57 with being forcefully admitted into a mental institution if he did not comply.

The fact that a U.S. citizen could be beaten up and treated like this by the Italian police is in open violation of Italian and U.S. laws. In the United States, the law prohibits the government from torturing its citizens and U.S. law also prohibits the government from sending its citizens to another country where they could likely be tortured. So Italy is violating international treaties and should be held accountable for the criminal actions of their police force against Br. Alexis Bugnolo who instead was denounced for resisting the arrest.
As an American abroad, if you are arrested, you would probably want the U.S. consular representative to know of your situation asap, but Br. Alexis Bugnolo was released at 7 am, after several hours without his arrest being formalized by the Italian authorities. They preferred to fine him and the rest of the group $6,000 instead, for praying the Our Father in Rome on the day the Marxist celebrated the 1st of May all over Italy, even with the curfew in place that prohibits free circulation after 10 pm.
Br. Alexis Bugnolo is the President of the Italian non-profit, the Scholasticum, which is dedicated to reviving the Scholastic method of investigation and analysis. He is a Franciscan hermit who observes the Rule of St Francis by private vows with the tacit permission of Pope Benedict XVI and written permission of the Congregation for Religious in 2006. He was also the President of the U.S. Corporation, Ordo Militaris Inc., which is dedicated to helping persecuted Christians and a former member of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.
Br. Alexis Bugnolo is a graduate of the University of Florida at Gainesville (1986: B.A. In Cultural Anthropology, with an emphasis in classical studies) and a Phi Beta Kapa member. He also joined the Our Lady of Grace Seminary, Boston ( resulting in a cum laude) and former student of the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, the Pontifical University of Santa Croce, and the Pontifical Faculty of Saint Bonaventure.
Translator of the Critical Edition of the Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi and of Bonaventure’s Commentaria in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi, the first of which the tomes of Bonaventure’s Commentaries are in print and available from internationally at the San Paolo Bookstore on the Via Conciliazione which is the main Catholic bookstore in Rome. Author of 30 Principles for the Scientific Study of Scripture, The Historical Narrative of the Book of Tobias, and the Ecclesiastical Latin Grammar: Vol 1, Textbook and video course, he is also a graduate of Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, Florida, class of 1982.
Here are his first shocking statements on what happened to him last night in Rome given to the Youtube channel of Ordo Militaris Radio TV.

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Also Tom Horn of skywatcher seems to know exactly what’s going on. He calls 2025 the zeitgeist which I don’t understand. He believes that’s when tribulation starts. Quayle’s and Henry Gruebers visions are the best frame of reference. I would get out of California if you are still there. Who knows how soon. God bless Doing more Research on this website. Very interesting. God help us
All I can think is does Noahide mean in the times of Noah hide? There is the God hates cowards dilemma though there is also a point where Noj closed the ark and those who didn’t listen were killed. The contemporary dilemma is something I think about a lot.